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· @twinpapa ·

아직은 아니다.올라가자!비트야~~~~
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· @abeexy ·
"Lope's Legacy: Shaping a Brighter Digital Future

LopeCoin is a new meme coin aiming to become a viral sensation in the world of cryptocurrency, utilizing the Binance Smart Chain for secure transactions. It emphasizes three key elements: an engaging theme, community-driven development, and real-world utility. By combining humor, utility, and engagement, LopeCoin aims to differentiate itself in the meme coin market and attract a wide audience.

**Lope’s Ambition** 
The popularity of Meme Coins has surged in the cryptocurrency market, with some achieving significant market capitalization and community support. Lope aims to stand out in this vibrant ecosystem by offering a blend of humor, utility, and engagement on the Binance Smart Chain platform, leveraging its low fees and high processing speeds for success.

Lope takes inspiration from the "lope," a relaxed yet efficient running style of animals, symbolizing agility, speed, and freedom. This concept embodies the project's core values and appeals to both seasoned investors and newcomers in the crypto space. By offering a sense of control and progress, Lope aims to create a welcoming environment for all participants, emphasizing agility and ease of use.

**The Legend of Lope**


The Legend of Lope recounts the extraordinary journey of a Meme Coin named Lope, inspired by freedom, agility, and camaraderie. Born on the Binance Smart Chain, Lope aimed to transcend market speculation, embodying a unique blend of humor, utility, and community spirit.

As the Lopians, a diverse group of enthusiasts, rallied behind Lope, the coin's legend unfolded with numerous milestones:

- The Genesis Block symbolized Lope's birth and the community's shared dream.

- The Lope Games fostered camaraderie through friendly competition.
- Charity Drives and Eco-Pacts showcased Lope's commitment to social responsibility and environmental stewardship.
- The Lope Marketplace empowered users to utilize tokens for real-world purchases.

Through these initiatives and more, Lope became a beacon of hope and unity, challenging the norms of cryptocurrency with its positive impact. The legend of Lope continues to inspire, reminding us of the potential of technology to connect, inspire, and create positive change.


**Token Details** 
Lope is built on a robust technical foundation, leveraging the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) platform. This choice allows for efficient and secure transactions, thanks to BSC's low transaction fees and high processing speeds.

Token Details:

Token Name: LopeCoin

Symbol: LOPE

Total Supply: 400 trillion LOPE tokens (10^9)

Smart Contract: 0x8baD5058E3Bbac27db03d38B09Bae918D9D7f976

Market cap Target: $132.24 M ~ $521.72 M

LopeCoin's tokenomics outline a comprehensive economic model and token distribution plan to foster growth, innovation, and sustainability within its ecosystem:

**Ecosystem (30%):** Resources are allocated to reinvest back into the community, catalyzing growth, fostering innovation, and ensuring sustainability.

**Airdrop (10%):** Tokens are allocated for a series of airdrops to reward loyal community members, reinforcing engagement and support.

**Contributors (17%):** Resources are set aside to acknowledge and reward partners integral to LopeCoin's journey, incentivizing collaboration and strengthening bonds.

**Private Sale (12%):** Tokens are allocated for a private presale event to raise capital and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, fostering a committed community of supporters.

**Community Presale (11%):** Tokens are earmarked for a dynamic fire sale event aimed at engaging and expanding the LopeCoin community, democratizing participation and reinforcing collective ethos.

**Advisory (3%):** Resources are allocated to provide counseling services for the well-being of the team, highlighting a commitment to the mental and emotional health of project members.

**Project Development (5%):** Funds are designated for project development to fuel innovation, enhance offerings, and meet strategic objectives, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation.

**Team (Lock Tokens) (12%):** Tokens are committed and locked to demonstrate long-term commitment and confidence in the project, aligning interests with the community and investors and fostering trust and stability.

This comprehensive distribution strategy aims to create a virtuous cycle of empowerment, shared success, and sustainable growth within the LopeCoin ecosystem.

**For more information visit the links below**:

Btt link:;u=2247475
Author: abeexy
· @crypto9993 ·
Steem Coin
**Steem Coin: Empowering Content Creators in the Blockchain Era**

Steem Coin, launched in 2016, is the native cryptocurrency of the Steemit platform, which aims to revolutionize the way content is created, shared, and monetized on the internet. Built on the Steem blockchain, Steem Coin serves as the backbone of the platform's reward system, incentivizing users to contribute valuable content and engage with the community.

**Key Features of Steem Coin:**

1. **Content Rewards:** One of the primary features of Steem Coin is its ability to reward content creators for their contributions. Users who post high-quality content that receives engagement in the form of upvotes and comments earn Steem rewards, encouraging the creation of valuable and engaging content.

2. **Decentralized Governance:** Steem Coin operates on a decentralized governance model, where stakeholders have a say in the platform's development and decision-making processes. This ensures that the community's interests are represented and allows for transparent and democratic governance.

3. **Fast and Feeless Transactions:** Transactions involving Steem Coin are fast and typically feeless, making it convenient for users to transfer value and interact with the platform without incurring high transaction fees.

4. **Powering the Steemit Ecosystem:** Steem Coin is not only used for rewarding content creators but also plays a crucial role in powering various decentralized applications (DApps) within the broader Steemit ecosystem. These applications leverage the Steem blockchain to offer additional services and functionalities, further enhancing the platform's utility.

**Use Cases and Adoption:**

Steem Coin has found adoption beyond the Steemit platform, with various applications and projects integrating it for content monetization, micropayments, and community engagement. Additionally, the Steem blockchain's scalability and efficient consensus mechanism make it suitable for a wide range of decentralized applications beyond social media.

**Challenges and Future Outlook:**

Despite its innovative features, Steem Coin faces challenges related to user adoption, competition from other blockchain platforms, and regulatory uncertainty. However, the growing interest in decentralized content platforms and the increasing demand for alternative monetization models offer promising opportunities for Steem Coin's continued growth and adoption.


Steem Coin represents a pioneering effort to disrupt the traditional content industry by leveraging blockchain technology to empower content creators and reward valuable contributions. As decentralized platforms like Steemit continue to gain traction, Steem Coin is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of content creation and distribution on the internet.
![steem coin.png](
· @adi.pisces ·
Grafik koin ATA (ATA/IDR) Di market INDODAX hari ini

