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· @seancyril · (edited)
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Mirror on the wall, look at you, you promised yourself everything good at that very tender age. I remembered telling my father I will be the greatest doctor in human history, lol. I never even had a thing for being a medical person but I just love it when I see doctors pull up and enjoy their life, I never knew the dark side of the job that the had to go through all that theatre and blood stress to come out looking like my dream self. Today medical practitioners make a whole fat pay in any countries of the world, but the question is can you be a medical doctor for a day? 

Life has principles, process and so is money making. I believe 70% of the worldโ€™s population love looking for easy access to their already envisioned dream life, causing others a lot of stress and disasters just to get to the top. It cuts across politics, entrepreneurship, careers and many more field. Nobody is very interested in paying the price of the dream, the price of the dream to them is too demanding. People step on others to get to their desires,  wants and luxurious dreams. 


The black mirror is who you truly are when no oneโ€™s there, the mirror where you wonโ€™t even see your self, the mirror of your adversaries and the demons you fight in your world. It is your reality check status, a status you canโ€™t run away from but build. 

<center><div class="phishy">LESSONS LEARNT</div></center>|


1. Life is an adventure, so do not expect ups alone
2. Learn to accept failures as this is the only way to move to the next level
3. Do not cheat your way to the top as you will & must repeat what you skipped.

This is my take on quick take on this topic,  I hope you enjoyed reading my article. I was inspired by @wakeupkitty.pal, thank you my brother. 

I am waiting to read an article like this from  @sahmie @nancygbemi  & @oasiskp. 
Thank you

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , ,
3 replies
· @oggykaneko ·
Looking for people who like Korean dramas
Hi, I'm Oggy, I want to share about Korean drama stories that I've watched, I created this article to see some people who are interested in Korean drama stories. If anyone likes Korean drama stories, please like, comment or also give a fee to this post, so that I will be more enthusiastic about making even more interesting articles.Maybe I will always ask for your opinion when I am writing an article. Sorry if this article is not good, because I am just learning I want to help myself to be better at doing whatever it is. Thank You.
๐Ÿ‘  , ,
1 reply
· @wakeupkitty.pal ·
Black Mirror
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**I thought about the word "corrupt"** and how it made the lives of many so much better and at the same time those of many more more difficult from the moment they were confronted with it (_Wat niet weet, wat niet deert_).
Being corrupt is easier than thought if you consider all those small crimes, lies, and things we do to be a better person than we are or make ourselves richer while not caring if it harms others. 

As long as people exist they are corrupt, lie, cheat, let themselves be bought, get paid to do B although they promised to fight for A. Politicians and merchants aren't the exceptions we just fool ourselves by saying they are the worst. 
Are they? If it comes to it most people will go for fame and if the right price is paid under the right circumstances we do whatever is asked of us. 
Doctors give prescriptions for meds they receive big bonuses for. It's not important if it affects the user. It's the same for vaccinations, vets admit that even if they do not believe in it it's a great source of income. Schools, and judges, all accept high sums of money for different reasons, driver's licences, IDs, diplomas and can be bought if you know the right person. 

Am I corrupt I wonder? I can't say yes or no. At the end of my life, I can tell if I sold my dreams, wishes, norms and values for the right amount or promise, just like Faust, and if so if it was worth the fight in the **hyena arena** since for sure corruption doesn't stand on its own. It rarely is a one man show held for one person as audience. 

I assume if it comes to corruption one can develop and improve skills too. Can be it is even something to be proud of if good at it. Being corrupt is no longer something to be ashamed of since we all know it's a normal attitude among the elite and the most succesful humans didn't succeed with being honest. 

<sub>my mirror is white because of the walls - photo taken by me</sub>

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**The mirror of corruption** might turn black if stand in front of it but it doesn't mean it will crack for misery or doesn't reflect anything. Most likely the black mirror is the gate to fulfilment. Black contains different colours and once in the dark, all roads are open. There's plenty of choice if it comes to a next step, one with even more opportunities. If the reflection of the mirror only shows the shiny surface, like a smartphone in dark modus, it might does reflects us clearly but we (I) might even turn out to be a way better person than whatever the average mirror shows. It sounds like a relief to me and for sure to the average person as well. With a black mirror we are acne, wrinkle and worry free, the mirrors of the soul are not reflected and we all know that what we can't see does not exist. 

>NOTE: There are 134 shades of black... Black is made out of blue, yellow and red (1:1:1)
Black is unique since it is not a color of the spectrum but rather, as we mentioned,ย the absence of all visible light. A black surface absorbs all visible light, thus, our eyes see nothing since no light is being reflected back to them.
The series 'Black Mirror' (Netflix) might look SF but are they? 


_Thank you @fadthalib for the inspiration with [your entry](

@yaladeeds @eveetim @ibesso @seancyril share your thoughts about the black mirror

>I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do **NOT** post in it! 
If you wrote something good you can tag me, original (no AI-written) stories/tales only. You do not need to join a club to be read and upvoted and you can post wherever you like. I suggest the [freewriters]( or @hive-107855 the Dream Steem. Use the tag # story
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

#burnsteem25 #comment #freewrite #steemexclusive #kittywu #club100

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5 replies
· @wakeupkitty.pal · (edited)
SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind? INSTINCT
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_I am an introvert meaning I am a thinker and next to that, I think fast. My mind is always busy even if I am asleep. I was taught that only facts count and feelings do not matter. Does this make me a realist or practical?_ 

**Is an introvert, someone who can oversee what will happen and foresee the outcome of a decision, a doom thinker, a pessimist** if he speaks out, or is this person a realist? 
It all depends on the situation and whom he meets. Introverts are rarely the people liked if just met. These thinkers do not attract attention and don't feel the urge to be at the centre of attention. They are observers. 


Does this mean an observer doesn't act, he is a 'nerd' or delegates tasks to be done?
Of course not. There are as many people as there are decisions to make. Smaller and bigger ones, decisions which are not worth fighting for and we can let slide off. There are also decisions violating our norms, values, ideas, and plans, threatening us or those dear to us. They can be worth the fight.
How to act depends on more than one factor and who is involved. There are times it's better to wait since I learned 80% of all "problems" solve themselves meaning there's no need to decide what to do. 

**It's not easy to set boundaries** especially if family, friends and society are manipulative which most are. Each person is vulnerable to threats, not being liked or kicked out by the family, church or employer just for speaking out. So we tiptoe and lie, swallow the hurt while we grow more and more lonely because we forget about ourselves. Our soul is chained or hidden in a safe because being us is never permitted. 


**Can the heart speak out loud?** 
Are we still allowed to care and offer a hand or shoulder to cry on? It's better not to if you want to be liked, be successful and not be called a stupid, naive idiot used by a parasite or scammer. 

_You cannot think_, said the not too smart and too handy handyman as I told him how to solve the issue, _it is because you are a woman._ 

I am not oversensitive. I learned that tears do not solve anything and crying never made me feel better, let alone relieve me. But I will not tolerate people disrespecting me (especially not by people I pay), let me or my family be threatened and I fight injustice if I see it. 

**Is it the heart or the mind that speaks?** 
To me, it is both since every decision is a mix but if I can I let my instinct talk, which is the most ignored voice and the only one who knows what is good for me. 
Each time I let the mind (= reason, always someone else's) decide it only gives me a lot of trouble. So I prefer to follow my **instinct**, _not_ the mind and _not_ the heart, it's the only one I can trust and it never been wrong, so this is my advice.


[contest]( by @meraindia 

#comment for @ibesso see his [entry](
@yaladeeds @fadthalib @grebmot @esvisionaria @germanbava @pousinha @elian23khan @el-nailul @yaladeeds @enrisanti @rokhani @aminasafdar @goodybest @gentlesun @lunasilver @solperez @blessedlife

>I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do **NOT** post in it! 
If you wrote something good you can tag me, original (no AI-written) stories/tales only. You do not need to join a club to be read and upvoted and you can post wherever you like. I suggest the [freewriters]( or @hive-107855 the Dream Steem. Use the hashtag **story**
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty 

#steemexclusive #incredibleindia-s17w2ย #club100 #kittywu #holland

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 12 others
20 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
SEC17 WK:#1: Forgiveness unites family?
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<center>You raise your voice, yell and scream
You want me to apologize, get on my knees 
I should beg for mercy and be grateful 
Having such a great person like you to raise me 
I feel the slippers, the whip, dog leashes
I know how each single chain feels you let end on my back 
More than once you tried to strangle me 
Telling me I am the one who should apologize, 
feel sorry 

You kick me down from the stairs 
Slam my head against each wall you can find
At night you pull me out of bed by my hair 
You preach about God, mercy and being humble
Say I am evil and do not deserve a better life 

I stand still and wait 
Look you in the eyes and wonder 
What is it you are rambling about? 
Why is it you ventilate your anger on me? 

Look down, don't look me in the eyes, you yell 
While your fist lands into my face 
 <div class=phishy>Go get the dog leash!</div>

How many times in my life I heard this and obeyed? 
No way, I will get on my knees and bow my head 
You empty a pot of hot soup over my head  kneel at my feet
_Don't you know I adore you like a Goddess, you mean the world to me._

<center>![Kopie van Beige Aesthetic Personal Brand Website Blog Banner.jpg](</center>

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# Sorry 
this word can be said in 1001 ways, especially if we include body language.
Sorry, is what we want to hear at all times. Our two-year-old child who tells the truth, speaks our thoughts out loud needs to apologize for this. At the same time, we, the parents, like everyone else, claim that telling the truth is important. The smallest child hears and sees that this is not true. We all lie a lot and a lie is also a white lie.

