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· @fernwehninja ·
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json_metadata"{"app":"Musing","appTitle":"How to become productive daily?","appDepth":1,"musingAppVersion":"1.1","appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appBody":"","musingPostType":"question","appCategory":"life"}"
created2018-10-12 15:41:36
last_update2018-10-12 15:41:36
last_payout2018-10-19 15:41:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@zionite ·
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json_metadata"{"appBody":"<p>This is a very good question.<\/p><p>Being productive in our everyday is very important as it shows whether you are making progress or not.<\/p><p>Firstly to become productive in your daily life start first with you setting your goals and targets before venturing out.<\/p><p>It good you understand your purpose and know what you are called for, focus on it and develop your self to be the best in what you are doing.<\/p><p>Everybody rate of productivity and success varies.<\/p><p>There are many factors that can hinder ones productivity daily;<\/p><p>1) laziness : some persons are so lazy and feel so reluctant about their life,they keep waiting and hoping for things to just fall in place without making any plans and preparation.<\/p><p>2) lack of planning: another factor that can hinder ones productivity is lack of planning before setting out to your vocation,it's good you plan and strategize before going out for the day, learn to set targets and reach out to achieving them, with this you will know how much progress you made for the day.<\/p><p>There are many factors but just to mention but a few..<\/p><p>Also learned to develop your self and take advantage of the resources around you,the more you build yourself and enlarge your capacity,the more\u200b productive you become in what you do.<\/p>","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appParentPermlink":"fk4a3szdx","appCategory":"life","appParentAuthor":"fernwehninja","appDepth":2,"musingAppVersion":"1.1","appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"appTitle":"How to become productive daily?","app":"Musing","musingPostType":"answer"}"
created2018-10-12 16:13:24
last_update2018-10-12 16:13:24
last_payout2018-10-19 16:13:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.741 SBD
curator_payout_value0.247 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@cryptoandcoffee ·
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properties (23)
json_metadata"{"appCategory":"life","appDepth":2,"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"app":"Musing","musingAppVersion":"1.1","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"How to become productive daily?","appBody":"<p>In order to be productive you need to set out the day so you don't waste it.<\/p>\n<p>Planning is key as it helps you sort out what needs to be done. I have started writing things down.<\/p>\n<p>Crete a task list of things that you need to do.<\/p>\n<p>Make sure the list is realistic and can be achieved in the day.<\/p>\n<p>Prioritize what needs to be done.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>If you stick to these pointers not only will your day be productive but you will find that you will achieve way more than what was planned.<\/p>","appParentPermlink":"fk4a3szdx","appParentAuthor":"fernwehninja"}"
created2018-10-12 18:28:30
last_update2018-10-12 18:28:30
last_payout2018-10-19 18:28:30
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.424 SBD
curator_payout_value0.141 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@futuremind · (edited)
How to become productive daily?
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properties (22)
json_metadata"{"appDepth":2,"appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"appBody":"<p>Just do it! As simple as it sounds, sometimes you just have to buckle down and be productive. I'm exhausted right now, but I am forcing myself to get some things done, this is an example of just doing it, and being productive.&nbsp;<\/p>","musingPostType":"answer","app":"Musing","appParentPermlink":"fk4a3szdx","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","musingAppVersion":"1.1","appCategory":"life","appParentAuthor":"fernwehninja","appTitle":"How to become productive daily?"}"
created2018-10-13 04:51:18
last_update2018-10-13 04:51:36
last_payout2018-10-20 04:51:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@milaan ·
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json_metadata"{"appDepth":2,"appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"appBody":"<p>I don't wish to generalize my view point on this subject matter and I will be sharing my own perspective to how to become productive on a daily basis.<\/p>\n<p><strong>(1) Set you daily goals first before making weekly, monthly or yearly goals.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>I have very often experienced in my own life that whenever I set a long term goal, I somehow miss the minute goals on day to day basis. i am not saying long terms goals should not be set but what I am saying is that the long term goals should have to be along with the short term goals. It makes the thing easy and it feels like scaling up a ladder step by step. So I always prefer to set my daily target, then &nbsp;weekly target followed by monthly and yearly target.<\/p>\n<p><strong>(2) Wake up early in the Morning (preferably before sunrise)<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>I have often experienced in my life that whenever I wake up early before sunrise I feel altogether different, full of positive energy and the mind, body and soul seems like in a perfect balance when ever I wake up early and go for a morning walk. See in the entire Nature not a single living creature except human being sleeps and wake up late in the morning. It is the human being only who unnecessarily go to bed late night and wake up late as well. Scientifically also waking up early is good for the biological cycle and hence good for health.<\/p>\n<p>So to become more productive one has to wake up early.<\/p>\n<p><strong>(3) Be focused on your daily goal, never try to take a number of tasks at a time, go one by one.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>I have often observed that whenever I set my daily goals and try to work on that simultaneously, then none of them had a desirable outcome, the reason was not being able to focus on one target properly. So take one by one. &nbsp;You may set two or three or more number of goals on daily basis, but try to address it one by one, so that your effort will be concentrated on one particular goal at a time and in that case the outcome will be good and desirable.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmSxfcmW2DzNEJ8UJzHNDNgnLqvZggYEZcgPk45Z9LXCzW\/m1.png\" \/><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><strong>(4) Have patience<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Patience is virtue. Yes that is absolutely true and patience is one of the most important traits of life. Patience is such a characteristics which not only keep the right balance of a person but also will keep the confidence level intact and will be helpful in accomplishing goals even after repeated failures. It is good to put your absolute effort to achieve your goal but equally you should be prepared for the failures and have patience to try it once again and patience will take you through the line at some point of time.