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· @awesomianist ·
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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"p38mgcz2x","appDepth":2,"appCategory":"musing","appTitle":"Do you find many of the questions here on musing super cringy?","app":"Musing","musingAppVersion":"1.1","musingPostType":"answer","appTags":["musing"],"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appBody":"<p>Hey @Trumpman, great to see you here, lemme try to answer your question in proper musing fashion.<\/p>\n<p>While there will be no true answer to your question, I think you managed to observed 3 things working hand-in-hand.<\/p>\n<p><strong>1) the result of low entry barrier.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Super cringy compared to what? personally I compare Musing to Quora, because sites like and Yahoo Answers are sometimes full of cringy question and answers too! in fact, even Quora itself has some juicy material. So much so that I am subscribed to the r\/indianpeoplequora Subreddit because holy shit.... The stuff you can read on there... DANK...<\/p>\n<p>Quora however, has some \"quality control\" over what content gets seen on the frontpage, Basically a form of censorship if you're about that. It takes some effort to look for cringy dankmeme level question and answer on there.<\/p>\n<p>Musing, as you know, works on the Steem Blockchain. All forms of censorship (including top-down quality control) is out of the window. It doesnt take much to get your content seen by everyone. with quality control removed, you'll see stuff you dont like.<\/p>\n<p><strong>2) Incentivised &nbsp;content creation<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>I think this is reflective of the whole blockchain itself. On Quora or Yahoo Answers, at least the reason people asks questions has something to do with real demand (<em>How to hide a dead body inconspicuously, need answers quick<\/em>). Even then, you'll get weird question.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Here on Musing, there are people who asks questions for the sake of asking questions. Mostly in hopes of getting them upvotes (IMO they are completely missing the power of the musing platform). I'd imagine you'll type some weird shit when you run out of question to asks.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>3) Difference of culture<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>I think this is obvious as fuck.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>One quick look at the website, you'll see that Americans are not the majority of users around here. At least they are not the only majority. People in other places have different ways of thinking and it might be offputting to you and me. &nbsp;(I'm not American btw)<\/p>\n<p>Just look at all the morality related question and answers here and you'll get what I mean.<\/p>\n<p><strong>To conclude<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>So there you have it! At least these are what i can come up with my rationale. There are of course other factors at play here. I guess unlike Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc where we're content with our virtual walled garden, here on the Steem Blockchain we're seeing the world as it is. One that is not tailored to our personal worldview.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Personally I like it that way. Better to hear all the noises on the world than be stuck in my echo chamber.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Even If i have to deal with people who are cringy as fuck.<\/p>","appParentAuthor":"trumpman"}"
created2018-11-18 08:26:30
last_update2018-11-18 08:26:30
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