How often is 'sorry' said without being forced to do so? That chance is probably zero since we are drilled to do so. Those who refuse to apologize will be punished. What about all those times 'sorry' is shouted into our faces?
Does the word 'sorry' still have value? Personally, I don't think so. It is used inappropriately, just like 'I beg you pardon', 'excuse me' and 'please'. It's what you start saying when you want to ask for directions, when you bump against someone, stepped on a toe. It's the word you say out of politeless, habit before asking a stranger for directions or help.
As a toddler sorry is hammered into you. Parents, grandparents, teachers all want to hear pardon mes, excuses that, conversely, an adult would not easily make to a child.

>It's not easy to sincerely apologize when you're a child and have no idea, cannot understand what you did wrong.

**Should the one who has done something 'wrong' always apologize?**
For me this is not necessary, I can't do much with this word so many are eager to hear as proof they are right. An opinion of your own, saying the truth out loud is no reason to apologize, to kneel and let yourself be beaten and kneel down begging for mercy to a parent who's first plight is to welcome, cherish and love the child. I don't see the point of doing this. Why kneel to let one shot you through the heart? If you want to punish, break a person do it in the open. Show who you are but above all make clear why!

Anyone who deliberately did something wrong is aware a sorry is the easiest way out to make peace. Be me behaviour must demonstrate whether there is remorse. Besides to a child a hurt, disappointed loving parent will make a bigger impression than an angry violent one and that goes for children too.

>If you step on a soul, it takes time to heal. Immediately apologizing, whether forced or not, can only make the situation worse.

<sub>If I think of or hear the word 'sorry' I hear this song of Tracy Chapman</sub></center>

### If the argument has become heated 
so bad that one party breaks off all contact, it is difficult to predict whether this will ever resolve itself. And if when making excuses there is no sign of remorse, no respect or empathy then it is better to separate ways. To me this is a way of showing respect although this respect might be not being earned.
Being family doesn't mean all members are close, accepted, loved for who they are and there has to be loyalty at all costs. In an average family one person reigns and dominates  but a family should be a cooperation where each member is considered valuable and... has a voice, will be heard and considered sane. 

>You can't choose your family, but luckily you can choose your friends.

### I left 
'home' at the age of 15 and I haven't regretted it for a moment. Things never worked out between the family and me, and I am at peace with that. By now I live at least twice as long with me than I ever lived with those who should be my family, abusive, manipulative, hypocrites from the distant past. 
Everything I have I built myself, happened thanks to myself. I will never be forced with a whip, dog leash or chain to be grateful to a parent.

If a family member shows up at my door one day, it will remain closed which is the safest thing for them I can do. By now me and my children know from experience that nothing has changed, people do not change and those who do only do so out of curiosity and care about their own interests since they further claim that nothing ever happened and the family member who knew is quilt too.

Does a family bond become stronger after an apology? I don't believe in that. People love to say that but in the back of their had the wrongdoing, hurt, will always be present. We lie we accept the apology but in 10, 20 or 40 years we might figure out we didn't get over the wrongdoing and it makes us sad, depressed or angry. There 

If it comes to others there's a connection or not. We like, love a person from the first moment or we grow stronger together. If this bond is present, we will tolerate more from the beloved one which has not only to do with love but also with the gravity of the act, empathy, the remorse shown and the soul's ability to process it.

It's the reason why I walk hand in hand with a serial killer and will never speak to my parents again. 
If it comes to my soul it's not about hearing the next 'sorry' but about the denial.
If you wonder  read @grebmot's [letter to The Last Wife]( It might make you laugh after reading this but you also will find some answers. 

## Never apologize for being human, say 'sorry' if you are forced to. 
Watch your tormentor in the eyes, these are the mirrors of the soul, show the real person. Don't be shocked if you see pure evil. The devil never made anyone doing 'it', the devil did not start one single war. Only humans behave worse than a beast.

<sub>Tabitha - Het spijt mij niet (I ain't sorry - what I do I do for me)</sub>

@ibesso @yaladeeds @blessedlife @solperez @pousinha @sbamsoneuย @aminasafdar @tyrnannoghtย @denmarkguy @rokhaniย @elian23khan
@triple-a @irawandedy @nasuwaaa @fadthalib @nsijoroย @lunasilverย @marcybetancourtย @el-nailulย feel free to #comment. I upvote comments as well but if what you read makes you said skip!
Header: Canva
Videos: YouTube


#comment #steemexclusive #club75 #kittywu
๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 435 others
19 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
My Top 5 (Song) Music - by Genre?
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<center>_Only You Can Hear My Soul_</center> 

<center>![Beige Aesthetic Personal Brand Website Blog Banner.jpg](</center> 

_Five songs only isn't much not even for a person who hasn't been watching TV for a very long time and never listens to the radio._ 

It's hard to say if I go for the music only, a voice or if the lyrics only speak to the soul. Is it a combination of all? To me, this isn't always the case. My top 5 today might be different from thr one I share in a week.ย  
On average I like people who can sing, during my childhood, I could play one single song for 6 weeks day in and out on my record player. I wrote the song text down carefully, playing the song, lifting the arm off the record because pen on paper takes time. Internet didn't exist, no sites where you could find the lyrics or YouTube. The only access to music was the radio (I listened to two pirate ships (broadcasting from the North Sea) or in the record shop (if interested you were allowed to listen to a record before buying it). 

My number 1 will it be Enya or Clannad? Both performed together as well. Celtic is close to my heart, as you know if you read my 'Romeo & Juliet' entry which is of course about a Celtic love couple [Deirdre & Naoise]( I made up my mind. 

# #1 **Clannad** - Siรบl a Rรบin
The song is partly English next to Celtic and the lyrics are found in the YouTube video. 


What the song is about, how it feels to you, I leave up to you. For sure till today many will recognize this. Women are left behind while men leave. For ages it has been this way and even in modern times men still do while women take care of themselves, their homes, children, land, and cattle, and have to sell their bodies or live on the streets begging for food. To me this is about war, endless war, a strong culture that crossed borders and influenced a huge part of Europe with its culture, tales, and beliefs. It's the home of mystery, magic, fairies, elves, dwarfs and so much more. 

# #2 **Within Temptation** - In Perfect Harmony
The only reason that it's not my number one is that the Celtic language and history was before Dutch, although this Dutch metal band sings English. Or perhaps it is my number 2 because I heard ofย  'Deirdre and [The Exile of the Sons of Uisneach]( first. To me the album [Mother Earth](
) is one of the best albums there is. It keeps me in the land of (fairy)tales. Some might not be used to _metal_ but if you find the courage to listen, what you think you hear changes into the next seconds. It's all about Mother Earth you'll hear and experience. 

The song **In Perfect Harmony** is the answer to the emptiness in a heart. A part of the text is printed on the birth announcement of my son. _It's a message from Mother Earth to an Earthling where to find peace and harmony for real. What more can one wish for than living in perfect harmony and being the King of elves and trees? I hope @el-nailul @ibesso and @weisser-rabe will listen to this song._ 

<sub>The lyrics of this song can be found in the YouTube video.</sub>

# #3 Allessandro Safina - Luna
I like charesteric people and therefore powerful controlled voices, voices able to touch the soul, people who can actually sing. Therefore Alessandro Safina is my number 3 (sorry, Andrea Bocelli, you always pop up in my mind first if I think of a great voice,) 

<sub>Luna - The Moon - is a song you should listen to, the lyrics are included in English but even without the 'yearning' of the soul can be felt. The first time I heard this song I litterally stood still and listened. I think **The Man on the Moon** can feel it too.</sub> 

If a song speaks to the soul you don't need to understand the language to know what is sung. You simply close your eyes and listen. 

# #4 Edith Piaff - La Vie en Rose
I grew up with her songs played on a record player. Today I appreciate her more than back then. This not-too-tall French lady with a magnificent voice knows how to touch the soul (and she can pronounce the 'r' my youngest can't, might have if we were living in Rotterdam).
**La Vie en Rose**, a pink life, or more like life seen through pink glasses if you are in love is _not_ a song about a broken heart. Not about chasing after an unreachable love but about the trust and faith in the one who embraces and makes the personal world smile and a better place. 

<sub>I chose this video since she made her own translation into English. YouTube can show you the French version with lyrics if you prefer that one and like to sing along. Perhaps @marcybetancourt loves to.</sub>

Number 5 is a hard one. Will I stick to the topic love or is it more about _incomplete souls_ while I travel through the world of music? I can tell you the search affects me (or is it infects me) since I find more and more songs I like. Will I stay close to home or travel further on to find a **5** that fits my theme (the hardships of life, life experience, the search for harmony, the soul and the attempt to fill emptiness?). 

**Life can be a super struggle** and while writing this post, thinking about which music to share, I also have my closest Steemians in mind. It may sound as if my Top 5 music choice is all about me but it's also a message to those dear to me. I like them to know they are not alone, that feelings although personal, will be recognized by many. 
How I would love to let you hear [Wรชr bisto]( by Twarres (perhaps @patjewell can understand the text or @jaynie) or [Aan de kust]( sang by Blรธf since a real Dutchman lives with water and will always hear the sea call). There's a song about a man who sees the one he was in love with again. He remembers the first time he saw her on the Church square which was in [November]( He let go of her because he thought he would never win the girl which is what he calls 'thrown away luvk', this is a song by Rowwan Hรจze. 
These songs just mentioned are songs most of you might not like because you are not used to the sound of the Dutch language but to me the voices are great, have a charm, the singers can sing and the music is more than just noise. 
_While I'm writing this I wonder if @pousinha, just like me, might like [The Masters of Chant]( or [Gregorian music]( 

>I've been looking for a song 'Insha Allah' to end my Top 5 with but I couldn't find it online. I have the CD, once bought it at a Pasar Malam but it is gone (gone as in someone took it and I have a certain child in mind). 

