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· @gamernoob ·
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json_metadata"{"appDepth":2,"musingAppVersion":"1.1","appCategory":"friendship","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"Why is it sometimes easier to talk to someone you do not know than to a friend or someone you know? ?","app":"Musing","appTags":["friendship","communication","foreign","knowledge"],"appParentPermlink":"pkqfa64lx","appBody":"<p>The bigger question is \"why is it sometimes easier to talk to yourself rather than people?\"<\/p>\n<p>I can talk to myself for hours and hours. I have so much in common with me. And me and myself are such great conversationalists. We can talk to each other for ever. And on such a wide variety of topics. It also helps that we're so easy on the eyes as well.<\/p>\n<p>But I digress. I should actually answer your questions. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know because you're either really interested in learning about the person so the questions flow easily, or your eager to tell someone new about the exciting things happening in your life so it's fun to share that stuff with someone who hasn't heard your stories before.<\/p>\n<p>Or maybe its more than that. Maybe you simply don't enjoy going deep with people. And as you get to know someone your conversations tend to get deeper and more personal. And you simply don't like that.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>At the end of the day, there are a lot of reasons why you might prefer to talk with people you don't know. A positive is that at least you're meeting new people. That's a good thing for sure. But don't shy away from getting to know people on a deeper level if that is the issue at hand.<\/p>","appParentAuthor":"kouba01","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N"}"
created2018-11-03 03:52:54
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