<center>Halo sahabatku semuanya dimanapun anda berada, semoga selalu di berikan keberkahan untuk kita semua, seperti biasanya saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perkembangan grafik perdagangan koin kripto, kali ini saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perdagangan koin di market INDODAX, hari ini saya ingin menunjukkan kembali grafik koin ATA (ATA/IDR) Di market INDODAX yang memiliki peningkatan harga sebesar +8.85 % dan untuk harga rupiah saat ini ATA berada di kisaran harga 3.591 Rupiah, jika kita lihat pergerakan grafiknya di hari ini mengalami peningkatan sampai +8.85 % , ini dapat kita lihat pada perkembangan grafik koin ini sendiri tepatnya pada hari ini, jika kita perhatikan grafiknya pada beberapa hari sebelumya, atau dalam bulan ini koin ini juga menunjukkan pergerakan yang tergolong sangat baik, yaitu dapat kita lihat walaupun di awal-awal sampai pertengahan bulan yaitu koin ini terlihat juga sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, lalu perlahan mengalami perubahan mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar pula atau dapat di katakan adanya sedikit pergerakan grafiknya yang tergolong sedikit cukup baik saat itu walaupun sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya penurunan walaupun hanya sementara dan terus terjadi, begitu juga mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar, jika ada kenaikan tidak bertahan dan terus kembali mengalami penurunan, ini sangat terlihat dan dapat kita lihat dari grafiknya walaupun setelah itu kemudian kembali mengalami penurunan sedikit namun tidak begitu besar yang membuat koin ini sendiri selalu ada pergerakan grafiknya walaupun hanya sedikit, ini menandakan koin ini juga tergolong sedikit kurang baik saat itu bahkan dapat dikatakan baik walaupun pergerakan yang menunjukkan koin ini sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, dan selanjutnya dapat kita perhatikan grafiknya menunjukkan adanya tingkat perubahan grafiknya dari sebuah pergerakan dapat kita perhatikan dari pergerakan koin ini sendiri, di hari selanjutnya juga masih ada sedikit perkembangan karena grafik koin ini masih mengalami hal yang sama setiap waktu bahkan terlihat sempat juga mengalami sedikit demi sedikit penurunan bahkan sempat terlihat ada peningkatan dalam beberapa hari, walaupun demikian pada pertengahan bulan ini dapat kita lihat koin ini juga kembali adanya peningkatan sedikit bahkan terlihat di karenakan grafiknya sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya peningkatan yang lumayan bahkan di awal bulan dan dapat kita lihat adanya perubahan yang terjadi sehingga koin ini terlihat seperti adanya perubahan yang akan membuat harga ada sedikit meningkat sedikit dan lebih mahal sedikit dari sebelumnya , namun ini tentunya sangat terlihat sangat baik bahkan sempat adanya peningkatan kembali waktu itu bahkan terlihat makin meningkat , dan lagi-lagi kembali tentunya adanya peningkatan sedikit seperti biasanya tidak terlalu tinggi namun cukup baik, ini dapat kita tandai dari arah pergerakan grafiknya dari hari ke hari masih dari sebuah garis grafiknya atau dapat di katakan koin ini masih ada pergerakan yang lumayan , walaupun terlihat menunjukkan adanya pergerakan penurunan sedikit pada sebuah grafik koin ini sendiri setiap hari tidak membuatnya sedikit lebih baik dari sebelumnya, jika ada peningkatan ini tentunya kembali adanya penurunan sedikit, namun dalam sepekan ini, koin ini juga kembali terjadi peningkatan kembali sampai grafiknya terlihat dititik dimana koin ini adanya Sangat terlihat menunjukkan peningkatan sampai sehingga koin bisa menjadi kembali adanya perubahan yang terjadi karena ada penunggunya yang luar biasa tentunya terjadi kenaikan harga yang lumayan namun tetap seperti biasanya terlihat adanya penurunan sedikit , dan koin ini sendiri hari ini juga kembali mengalami peningkatan yang dapat kita lihat dari pengembangan grafiknya, ini dapat kita lihat dari arah pergerakan grafik yang menunjukkan tingkat perubahan dan beberapa hari ini grafik koin ini kembali mulai menunjukkan peningkatannya dan saat ini koin ini mulai menunjukkan penurunannya, dalam dunia perdagangan koin kripto ini merupakan hal yang lumrah dan seperti biasanya yang saya tampilkan kali ini merupakan harga sementara, yang pasti yang saya tampilkan ini hanya harga saat ini, bisa saja nanti akan ada perubahan namun saya tidak bisa memastikan , apapun bisa terjadi pada perdagangan koin di setiap market penjualan koin, namun sahabat semuanya yang menyukai dengan jual beli koin tetap berhati-hati juga karena tidak semua yang kita prediksi akan berjalan seperti yang kita inginkan, jangan sampai rugi besar dikarenakan kurang teliti dalam mengambil tindakan, semuanya tergantung dari kita sendiri, dan segalanya resikonya tentu kita tanggung sendiri, tetap semangat, semoga bermanfaat</center>



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· @koreaminer ·

주식시장을 보고 있으면 오르는종목은 오르는데 나머지 종목은 철저히 오르지 않는모습입니다.

글로벌증시를 봤을때 거래량도 있고 상승장이지만 국내증시는 세력이라할수있는 외국인과 기관들이 좋아하는 종목에만 상승세가 나타나고 있습니다.

국내증시도 미국선물이 상승중이라 이대로면 다음주도 상승세를 보이겠지만 아직 모든종목이 오르는 대세상승장이 아니기때문에 세력들이 좋아하는 종목들이 오를듯합니다.

천천히지만 안정적인 수익을 바라면 오르지않은 종목을 가지고 있어야 하구 수익을 단기적으로 봐야겠다 싶으면 많이 오른종목에 투자해야합니다.

이런 인기있는종목은 많이 상승했기때문에 목표가와 손절가를 정해야 투자하셔야 될것입니다.

불금보내시고 다음주도 성공투자 하십시요.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 27 others
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· @twinpapa ·
다시 오르자
400원도 깨지는 줄 알았다.스팀아~
다시 500원 오르자~

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· @adi.pisces ·
Grafik koin HPB (HPB/IDR) Di market INDODAX hari ini

