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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"fkvj42hkq","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["pets"],"appDepth":2,"appBody":"<p>this issue &nbsp;is a matter of personal choice and an agreement between couples. having a pet can be a matter of necessity or a just luxury. but before i answer the question of if every home should own a pet in my own view, let quickly look at the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet.<\/p>\n<p><strong>ADVANTAGES OF HAVING A PET<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>1. having a pet at home helps in the reduction of stress at homes. it is believed that stroking of your cat pet can help you reduce stress and helps lower blood pressure<\/p>\n<p>2. having a pet at home also goes a long way towards providing a permanent solution for loneliness or boredom. &nbsp;pets helps makes an environment living when people are not around.<\/p>\n<p>3. pets can also make u safe . if you have a dog as a pet, it could help guard your from threats and becomes your watch when you are not around. pets help save guard the owners life and property.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>4.pets are very loyal companion and they wont leave you in testing and difficult time. having a pet is having a friendship that is guaranteed to last for life. pets will stay with the owner through testing times and happy times.<\/p>\n<p>5. &nbsp;pets helps you keep fit and also helps improving of your immune system. by having a pet, you will want to walk with it once in a while this in turn could be an exercise for you too and it will build and develop a strong immune system against some certain illness.<\/p>\n<p><strong>DISADVANTAGES OF HAVING A PET<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>1. having a pet at home will consume your money and time. firstly, you will use your hard earned money to get a pet at home and then you buy pets food and drugs and also try to make your pet feel comfortable and welcomed to its new environment. this requires a lot of time and money. and having a pet consumes both.<\/p>\n<p>2. pets can be dangerous sometime and can harm the owner . the pet can turn on its owner anytime without warning and this could lead to the owner being in a very critical conditions that he or she may need a miracle towards savings.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>3. loosing a pet is like loosing a lover and this could be heartbreaking and the pain maybe very painful to bear and it may lead to negative consequences to the pet owner.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>4. the pets can be a nuisance to the environment in a long run. they maybe litter and make every littered. they may excrete any where at anytime. &nbsp;they can even becoming very dirty and unclean to stay in an environment<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><strong>MOMENT TO MAKE A DECISION<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>if a couple could afford the, patience and finance to own a pet, they should go for it because it is much more advantageous having a pet around but it will always require a lot of sacrifices at first in helping the pet settles in a new environment. they after some time, the pet will be used to the environment and could make the couple life much more enjoyable<\/p>\n<p>so my answer is YES, &nbsp;every home should have a pet.<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>","appCategory":"pets","app":"musing\/1.1","appParentAuthor":"walecooker","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"Should every home actually have a pet?","musingAppVersion":"1.1"}"
created2018-12-08 14:48:42
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