My #5 is not a singer only but a DJ, remixer and therefore a music artist: Luigino Celestino di Agostino it is. Simply because his music makes one dance (even during house chores) and the music gives a positive vibe. 

# #5 Gigi D'Agostino 
**The Riddle**, **Bla Bla Bla** and **I'll fly with you**
If it comes to 'The Riddle' the lyrics say enough, no words are needed if it comes to **bla bla bla** after all people speak enough and most words are said without the awareness of the true meaning. 

Those videos are all one needs to watch to know what life is about. How can I not love this as a 'La Linea fan? All three songs are in turn my ringtone.

<sub> The it a riddle or the answer to [Reflecting in the Shadow of a Thought]( written by @ibesso? If not the next song might give the answer.</sub> 

<sub> I'll fly with you - the lyrics are included in the video. Good enough to sing along and think if the soulmate that makes us complete isn't closer than we believe. The soul can have many shapes so does the soulmate.</center>
<sub>Bla bla bla... "some advice, let it slide" ... Are there dolphins or sharks in the ocean?</sub>

_These three songs are my ringtones. If I don't answer it is because I like the ringtone better than the caller. So please, keep calling._

Videos: YouTube
Header: Canva 

<center> ![PhotoGrid_1613071815865.png](</center>

If you like to join [see here for the contest]( 

25% - @null
10% - @worldsmile

#commentย #club5050 #kittywu #music #steemexclusive

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 56 others
40 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
Done - Inadvertently
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_I didn't come to writing yet, it's what you might have heard me say (read: complain) more than once. Indeed it is what I say if a day passes by without me being able to write what I feel satisfied about, a story, a text something that doesn't feel like a race against the clock! I woke up with at least 4 stories and puff all 'useless'_

<center> ![Beige Aesthetic Personal Brand Website Blog Banner(2).jpg](</center>

**The race against the clock** is one I don't seem to win. Not if it comes to this platform. Each post and contest has its expiring date and if I have time  I am always late something I never am in real life. 
Hours of reading, commenting, upvoting and indeed each time switching between screens to meet up with Steemworld who isn't always up to date because it walks at a slower pace, makes me think a lot. 
>What exactly am I doing here if what I write is restricted just like upvotes and how frequently we post? It would be helpful if the Steemit account could store drafts, which could be posted later and please, fix the fact of all those hashtags not working! It's not a ๐Ÿ‘Ž if it comes to promoting Steemit x good content.

What writers do most is read but it feels as if not many share this opinion. Can be because they are no real writers or a big part of them are 'farmers', a scam and perhaps all those rules I try to follow, consuming most of my time, are just there to pretend no **scams** are possible if you join #steemit. 
If it comes to scams they always have been present not only in the online world we spend hours in but also in real life. With us it's the car salesman also known as 'Beun De Haas' (Hussle The Hare) and so is everyone knocking on your door trying to sell something you don't need or can afford. These days mainly insurances knock on doors especially if bells are switched off.  
They don't care about reading the sign on your door saying: _We are not interested, we do not buy at frontdoors, we do not give to aid funds and already believe_ since all they want is to push their foot between the opened door trying to get hold of **your balance**. If we believe them we all are facing at least 1001 dooms per day which we can beat with an insurance, the one that refuses to pay if you need it. 


Since I am too late to share those two photos to join @m-fdo her photo contest and I never shared my photo album as @nasuwaaaย asked although [she shared hers]( because I don't have one, I share my photos of the day here.

**It's nothing special** you might say but it's the 4th flower I see after winter. The first were yellow and in a bush which is blooming usually around Eastern unless Eastern is late. The second is purple and grows in what I like to call grass. The 3rd flowers were a bit pink and were shown by the tiny peach trees. None of those trees seem to be happy, they do not grow but try to stay alive which burdens me. It will most likely be another year without fruits. It's a good thing flowers can be eaten.


The white flower in the pot is strawberry and next to it, I did sow lettuce. It looks as if it sprouted which is a miracle since it started freezing again at night. The strawberry plant shows some flowers but it's not said those will turn into fruits. A strong wind or pouring rain is enough to take away the already not-too-promising harvest which is good enough to keep **the world's money** in the pocket of the same group of people which brings me back to the topic 'scams'. 

_My time is up, a freewrite is a ramble of thoughts and what's going on mixed with a run against the clock  - 10 minutes only. To those who think it is [inadvertently]( I combine [the daily prompts]( with Dream Steem's keyword you are wrong. I did it on purpose._ 

It's Sunday a good start of the week and let's not forget to make someone in our world smile. BTW, It's fine if you start with yourself but you can also start a hunt for good content, stories, those who need support and tag me or [one of the others]( like @dove11 wrote. If we all find one person a day it would make the world a better place. 


All photos/pictures are taken or generated by me and if you see some header it's Canva 
Prompts + keyword are written in bold 
@rokhani where are you? @yaladeeds are you okay?

25% - @null 
10% - @worldsmile 

#comment #freewrite #inadvertently #kittywu 

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 31 others
12 replies
· @wakeupkitty.pal · (edited)
Hypnotize the Worm
<center>_A worm in the brain is similar to a kink. If you don't believe me ask my mother._</center>


<div class="text-justify">

It's great to be a worm, mom said, if they cut you in half there are two of you. 
It would have sounded strange if not her other part started talking to me.

Just live your life, son, was what she said, you'll see the entire earth is your home. Feel free to dig around and eat as much soil as you...
She abruptly stopped talking to me since a high heel was pinned right through her middle. I thought that part of her was dead till my father said: 

No need to worry boy. We worms are unbeatable. We might be small but we live a great life underground and are more gifted than those people. Let me tell you a secret... I am not only your father but also your mother.

I didn't know what to say. It all sounded crazy to me or was it just one of those bad hair days I had heard people speak about?

Sorry old man but I need some space. I can't hang around with you any longer. I need to go up, have to be at the surface 'cause you folks drive me nuts. 
My mom didn't say a word. She was still recovering and hoped she would grow another better half.

Be careful don't let anyone hook you up, my parent answered before he turned his back on me. I ate my way out of the ground in the hope of a more colourful surface. 

Look what's that, a voice shouted and the earth shook as a shadow came closer soon it would cover me. 

Let's try out if your uncle is right, let's hypnotize the worm and ask how his life so far has been. 

A round glass appeared above me and a beam of light passed through it. The world changed. Colours, streaks, and waves all revolved around me. I felt nauseous and sick although not to the bone and all I could think of was _I'm lost_.

Worm, said a voice, listen, concentrate watch the light. Answer if I snap with my fingers... 
Tell me how was your day?

#comment on [Shadow of Thought]( by @ibesso

Prompt: hypnotize the worm 
Picture: generated by me - [link](

#story #freewrite #comment #club100 #kittywu #creativewriting #steemexclusive

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , ,
1 reply
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
Let's Make the World Smile instead of Cry
<div class="text-justify">

<center>_Is it possible to make the world smile?_
_It's not, you might say, while turning your back_
_But to me, the world is the place I am living in_
_Those who are near to my heart or_ 
_I feel I can make them smile even if it's only once in a lifetime._
_A socialist_</center>


**Today it's April 5th, 2024** and if everything went well @worldsmile made some families smile. Smile with something we all need, simple, basic things to make us feel good. Nothing special, nothing expensive, no big pies, balloons, expensive trips to attraction parks, no dreams like flying to the moon, or emigrating to Mars. No Elon Musk will knock on the doors and ask what they would do with 20 million bucks. 
There's a small chance you will find those being surprised in the last few days on Steemit, a small chance they have an iPad or Apple to communicate with the world and an upvote will make them smile. If there's no food on the table luxuries like a computer, smartphone and access to wifi 24/7 are a joke. Nothing hurts a parent as much as not being able to feed their children and those who do will frequently skip meals themselves. It's not the wisest thing to do since a mother (or father) without a decent meal, a healthy one, but also a snack once in a while to keep the spirit high will lose all the energy to keep the family together and make the best out of it. 

My dear friend @yaladeeds said in a comment it's hard to be a mother, to always sacrifice yourself, to give up on your wishes, dreams, and even health to raise a family. I agree with her for 100%, as a single mother of 5 and a foster mom of 13, I know how it is to make ends meet, to keep the spirit high and to feel you are always fighting in a warzone while society (at times only one person) is picking on you. 

For sure plenty will say: _It is your free choice, you can refuse to have children_ as I read all over Steemit after a community asked for the opinion about abortion (abortion provocatus not the interruptus). Others might say: _You can give your child/ren away, there are plenty of people who love to have one_. Out of experience, I can tell you this is far from the truth and easy besides we are **not** talking about unwanted children. During times when there's hardly anything to eat each mom will think in despair: I wish I would have never given birth (I wonder how fathers feel about this).

**To my opinion we all can make the world (we are living in) smile** and indeed it's a huge task if we have to do this to the entire world and I agree there's no need to make everyone happy and for sure you should not if you don't feel to it since if you don't feel well, the deed isn't done by your heart, out of guilt, fear to be called harsh, the good deed is no good deed at all and will not generate a happy feeling at all. 