<center>Halo sahabatku semuanya dimanapun anda berada, semoga selalu di berikan keberkahan untuk kita semua, seperti biasanya saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perkembangan grafik perdagangan koin kripto, kali ini saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perdagangan koin di market INDODAX, hari ini saya ingin menunjukkan kembali grafik koin HPB (HPB/IDR) Di market INDODAX yang memiliki peningkatan harga sebesar +24.77 % dan untuk harga rupiah saat ini HPB berada di kisaran harga 136 Rupiah, jika kita lihat pergerakan grafiknya di hari ini mengalami peningkatan sampai +24.77 % , ini dapat kita lihat pada perkembangan grafik koin ini sendiri tepatnya pada hari ini, jika kita perhatikan grafiknya pada beberapa hari sebelumya, atau dalam bulan ini koin ini juga menunjukkan pergerakan yang cukup baik, yaitu dapat kita lihat walaupun di awal-awal sampai pertengahan bulan yaitu koin ini terlihat juga sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, lalu perlahan mengalami perubahan mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar pula atau dapat di katakan adanya sedikit pergerakan grafiknya yang tergolong sedikit cukup baik saat itu walaupun sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya penurunan walaupun hanya sementara dan terus terjadi, begitu juga mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar, jika ada kenaikan tidak bertahan dan terus kembali mengalami penurunan, ini sangat terlihat dan dapat kita lihat dari grafiknya walaupun setelah itu kemudian kembali mengalami penurunan sedikit namun tidak begitu besar yang membuat koin ini sendiri selalu ada pergerakan grafiknya walaupun hanya sedikit, ini menandakan koin ini juga tergolong sedikit kurang baik saat itu bahkan dapat dikatakan baik walaupun pergerakan yang menunjukkan koin ini sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, dan selanjutnya dapat kita perhatikan grafiknya menunjukkan adanya tingkat perubahan grafiknya dari sebuah pergerakan dapat kita perhatikan dari pergerakan koin ini sendiri, di hari selanjutnya juga masih ada sedikit perkembangan karena grafik koin ini masih mengalami hal yang sama setiap waktu bahkan terlihat sempat juga mengalami sedikit demi sedikit penurunan bahkan sempat terlihat ada peningkatan dalam beberapa hari, walaupun demikian pada pertengahan bulan ini dapat kita lihat koin ini juga kembali adanya peningkatan sedikit bahkan terlihat di karenakan grafiknya sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya peningkatan yang lumayan bahkan di awal bulan dan dapat kita lihat adanya perubahan yang terjadi sehingga koin ini terlihat seperti adanya perubahan yang akan membuat harga ada sedikit meningkat sedikit dan lebih mahal sedikit dari sebelumnya , namun ini tentunya sangat terlihat sangat baik bahkan sempat adanya peningkatan kembali waktu itu bahkan terlihat makin meningkat , dan lagi-lagi kembali tentunya adanya peningkatan sedikit seperti biasanya tidak terlalu tinggi namun cukup baik, ini dapat kita tandai dari arah pergerakan grafiknya dari hari ke hari masih dari sebuah garis grafiknya atau dapat di katakan koin ini masih ada pergerakan yang lumayan , walaupun terlihat menunjukkan adanya pergerakan penurunan sedikit pada sebuah grafik koin ini sendiri setiap hari tidak membuatnya sedikit lebih baik dari sebelumnya, jika ada peningkatan ini tentunya kembali adanya penurunan sedikit, namun dalam sepekan ini, koin ini juga kembali terjadi peningkatan kembali sampai grafiknya terlihat dititik dimana koin ini adanya Sangat terlihat menunjukkan peningkatan sampai sehingga koin bisa menjadi kembali adanya perubahan yang terjadi karena ada penunggunya yang luar biasa tentunya terjadi kenaikan harga yang lumayan namun tetap seperti biasanya terlihat adanya penurunan sedikit , dan koin ini sendiri hari ini juga kembali mengalami peningkatan yang dapat kita lihat dari pengembangan grafiknya, ini dapat kita lihat dari arah pergerakan grafik yang menunjukkan tingkat perubahan dan beberapa hari ini grafik koin ini kembali mulai menunjukkan peningkatannya dan saat ini koin ini mulai menunjukkan penurunannya, dalam dunia perdagangan koin kripto ini merupakan hal yang lumrah dan seperti biasanya yang saya tampilkan kali ini merupakan harga sementara, yang pasti yang saya tampilkan ini hanya harga saat ini, bisa saja nanti akan ada perubahan namun saya tidak bisa memastikan , apapun bisa terjadi pada perdagangan koin di setiap market penjualan koin, namun sahabat semuanya yang menyukai dengan jual beli koin tetap berhati-hati juga karena tidak semua yang kita prediksi akan berjalan seperti yang kita inginkan, jangan sampai rugi besar dikarenakan kurang teliti dalam mengambil tindakan, semuanya tergantung dari kita sendiri, dan segalanya resikonya tentu kita tanggung sendiri, tetap semangat, semoga bermanfaat</center>



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· @koreaminer ·

코인시장 다시금 흔들려는 모양세입니다.

기관이나 외국인이 관리를 안하다보니 지난주 고점대비 십여프로 정도 하락을했네요.

BTC 반김기 이후 상승장을 예상한 사람들이 많을탠데 세력들은 개미들을 실망시킨후 상승흐름을 만드는경우가 많습니다.

세력들의 심리를  분석후 대응하시면 좋은결과 만들줄믿습니다.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 24 others
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· @twinpapa ·
스팀아 오백원 넘길래 기대했더만 잠깐도 못버티고 흘러내리는구나 ㅡㅡ


다시 위로 쏴라~~~~
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 37 others
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· @koreaminer ·

지난주와 달리 이번주 주식시장은 전쟁악재로부터 자유로워지면서 상승장을 연출하는 분위기였습니다.

반도체 주식들이 그동안의 하락을 벗어나 크게 상승하는 모습이 인상적이네요.

4월말이 되다보니 2024년1분기 실적이 나올것입니다.

작년 분기 실적과 비교해서 실적이 향상되는 주식이 계속이어지는 경향이 많으므로 관심을 가져봐야 할것입니다.

봄날의 기운을받아 주식코인시장의 상승을 기대하겠습니다.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 26 others
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· @adi.pisces ·
Grafik koin BNX (BNX/IDR) Di market INDODAX hari ini

