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json_metadata"{"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appBody":"<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmVWXifumc61puBQMGNCu9Lpmcp4RffaiMsbM2YnvyFkY5\/1.jpg\" \/><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>For many, making money on the Internet is a utopia that exists only in soft fables for children and yet there are many thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people who earn substantial income on the web. In reality, there are 1001 ways to make money on the Internet. In this article you will have the top 5 ways to make money on the internet.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmUJNZUgy3AJ8kxmyzT6bp4myXxvG5uHuuM3VPLYiaJS6M\/2.png\" \/><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>1-To begin we will talk about advertising. Whether you have a youtube channel, a website, a blog or other, you have the opportunity to earn money by monetizing the traffic you have (visitors who come on your pages) and thanks to the advertising network of Google which is adsense. To create an adsense account nothing easier. Tap on Google: \"create an adsense account\" preferably with the gmail address of your YouTube channel if you have one.<\/p>\n<p>You will be able to allocate a space on your website or blog so that when a visitor is on your page, they can see the ads that the Google adsense algorithm offers. Thus, every time your visitor clicks on the ad you will receive money. It can range from 1 cent or a few months to a few euros depending on your niche (your market) a person who will be on the niche of the director (currency exchange) will have a higher EPC (earn per click) and therefore more money that the person who will be on the market of the philosophy ... (although studies have shown that the profile philosophers would make excellent trader but there one deviates from the subject). Your mission to you if you accept it will be to make a kind of attract visitors and traffic ... If you hit 100 Visitors and 2\u2105 of its visitors click this will make 2 paid clicks per 100 visitors, you will have to be creative and ingenious to maximize your visits by choosing niches that attract a lot of traffic, such as football, stars, cat pictures, ect ...<\/p>\n<p>Also, if you have a YouTube channel you can activate the maitementisation of your videos by going on \"manager of video and click on the symbol $ to activate it and after the principle is the same, it will be necessary to create interesting contents and which serves to people and who can solve one of their problems so that he can come to find the solution at home and in passing if they click you will be paid.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmW7nu1EtfC9VhNUyA8upETHnQ3SE4N9dGmWus2pz1c9bN\/3.png\" \/><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><strong>2-Sponsorship<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>As a whole sponsorship is the recommendation of a product that does not belong to third parties that can be either your friends, your knowledge, your audience or people you do not know (via advertising). The goal is to sell this product and earn a commission after the sale.<\/p>\n<p>For example you are my Dupont and you are a horse riding enthusiast, you have your fans on Twitter, facebook or YouTube and you would like to make a little money with this passion. Problem, you do not have any products related to riding ... Problem: You do not have products on riding whether it is a digital product such as a training or physical like a saddle).<\/p>\n<p>The solution will be to find a product or training related to riding on a platform with what is called an affiliate program that will allow you to sell the product without creating or owning it and earn a commission. If you want to sell the training \"Au galop\" site and you Mr. Dupont are registered in the affiliate program of the site. You will have your own link that will be unique and that will decline for example as.\/Dupont.<\/p>\n<p>Your job will be to promote this link and as soon as a sale is triggered by your link, you will receive your commission.<\/p>\n<p>There are hundreds or even thousands of sites with affiliate programs and I will name a few.<\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p>Clickbank (English site)<\/p>\n<p>https:\/\/\/ (to earn commissions on physical products on Amazon)<\/p>\n<p>eBay: http:\/\/\/<\/p>\n<p>And many more (if you want to have others put it in comments) ... It's up to you to tap into your creativity and promote your links the right way to start getting your first commissions.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmPHtEAgK6uXNnkvKi2rRwbtGKm7KznG1c9pCyVUsQfqf8\/4.jpg\" \/><\/p>\n<p><strong>3-Create an ebook<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Often when we talk about e-book and e-book creation people say: An e-book ??? In reality it is a book !!!! But I am not a writer myself, I am neither Pablo Coelho or Michel Houellebecq I am unable to write a book. Think again, you can do it. You will not be asked for a masterpiece, but rather to write something that brings value to people. You surely know more about an area than the majority of mortals. If you are a cook you are already an expert, if you know gardening you are too, if you know how to play a musical instrument or practice a sport, if you draw or have knowledge in Excel or even games videos you are an expert !!! There are people across the way who need your help to solve their problems and are willing to pay you and you are there to provide them with quality content!<\/p>\n<p>But how to proceed when you want to create an ebook and make money with ???<\/p>\n<p>The first step is to find a good theme. What is a good theme ??? It is a subject that deals with a recurring problem and where there is demand. The easiest way is to ask what are your own problems and what type of solution you want. For example my problem is to understand the functioning of a computer and I would like it to be simple and supported by explanatory diagrams. Nothing prevents you from putting a link on your e-book to your youtube channel or your site that contains videos ect&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>On a theme to find sub-themes that will allow you to have your plan and if you already have an audience in your theme ask him what are the most common problems and sound your audience.