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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"fkhqwe83q","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["life","healthy","drink","question",""],"appDepth":2,"appBody":"<p>Yes ... I am a coffee lover. I believe that coffee can add to my mood.<\/p><p>In addition there are many benefits of drinking coffee for health, especially in the morning it is not an open secret. This is the reason coffee is very popular especially if taken in the morning, especially for the body and mind that are more fresh. In addition to morning, coffee is also delicious to drink during the day, especially if you are overtime.<\/p><p>Indeed, many people also avoid coffee because it is not included in the health drink category. However, there have been many studies conducted by experts. And amazingly the results of the study prove that drinking 3 cups of coffee or more a day has good benefits for health.<\/p><p>Through a 13-year long study conducted by the National Cancer Institute, which involved more than 400,000 people, later published in the \"New England Journal of Medicine\", concluded that loyal coffee drinkers had a 16 percent lower risk of early death.<\/p><p>Well, that's why many people believe that drinking coffee is beneficial for health, especially if taken regularly and correctly. But remember, for those of you who are not suitable, do not try to force yourself, which only worsens health.<\/p><p>Drinking coffee can basically increase levels of stress hormones in the body and trigger the effects of caffeine dependence. But if you drink coffee regularly such as limiting cream and sugar it has benefits for health.<\/p><p>One of the benefits of coffee is getting inspiration. Generally, seeing a cup of coffee in the morning after breakfast can improve the way your brain works fresher, so it's easy to get inspiration especially to start your day.<\/p>","appCategory":"life","app":"musing\/1.1","appParentAuthor":"dilimunanzar","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"Do you consume coffee regularly, what makes you like coffee?","musingAppVersion":"1.1"}"
created2018-12-08 09:48:24
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