<\/p>\n<p><strong>(5) Avoid comparison with your peer<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Everyone in this earth is born with some unique talent and everyone is extraordinary and everyone has some unique characteristics. At times people may go through a phase in comparing with others when there are at the receiving end or going through multiple failures. But it can never be a solution, so in stead of comparing with others, it is better to focus on the strength of self and try to optimize that to become more productive.<\/p>\n<p><strong>(6) Healthy Food<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>It is one of the most essential aspect to become more productive on a daily basis. Whatever you eat will get converted to some form of energy, so right kind of food and proper timing of taking food &nbsp;is extremely essential to become more productive. Avoid taking synthetic and junk food and try to stick to organic food and if you are a vegan then it is even better.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>","musingPostType":"answer","app":"Musing","appParentPermlink":"fk4a3szdx","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","musingAppVersion":"1.1","appCategory":"life","appParentAuthor":"fernwehninja","appTitle":"How to become productive daily?"}"
created2018-10-13 05:30:06
last_update2018-10-13 05:30:06
last_payout2018-10-20 05:30:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value2.238 SBD
curator_payout_value0.744 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@rasamuel ·
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json_metadata"{"appCategory":"life","appBody":"<p>I recently wrote about this on a post on musing. To be productive daily is highly important because our lives are measured in days. And Time really flies. One of the greater illusions of time is that when it passes it leaves us feeling as if we have so much time left, because I mean it is just a single day right? What is 24 hours in the life of man?<\/p><p>What we don't know, however, is that with each minute that passes we get older, and before we know it 24 hours becomes forty eight hours, and forty eight hours become a week and a week becomes a year and a year becomes the entire half of our lives and so on. <\/p><p>So in my opinion the first way by which we can be productive daily is to understand this fact, that time flies and every day wasted is a day that can never be regained. One second we're waking up, the next we look at the time and the day's already gone. This is supposed to get us angry when we realise this, and with this anger we're to make the resolution to make sure that it never happens the next day. And even though it happens we have to be able to look back on the day and be able to analyse what happened that made it go so fast without us getting anything done.<\/p><p>What are the factors that caused inactivity? Were we just sleeping all day and forgot time was going? Were we distracted? doing this, analysing this, will help us so that in the future we'll be able to understand these factors and find ways to mitigate against them. To avoid, if we were distracted by friends, hanging out too much. If we were distracted by television, by the internet, we learn to assign our times appropraitely.<\/p><p>And this is another way to be productive daily: TIME MANAGEMENT. We have to be able to manage ours time and assign our time to more productive affairs and not just hanging out and having fun.<\/p><p>Hving fun is important too, of course, in fact I don't consider my day to be productive without having a little bit of fun but everything must be organised and timely.<\/p><p>Another thing that I made mention of recently in the post is facing the day with a calm head! Never lose your cool! Because obviously situations will arise that will rile you up, but equanimity will make sure you stay focused and not lose sight of what's really important. And like I say, facing problems with a calm and collected outlook is the first step to giving a satisfactory solution to those problems. <\/p><p>Related to this again is to never get angry when people rile you up. This is another form of distraction. Sometimes the way our day goes depends on our mindset being positive. Sometimes just someone getting on our nerves for a second is a sure way to lose our equilibrium for the entire day and make our minds spiral towards the negative. We must be willing to be calm and endure this just to ensure our day isn't ruined.<\/p><p>Get Some Task Done. Setting tiny goals that we'll achieve daily is another sure way to make sure our day never passes without being productive in a way. Trying our bests to achieve these goals, even if everything is against us, will go a long way to ensure that when we go to bed at night and look back on the day we'll feel extremely proud.<\/p><p>For me, as an aspiring writer, I set the task of getting some writing done. I normally don't try to put a cap or estimate to the number of words I get down but the satisfaction comes the fact that I've written something, anything, as long as it's good.<\/p><p>For you it might be different. But what's important is that you have something in mind amd strive for it. So there you have it, these are some of the ways that I know on how to make sure our days end up being productive! <\/p><p>Cheers and have a nice day!<\/p>","appParentAuthor":"fernwehninja","musingPostType":"answer","appDepth":2,"appTitle":"How to become productive daily?","appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"musingAppVersion":"1.1","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","app":"Musing","appParentPermlink":"fk4a3szdx"}"
created2018-10-14 11:01:12
last_update2018-10-14 11:01:12
last_payout2018-10-21 11:01:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.738 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@eagle42 ·
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properties (22)
json_metadata"{"appCategory":"life","appBody":"<p>&nbsp;1- <strong>Eating a healthy meal.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>2- <\/strong>&nbsp;<strong>Move your body<\/strong>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>3- &nbsp;<strong>Make a list<\/strong>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>4- &nbsp;<strong>Put first things first&nbsp;<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>5- <\/strong>&nbsp;<strong>Focus on just one thing at a time<\/strong>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>6- &nbsp;<strong>Work in Cycles<\/strong>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>7- &nbsp;<strong>Track your day<\/strong>&nbsp;<\/p>","appParentAuthor":"fernwehninja","musingPostType":"answer","appDepth":2,"appTitle":"How to become productive daily?","appTags":["life","thoughts","motivation"],"musingAppVersion":"1.1","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","app":"Musing","appParentPermlink":"fk4a3szdx"}"
created2018-10-14 11:04:48
last_update2018-10-14 11:04:48
last_payout2018-10-21 11:04:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"Musing Posts"
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