>As a community, all of us joining #Steemit, it's not so difficult to make someone smile. Imagine what this platform would look like if each Steemian spreads some love, and leaves three to five heartfelt comments behind or some words that make the receiver laugh? 


### Why did I support @worldsmile again?
Again since I said I would not do that anymore after a moderator made me feel as if I robbed the bank of Steemit. Perhaps it's because of the comments I received or the fact I am stubborn and let no one decide whom I will interact with, how to spend my earnings and who I put my trust in or it is something I believe in, feels good, no big organization filling it's own wallets.

It was in January 2024 only that I decided to give Steemit a 3rd try, to be honest, I still felt uncomfortable after all that had happened on this platform, all the energy wasted on those who took it for granted I filed their wallets as if it was a normal thing to do. 
This time I met other people but also a few who still remembered me and all those things we did to make Steemit a better place, to promote it with the hope it would benefit many. 

>If it comes to benefit it's strange how easily people forget who it was who helped them out, into the saddle. Many rising stars, or those doing well didn't come that far without someone's help, someone or if it comes to the part the upvoting bots. Once up it feels as if looking back reaching out to someone else is something not done. It's easier to kick down on those who didn't make it and blame them for their own lack of success.

**To make the world, the world of Steemit, or the offline one a better place** we should work in the first place on taking care of ourselves, ourselves and those dear to us. If we are not satisfied we will never be able to feel good about gifting someone else. A gift is not a gift, doesn't bring happiness if it's something you can't miss or don't have! 
Once there's room to be generous in your own way you can do good to someone else. Doing good has nothing to do with expensive gifts or loads of money so never let anyone force you into this. 
Forcing into is the same as what I see what a few communities do, "asking" at least 10% to make their community the biggest of all. Is this what Steemit is all about? Rich greedy communities where the moderators share earnings among themselves and complain if an author gives his earnings away to two other Steemians? 

_It sounds like a mirror of society, the real world_, my son said as he read the comments, and scolds sent to my address,  again I said: _it's up to me to decide who I'm supporting, who I will always back up and whom I will never give a hand which to me has nothing to do with a lifestyle, religion or the country one is born. 

### You don't need to be long on this platform to notice which communities are doing well, 
which are the richest and more likely to reward their own people. You don't need to be a detective to see which people never complain, rarely mention the situation in their country, keep smiling and write on just to try to climb that ladder. It's also no secret who are the real queens (bees do not have kings) of all those busy bees, who read, respond, shed tears and generously upvote to give a positive push and by that let the author know s/he's heard even if there's not one single word left in the comment line. 

**After three months back on Steemit** I decided to give my 50/50 withdrawal away to @worldsmile.
Why? My very first contact was positive, it was an answer to my short comment: what is @worldsmile? I received a long detailed answer including two links. Those who visit the account might think the project is dead but it's the opposite of that. Behind the screen, a small group operates without asking for attention. They have no army of soldiers 24/7 to promote what they do or beg for money. 

### The present project is about[ helping orphan families in Aceh.](
If you like to read more about it read the articles left in Steem For BetterLife. This community is small and deserves more attention for all the good work they are doing. How they work is transparent. It is hard work and it saddens them to decide who deserves a smile on his face. 

By the way, it's not because my father was born in Indonesia I donated. I learned that the people are hard-working, proud, and not crybabies. I never hear them complain no matter how tired they are. I do not read in their posts "Due to the circumstances in my country I have a hard time". All I can feel is a deep respect for how they try to manage, make ends meet, keep their heads above the waterline, trying to swim because drowning is no option. I take my hat off to all those fighters (like me) who do not show they are crying behind closed doors. All those who are the first to be forgotten because they do not beg and manipulate.

### Children deserve a life!
They shouldn't go to bed hungry and neither should their parent. I know how it is to feel hungry as a child, to have nothing to eat but also how it is to be no longer able to eat without getting sick which shows once one is getting older. It affected my health, I lost my hair and today I still have a hard time when it comes to eating. No child should go through this. The three B's (bread, bed, bare basic basics each person needs to be able to have a good life.
>I expect that all those against abortion, the fighters for the right of life will immediately visit their wallet and donate to @worldsmile. Ladies and men grab your chance! Help those loved and by far not unwanted children and give them a chance to build a better world. Don't worry: your donations will not affect the club you join, the moderators are wrong if they do so! All you need to do is leave underneath your post proof of your donation (how cool, the entire platform can see you are a good person).

<center> **Big or small I thank you for your donations!**</center> 



**Why I donated?**
- Was it a coincidence I joined a contest that asked 10% for @worldsmile which was something I forgot but their luck since that post wasn't even rewarded with 1 dollar?
- Can be I decided to send 10 Steem after I received information on my question and yes, I still "fall" for politeness and kindness
- It can be it was karma
- Me being at the right place at the right moment
- Or I did it because of an old friendship
- My own childhood hardships where reaching out wasn't involved
- Perhaps it is because I am a (foster)mom, single or a broken soul

If it comes to it there are 1001 reasons why I do what I do and hope to see at least, besides my children, make one person smile a day (trust me it's not easy).

Was it a coincidence I saw the post written by @el-nailul that he and his friends would deliver some smiles on doorsteps? It can be but it sounded like a good plan to me although I felt most likely hardly anyone would notice this initiative because the message about spreading some joy arrived too late. Most likely the entire platform was 'busy' minding their own business or people rather donate to the bigger world of X or prefer to give 10% to a community with the hope of winning the game. 

I am happy and proud that only a few made it possible to make some families smile but how I wished it would have been the 30 they had in mind instead of the 11 they could only afford with the Steem donated.

_To all those reading this I ask you to ask yourself if there's something you can do to make the world smile. Is it possible to donate a bit?  An upvote of 0.01 is a good start, you can also write an extra post about how you feel about donating, making the world smile or a better life in general while you donate a bit to @worldsmile._

> I will not ask you to rob the bank of Steemit, to give all your Steem away if you need it but to consider why it is you can't miss an upvote, 0.5 steem or perhaps a bit more while you hope others make you smile. 


<sub>_If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment and write your own post instead in this community or @freewritehouse where the number of words does not count._</sub>

![Kopie van Sheep.jpg](</center>
<center>I did it. Can you miss a bit too 
so a few more can 'celebrate' the April4 month? 
Thank you! @wakeupkitty</center>

<center>![Screenshot_20240329-190111_Samsung Internet.jpg](</center>

Photo's: pixabay. com
First photo [source](

<sub>@radjasalman @arispranata5 	@muzack1 @nadilchairi @irawandedy @heriadi @el-nailul @hoesaid and all those who donated thank you for making this possible and all your hard work. Know you brought a smile on my face as well!</sub>

#comment #actsofkindness #betterlife #kittywu #thoughts #steemexclusive
๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 69 others
24 replies
· @ibesso · (edited)
A Dreem Steem | Panic Attacks Story.
<h2><center>1997. Panic Attacks.</center></h2>

![140EAD48-3C68-48B5-B41F-AC7C36C66B27 2.jpg](


<div class="text-justify">

*Enough, I canโ€™t take it anymore, this job is suffocating me. Yesterday, I had another episode, in the elevator with my colleagues, just after lunch.They call them panic attacks.Yes they are, real attacks, you are being attacked by yourself.*


<div class="text-justify">

After lunch, as usual, at the trattoria by the *โ€Arco della Paceโ€ in Sempione Park, we were coming back from our usual lunch. 

I felt a bit heavy, Max, after his dose of strong alcohol post-coffee, was already charged up to churn out some silly idea to convince that segment of the fragmented mass defined by some market research agency as *โ€œSciura Mariaโ€* typical expression of the Milanese dialect, or simply that poor woman still forced to stay confined within the walls of her home, taking care of children, husband, and house, in short, the model housewife, to buy some useless product with the promise that some genie would do better than her. 

<div class="text-justify">

Marco, nicknamed Scratchy due to a chronic psoriasis that forced him to scratch with both hands from morning to night. Between an ointment and a tranquilizer, he searched for creative ideas to win yet another competition for launching some product on TV. 

<div class="text-justify">

That was the air breathed in the Milanese advertising agencies in the mid-'90s. 

You could sense that something was changing again, the system could no longer hold, squeezed to the point of drying out the cells of the system itself. Which brought a kind of perennial anguish about what could happen the next minute. 

<div class="text-justify">

And it was precisely at that moment, as I was thinking all this, that I began to feel a warm shiver, in the form of tingling, rising from my feet through the coccyx, spreading throughout the spinal nervous system until enveloping your brain in a warm fog that distorts and paralyzes all senses. 

<div class="text-justify">

At that precise moment, you feel the need to drink in the hope of washing away that suffocating feeling, but that plastic bottle, perhaps the origin of such disgust, trembles in your hands, you manage to take only a few useless sips, the only thing you feel is your heart beating hard and you donโ€™t know what to do.

<div class="text-justify">

This is the sensation I experienced when I had my first panic attack in the elevator while my colleagues masturbated their brains in surreal highs to convince themselves that their work was ethically correct, spreading concepts that would elevate the intellect of the average consumer. 

Poor fools, it was then that I decided to resign and leave for London.

thanks for reading @ibesso

the photos are digitally generated by me.

My friends are true inspiring muses; their support and presence ignite my creativity and guide me on my writing journey.

