israel | Recent

· @flexbooth ·
I think this should give some perspective on how I'm viewing the conflict in the Middle East.

My mom worked for Honeywell, well before I was born. She had to handle travel plans for a lot of the employees. Saudi Arabia was a common trade partner. 

It wasn't just that no Jewish employees were allowed in the country. Even the gentiles, who had visited Israel, needed separate passports because the Saudis wouldn't let anybody in who had visited Israel. 

That's a freaking ethno-state. That's a racist state. 

Still, before Biden got elected, Israel and the Saudis were approaching some major diplomatic progressions. They were moving forward.

It doesn't stop there. 

Egypt controls the southern border of the Gaza.  Egypt pretty much allows Coptic Christians to be murdered with impunity. 

It's not like Egypt is a particularly open, democratic, tolerant, accepting country. Still, if all out war breaks out between Israel and Iran, I don't expect Egypt to strike Israel at this point. They've been sensible enough to talk. 

When you're chanting,  "From the river to the sea. " for Palestine, to me, what you're doing is taking the Jew hatred, bigotry, and racism of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, multiplying it by a thousand, and saying, "That's what I want. That's the hill I'm willing to die on."

So, forgive me for calling bullshit when you try to tell me that you're "just anti-zionist" and you've got nothing against Jews. Saudi Arabia is more accepting of the existence of Israel than a lot of you racist pieces of shit who think that you're "progressive. "

Just stop it. Stop pretending that you're liberals. You're half-witted douche bags who are less tolerant of a democracy than you are of a nation that forces women to wear beekeeper outfits lest they get stoned to death.
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· @bernardo69 ·
God's wisdom: The life of a man is numbered by days, but the days of Israel are without number. Ben Sira 37:25
Ben Sira, with the intention of making men reflect on the highest and most excellent science, the wisdom, left important teachings in his sapiential book with a deep practical meaning, in order to introduce men into the mysteries of God.
The teacher of wisdom Ben Sira, when teaching about the promises and blessings associated with the wisdom of God in his book, mentioned what was until the time of Jesus for the christian faith, the greatest of his promises, Israel.
And he did this with the idea of teaching that men, no matter how long-lived and powerful they are, as for example the great kings of ancient times like Solomon and David, they must look with humility and simplicity of heart the work of God and his plan. Because when men are filled with arrogance and pride and despise the spiritual gift of fear of the Lord (constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability), this does not lead them to anything good, and an example of this was Alexander the Great who, according to the Bible, was filled with pride and his life was short.
And with these words, Ben Sira expressed his wise thought: "The life of a man is numbered by days, but the days of Israel are without number" Ben Sira 37:25.
The sensible men must give glory to the only true God, the wise man remarked, because his eternal plans surpass the life and the intelligence of men, Israel was conceived with the promise made by God to the patriarch Abraham and was materially concretized with the arrival of the Hebrews to Canaan guided by the prophet Moses and Joshua centuries later. According to the wisdom of God, men are limited beings, but the glory of God and his promises are eternal.
![God's wisdom. The life of a man is numbered by days, but the days of Israel are without number. Ben Sira 37,25.jpg]('s%20wisdom.%20The%20life%20of%20a%20man%20is%20numbered%20by%20days,%20but%20the%20days%20of%20Israel%20are%20without%20number.%20Ben%20Sira%2037,25.jpg)
For more information visit my profile follow the link and download for free my ebook.
· @nooses ·
“The Columbia demonstrations have gone way too far”

That was the title of John McWhorter’s article that I received as an email. I subscribe to several NY Times services, and one of them consists of McWhorter’s articles.

The title of this exact same article, as it appears in the daily NYT online edition, reads a bit differently:

*“I’m a Columbia Professor. The Protests on My Campus Are Not Justice.”*

I don’t know which headline was written first. Nor do I know who changed it or why it was changed.

I don’t agree with everything McWhorter writes in this piece.

For example:

*“I myself think the war on Gaza is no longer constructive or even coherent.”*

He’s got that wrong, I believe. Hundreds of Israelis civilians living near Gaza were taken prisoner by Hamas. The logical coherence of Israel’s position is clear and simple, I believe: Unless and until all the Israelis now held hostage in Gaza are freed and returned, the fighting, the killing, and the destruction will go on.

The war on Gaza should continue and the pressure should increase until a deal is reached for the release of all the Israeli hostages in exchange for an end to the assault on Gaza. The sooner the Israeli civilians are released and returned to Israel, the sooner the assault on Gaza will end.

