What was your most memorable moment on Steemit? by ikrahch

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· @ikrahch · (edited)
What was your most memorable moment on Steemit?
<a href="https://musing.io/q/attoan.cmt/p36a5aj4x">View this answer on Musing.io</a><br />
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app":"Musing","appDepth":2,"appBody":"<p>It's an excellent question. Thanks for asking it. This would be saved as a memory on blockchain if I answered your question.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>First Moment:<\/strong> I joined Steemit on 22nd Dec 2017 for a good purpose. I didn't apply for a job because I always preferred to work from home. For this, I need to find a platform where I can work against some good reward. I accidentally found the Steemit. I was thrilled when I received the first vote from a random user. It shows as a $ sign. It was fascinating me a lot. I'd say Steemit has given me a lot of good memories. I considered this platform as a life-changing platform. It gives me a turn, actually, a changed twist to my life.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Another Proud Moment:<\/strong> After a little time, I meet someone particular person who helped Minnows a lot in every aspect. He motivated me a lot and helped me in many cases. I took SP on lease from him and sold out votes to get the handsome amount in return. I was pleased to see this progression of my profile.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Another One:<\/strong> It was a thrilling moment when I earned 1000 SBD. This all done due to vote to sell and making comments and posts.&nbsp;<\/p>","musingPostType":"answer","appCategory":"steem","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTitle":"What was your most memorable moment on Steemit?","musingAppVersion":"1.1","appTags":["steem","musing","life"],"appParentPermlink":"p36a5aj4x","appParentAuthor":"attoan.cmt"}"
created2018-11-05 05:52:06
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vote details (1)