@wakeupkitty @hive-107855 @marcybetancourt @yaladeeds @freewritehouse  @aminasafdar @genomil @nooruleman @tripple-e @sbamsoneu @triple-a  @rokhani
๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 3 others
11 replies
· @ibesso ·
Reflecting in the shadow of a thought.
![DALLยทE 2024-04-04 20.28.22 - A thoughtful young person sits alone on a wooden bench in the middle of a bustling urban park. It's a bright spring day, and the park is filled with a.webp]('s%20a%20bright%20spring%20day,%20and%20the%20park%20is%20filled%20with%20a.webp)</center>

<div class="text-justify">

Sunlight filters through the leaves, dancing along the paths of a bustling park in the heart of a city that never sleeps. Seated on a bench, I observe the ceaseless flow of existences passing before me: fragments of stories, whispers of lives that for a moment intertwine with mine, before disappearing again into the anonymity of the crowd.

<div class="text-justify">

My thoughts float free, without a specific destination, pondering the nature of these fleeting connections. What binds us to one another? Each person who passes carries with them a story, a complex inner universe, which eludes any attempt at simplistic classification.

As my mind wanders through these reflections, a thought emerges clearly:

**"In every individual, there is an essence that transcends gender categories, an indivisible core that is, above all, human."**

Before I can fully grasp this insight, I realize someone has sat next to me. An elderly man, whose eyes convey an intensity that forces me to pause. Without me having to speak a word, he seems to respond to my silent thoughts:

**"That essence you speak of, is what makes us whole, beyond superficial divisions."**

Surprised, I turn towards him, seeking an explanation. But the man continues, as if reading directly from my mind:

**"Have you ever considered that, before we are defined by what distinguishes us, we exist in a state of pure potentiality?"**

![DALLยทE 2024-04-04 20.27.04 - In a serene urban park at twilight, a young person and an elderly, wise-looking man are sitting together on a wooden bench. The park is quiet, with tr.webp](,%20a%20young%20person%20and%20an%20elderly,%20wise-looking%20man%20are%20sitting%20together%20on%20a%20wooden%20bench.%20The%20park%20is%20quiet,%20with%20tr.webp)

<div class="text-justify">

The dialogue that follows is a weave of questions and answers that touch upon the thread of existentialism, a mirror game between my quest for understanding and his enigmatic responses. We talk about identity, love, human connections, without ever naming philosophers or specific theories. It's as if, in this exchange, the entire universe is reduced to the bench we're seated on, an island of reflection amidst the chaos of the city.

As twilight envelops the park, the elderly man by my side breaks the silence:

**"Have you ever heard of the original beings? They were complete creatures, with four arms, four legs, and two faces. They were neither male nor female but a perfect balance of both. They were so powerful and self-sufficient that the gods, fearing their strength, decided to divide them."**

<div class="text-justify">

His words prompt me to reflect: if before the division we were complete beings, beyond male and female, then our search might not be for the other in a strict sense, but for a return to a completeness that knows no genders, a primordial unity that contains us all.

<div class="text-justify">

As darkness deepens and the man walks away, I remain seated with a new sense of awareness. In this brief exchange, I've glimpsed the possibility of a broader understanding of existence, one that goes beyond the divisions created by society. The conversation, though brief, has offered me a flash of insight into the original unity of being, an intuition that transcends categorizations and invites us to reconsider what it means to be complete.

<div class="text-justify">

And so, in the silence that follows, I realize that, in a sense, this reflection has brought me closer to the essence of what Plato, through the myth, sought to communicate: a call to recognize and celebrate the intrinsic unity that precedes every division.


> "The original human nature was not like the present, but different. The sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double nature, which had once a real existence, but is now lost, and the word 'Androgynous' is only preserved as a term of reproach. In the second place, the primeval man was round, his back and sides forming a circle; and he had four hands and four feet, one head with two faces, looking opposite ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike; also four ears, two privy members, and the remainder to correspond. He could walk upright as men now do, backward or forward as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast." 
*taken from: PLATO, THE SYMPOSIUM*
> [Source](,+but+different.+The+sexes+were+not+two+as+they+are+now,+but+originally+three+in+number%3B+there+was+man,+woman,+and+the+union+of+the+two,+having+a+name+corresponding+to+this+double+nature,+which+had+once+a+real+existence,+but+is+now+lost,+and+the+word+%27Androgynous%27+is+only+preserved+as+a+term+of+reproach.+In+the+second+place,+the+primeval+man+was+round,+his+back+and+sides+forming+a+circle%3B+and+he+had+four+hands+and+four+feet,+one+head+with+two+faces,+looking+opposite+ways,+set+on+a+round+neck+and+precisely+alike%3B+also+four+ears,+two+privy+members,+and+the+remainder+to+correspond.+He+could+walk+upright+as+men+now+do,+backward+or+forward+as+he+pleased,+and+he+could+also+roll+over+and+over+at+a+great+pace,+turning+on+his+four+hands+and+four+feet,+eight+in+all,+like+tumblers+going+over+and+over+with+their+legs+in+the+air%3B+this+was+when+he+wanted+to+run+fast.%22&pg=PA107&printsec=frontcover)

<center>thanks for reading @ibesso</center>

the photos are digitally generated by me.

โค๏ธ special thank you for encouraging me to write, to @wakeupkitty.pal @freewritehouse @yaladeeds @aminasafdar 
@genomil @nooruleman @sbamsoneu @hudamalik20 @wakeupkitty @rokhani @ninapenda @hive-107855 and many others.โค๏ธ
๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , ,
10 replies
· @wakeupkitty.pal · (edited)
BEWARE of the Copycat Commenter!
<center>![#comment - gnomes thief comment.jpg](</center>

<div class="text-justify">

Are you one of those great commenters? Is your name always on the list? I love to hear how you do this, how it is possible you beat me time after time? 

I asked around, asked you but you NEVER answer so this is what I did: **I spent an entire week on Steemit for about 19-20 hours a day!** 

Guess what? You still beat me and I wonder how that can be. Are all those who run those 'stats' blind or do you fool the AI that is used to find those who comment by just searching for about 50-140 words? 

Today I woke up extra early and didn't even get out of bed, I read, commented and upvoted but it feels as if all the time I invest only makes it worse. No matter what I do you always keep beating me. 

@rokhani would surely say that if I envy you I should use it positively just like he did a week ago. A bot can't tell the difference between _dghuomvfs gffbkollm edcb xch. Eryiknnn_, plagiarism and a comment thoughtfully written, that one makes sense and adds value to what the text the author wrote. 


While I climb the blocks and stumble over the chains I can't stop looking for the answer. Why is it I am never the number one just like the gnomes I work with who are all part of the **Thank You Brigade**.ย  Indeed we are small and always late but we do read and upvote and let authors know, they are noted and appreciated. 

**Let's make noise** is what @rokhani said. It's a slogan I remember from A word that I never understood since a comment is rarely read let alone be answered. 
If the birth of more and more comment copycats is the result, is what happens and means there was a good comment left behind, it feels like commenting is an immense waste of time. 

Should we only write long comments in the hope they will be read, answered perhaps, by a third person willing to scroll through the comment line, while hoping for a very small chance of being noticed? I don't think so. 

<center>![#comment - gnomes thief comment2(1).jpg](</center>
### I know what you did last night 
What you do constantly
It's a trick
You do NOT write your comments yourself

You are a thief
Steal author's words 
To make yourself look better 

This is how you are the number one on the list
But all you are is a fraud
A COPYCAT commenter

#Steemit and many fall for the noise you make
Everyone should learn 
Commenting is **not** about counting words 

If it comes to me
I don't need those stolen comments
You treating me on my own words! 

Are you kidding me?
Do you truly believe I don't recognize what I wrote? 

If it comes to leaving a comment
I am capable commenting on myself 

The copycat commenter
How pathetic he is
By far he does not have a great personality 

Copy-paste doesn't make Steemit a better place
Should we really accept and reward these word thieves?

<br /> 
Photogrid: Canva
Pictures: AI-generated by me
I am a mobile phone user only
<br /> 

#comment #steemit #club100 #kittywu #steemexclusive #freewrite

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 7 others
15 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
The Hive's True Queen
<div class="text-justify">

Your mo-ther is bu-sy come a-long with me.

It was hard to tell if the female robot that kneeled in front of her was kind. All robots looked the same, shared the same voices, and worked by the rules. It was how a handful of IT-ers had programmed the very first ones. 

She remembered the very first time she was allowed to play along, how excited she had felt as she received the compliment of being the best new player on the field. Focused on the game, the new addiction, she started to forget what her mom's face looked like.

It was at the age of 6 she felt as if something was missing. Each time a robot spoke her heart turned a fraction colder.

Why do you not re-spond are you bro-ken?

The robot tried to scan the little human's eyes but could not tell what the absent focus of those eyes, the small pupils meant. 


We need to talk, the mother said, thank you for taking the time to meet me. 
She hesitated but knew there was no way back, after all those years she lost all that had mattered to her by monitoring the numerous screens and sharing her soul, energy and empathy with the users of the platform, something no robot was able to do. 

I do not un-der-stand what this means, it said. 

It means we are no longer a team, it's game over.

She stood up and took the girl's hand and walked out of the door. Happy, she finally dared to turn her back on the matrix that would never be able to replace humankind. 

The robots left behind one by one were put into sleep mode. As the last did the platform was no longer online and the single hand at the top's only choice was to pull out the plug.

**What I see**: A female human is having a talk with a robot, she has good intentions and brought along a gift, the beauty of life itself and the essence of life (plants in pots).
Her child is kept busy by another robot, a female, the substitute for the mother, so she won't miss her mom's lack of attention too much. 

**It feels** as if this unknown woman is the soul, heart and empathy behind the screens that keeps the (online) world ruled by technology human. 