A deal between Israel and Hamas should come with an ironclad guarantee from the Israeli government that the moment all the Israeli hostages are returned to Israel, the assault on Gaza will immediately cease. But until all the Israelis held hostage are freed, the war should not end; it cannot end; it will not end.
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· @bernardo69 ·
The plea of a wise man for Israel: Have mercy upon us, O God of all, and put all the nations in fear of you. Ben Sira 36:1-2
The Book of Ben Sira is a sapiential book whose author lived during the Hellenistic era when the Greek culture was imposed in the Middle East, and the author with the intention to help the God-fearing Jews to live according to the precepts of the law of Moses wrote his book dedicated in particular to the study of the wisdom that is born from the gift of the fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion).
The book deals with a series of topics without a pre-established order, especially giving highly practical advice for everyday life. But the wise man also gave space in his book for the plea and the prayer.
This is why in his writings he also left a prayer for the glory of Israel, most likely this text has its origins in the time of the exile in Babylon and was added later to the book.
The writing begins by begging God for the manifestation of his sovereignty and power to all the kingdoms of the world, so that his providential plan may be carried out, and justice may be done to those who fear him from the heart:
"Have mercy upon us, O God of all,
and put all the nations in fear of you.
Lift up your hand against foreign nations
and let them see your might.
As you have used us to show your holiness to them,
so use them to show your glory to us" Ben Sira 36:1-4.
Then the prayer continues requesting with wisdom the renewal of the pact with God, because the Lord is faithful and wise, and because a great good can often be obtained from an evil.
But then the text makes a change and requests the fulfillment of the prophecies announced from ancient times by prophets such as Hosea and Isaiah:
"Give evidence of your deeds of old;
fulfill the prophecies spoken in your name.
Reward those who have hoped in you,
and let your prophets be proved true" Ben Sira 36:20-21.
And so, the prayer ends by invoking God, the source of all the blessings for man:
"Hear the prayer of your servants,
according to your good will toward your people.
Thus all the ends of the earth will know
that you are the eternal god" Ben Sira 36:22.
![The plea of a wise man for Israel. Have mercy upon us, O God of all, and put all the nations in fear of you. Ben Sira 36,1.jpg](,%20O%20God%20of%20all,%20and%20put%20all%20the%20nations%20in%20fear%20of%20you.%20Ben%20Sira%2036,1.jpg)
For more information visit my profile follow the link and download for free my ebook.
· @southfront ·
Israel Strikes Back Against Iran
· @nooses ·
There’s something “off” about this NYT story concerning the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.

Among the several photos in the article, only one is accompanied by a caption giving the name of the person in the picture:

> *“Grant Miner, a Jewish graduate student at Columbia University, says he doesn’t feel unsafe on campus.”
Guess why not? Because he is “part of a student coalition calling on Columbia to divest from companies connected to Israel."*

There is no reason for an anti-Israel Jew to feel endangered on the Columbia campus. Nor is he wearing a kippah or otherwise showing indicia of being a Jew. 

One other noticeable point about this story:

None of its three authors appears to be an Arab or a Jew. 

So who did the Times select to cover this story?

Luis Ferré-Sadurní, from Puerto Rico;
Colbi Edmonds, an African-American; and
Liset Cruz, “a bilingual Mexican-American journalist.”

Of course, a newspaper decides which of its journalists to assign to write a particular story. 

But I do wonder why these three were selected.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 8 others
· @bernardo69 ·
The two ways in the Bible: Those from every tribe of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the LORD, followed the Levites. 2 Chronicles 11:16
The teaching about the two ways for man is something constant in the Bible, wisdom and foolishness, righteousness and sin, are inevitable choices. And what happened after the death of King Solomon in Israel is proof of this ancient sapiential teaching.
Rehoboam, the son of Solomon and legitimate successor as king, due to his lack of wisdom did not know how to listen in the assembly of Shechem, so all the tribes of Israel except Judah and Benjamin, rebelled and refused Rehoboam as king.
Jeroboam, an enemy of Solomon, took advantage of the situation to be proclaimed king of Israel and govern the remaining tribes, and with the political schism, the religious one also arrived. In this way, the children of Israel had to choose between the two proposed paths, the idolatry of the golden calves created by Jeroboam, and the devotion to the only God who had freed them from the slavery of Egypt.
And as the Book of Psalms teaches in the Psalm 1, there is no blessing for those who choose the path of error, the Kingdom of Israel would last two hundred more years until its complete destruction, only the descendants of the tribe of Judah would survive the invasions of Assyria and Babylon.
In this way, the Second Book of Chronicles relates how Jeroboam's sin divided the Israelites spiritually:
"The Levites even abandoned their pasturelands and property and came to Judah and Jerusalem, because Jeroboam and his sons had rejected them as priests of the Lord when he appointed his own priests for the high places and for the goat and calf idols he had made.
Those from every tribe of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the LORD, the God of Israel, followed the Levites to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. They strengthened the kingdom of Judah and supported Rehoboam son of Solomon three years, following the ways of David and Solomon during this time" 2 Chronicles 11:14-17.
![The two ways in the Bible. Those from every tribe of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the LORD, followed the Levites. 2 Chronicles 11,16.jpg](,%20followed%20the%20Levites.%202%20Chronicles%2011,16.jpg)
For more information visit my profile follow the link and download for free my ebook.
· @isabellaklais · (edited)
Wer sich schon mit Freunden anlegt, …
Isabella Klais / Aufbruch - Wir für Deutschland!

