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· @martinstomisin ·
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json_metadata"{"musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["sex"],"appDepth":1,"appBody":"","appCategory":"sex","app":"musing\/1.1","musingPostType":"question","appTitle":"Why is sex really important in relationship?","musingAppVersion":"1.1"}"
created2018-12-07 17:25:00
last_update2018-12-07 17:25:00
last_payout2018-12-14 17:25:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Musing Posts"
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@dilimunanzar ·
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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"f3s6djdkq","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["sex"],"appDepth":2,"appBody":"<p>Sex is an important aspect of every relationship - sometimes even more important than we dare to admit. Even the most romantic attitude requires intimacy to remind us that as husband and wife we \u200b\u200bnot only have a soul but also a body, and it is necessary for us to balance the two. Emotions will feed your soul, and food will keep your body functioning properly, but only one thing can feed both soul and body at one time - sex. So, here are some of the best reasons you need to know to do this activity regularly:<\/p><p>1. Sex Can Reduce Stress<\/p><p>Similar to chocolate and other fun activities, sex makes our body produce happy hormones. This is a scientific fact that proves that couples who have high levels of stress but have sex often enough can reduce the level of stress they have. So, put aside your problems and and plan a romantic night that ends with having sex. Why not? That will help you to forget all problems, you will fall asleep like a baby and you will have enough energy to face tomorrow feeling happy and renewed.<\/p><p>2. Sex Is an Emotional Process<\/p><p>Yes, sex is a physical activity but most men and women agree that there are many advantages in sex rather than just feeling happy and losing calories as a bonus. You see, there is a good reason behind the pronunciation of \"having sex\" which is replaced by \"being intimate with someone\". Sex starts with romance and ends with romance because both parties feel the need to embrace afterwards.<\/p><p>In addition, a healthy sex life can increase the confidence of both parties - and prove that couples are still very interested in all aspects of their relationship. Did you know that couples who often have sex are more expressive in expressing their feelings? They feel the need for touch, kiss and hug more often and have fewer problems to demonstrate this in public. Do you know why? Because sex makes the body produce more oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel the need for love and trust in someone.<\/p><p>3. Sex Makes Balanced Female Hormones<\/p><p>A passionate night can do more than just make a woman smile. Active sexual intercourse means producing more estrogen. And we all know what happens when a woman's body stops producing this optimal amount of female hormones! Having sex once a week can delay menopausal symptoms, regulate the menstrual cycle and increase fertility.<\/p><p>4. Sex Reduces Cancer Risk<\/p><p>Everything can be a cause of cancer these days! Active smokers, passive smokers, deodorants, paint and even some clothes! Fortunately there is one thing you can do to help prevent prostate and breast cancer - by having sex.<\/p><p>5. Sex Helps You Live Longer<\/p><p>Sex can rejuvenate you, heal wounds, make you more flexible and not easily affected by various diseases. Sex is an enhancer of immunity and metabolism, reducing the risk of stroke and fighting the aging process! Add this activity to your routine schedule and you will get the perfect anti-aging method that cannot be sold or packaged in a bottle!<\/p><p>6. Sex Train All Muscles<\/p><p>This of course can be a speck of light from all the sports we do at home. Sex activity actually trains ALL of our body muscles. Sex not only does wonders for your physical appearance but can also help you to do kegel exercises more efficiently to reduce the risk of incontinence later on.<\/p><p>7. Sex Reduces Pain<\/p><p>Headaches are not a reason to refuse sex. Even that is the reason why you have to do it! When emotional and happy hormones join during sex, pain has no choice but to escape. So if one time your partner says he has something that can make the pain go away, then you should believe that it is true.<\/p>","appCategory":"sex","app":"musing\/1.1","appParentAuthor":"martinstomisin","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"Why is sex really important in relationship?","musingAppVersion":"1.1"}"
created2018-12-07 17:53:09
last_update2018-12-07 17:53:09
last_payout2018-12-14 17:53:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@ijoel · (edited)
Why is sex really important in relationship?
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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"f3s6djdkq","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["sex"],"appDepth":2,"appBody":"<p><br><\/p>","appCategory":"sex","app":"musing\/1.1","appParentAuthor":"martinstomisin","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"Why is sex really important in relationship?","musingAppVersion":"1.1"}"
created2018-12-07 18:04:15
last_update2018-12-07 18:08:45
last_payout2018-12-14 18:04:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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@steemagriculture ·
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json_metadata"{"appParentPermlink":"f3s6djdkq","musingAppId":"aU2p3C3a8N","appTags":["sex"],"appDepth":2,"appBody":"<p>3 Surprising Reasons Why Sex Is Very Important<\/p><p>Intimate relationships (sex) are believed to encourage intimacy between you and your partner, making you both happier, and increasing your hopes for each other.<\/p><p>Here are five reasons why sex is an important part of a relationship.<\/p><p>1. Cultivate Emotional Proximity and Intimacy. Sex makes you and your partner feel desirable and needed above all others. This will also maintain your marriage relationship. \"There are so many reasons why couples have sex that is not just about physical pleasure. Often couples get emotional closeness during sex which may be as important as physical pleasure,\" said Jennifer Chaiken, owner of The West Chester Therapy Group.<\/p><p>In addition, sex expert Dr. Logan Levkoff said, \"Everyday sex means daily emotional and physical intimacy with a partner. The relationship is to foster good feelings and bonds.\"<\/p><p>2. Make you happier. Sex can also make you happy because of increasing hormones from biological relationships. The connection releases the hormone Oxytocin, otherwise known as the \"hormone of love,\" according to Live Science. Oxytocin can simulate feelings of adoration (loyalty), trust, and connection in the body. Especially in sex, a number of chemical compounds released through hugs. A study published in the 'The Personality and Social Psychology' Bulletin found that the more you cuddle and approach your partner after making love, the more you will feel it.<\/p><p>Dr. Anik Debrot, the study's author, said, during sex, people not only seek intimate connections, but do experience more affection. Therefore, sex does not only seem to be beneficial because of its physiological or hedonic effects, but because it encourages stronger and more positive relationships with partners.<\/p><p>Psychology Today writes, another reason why sex can make you feel happy. You finally don't work, phone, and other pressures, and you are really present for your partner.<\/p><p>3. Become Creative. About the importance of sexual fantasy, Dr. Michael explained to the Elite Daily, \"Talking about it can be a mental shock for both. Take time to ask questions and listen to the fantasies your partner might have\".<\/p><p>Fantasy and role playing are the right place to start to increase the level of comfort in your relationship. Masini, a New York-based expert and New York etiquette writer, told the Elite Daily said, \"There are many different ways to do this, and this requires several strategies and several businesses. You can try simple repairs such as connecting to hotels, using tools help sex like watching videos \".<\/p><p>If you still wonder whether sex is good for your relationship, the answer is Yes. This will connect you to your partner at various emotional levels that are far more than physical. If you and your partner are in emotional habits or you are stagnant in your relationship, maybe it's time to look for a little variation in your sex life.<\/p>","appCategory":"sex","app":"musing\/1.1","appParentAuthor":"martinstomisin","musingPostType":"answer","appTitle":"Why is sex really important in relationship?","musingAppVersion":"1.1"}"
created2018-12-07 18:05:24
last_update2018-12-07 18:05:24
last_payout2018-12-14 18:05:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Musing Posts"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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