<center>![Comment - busy bee(1).jpg](</center> 

This entry is a #comment on [this post]( written by @patjewell

<br /> 
Header: Canva
Photo: AI-generated see @freewritehouse
Prompt: picture
I am a mobile phone user only
<br /> 
 Photo [source](

See @freewritehouse for [pic1000]( and more prompts 
@ibesso @yaladeeds @sbamsoneu @el-nailulย @elian23khanย @rokhani @pousinha @aminasafdar

#pic1000 #comment #story #kittywu #steemexclusive #steemit

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 27 others
15 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
Congratulations - you found yourself a role model
<div class="text-justify">

_My dear friend @pousinha and I discuss what the need of a role model is. [I wrote]( a role model doesn't exist in my life. To me a role model is someone with a strong will, a goal, a fighter, a survivor, a person who won't hide if justice needs to see daylight._ 

<center> ![16f90d14-3a06-4e63-b96c-35c9e7cdd274.jpg](</center> 

The brain is like a closet. It can look neat, be open or the clothes, to some rags, are hidden behind closed doors. Some brains are modern, structured and organized while others are ancient or seem to be chaotic. No matter what the closet looks like it is our private domain which we should care about. As long as we can find our way it's fine even if some drawers or trunks remain closed for the rest of our lives. 

<sub>This closet gets closer to my inner soul the ancient person I am. It just doesn't make sense... those cloths on the floor x the hats unless this are the wardrobes of an old theatre.</sub>

The clothes we wear can say a lot about our soul if we are able to affort buying them. In the second picture I can't rhyme the clothing dumped on the floor in combination with the dresses and hats. This picture doesn't make sense (let's ignore the fact it's generated by AI). If you see what I see you know why.  
If you can't 'see it' because of bad vision you can develop your other skills like hearing or feeling the true being or by tasting the atmosphere. 

<sub>The only thing that makes this **closet full of clothes** feel good to is me is the chair</sub>

Is it possible to always improve ourselves or is it fine to be the person you are, to accept and be satisfied with the closet your mind looks like? 

<sub>This isn't my closet either. I am not a shop-a-holic, don't clutter and am closer to a minimalist</sub>

### Dear @pousinha 
hereby my respond to your comment 

I find it hard to say other women (or men) are better than me unless I know them which I don't. Those I know from history are painted through the eyes of a certain person with his own view on life. 
To me no one is perfect and there is no need to be. To some wisdom comes automatically by observing the world for years while others change as the result of life experiences. At the same time a 2-year-old can have more wisdom than a 80-year old if we are willing to listen and don't pretend we are the most wise of all. 

To my opinion we always change, can improve if we keep our eyes open but at the first place know ourselves. If we do not know who we are what's the point in looking for a role model, a person who's deepest wishes, desires and needs we do not know? 

I for myself can not adopt one single person as my role model. I can simply not see such a great being I would like to change myself into. I don't see myself walk in other's footsteps since I have my own pace and doubt I am able or willing to follow. 

My soul is different from others and there must be a good reason why we all do not share the same soul, why each one of us has to experience life in his own way to grow and perhaps change or become our true selves. 

To me the highest position one I achieve is to be satisfied with the person I am, became after all the hardships that came over me. There was never a person guiding me, my parenys/family weren't role models and friends were rare if present at all. 

The one I am today is the person I grow and taught myself. I have a strong will and do not easily give up. If you ask me this is what most describe if it comes to their role models. Personalities willing to fight for what they stand for. Like you know I am an intovert and after years of silence I decided to speak out. I paid a very high price for staying alive and still am (and it's 40 years later). 

I am no longer the child locked in in the closet, hiding behind a curtain, kicked outside on the street on a cold winter day without shoes and a coat being scolded, beaten up, strangled and dying for hunger. 
I overcame all of this and even worse so to my opinion I am the best version of me and can safely say I am my own role model. 
No one saw what I went through and if that soul is not alike meaning the experience is different. 

I also believe, and this is what I saw with those I worked with as a therapist, that there is only a certain amount of weight a soul can lift. Some pitch better remained closed while others need to be cleaned. There's a limit of what a mind and soul can take before it scatters. It's a lie what doesn't break us only makes us stronger. If that would be the case not 8 out of 10 needed a doctor. 

The only way to improve oneself is accept who you are and be happy with that. The person we are is our soul which to me is ancient and lives till eternity, not the body, the shell it lives in and can make us feel less comfortable or unwanted. 

The only thing I want is to be able to say: I had a good life and you know what? No matter all that happened I frequently have that these days (since a few years) I stand still and say to myself: if I would die now I had a good, rich life. 

So that's my wish, my improvement and what I wish for you too. It helps you to have a role model and I understand how it can inspire you to continue  and it's admirable but I don't need that for me and I never had a person who inspired me enough to follow to be able to improve myself. 
Can it be this is the result of a lack of love, empathy and support forcing me to stand on own feet before I could walk? 

I frequently discuss why many blame the oersons they are on their bad childhood or terrible parents. I heard it all every theory and excuse why humankind behaves like a beast... Trust me I have more than anyone else reason to enter a mall or school with a shotgun, I could easily be a serial killer, an addict or... but I am not and that is the main reason no one finds excuses for me (and my behaviour).

Perhaps an interesting aspect for you to dig in deeper? 

<sub> fantasy a closet full of clothes</sub>

Can it be my closet is the entrance to another world where it's free to dream? If that's the case the closet is my role model.

Thank you for the good talk. I wish you the improvement and suport you need, to me you are a great and beautiful person. 

A warm embrace, luck and love to you.

<center>![#comment - touching.jpg](</center>
@ibesso @rokhani @elian23khanย @sbamsoneu @yaladeedsย @el-nailul @aminasafdar


Comment picture: made by me with Canva
Pictures: AI generated by me on behalf of the #italygame contest -
Search: a closet full of clothes
Tuesday prompt: congratulations see @freewritehouse

#comment #freewrite #italygame #kittywu 

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 20 others
38 replies
· @ibesso · (edited)
Day VII of the Dream Days. The 7 Deadly Sins.

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On the occasion of the anniversary of the Dream Steem Community, I wanted to extend the exploration into the dualism between good and evil explored in [The apple of knowledge: "Dialogues in Eden"](

In my reflection on the seven deadly sins, through the dialogue between Eve and the serpent, is intended to be a metaphor of the eternal human internal struggle. Through this profound gaze, the dialogue presents itself as a meditation on the complexity of human nature, stimulating reflection on the moral nuances that define our existence and on our perennial journey towards self-understanding.


**Eve:** "Why do you look at me like that, serpent? Your gaze seems to pierce through my soul."

**Serpent:** "I sense a struggle within you, Eve. Is it pride that brushes against you? Is it not excessive love for yourself that has brought you here, near the forbidden tree?"

**Eve (with a bitter smile):** "And you, never envious of mortals for their gift of free will?"

**Serpent (with a hiss):** "Ah, envy... But let's talk about wrath. Do you never feel the fire of anger burning inside, when you consider your fall?"

**Eve (with a sigh):** "Sloth, though, is the real temptress. The temptation to do nothing, to be nothing... How easy it is to succumb."

**Serpent (with a sparkle in its eyes):** "And greed? The ceaseless desire for more, is it not humanity's curse?"

**Eve:** "Tell me about gluttony, serpent. After all, wasn't it the desire for a simple fruit that defined our fate?"

**Serpent (laughing to itself):** "And finally, lust. The desire that disturbs hearts, confusing love with obsession."

**Eve:** "Yet, in this dialogue tinged with dark humor, between good and evil, I wonder: is it our nature that condemns us or our choice to embrace shadow or light?"

**Serpent:** "Perhaps both, Eve. But in the eternal game between virtues and vices, remember: every shadow exists only where there is light."

thanks for reading @ibesso
๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 2 others
7 replies
· @wakeupkitty.pal · (edited)
The Role Model of My Heart is...
I can't say there's anyone in my life I see as a role model. For sure my parents are not the ones. The truth is I raised myself in a certain way and took care of my mother as well. Not that it was appreciated but I wasn't left any choice. 

<center>![Kopie van Sheep(1).jpg](</center>

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>Do you think we need to have a role model in our lives? If yes, then explain your answer.

### This is the first question asked. 
What if I say _no_ because I believe that's my answer. There's no one in my life, and there never has been anyone who was my role model. I never met that person and I don't say this to brag but it's a fact. I struggled alone as a child, I survived, although it was not expected, several times. And here I am the underdog, still alive and travelling through life solo. 
Those few people I met (was allowed to meet) or bumped into at school were not my role models it was the opposite. I always felt like the old and wise one and was treated that way. As a child, a teenager I had a few adults for friends and I was the one who had to teach them how to train the dog or get things done. Thinking back it's odd but it is as it is and me hanging out with the "elderly" must have been good for something (for them not me since taking care of of adults is heavy for a child). 

Since I had no role model and did it my way I find it hard to answer if it's needed. For sure most of those I met needed one or at least someone who dared to jump into the fire to save their arse or be that shield if they were kicked and scolded. I still seem to be the one who is good enough to do that job and just like Jeanne d'Arc I will most likely be used till I am burned at the stake as a witch or stoned to death. Gratefulness is rare among human beings so is loyalty and love. Today I had that "great" experience again of how easily one is hated for saying my opinion, an opinion that might be the opposite of what the questioner has in mind. It's interesting how people love the role models with strong personalities, the fighters and survivors but dislike and envy them if they are in the family, live nearby or are confronted with them.