<center>Halo sahabatku semuanya dimanapun anda berada, semoga selalu di berikan keberkahan untuk kita semua, seperti biasanya saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perkembangan grafik perdagangan koin kripto, kali ini saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perdagangan koin di market INDODAX, hari ini saya ingin menunjukkan kembali grafik koin BNX (BNX/IDR) Di market INDODAX yang memiliki peningkatan harga sebesar +24.30 % dan untuk harga rupiah saat ini BNX berada di kisaran harga 1.637.004 Rupiah, jika kita lihat pergerakan grafiknya di hari ini mengalami peningkatan sampai +24.30 % , ini dapat kita lihat pada perkembangan grafik koin ini sendiri tepatnya pada hari ini, jika kita perhatikan grafiknya pada beberapa hari sebelumya, atau dalam bulan ini koin ini juga menunjukkan pergerakan yang sangat baik, yaitu dapat kita lihat walaupun di awal-awal sampai pertengahan bulan yaitu koin ini terlihat juga sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, lalu perlahan mengalami perubahan mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar pula atau dapat di katakan adanya sedikit pergerakan grafiknya yang tergolong sedikit cukup baik saat itu walaupun sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya penurunan walaupun hanya sementara dan terus terjadi, begitu juga mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar, jika ada kenaikan tidak bertahan dan terus kembali mengalami penurunan, ini sangat terlihat dan dapat kita lihat dari grafiknya walaupun setelah itu kemudian kembali mengalami penurunan sedikit namun tidak begitu besar yang membuat koin ini sendiri selalu ada pergerakan grafiknya walaupun hanya sedikit, ini menandakan koin ini juga tergolong sedikit kurang baik saat itu bahkan dapat dikatakan baik walaupun pergerakan yang menunjukkan koin ini sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, dan selanjutnya dapat kita perhatikan grafiknya menunjukkan adanya tingkat perubahan grafiknya dari sebuah pergerakan dapat kita perhatikan dari pergerakan koin ini sendiri, di hari selanjutnya juga masih ada sedikit perkembangan karena grafik koin ini masih mengalami hal yang sama setiap waktu bahkan terlihat sempat juga mengalami sedikit demi sedikit penurunan bahkan sempat terlihat ada peningkatan dalam beberapa hari, walaupun demikian pada pertengahan bulan ini dapat kita lihat koin ini juga kembali adanya peningkatan sedikit bahkan terlihat di karenakan grafiknya sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya peningkatan yang lumayan bahkan di awal bulan dan dapat kita lihat adanya perubahan yang terjadi sehingga koin ini terlihat seperti adanya perubahan yang akan membuat harga ada sedikit meningkat sedikit dan lebih mahal sedikit dari sebelumnya , namun ini tentunya sangat terlihat sangat baik bahkan sempat adanya peningkatan kembali waktu itu bahkan terlihat makin meningkat , dan lagi-lagi kembali tentunya adanya peningkatan sedikit seperti biasanya tidak terlalu tinggi namun cukup baik, ini dapat kita tandai dari arah pergerakan grafiknya dari hari ke hari masih dari sebuah garis grafiknya atau dapat di katakan koin ini masih ada pergerakan yang lumayan , walaupun terlihat menunjukkan adanya pergerakan penurunan sedikit pada sebuah grafik koin ini sendiri setiap hari tidak membuatnya sedikit lebih baik dari sebelumnya, jika ada peningkatan ini tentunya kembali adanya penurunan sedikit, namun dalam sepekan ini, koin ini juga kembali terjadi peningkatan kembali sampai grafiknya terlihat dititik dimana koin ini adanya Sangat terlihat menunjukkan peningkatan sampai sehingga koin bisa menjadi kembali adanya perubahan yang terjadi karena ada penunggunya yang luar biasa tentunya terjadi kenaikan harga yang lumayan namun tetap seperti biasanya terlihat adanya penurunan sedikit , dan koin ini sendiri hari ini juga kembali mengalami peningkatan yang dapat kita lihat dari pengembangan grafiknya, ini dapat kita lihat dari arah pergerakan grafik yang menunjukkan tingkat perubahan dan beberapa hari ini grafik koin ini kembali mulai menunjukkan peningkatannya dan saat ini koin ini mulai menunjukkan penurunannya, dalam dunia perdagangan koin kripto ini merupakan hal yang lumrah dan seperti biasanya yang saya tampilkan kali ini merupakan harga sementara, yang pasti yang saya tampilkan ini hanya harga saat ini, bisa saja nanti akan ada perubahan namun saya tidak bisa memastikan , apapun bisa terjadi pada perdagangan koin di setiap market penjualan koin, namun sahabat semuanya yang menyukai dengan jual beli koin tetap berhati-hati juga karena tidak semua yang kita prediksi akan berjalan seperti yang kita inginkan, jangan sampai rugi besar dikarenakan kurang teliti dalam mengambil tindakan, semuanya tergantung dari kita sendiri, dan segalanya resikonya tentu kita tanggung sendiri, tetap semangat, semoga bermanfaat</center>



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· @cieraluv ·
4 Reasons Solana Is the Most astute Digital money to Purchase At the present time
Solana (CRYPTO: SOL) isn't an easily recognized name in how Bitcoin is, yet that probably won't be the situation any more. With a developing base of financial backers, more moves up to the chain's innovation, and a hurricane of exchanging volume that is advancing constantly, it's perhaps of the most thrilling play in cryptographic money at the present time.

1. Exchanges are modest and quick
Particularly in contrast with more seasoned blockchains like Ethereum, Solana's exchanges are extremely modest. More often than not, exchanges cost under a half-penny. Furthermore, they will generally execute inside approximately a little while, expecting the organization isn't blocked with traffic.

Conversely, Ethereum's gas expenses - - charges for utilizing the organization - - change fiercely, however are regularly during the many dollars. That makes it uneconomical to execute modest quantities. Besides, exchanges can require a couple of moments to finish.
The proposal for purchasing Solana here is straightforward: Financial backers will incline toward stopping their resources on the chains where they can execute more rapidly and more inexpensively than the other options.

2. The biological system of apparatuses is strong and quickly developing
It very well may be difficult to put resources into digital forms of money when you don't have the right programming (and maybe even equipment) devices to explore coins, stash your money, execute, track your benefits and misfortunes, and move resources from other blockchains if important. Indeed, even something essential like cost and volume information isn't destined to be promptly reachable, particularly while thinking about that many coins are recorded on decentralized trades (DEXs).

Solana has no lack of information sources or devices, and as a matter of fact there's more than one choice for basically all that the commonplace financial backer should find true success, also a plenty of answers for further developed applications.

On the off chance that you need an equipment wallet for most extreme security stockpiling, there's the Record Nano X, the SafePal X1, and others. For programming wallets, Ghost is the most famous decision, however many individuals favor Knapsack or Solflare. As far as finding fundamental information sources on coins new and old, there's Birdeye, DexScreener, CoinGecko, and a lot more destinations, all suitable for nothing.

The Solana environment likewise has more than one task that helps coin holders to stake their tokens or loan them to a liquidity pool. That implies in the event that you could do without the yields presented on a decentralized help like Jupiter, you can check with a contender like Raydium and possibly track down a more ideal arrangement.

Furthermore, there are greater utility tasks sending off each day, which is a major green banner for Solana's rising notoriety and benefits as a speculation no doubt.

3. It's the image coin chain
Solana is the blockchain where by far most of image coin projects exist.

The present most well known image coins like Dogwifhat and Bonk started out there, and the previous months have seen a genuine blast of thousands of various beginning coin contributions (ICOs). By far most of those undertakings quickly tumbled or were out and out tricks, yet a significant number had the option to run their costs up to arrive at countless dollars in market cap, fabricating a reliable local area and catching a lot of consideration simultaneously.

In the event that there will be one more large run-up from an image coin like there was with Dogecoin or Shiba Inu, it will very likely start from Solana this time around.

It's not difficult to see the reason why Solana is the favored setting for image coin financial backers. The charges are negligible, and that implies individuals can purchase $5 or $10 worth of tokens without encountering stunning exchange expenses. In like manner, the normal speed of the exchanges and the recently referenced simple to-utilize effective money management apparatuses and information sources truly intend that there isn't an excessive amount of contact to explore.

Be that as it may, be careful: Those extraordinary highlights additionally make it simple to fall into vices like exchanging and out of similar coins over a brief timeframe.

At long last, Solana benefits from being the favored chain of a large number of the cryptographic money forces to be reckoned with who are stylish right now via virtual entertainment. At the end of the day, individuals with the most reach are teaching that it's the spot to be, which can be somewhat of an inevitable outcome.

To catch development from the image coin dash for unheard of wealth, purchasing Solana and holding it is in this way a clear procedure.

4. The organization just got overhauled
On April 15, the Solana network got a truly necessary redesign that empowers it to handle more exchanges. The justification behind the update was essentially that it was desperately required.

In mid-Walk, volume on the organization came to almost $3.5 billion in a day, with blockage causing many bombed exchanges for clients. The guilty party for that volume was a genuine free for all of image coin exchanging.

