RE: If you died tomorrow, would you be proud of your last post? by stortebeker

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· @stortebeker ·
Well, to tell you the truth, even when I started blogging on steem, like 2 1/2 years ago, I wanted to make every post as awesome as I possibly could. That doesn't mean that there are a few cases of slack-off mixed in it, and besides, who decides what's quality anyway? 

As it turns out, my last post (a set of photos from metro station Tacubaya, which I'm sure you've seen yourself at some point, and in a way is reminiscent of your pics from the Stockholm metro) was noticed and curated by OCD. I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least. In comparison, my bike journey down the US West Coast, of which I'm writing the detailed version in my first actual book, has received less attention than that. 

But you know what? My deep belief is: it's not up to me to decide. I mean, I create my post for the post's sake, not for the payout. When I upvote, it's also for the post's sake. And in the end I do enjoy the rewards. But I believe it is up to every whale and every minnow to make their own decisions on what to upvote and what to curate. I may have a high (or low) opinion of my own posts, but I can't make anyone vote on it, or keep from doing so. 

So if they vote on a cool post I made: awesome. If they don't: never mind. If they vote on a crap post, I'd say: even more AWESOME! If they don't: well, at least we agree...!
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