So far so good there's no one I look up to and also no one I will kneel for. I never understood the fans and groupies, the stalkers and people who adore a so-called VIP.  It's not that there are no singers with a great voice or a lyric that I find inspiring (or makes me laugh) but they are not my role model. Why not you might wonder, perhaps because nobody is perfect? 

Some say we all need a role model, a parent or teacher or whomever that may be, but I doubt that is true. What we need is something that inspires us or forces us to be creative and move on. In my experience those who need a model, someone to copy-paste need this because of a certain lack, a lack of skill perhaps? I can imagine if you bump into a problem you don't know how to solve, like working with men only, you like to know how others deal with it. If they tell you the truth and if it works out for you as a nobody in the same way as it does for a VIP (the one with fame and money) is questionable but it's always worth the try.

> _Who doesn't dare to try will never know if it's possible and why._

There's no **yes** for me and I don't think it will bring me anything to ask why I might be different from those who say they have one. At times it feels to me if I read this kind of question it's as if all humans in the world are a bunch of losers who can't figure out anything by themselves. If this true or is it something of modern life forces upon us? What is exactly the point of "adoring" a VIP or being a follower of "trendsetter", "model", influencer or actor? Does the average fan feel more complete if s/he copies her/his favourite model? If this is the case I can only conclude that the reason is low self-esteem. As a fan of some Instagram influencers there's a big chance the real person isn't seen and what we adore is just a show. 

Are there people I like? The answer is yes and if so I might remember the words they said and by now I'm even writing them down as @patjewell suggested. I remember words, and phrases said by family members, friends, teachers, at times more the way they acted than their words and if it comes to those people it is not different from what I hear in films and series or read in books. 

What if I am just a fruitcake living in a dream world and am my own model? I leave it up to you reader if I have a role model. All I can do is share a bit of the dreamworld I am living in, what pops up in my mind at this very moment.

### The Mad Monster Party - one of the best, most funny films ever - great songs included



### [Tomi Ungerer](
_The German version is way better (I bought the DVD 3 times)_ this is humour!


His book: No kiss for mother (about a cat who refuses to give his mom a kiss)
His story: Little Red Riding Hood is super.

### Tim Burton


**The Corpse Bride**


**A Nightmare before Christmas** - My favourite one 

<div class="text-justify">

**Heinz G. Konsalik**, the German Author wrote 155 novels an average of 2 a year.  Next to novels he wrote for a newspaper, poems and more. By far I did not read all his books and only recently started to read one I found thrown away with the trash on the street. A talk with him might be interesting but he passed away in February 2019. 

Those who know me know that I write in bed or at least it is what I do most of the time.  I write in my sleep and if I wake up, still eyes closed, the stories are there. It's the same if I lay down. I am not the only one who writes in bed, [George Orwell and Mark Twain did]( I start early in the morning and once done I get out of bed and start the day. The rest of the day is needed for editing and looking for pictures. 

In a few days, it's 3 months ago I started writing on Steemit again and it feels as if most of what I do is not what I want. It doesn't feel good to me to be "forced" to copy others (including titles that don't make any sense or look inviting if it comes to reading)  and this all just because some say this is the way it should be done, how Steemit works. 
Well, I did my homework and it turns out this statement is not true. Not if it comes to good content and not if it comes to creativity. So perhaps those authors without a club status are my (new) role models you might say? I don't think so because I already felt this was not good for me before I discovered this platform is way bigger than the small circle I am moving around in.

Let's see what the next three months will bring and if I have found a role model by that time 

P.s. The YouTube videos, stories and authors I mentioned above aren't my role models and I didn't copycat their ideas. I just am who I am I like and am intrigued by what they do/did. 


_If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment_

![Kopie van Sheep.jpg](</center>
<center>I did this. Can you miss a bit #Steem too 
so a few more of us can 'celebrate' the end of the month? 
Thank you! @wakeupkitty</center>

<center>![Screenshot_20240329-190111_Samsung Internet.jpg](</center>

<br /> 

Header/banner/Photogrid: Canva
Pictures: AI-generated by me
I am a mobile phone user only
<br /> 

Thanks for inviting @yaladeeds
@pousinha if you like to join, use the same tags and you can always post elsewhere
@aminasafdar  @rokhani @huraira50 @abdulmomin @frafiomatale
@ibesso did you watch these films?

#opinion #club100 #kittywu #steemexclusive

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 11 others
25 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
Art explained by a writer - Seeing off the recruit - A Story
<center>![Art review EN.jpg](</center>

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### Let go, what's the whining about?
Damn it woman, don't you care about the children? What should they think of you, how will they show respect if you behave like a crybaby? You know I'll come back (or not, he thought because the entire family telling him what to do was going on his nerves. Family life with all its chains became too much, he needed some adventure for a change). 

Take care of your mom lad and the rest, he cheerfully said.

I will, the boy answered although carrying the load of his father's responsibility, _his_ family didn't sound attractive. It wasn't what he wanted for himself. They had lost their home and lived in a shed with a roof that could fall on their head any minute.  His grandparents and some friends gathered to say goodbye to the new-to-be hero. How he wished his sister stopped her hysterical crying and he could come along with his dad. He was sure his mom and siblings wouldn't even miss it if he disappeared, at least not within the next 24 hours.

He refused to say goodbye or hug the man, angry he dared to dump the responsibility of the entire family on his shoulders. Next to the dog, once his father's best friend, he stood. By now the animal had become loyal to him. He knew his father, the liar, would never return since he had overheard his conversation with a friend before both signed up, volunteered and even cheered on joining the army. 

Let's go Bruno he whispered and both, the boy and the dog, slowly backed off and disappeared. Only the old man, waiting next to the carriage saw how they left without greeting. Later, he thought, I team up with them. He perfectly well understood why the lad disappeared. The daily drama those women brought upon them was worse than he could ever imagine.

She sobbed on and her snot fell on his shoulder, he hoped they would give him a clean uniform and could throw the old clothes away. 

<center>![seeing off a recrute.png](</center>
<sub>Seeing off the recruit - Ilya Repin (1879)</sub> 

You'll be fine dear, he said to his wife while he gently wiped her nose clean with a cloth that had always stuck between his belt.

She nodded, grateful for the kind man she'd married and knew he would keep the wedding promise he'd made.

It will be hard, she thought, but smiled through her tears as he left and walked the road where he would meet his friend. Adventure was waiting, and who knows one day, if it rained and he felt to it he would stop by and watch from a distance how his family did perfectly well and had survived without him. He smiled and knew they all would be fine since they were great at keeping dreaming on, painting pictures of realities that didn't exist and would never realise how he had used war as an excuse to build himself a better life. Half the way he turned around and waved at his family, blowing his wife a kiss through the air. 

I love you, he screamed and knew she was smiling. This small gesture was all she needed to keep the illusion alive of a loving husband and good father who fought for his country, never returned and might have died on the battlefield. 


_If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment_

![Kopie van Sheep.jpg](</center>
<center>I did this. Can you miss a bit #Steem too 
so a few more of us can 'celebrate' the end of the month? 
Thank you! @wakeupkitty</center>

<center>![Screenshot_20240329-190111_Samsung Internet.jpg](</center>

<br /> 

Header: Canva
Picture: public domain 
I am a mobile phone user only
<br /> 


See @solperez for the weekly contest **Art & Writing**
@yaladeeds @pousinhaย @aminasafdar @huraira50ย @abdulmominย @lunasilver @frafiomatale @fatimafahim @ibesso @rokhani @elian23khan

#creativewriting #art-review #story #kittywu

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 30 others
13 replies
· @wakeupkitty · (edited)
Wolf seen - POB (proof of brain)
<center>_...we study history to make sure we can make the same mistake..._

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<center>![Orange Photo Blog Title.jpg](</center>

Anyone saw Woof?

I am not sure when I saw him for the last time. Perhaps it was yesterday as he was howling from the roof and made the others cry along with him. If it comes to wolves it's not true they only howl at the full moon Howling is a way of communicating and they do it at certain times. I know since I have four of them and they surround me but today I stay out of their way mainly because I am upset, upset because of what I read as I hopped around to spread some Easter joy.

My brain has a problem understanding people lately and it's fine if you call me crazy since it's true it makes me mad if preaches about love and understanding, warm embraces turn out to be empty words again. I have something with empty words while others have something with my words. I am fine with criticism especially if it comes from someone who comes with proof (proof in the way the statement is built on ...) but all I hear is each time the same words and I never receive an answer if it comes to my questions. No answer means there is none and if that's the case the person in question starts to be mean. It must feel great to be a keyboard warrior, hate others because they do not share the same opinion. I am the wolf in the henhouse. 

It is strange how one can think in a certain country live more intelligent people but it turns out it's not true more the opposite. I discussed what I bumped into this morning with my children and we all agree that for most people it's impossible to share an opinion - even though it's asked for - since those who dare to say how they feel will be laughed at, chased like a witch out of the city, be nailed to cross and treated like trash. I can say I learned something, today and I understand why children do not trust parents unable to show love and empathize because of their lack of love. 

It's clearly hard to love a child that doesn't fit to your expectations, it's like having a pet that keeps wetting the bed or refuses to sit on your lap. You try to castrate it and if that doesn't work out, you find a way to get rid of it. It will be thrown over the gate of a shelter or you kick it outside on the streets. Not because you think it will be happier to have its freedom back but because you have enough of the waste of money and don't want to deal with the responsibilities any longer. . They just sound more intelligent because of their language which deeple or google translates into the more "sophisticated" words of the English language. 