Different chains haven't encountered a similar storm of traffic. Nor have the administration gatherings of different chains shown the very forcefulness and need to keep moving in causing redesigns that substantially to work on the experience for clients.

Thus, the organization overhaul is demonstrative that Solana is a savvy wagered right now since it infers various positive things about where the chain is going.

Would it be advisable for you to put $1,000 in Solana at the present time?
Before you purchase stock in Solana, think about this:

The Diverse Simpleton Stock Guide investigator group just distinguished what they accept are the 10 best stocks for financial backers to purchase now… and Solana wasn't one of them. The 10 stocks that got it done could deliver beast returns before very long.

Stock Consultant furnishes financial backers with a simple to-follow outline for progress, remembering direction for building a portfolio, ordinary updates from examiners, and two new stock picks every month. The Stock Consultant administration has dramatically multiplied the arrival of S&P 500 since 2002*.

See the 10 stocks

*Stock Guide returns as of April 22, 2024

Alex Carchidi has positions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, Solana, and WIF. The Diverse Nitwit has positions in and suggests Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. The Diverse Imbecile has a divulgence strategy.
· @twinpapa ·
스팀 좋다~
비트 내려가도 이번에는 혼자 잘 나가는구나~더 힘내보자~


스달 니는 요즘 뭐하냐?빨리 만원 가즈아!
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 35 others
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· @adi.pisces ·
Grafik koin TFUEL (TFUEL/IDR) Di market INDODAX hari ini

<center>Halo sahabatku semuanya dimanapun anda berada, semoga selalu di berikan keberkahan untuk kita semua, seperti biasanya saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perkembangan grafik perdagangan koin kripto, kali ini saya kembali ingin menunjukkan perdagangan koin di market INDODAX, hari ini saya ingin menunjukkan kembali grafik koin TFUEL (TFUEL/IDR) Di market INDODAX yang memiliki peningkatan harga sebesar +23.06 % dan untuk harga rupiah saat ini TFUEL berada di kisaran harga 1.889 Rupiah, jika kita lihat pergerakan grafiknya di hari ini mengalami peningkatan sampai +23.06 % , ini dapat kita lihat pada perkembangan grafik koin ini sendiri tepatnya pada hari ini, jika kita perhatikan grafiknya pada beberapa hari sebelumya, atau dalam bulan ini koin ini juga menunjukkan pergerakan yang cukup baik, yaitu dapat kita lihat walaupun di awal-awal sampai pertengahan bulan yaitu koin ini terlihat juga sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, lalu perlahan mengalami perubahan mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar pula atau dapat di katakan adanya sedikit pergerakan grafiknya yang tergolong sedikit cukup baik saat itu walaupun sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya penurunan walaupun hanya sementara dan terus terjadi, begitu juga mengenai naiknya grafik walaupun tidak begitu besar, jika ada kenaikan tidak bertahan dan terus kembali mengalami penurunan, ini sangat terlihat dan dapat kita lihat dari grafiknya walaupun setelah itu kemudian kembali mengalami penurunan sedikit namun tidak begitu besar yang membuat koin ini sendiri selalu ada pergerakan grafiknya walaupun hanya sedikit, ini menandakan koin ini juga tergolong sedikit kurang baik saat itu bahkan dapat dikatakan baik walaupun pergerakan yang menunjukkan koin ini sempat mengalami peningkatan sedikit demi sedikit, dan selanjutnya dapat kita perhatikan grafiknya menunjukkan adanya tingkat perubahan grafiknya dari sebuah pergerakan dapat kita perhatikan dari pergerakan koin ini sendiri, di hari selanjutnya juga masih ada sedikit perkembangan karena grafik koin ini masih mengalami hal yang sama setiap waktu bahkan terlihat sempat juga mengalami sedikit demi sedikit penurunan bahkan sempat terlihat ada peningkatan dalam beberapa hari, walaupun demikian pada pertengahan bulan ini dapat kita lihat koin ini juga kembali adanya peningkatan sedikit bahkan terlihat di karenakan grafiknya sempat menunjukkan kembali adanya peningkatan yang lumayan bahkan di awal bulan dan dapat kita lihat adanya perubahan yang terjadi sehingga koin ini terlihat seperti adanya perubahan yang akan membuat harga ada sedikit meningkat sedikit dan lebih mahal sedikit dari sebelumnya , namun ini tentunya sangat terlihat sangat baik bahkan sempat adanya peningkatan kembali waktu itu bahkan terlihat makin meningkat , dan lagi-lagi kembali tentunya adanya peningkatan sedikit seperti biasanya tidak terlalu tinggi namun cukup baik, ini dapat kita tandai dari arah pergerakan grafiknya dari hari ke hari masih dari sebuah garis grafiknya atau dapat di katakan koin ini masih ada pergerakan yang lumayan , walaupun terlihat menunjukkan adanya pergerakan penurunan sedikit pada sebuah grafik koin ini sendiri setiap hari tidak membuatnya sedikit lebih baik dari sebelumnya, jika ada peningkatan ini tentunya kembali adanya penurunan sedikit, namun dalam sepekan ini, koin ini juga kembali terjadi peningkatan kembali sampai grafiknya terlihat dititik dimana koin ini adanya Sangat terlihat menunjukkan peningkatan sampai sehingga koin bisa menjadi kembali adanya perubahan yang terjadi karena ada penunggunya yang luar biasa tentunya terjadi kenaikan harga yang lumayan namun tetap seperti biasanya terlihat adanya penurunan sedikit , dan koin ini sendiri hari ini juga kembali mengalami peningkatan yang dapat kita lihat dari pengembangan grafiknya, ini dapat kita lihat dari arah pergerakan grafik yang menunjukkan tingkat perubahan dan beberapa hari ini grafik koin ini kembali mulai menunjukkan peningkatannya dan saat ini koin ini mulai menunjukkan penurunannya, dalam dunia perdagangan koin kripto ini merupakan hal yang lumrah dan seperti biasanya yang saya tampilkan kali ini merupakan harga sementara, yang pasti yang saya tampilkan ini hanya harga saat ini, bisa saja nanti akan ada perubahan namun saya tidak bisa memastikan , apapun bisa terjadi pada perdagangan koin di setiap market penjualan koin, namun sahabat semuanya yang menyukai dengan jual beli koin tetap berhati-hati juga karena tidak semua yang kita prediksi akan berjalan seperti yang kita inginkan, jangan sampai rugi besar dikarenakan kurang teliti dalam mengambil tindakan, semuanya tergantung dari kita sendiri, dan segalanya resikonya tentu kita tanggung sendiri, tetap semangat, semoga bermanfaat</center>



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· @koreaminer ·

전일 미국시장의 상승의 힘을 받아 상승출발을 했지만 시간이 갈수록 힘이 떨어지는 모습을 보인 하루였습니다.

외국인이 오늘은 순매도를 보이면서 전체적인 시장분위기를 위축시키다보니 보합권에서 마감을 하였네요.

