foodphotografi | Recent

· @abumedan · (edited)
nagasari jackfruit cake typical of Aceh fresh.

nagasari jackfruit cake
one of my faforit cakes, a very refreshing nagasari jackfruit nagasari made from flour huangkue dough or soft rice flour, coconut milk, fruit juice contents in diced, Sandstone and pandan leaves for natural fragrance.


after all the cookie dough is cooked and then wrapped using young banana leaves and di nging in the fridge for delicious libih to eat.

nagasari jackfruit cake typical Aceh fresh food and much in love.

hopefully this photo gets support from @photocontestst for daily contestst photo @juliank theme

thank you

follow me @abumedan
👍  ,
· @fadhila · (edited)
Foodphotografi contest
# This recipe is the best

This recipe is the best .. taip ni was swallowed mother saliva hahaha

👉products 👈
lime lime
boi acid
👉how to make👈
slang all the ingredients till intimate .. pastu save kat crate 1-2jam .. dah ready! You can eat!

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 31 others
2 replies
· @primadono ·
This recipe is the best
This recipe is the best .. taip ni was swallowed mother saliva hahaha

👉products 👈
lime lime
boi acid
👉how to make👈
slang all the ingredients till intimate .. pastu save kat crate 1-2jam .. dah ready! You can eat!

👍  , ,
· @emsyawall ·
#Foodphotography || Leumang, One of The Typical Food of The People of Aceh (Bilingual #ENG-IND)

Hai sahabat steemian .. 
Kali ini saya ingin berbagi postingan tentang salah satu makanan khas masyarakat Aceh, yaitu ***Leumang (Lemang)***. 

>*Hi friend .. 
This time I want to share a post about one of the typical food of the people of Aceh, namely ***Leumang (Lemang)***.* 

Sebenarnya, postingan ini saya buat sebagai bentuk partisipasi dalam sayembara atau kontes yang di adakan oleh tuan @juliank. Dan saya menerima informasi kontes ini dari salah satu punggawa atau kurator Steemit Chapter Pidie, yaitu @riodejaksiuro -- syukran Jadzilaa Mr. Rio.

>*Actually, this post I created as a form of participation in a contest or held by the host @ juliank. And I received this contest information from one of the courtier or curator of Steemit Chapter Pidie, ie @riodejaksiuro --Thank you so much Mr. Rio.*

Nah, **Lemang** merupakan makanan yang terbuat dari beras ketan yang telah dicampur dengan santan kemudian dipanaskan diatas arang. **Lemang** menjadi lebih lezat apabila disantap dengan cara yang tepat. 

>*Well, **Lemang** is a food made from glutinous rice that has been mixed with coconut milk and then heated on charcoal. **Lemang** becomes more delicious when eaten in the right way.*

Salah satu cara menikmati **Lemang** agar lebih nikmat ialah memadukan dengan  minuman kopi atau teh yang dicampur dengan telur kocok (disebut dengan **Boh Manok Weng**). Bagi orang Aceh,  **Lemang** yang dipadu dengan **Boh Manok Weng** dipercaya dapat menambahkan energi atau libido. Karena itu baik sore atau malam, sering sekali didapatkan masyarakat Aceh menyantap **Lemang** yang dipadu dengan **Boh Manok Weng**.

>*One way to enjoy **Lemang** to be more enjoyable is to combine with a coffee or tea drink mixed with a shake egg (called **Boh Manok Weng**). For Acehnese, **Lemang** combined with **Boh Manok Weng** is believed to add energy or libido. Because it is either afternoon or evening, often get the people of Aceh eating **Lemang** combined with **Boh Manok Weng**.*

Demikianlah ulasan singkat mengenai makanan Khas Aceh, semoga bermanfaat bagi sahabat semua. 

>*Thus a brief review of the typical food of Aceh, may be useful for all friends.*



#foodphotographychallenge #juliank #stemit
Monday, 19 February 2018 || @emsyawall
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2 replies
· @azhar99 ·
Halo steemit semuanya di manapun anda berada.......

Saya ingin membagikan posting tentang jengkol khas aceh ( boh jreeng)  kepada kawan steemi semua di seluruh tanah air dari sabang sampai maroke.....

Kalo kita makan sih luar biasa enaknyaa,,,tetapi di saat kita kencing wow bauya ..itu lah kelebihan boh jreng



👍  ,
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