<\/p>\n<p>Once you have your plan start writing EVERY DAY !!! From 500 words to 2000 words depending on your inspiration but force yourself to write to make it a way that it becomes a habit. Using graphics and illustrations will give more life and relief to your content. Remember that it does not have to be perfect because you will never have a perfect e-book and it will drive you into inaction. And it is doing that have improved!<\/p>\n<p>Once you have realized your ebook you have several ways to sell it.<\/p>\n<p>Either on Amazon https:\/\/\/<\/p>\n<p>I advise you to go to the site of amazon and register, then publish your book. What's important to know is that Amazon has its own algorithm and so the more you have a title that matches people's queries on Amazon the more likely you are to be seen and purchased. Also the more you with good comments the more you go back. What is advisable, once you have realized your ebook is to offer it to your audience for free in return for comments. In general people are pretty nice and if you brought them value, they will leave a comment willingly. The recommended price on Amazon is between \u20ac 0.99 to \u20ac 7.99 for you to put it at the price you want. I advise to start at 0.99 and increase little by little to find the optimal price.<\/p>\n<p>The other way to sell your ebook is to create a simple website. A sales page with a small video presentation and explain to your future customers what they will learn and what they will have by buying your ebook. A rule of thumb to make money on the Internet is to be true and not to try to rip people off, if you are like that I advise you to continue because you will not win anything. however you win something it will not last long. People who last are the people who have managed to build a sincere relationship of trust with people. And in the end call them to action with the PayPal purchase button. You will be able to sell your ebook more expensive by giving bonuses such as explanatory videos of Excel files ect in such a way that your customers are not harmed because they bought you your ebook on your site and not on Amazon. To maximize your earnings do not hesitate to put affiliate links in your ebook by explaining that if the reader goes through your link you will get something and that this will not increase the price.<\/p>\n<p>Another way to make money with e-book will be to create free ebook with affiliate links by explaining a thematic<\/p>\n<p>Also the free ebook will allow you to have the emails of people interested in your topic with a capture page and collect highly targeted emails to subsequently promote a paid product in a second time. (If this part interests you do the me know in the comments)<\/p>\n<p>Another way to make money with e-books is to write ebooks yourself to people. In other words, to be a writer of articles and e-books.<\/p>\n<p>For this register on<\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p>This will allow you to start writing for others.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmdbo68xHvyh61yjNEKbQf4Lix64QYXBH44B3YwHscsega\/5.png\" \/><\/p>\n<p><strong>&nbsp;4-le dropshipping&nbsp;<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>The dropshipping is to sell a product that is not physically owned and is actually on a platform to sell it on a second platform. Example you are selling US Army tents that you have found at a supplier and you resellers on eBay or Amazon. In reality you do not have the tent in your possession but you can have it at a supplier say $ 500 and can put on sale at $ 800 and you win the difference. Upon receipt of the sales order you receive the $ 800 and in a second time you buy your tent from your supplier at $ 500. This technique can be powerful if you use it the right way and you make sure you have good suppliers who guarantee good merchandise and good delivery times. The disadvantage of this method is that you depend on your supplier and his seriousness that's why it is advisable to start with small items to limit the risk and then if you want to sell American tents to make a test with the money you will earn with the small items to buy a tent and ask the provider the state of the tent and send it to you as soon as possible. So you can make an initial assessment of your provider and see if it is wise to continue with him or not. Dropshipping works when you find a good product. The right product is one that will have good demand and a good margin. Be careful of doing things otherwise you will be able to see your eBay or Amazon account closed.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/DQmZbHJb8G2hU3cSjrfe6AotXEX5gBXeGfeMEmdWWrQbbok\/6.jpg\" \/><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><strong>5-creation of your product.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>The creation of a product and I mean in particular a digital product is the best way to earn money in addition to being rewarding. A digital product in a niche where there is demand and which can be an ebook or video training.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>You can also add tools such as Excel files or small software. Speaking of software, people like the tools that make their lives easier so if you know how to develop, you can create a small or even more advanced software.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>You can also subcontract it and delegate the creation of the site. To stay away from the subject, the creation of a product requires design tools such as Photoshop but also a video capture software such as Camtasia, camstudio that will allow you to film your screen as well as free software or paying for editing, such as moviemaker, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker, Avidemux, HitFilm Express and others. Subsequently, you need a domain name with a website with a page in general that will be your sales page and will be the penultimate step before the sale. It is your copyrighting (the bottom and the shape of your sales page) that will make you convert more and therefore you will make more sales.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>","appTags":["money"],"appParentAuthor":"seeee3","app":"Musing","musingAppVersion":"1.1","appTitle":"How can I earn money from my house? What activities could you do to earn money?","appDepth":2,"appCategory":"money","musingPostType":"answer","appParentPermlink":"f3sg5yw8x"}"
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