해외에서의 반도체주식 악재에 국내시장까지 영향을 미치고 있는데 단기간에는 악재들이 많이 있어서 상승이 제한적이므로 장기적인 관점에서 투자하시면 좋은결과 있을줄 믿습니다.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 28 others
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· @ikkelins ·
Biceps Coin Introduces Bitcoin Earning Potential for $BICS Token Holders

[Biceps Coin]( has announced a unique feature for its $BICS token holders. By holding at least 50 million tokens, $BICS holders can earn additional Bitcoin rewards. 

Thanks to Bitcoin's popularity and growth over time, many early investors are already looking into this young project. With a 3-phased roadmap, Biceps Coin wants to establish itself as a sustainable and profitable contributor to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

## Bitcoin Rewards for $BICS Holders

The Biceps Coin project's core is a direct link to the Bitcoin world. The project rewards all holders with Bitcoin if they hold a certain amount (50 million $BICS tokens minimum). 

Every transaction made with the token generates a fee that the system converts into Bitcoin and shares among $BICS holders. This unique feature can potentially drive future growth for both the token itself and Bitcoin. 

The team shared a compelling example of how this could work in practice. If $BICS has a 1 million daily trading volume, that would mean an automatic purchase of $27,000 worth of Bitcoin. As more and more people hold the token to receive Bitcoin rewards, this amount will continue to increase over time. 

There are already several hints to the success and potential impact of this project in the market:

- Biceps Token has over 2.4k holders and has recently been on a bullish trend
- The token completed the listing process on both CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap
- The team has applied for a Certik audit to further validate its sustainable foundation 
- Recently, the token went live on the Bitmart exchange
- Biceps Token has gained public visibility, appearing on New York Times Square big screens and SpaceX billboards. 

The coin is fully decentralized, with all tokens pooled in pancakeswap, making it deflationary and impossible to manipulate. Additionally, the contract is renounced, meaning no entity has control over the token supply.

## Tokenomics and Future Plans

The project's token ($BICS) has strong tokenomics, with a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000 tokens.

There is a small tax of 4.9% on all buys and sells, but no tax on transfers. Of this 4.9% tax, 2.7% will automatically become BTC and go to $BICS holders.

Additionally, a 0.8% tax will fund buybacks, development, and marketing efforts.

The token also has a deflationary mechanism, with 1.4% of every transaction being burned forever. This trick adds scarcity to the token, potentially increasing its value over time. 

The project also has a strong roadmap. Specifically, the team mentioned plans for partnerships, listings on major exchanges, and even physical product collaborations with gym partners. 

The team behind Biceps (BICS) focuses on creating a strong image for the token through various marketing efforts. These include TikTok campaigns and billboards in New York City. 

In the future, the team plans to continue with strong marketing and partnerships and list on more exchanges. 

Overall, Biceps (BICS) is a decentralized project with a strong focus on community. The team plans to keep the power in the hands of its users and has renounced ownership of the contract. This strategy makes Biceps Coin a truly decentralized ecosystem. 

## About Biceps Coin

Biceps Coin is marketing itself as "the easy Bitcoin miner." The idea is simple: holding onto $BICS will generate additional Bitcoin for every buy and sell. Users must buy a minimum of 50,000,000 $BICS to participate. 

This process is straightforward and eco-friendly, with no need for expensive rigs. The project runs on the BNB Chain and is 100% decentralized. 

The team behind Biceps Coin has renounced ownership of the contract, giving all power to the community. With a strong roadmap, the project plans to establish itself as a sustainable contributor to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

The first step in joining this Biceps Coin is to learn more about it on its [official website]( Furthermore, the social media channels below are helpful to receive the latest news on the project. 

[X (Twitter)]( | [Telegram](
· @ikkelins ·
Last Call: Kona Coin Airdrop Ending Shortly - Claim Your Tokens Today!

The Kona Coin development team is delighted to announce the initiation of its airdrop campaign, generously distributing 80 billion tokens to the community. With a meticulously crafted roadmap and a well-defined mission, Kona Coin aspires to emerge as a premier meme cryptocurrency on the Solana blockchain. This project is dedicated to commemorating our cherished pets and aims to cultivate a vibrant community of pet enthusiasts. Through its commitment to development, strategic partnerships, and active community engagement, Kona Coin transcends the typical expectations of a meme token.

### The Kona Coin Airdrop Initiative

Through its social media channels, Kona Coin has launched a large-scale airdrop initiative starting from March 15th, granting access to 80 billion tokens. The qualification process has been crafted to ensure inclusivity, garnering significant attention with over 5,000 participants already onboard.

Potential participants must subscribe to the official Telegram Announcement channel and join the Telegram Community channel to engage with fellow members of the Kona Coin community.

Furthermore, individuals are required to follow Kona Coin on X (Twitter), retweet the pinned post of the airdrop with a specified hashtag, and leave a comment. Participants are urged to tweet about Kona Coin using the hashtag #KonaCoinAirdrop to increase their chances of winning, thus boosting project visibility and engaging a wider audience.

After completing these steps, crypto enthusiasts must fill out and submit an airdrop form. However, eligibility for the airdrop bounty will end on April 30th, 2024.

### Elevating Beyond Meme Tokens: Unveiling a Purpose-Infused Vision

The inception of the Kona Coin project was sparked by a heartfelt mission to celebrate cherished pets, nurturing a global community ethos that unites animal lovers worldwide. At its core, the project is dedicated to honoring our furry companions and cultivating a supportive community environment.

With a focused strategic vision, Kona Coin is poised to broaden its utility and establish key partnerships. Upcoming initiatives include NFT launches and securing listings on major decentralized and centralized exchanges, alongside community polls to steer project development. Kona Coin remains steadfast in its commitment to ongoing community involvement and exploring avenues for further expansion.

The project's economic framework integrates deflationary measures through regular buybacks and burns, prioritizing sustainability and ensuring liquidity for seamless transactions.

## About Kona Coin

Kona Coin embodies a unique cryptocurrency venture, drawing inspiration from the beloved "Kona Bear" and committed to commemorating the legacy of beloved pets. Built on the Solana blockchain, it places paramount importance on security, transparency, and enhancing user value.

Driven by a clear development roadmap and growth strategy, the team behind Kona Coin aims to establish a leading presence in the meme cryptocurrency arena through innovative approaches and a strong community framework. With a focus on the long term, the project endeavors to become a prominent player in the meme crypto sphere.

Kona Coin distinguishes itself as a project with a profound purpose. It seeks to bring joy and commemoration to pet owners, offering a stable and valuable digital asset in the process.

For updates and to participate in the project's journey, the community is invited to visit the [Kona Coin website]( and follow its social media pages as listed below.

[X (Twitter)]( | [Telegram (Announcement Channel)]( | [Telegram (Community)](
· @basilio254 ·
The 100,000x Memecoin!
Seems like everyone and their mom has a Memecoin to shill, whether that is $EARN, or $Catboy, or $LUBE, everyone wants you on the bandwagon to take that ride to the stars! 

Memecoins are the comical Deputy Barney Fife to the more serious Sheriff Andy Griffith. Dogecoin to Bitcoin, Catboy to Ethereum.

