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json_metadata"{"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appDepth":2,"musingAppVersion":"1.1","appBody":"<p>Well let me start by saying that money can't buy everything, least of all happiness. That's a well known fact amongst rich celebrities. They're constantly under the public eye and constantly being scrutinized by the public for everything that they do, I reckon it's enough to drive anybody mad. In addition to that, most of them don't really have anyone to talk to and when they tell people that they're unhappy they aren't taken seriously because it's believed that once you have money you'll always be happy.<\/p><p>Nobody checks up on the person that everyone thinks is happy, and the funny thing is that most people who commit suicide are the ones that people feel are the happiest. It's easy to spot a celebrity who's probably going to overdose on a narcotic, they're usually obvious signs, but for someone who's going to commit suicide it's not so easy.<\/p><p>A lot of celebrities see what people say about them on social media and take it to heart. You go on the internet and hear people calling your album or TV show or movie a flop and it gets to you!!! You can't actually show that it hurts to anybody because you know if the media gets wind of it, it's only going to get worse.<\/p><p>Jim Carey said something, \"I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.\" At the time he said this, he'd just decided to stop doing comedic movies because he was making other people happy but he himself wasn't happy. Now when you hear the name Jim Carey, you're probably going to think of something funny that he's done, but he himself who everyone probably thought was happy wasn't.<\/p><p>There are a host of reasons why celebrities commit suicide, but it's almost always because they just aren't happy and don't know how to deal with it even when they have lots of money.<\/p><p>I hope this helps.<\/p>","appTitle":"Wy do alot of big names submit suicide despite the fact that they apparently have everything?","appTags":["life"],"musingPostType":"answer","appParentPermlink":"p372h7asw","app":"musing\/1.1","appParentAuthor":"priya1","appCategory":"life"}"
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