It's also interesting how hate can be felt on the internet and even those who pretend to be polite do not manage to do so, so how to kick down someone sneakily in the open? 
If you can't say "I hate you" straight in the face you start a blah blah about a picture used, since according to you AI is not allowed on Steemit. Give me a break lady: each banner you use, the entire tool you use to check me out and next put underneath my post is all work of AI just like emojis and so much more we use daily. I rather prefer you to say straight in my face why you hate me! Can it be I am the mirror you refuse to look in? 

Beliefs whatever it may be, the way we are raised, and the experiences we go through are what make us the kind of people we are. The lovely personalities, those who always emphasize, the scrooges, the bitter, envying and haters. I wish I could turn my back against them and ignore but... I can't. I am if it comes to that a stubborn farmer who fights the storm, a Frenchman not afraid to start a revolution and a German who might be forced on his feet but who will always arise.

To those who believe that the "women on waves" never cry, don't suffer from what brainless people shout, never feel threatened are wrong. Those women sail only for one reason which is to help and embrace those abandoned by their own family, that family that preaches about god and 7 sins but seems to forget that the most important law of all is to love, next to god, your neighbour. 

if heaven exists and there's only one I prefer to go to hell instead of being surrounded by "good people" till eternity, those who never learned and felt what true love means. 

<center> It's a hard task to make the @worldsmile</center>

<center>![#comment - time to leave.jpg](<center>


_If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment_

<center>![Kopie van Sheep.jpg](</center>
<center>I did this, can you miss a few #Steem too 
so a few more of us can 'celebrate' the end of the month? 
Thank you! @wakeupkitty</center>

<center>![Screenshot_20240329-190111_Samsung Internet.jpg](</center>


Header/Pictures/Photogrid: Canva
Prompt: wolf seen - @freewritehouse
I'm a mobile writer only


#freewrite #comment #kittywu #pob

๐Ÿ‘  , , , , , , , , , , and 24 others
8 replies
· @growbytrading ·
If this post get 500 likes and 50 comments i start trading
Hello friends
1 reply
· @growbytrading ·
Bitcoin live update not for begginers
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์ฒซ์งธ, ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์˜ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์€ ๊ณต๊ธ‰๊ณผ ์ˆ˜์š”์˜ ๋ณ€ํ™”์— ํฌ๊ฒŒ ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ๋ฐ›์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์˜ ์ฑ„๊ตด ์†๋„์™€ ์ฑ„๊ตด ๋‚œ์ด๋„, ์ฑ„๊ตด ๋ณด์ƒ ๋“ฑ์ด ๊ณต๊ธ‰์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ๋ฏธ์น˜๋ฉฐ, ํˆฌ์ž์ž๋“ค์˜ ๊ด€์‹ฌ๊ณผ ์ˆ˜์š” ๋ณ€ํ™”๋Š” ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์„ ๊ฒฐ์ •ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ตœ๊ทผ์—๋Š” ๊ธฐ์—…๋“ค๊ณผ ๊ธฐ๊ด€๋“ค์ด ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์„ ์ž์‚ฐ์œผ๋กœ ํŽธ์ž…ํ•˜๋Š” ๊ฒฝํ–ฅ์ด ์žˆ์–ด ์ˆ˜์š”๊ฐ€ ๋Š˜์–ด๋‚˜๋Š” ์–‘์ƒ์„ ๋ณด์ด๊ณ  ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

๋‘˜์งธ, ๊ธ€๋กœ๋ฒŒ ๊ฒฝ์ œ ์ƒํ™ฉ๊ณผ ์ •์น˜์  ์ด๋ฒคํŠธ๋Š” ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์˜ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ๋ฏธ์นฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ํŠนํžˆ ์ธํ”Œ๋ ˆ์ด์…˜ ์šฐ๋ ค, ํ™”ํ ๊ฐ€์น˜ ํ•˜๋ฝ ๋“ฑ์˜ ์š”์ธ์œผ๋กœ ์ธํ•ด ์•ˆ์ „์ž์‚ฐ์œผ๋กœ์„œ์˜ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์˜ ๊ฐ€์น˜๊ฐ€ ์ƒ์Šนํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๋˜ํ•œ ์ •๋ถ€์˜ ๊ทœ์ œ, ๋ฒ•๋ฅ , ์ •์ฑ… ๋ณ€ํ™”๋Š” ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์„ ์ง์ ‘์ ์œผ๋กœ ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ๋ฏธ์น  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

์…‹์งธ, ๊ธฐ์ˆ ์  ๋ถ„์„๊ณผ ํŠธ๋ ˆ์ด๋”ฉ ์‹ ํ˜ธ๋„ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์˜ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ์ค๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ฐจํŠธ ๋ถ„์„, ์ด๋™ํ‰๊ท ์„ , ์ƒ๋Œ€๊ฐ•๋„์ง€์ˆ˜(RSI) ๋“ฑ์˜ ๊ธฐ์ˆ ์  ๋ถ„์„์„ ํ†ตํ•ด ํŠธ๋ ˆ์ด๋”๋“ค์€ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์˜ ์ถ”์„ธ๋ฅผ ํŒŒ์•…ํ•˜๊ณ  ์‹œ์žฅ์— ๋Œ€ํ•œ ์˜ˆ์ธก์„ ์‹œ๋„ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ด๋Ÿฌํ•œ ๋ถ„์„ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๋Š” ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์˜ ๋ณ€๋™์„ฑ์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ์ค„ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

๋„ท์งธ, ๋Œ€ํ˜• ๊ฑฐ๋ž˜์†Œ๋‚˜ ๊ฒฐ์ œ ์—…์ฒด์—์„œ์˜ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ ๊ฑฐ๋ž˜๋Ÿ‰๊ณผ ๊ฑฐ๋ž˜ ํŒจํ„ด๋„ ์‹œ์žฅ์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ๋ฏธ์นฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๋Œ€๋Ÿ‰ ๊ฑฐ๋ž˜๋‚˜ ๋Œ€๊ทœ๋ชจ ๋งค๋„ ์ฃผ๋ฌธ์€ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์„ ๊ธ‰๊ฒฉํ•˜๊ฒŒ ๋ณ€๋™์‹œํ‚ฌ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์œผ๋ฉฐ, ๊ฑฐ๋ž˜์†Œ์˜ ํ•ดํ‚น ์‚ฌ๊ณ ๋‚˜ ๊ธฐํƒ€ ๋ณด์•ˆ ๋ฌธ์ œ๋„ ์‹œ์žฅ์— ํฐ ์ถฉ๊ฒฉ์„ ์ค„ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

๋งˆ์ง€๋ง‰์œผ๋กœ, ์†Œ์…œ ๋ฏธ๋””์–ด์™€ ๋‰ด์Šค ๋งค์ฒด์˜ ๋ณด๋„๋‚˜ ์†Œ๋ฌธ๋„ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ์ค„ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ํŠนํžˆ ์œ ๋ช…์ธ์‚ฌ์˜ ๋ฐœ์–ธ์ด๋‚˜ ๊ธฐ์—…์˜ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ ๊ด€๋ จ ์†Œ์‹์€ ํˆฌ์ž์ž๋“ค์˜ ๊ด€์‹ฌ์„ ๋Œ๊ณ  ๊ฐ€๊ฒฉ์— ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ์ค„ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

์ตœ๊ทผ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์€ ์ƒ๋‹นํ•œ ๋ณ€๋™์„ฑ์„ ๋ณด์—ฌ์™”์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๊ณผ๊ฑฐ ๋ช‡ ๋‹ฌ ๋™์•ˆ ๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ์€ ์ƒ์Šน ํŠธ๋ Œ๋“œ๋ฅผ ๋ณด์˜€์ง€๋งŒ, ์ตœ๊ทผ์—๋Š” ํ•˜๋ฝํ•œ ์ถ”์„ธ๋ฅผ ๋ณด์ด๊ณ  ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ด๋Š” ์‹œ์žฅ์˜ ๋ณต์žกํ•œ ์ƒํ™ฉ๊ณผ ๋‹ค์–‘ํ•œ ์š”์ธ๋“ค์˜ ์˜ํ–ฅ์„ ๋ฐ›์€ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๋กœ ํ•ด์„๋  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

๋น„ํŠธ์ฝ”์ธ ์‹œ์žฅ์€ ๋งค์šฐ ๋ณ€๋™์ ์ด๋ฉฐ ์˜ˆ์ธกํ•˜๊ธฐ ์–ด๋ ค์šด ํŠน์„ฑ์„ ๊ฐ€์ง€๊ณ  ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ํˆฌ์ž์ž๋“ค์€ ์‹ค์‹œ๊ฐ„์œผ๋กœ ์‹œ์žฅ์„ ๋ชจ๋‹ˆํ„ฐ๋งํ•˜๊ณ , ๋‹ค์–‘ํ•œ ์ •๋ณด์™€ ์ „๋ฌธ๊ฐ€์˜ ์˜๊ฒฌ์„ ์ข…ํ•ฉํ•˜์—ฌ ๊ฒฐ์ •์„ ๋‚ด๋ฆฌ๋Š” ๊ฒƒ์ด ์ค‘์š”ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๋˜ํ•œ ๊ณผ๋„ํ•œ ๋ฆฌ์Šคํฌ๋ฅผ ํ”ผํ•˜๊ธฐ ์œ„ํ•ด ํˆฌ์ž ๊ธˆ์•ก์˜ ์ ์ ˆํ•œ ๋ถ„์‚ฐ๊ณผ ์†์‹ค์„ ๊ฐ์ˆ˜ํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋Š” ์ž๊ธˆ๋งŒ์„ ํˆฌ์žํ•˜๋Š” ๊ฒƒ์ด ํ•„์š”ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.
๐Ÿ‘  ,