Some tokens, like $EARN, might say no thank you, we actually have tokenomics of spreading the wealth of 2% of transaction to every holder, and a burn contract — but in the end, much like pure memecoins, it’s momentum, and community adoption that drives the price skywards.

My first foray into the murky waters of memecoins was in November of 2021. Seemed like anything Doggie related were booming, riding on the tailcoat of the DOGEcoin frenzy that occurred earlier in May of 2021.

Dogecoin went from $0.0029 on November 19th, 2020 to $0.56 six months later on May 14, 2021. A rise of 19,210%. Deposit $10,000 on November 19th, and you would see it turn into $192,100.

Shiba Inu ($SHIB) was my first taste of memecoin success. I rode $SHIB with $1k “invested” taking profits on the way up. I wound up with $25,000 in my pocket. But, if I had simply kept my funds in, from bottom to top it would have made me $250,000.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

I was happy I had the foresight to get anything out of SHIB.

![1_9C8XjQB2OdvG97POMLN7LQ.webp] (
The story for many people with these coins is either they sell too early, or too late, and get near to nothing for their fear, anxiety and greed. They climbed the Wall of Worry, always wondering whether they should have sold it all.

What’s the Point?
From a Toxic Bitcoin Maxi perspective, anything not Bitcoin related detracts from the Dream. The dream of a currency that cannot be debased, cannot be inflated, not controlled by any Nation State or Global Financial Institution.

This is a deadly serious game, played against the largest Nation states in the world who can back up their decisions with real weapons with real consequences.

You’re either with us, or against us.

What you think is just a frivolous tossing of coin at a doggie token, is that much less you could have thrown at Bitcoin.

On the other Hand…

He tells the story of how Joseph Lubin, along with Vitalik Buterin, was one of the founders of Ethereum. But while Vitalik wanted a non-profit project, Joe Lubin was all about the profit.

Joe later split from Ethereum, and went on to create MetaMask, becoming one the richest people on the planet in the process by collecting 1% of every MetaMask transaction. Millions of dollars every day of every week of every year.

Now, Lubin is back at it with his own Ethereum Layer 2 chain called Linea. At first they had plans of a Linea coin that would be similar to how BNB is used for gas, but have since settled for using a Linea flavored version of ETH.

A meme token based on Joseph Lubin, wisecracking on an xxx-rated theme razzing it as $LUBE, is the only token you’ll see in your Metamask when you connect to the Linea chain.

Interestingly, Linea chain was stealth launched a couple days ago, and the only tokens listed are ETH…and $LUBE.

Linea, along with $LUBE, was Stealth launched, not well-known yet, but primed for a catapult of a rise. Linea, unlike Ethereum Chain, is fast (10k transactions per second) and super cheap. It’s like using Binance Chain except with Ethereum. And any Ethereum project can bridge over to Linea with ease.

And, lacking a BNB gas token, $LUBE is the token set for memecoin success.

Everyone wishes they could have known about a certain memecoin, a SHIB, or a DOGE from the very start, before their meteoric rise.

Well, $LUBE is one.

How to Buy $LUBE
Use Metamask to Bridge some ETH to the Linea version of ETH. (You could also use for the entire cross-bridge swap).
2. Use Secta.Finance to swap Ethereum (Linea chain) to $LUBE:

Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of some $LUBE! Now go practice some safe defi you!
If you’d like to find out more about the details of the projects I am in, and how to participate, please go here:
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· @basilio254 ·
Top 10 Gaming Crypto Coins to Invest in 2024
In 2024, the gaming industry continues to intertwine with the crypto space, offering innovative opportunities for investors. With a keen eye on growth potential and technological advancements, discerning investors are exploring the top 10 gaming crypto coins for the year. These coins promise exciting prospects, blending gaming and blockchain to create immersive experiences and lucrative investment avenues. From in-game assets to decentralized platforms, these coins are revolutionizing the gaming landscape, attracting both gamers and investors alike.

Each coin boasts unique features and utilities, ranging from play-to-earn models to decentralized finance (DeFi) integrations, promising to reshape the gaming industry. As the gaming sector flourishes and blockchain adoption surges, these gaming crypto coins stand out as promising contenders for investment, offering a glimpse into the future of gaming and finance convergence.

What Are Gaming Crypto Coins?
Gaming crypto coins are digital currencies specifically designed for use within video games and gaming-related platforms. These coins leverage blockchain technology to enable secure and transparent transactions, asset ownership, and decentralized governance within gaming ecosystems. Unlike traditional in-game currencies, gaming crypto coins often have real-world value and can be traded or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies on various exchanges.

These coins are used for a variety of purposes, including purchasing in-game items, accessing exclusive content, and participating in decentralized finance (DeFi) activities within gaming environments. Gaming crypto coins have gained popularity due to their ability to provide players with true ownership of in-game assets, allowing them to trade or sell these assets outside of the game. Additionally, these coins offer game developers new monetization models, community engagement opportunities, and the ability to create more immersive and engaging gaming experiences.

Why Invest in Gaming Crypto Coins?
Investing in gaming crypto coins can be appealing for several reasons. Here are a few key points:

Growth Potential: The gaming industry is massive and continues to expand rapidly. By investing in gaming crypto coins, you can potentially benefit from this growth.
Utility and Adoption: Some gaming coins are designed to be used within specific gaming ecosystems, offering utility and driving adoption. As more gamers use these coins for in-game purchases or other activities, their value could increase.
Innovation and Technology: The gaming industry is known for innovation, and many gaming crypto projects are pushing the boundaries of technology, such as blockchain integration, NFTs, and virtual reality. Investing in these projects allows you to be part of cutting-edge developments.
Community and Engagement: Gaming communities are often highly engaged, which can create strong support networks for gaming crypto projects. This can lead to increased demand and value for the associated coins.
Diversification: Adding gaming crypto coins to your investment portfolio can help diversify your holdings, potentially reducing risk.
Overall, investing in gaming crypto coins can be a way to align your investment interests with your passion for gaming while potentially benefiting from the growth and innovation in the gaming industry.

Factors to Consider When Investing in Gaming Crypto Coins
When investing in gaming crypto coins, consider the following factors:

◾ Project Team: Research the team behind the gaming crypto project. Look for experienced developers, advisors, and executives with a track record of success in the gaming or blockchain industry.

◾ Technology and Innovation: Evaluate the technology and innovation the project brings to the gaming industry. Projects that introduce novel concepts like NFTs, play-to-earn mechanisms, or decentralized gaming platforms may have more long-term potential.

◾ Community and Adoption: Check the project’s community engagement and adoption rate within the gaming community. Projects with active and supportive communities are more likely to succeed.

◾ Partnerships and Collaborations: Look for partnerships and collaborations with established gaming companies or other blockchain projects. These can indicate credibility and potential for growth.

◾ Market Demand: Consider the demand for the gaming crypto coin’s utility within the gaming ecosystem. Coins that offer valuable use cases within popular games or platforms may have better growth prospects.

◾ Regulatory Environment: Understand the regulatory environment surrounding gaming and cryptocurrency in your jurisdiction. Compliance with regulations can affect the project’s long-term viability.

◾ Market Trends: Monitor trends in the gaming and cryptocurrency industries. Projects that align with current trends, such as NFT gaming or decentralized finance in gaming, may have more growth potential.

◾ Risk Management: Assess the risks associated with the project, including market volatility, competition, and technological challenges. Diversifying your investment across multiple projects can help manage risk.

By considering these factors, you can make more informed decisions when investing in gaming crypto coins.

Top 10 Gaming Crypto Coins for Investment in 2024
1. Star Heroes (STAR)

Project Overview: StarHeroes is an intergalactic multiplayer game that emphasizes competitive skill.
• Unique Selling Points: It offers a novel method for rewarding players and emphasizes community ownership.
• Tokenomics: STAR boasts a total supply of 700 million tokens, with a current market cap of $28.82 million.
• Current Performance: The token is currently trading at $0.6719.
• Future Potential: The game’s shift towards a sustainable model, reliant on player-generated resources, suggests a promising future.
Previous All-Time High at $1.0408: Launched in 2023, this project is still in its infancy, hinting at considerable growth potential.

2. Enjin Coin (ENJ)

Project Overview: Enjin Coin focuses on facilitating virtual goods transactions within the gaming community.
Unique Selling Points: It provides digital assets with real-world value, ensuring both security and liquidity.
Tokenomics: ENJ has a circulating supply of 1.4 billion tokens and a market cap of approximately $598 million.
Current Performance: The current price is $0.4335.
Future Potential: Being one of the pioneers in blockchain gaming, Enjin Coin’s established platform indicates potential for further growth.
Previous All-Time High at $4.85: If the project reaches its previous all time high, investors could see a return of approximately 11 times their investment.

3. League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)

Project Overview: LOKA is a blockchain-based massively multiplayer online (MMO) strategy game that incorporates decentralized finance (DeFi) mechanics.
Unique Selling Points: It merges blockchain technology with the traditional MMO strategy game format.
Tokenomics: LOKA has a circulating supply of 163 million tokens and a market cap of $61 million.
Current Performance: The current value is $0.3761.
Future Potential: With its innovative integration of DeFi elements, LOKA is well-positioned for success in the evolving gaming landscape.
Previous All-Time High at $5.37: If the project reaches its previous all-time high, investors could see a return of approximately 14 times their investment.

4. Illuvium (ILV)

Project Overview: Illuvium offers an open-world RPG adventure game where players can capture and battle creatures known as Illuvials.
Unique Selling Points: Illuvium sets itself apart with its high-fidelity graphics and AAA quality, which are rare in blockchain gaming.
Tokenomics: ILV tokens are used for governance and staking, with a circulating supply of 6.3 million and a market cap of approximately $470 million.
Current Performance: The token is currently trading around $124.46..
Future Potential: Integration into the Immutable X layer-two solution will enable Illuvium to offer zero gas fees for transactions, enhancing its scalability.
Previous All-Time High at $2,868.95: If the project reaches its previous all-time high, investors could see a return of over 23 times their investment.

5. MixMob (MXM)

Project Overview: MixMob is a unique card strategy racing game that integrates non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and play-to-earn mechanics.
Unique Selling Points: It is the first of its kind in the card battle racing genre.
Tokenomics: MXM is currently trading at $0.06462, with a market cap of approximately $9.53 million.
Future Potential: Backed by a team with experience from Halo, Battlefield, FIFA, and Nintendo, MixMob holds great promise for the future.
6. DogeStar ($DOGESTAR)

DogeStar ($DOGESTAR) is a cryptocurrency inspired by the Doge meme, with plans to launch a metaverse game and NFT marketplace.
The coin is currently in presale at $0.00000025 per token, and it is expected to be listed at $0.0000006 per token.
After listing, DogeStar intends to enhance its visibility on platforms such as CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. It’s worth keeping an eye on this project.
7. Gala Games (GALA)

Project Overview: Gala Games is a blockchain-based gaming platform that prioritizes player ownership of in-game assets.
Unique Selling Points: It offers a wide variety of play-to-earn (P2E) games and a strong NFT marketplace.
Tokenomics: GALA is currently trading at $0.05709, with a market capitalization of around $1.7 billion.
Future Potential: The platform’s continual expansion of its gaming ecosystem and NFT offerings.
Previous All-Time High at $0.8367: If the project reaches its previous all-time high, investors could see a return of approximately 14 times their investment.

8. Verasity (VRA)
Project Overview: Verasity aims to address challenges in the advertising industry by providing infrastructure for publishers and advertisers.
Unique Selling Points: It leverages AI, machine learning, and blockchain technology to combat ad fraud.
Tokenomics: VRA has a circulating supply of 10.2 billion tokens and a market cap of $102 million.
Current Performance: The token is currently valued at $0.00745.
Future Potential: Its Proof of View protocol sets it apart within the blockchain space, indicating significant potential for growth.
Previous All-Time High at $0.08683: If the project reaches its previous all-time high, investors could see a return of approximately 12 times their investment.
9. Immutable X (IMX)
Project Overview: Immutable X is a platform focused on NFT trading, offering zero gas fees and fast transaction speeds.
Unique Selling Points: It was one of the first to experiment with Ethereum’s Raiden Network, providing scalability solutions.
Tokenomics: IMX has a circulating supply of 1.4 billion tokens and a market cap of approximately $3.7 billion.
Current Performance: The token is currently trading at $2.67.
Future Potential: The dedication of a $100 million fund to blockchain games suggests strong potential for future developments.
Previous All-Time High at $9.5: If the project reaches its previous all-time high, investors could see a return of over 3.6 times their investment.

10. Myria (MYRIA)
Project Overview: Myria is a Layer 2 scaling solution designed for blockchain gaming and NFTs.
Unique Selling Points: It provides instant trade confirmation and eliminates gas fees for minting and trading NFTs.
Tokenomics: Myria has a circulating supply of 17.4 billion tokens, with a market cap of approximately $158 million.
Current Performance: The token is currently priced at $0.01008.
Future Potential: Myria’s partnership with StarkWare and its focus on scaling NFTs suggest significant potential for growth.
Previous All-Time High at $0.01481: Launched in 2023, this project is still in its early stages, indicating considerable growth potential.

In conclusion, the top 10 gaming crypto coins for 2024 present a compelling investment opportunity at the intersection of gaming and blockchain technology. These coins, with their innovative features and strong use cases, have the potential to disrupt the gaming industry and drive significant value for investors. As the gaming sector continues to expand and embrace blockchain, these coins offer a unique way to participate in this growing market.

From decentralized gaming platforms to play-to-earn models, these coins showcase the diverse applications of blockchain in gaming. Investors looking to capitalize on this trend should carefully research each coin’s fundamentals, team, and roadmap to make informed investment decisions. Overall, these top 10 gaming crypto coins represent some of the most promising projects in the space and could offer substantial returns for forward-thinking investors in 2024 and beyond.
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· @twinpapa ·
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