… hat - außer als Reinigungskraft - in keinem Außenministerium der Welt etwas zu suchen, wo es üblicherweise ganz andere Nüsse zu knacken gibt.


Die so blöde wie dreiste und stillos-ordinäre Baerziege trampelt, wie ein Elephant durch den Porzellanladen, durch die Welt. Da sie sich nicht einmal zu einfachsten Denkvorgängen in der Lage befindet, und auch das Glück ihr nicht geneigt ist, hinterläßt sie einfach überall nur Scherben.

Eigentlich weiß jedes Kleinkind, daß Frechheit keine gute Eröffnung für das Anbringen von Wünschen darstellt, zumal wenn man selbst nichts zu bieten hat. Die geistig unterentwickelte Außenschlampe - ohne jeglichen Anstand und ohne Erziehung - beherrscht nicht einmal diese simple Weisheit.

Da sie ihren erlogenen Lebenslauf, der auch so noch bescheiden genug wäre, für bare Münze nimmt, führt dies zu einer völlig falschen Selbstperzeption, mit der sie verkennt, daß sie einfach nur ein Nichts und ein Niemand ist.

Nur weil sie in Deutschland durch ein Unglück ins Außenministerium statt in eine Küche gespült wurde, müssen verdiente Menschen im Ausland sich nun mit ihr abgeben, obwohl sie sie normalerweise keiner Beachtung würdigten. Diese Zeitverschwendung mutet man in Deutschland Leuten zu, die wahrlich anderes zu tun haben, als sich den Kaprizen einer mental zurückgebliebenen kleinen Göre zu widmen.

Der absolut brillante Kommentar von Ulrich Reitz, Chefkorrespondent von Focus online, faßt die Schande allumfassend in Worte.
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· @flexbooth ·
I'm going to make a moment to try to help out the "from the river to the sea" people.

I mean, you need the help because, to put it in the kindest words that I can think of, most of you don't know piss and head from your sister's titty.

It's impossible to make a coherent argument that Israel is, and has been engaging in an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 

You would have to find some way to explain how the population of the Gaza had a population boom during this supposed genocide. I mean, that would be a hell of a feat. The Jewish population didn't increase during the Holocaust. 

The Armenian population didn't increase when they were being murdered by The Young Turks (the political group, not the YouTube channel; but, the YouTube channel is named after the political group, and Cenk is a genocide denying douche). Seriously, name one genocide in human history that saw a population increase, or explain what makes this specific genocide different. 

So, I really can't help you if you've been making claims of genocide on the part of Israel. 

Now, if you want to make the claim that Israel isn't committing a genocide, and hasn't been; but, that they're only holding off from committing genocide because of international pressure, you'd have a better argument. You'd still be wrong. You still probably wouldn't know piss and head from your sister's titty. Still, I can't deny that the Western world, including These United States, wouldn't tolerate Israel engaging in a genuine genocide. 

Shifting your argument in that direction would get you closer to the ballpark of being right. Still, I would challenge you to show proof. And, no, repeating Hamas's numbers in regard to death tolls doesn't qualify as proof. 

If you choose to take my advice, and shift your argument, and can't demonstrate any hard proof of a conspiracy or a widespread support by Israelis to completely wipe out the Palestinian people, you're still inferring something nefarious about an entire group of people, which would still make you a racist even after I helped you get closer to something resembling reality. 

Even if you could make those arguments, you've still got to deal with the fact that Hamas is openly genocidal. You still have to work out why you demand that Israel go away and be replaced by a Palestinian state knowing that Hamas and Hezobollah are openly genocidal themselves. 

There ya go. I helped your side out. You still don't know piss and head from your sister's titty.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 10 others
· @thomaslknapp ·
US Foreign Policy: "No Daylight" Is Where Peace Dies In Darkness
[![2024 Iranian consulate airstrike in Damascus. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.](]( "Rajanews, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons")
*2024 Iranian consulate airstrike in Damascus. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.*

"Absent a directed, sustained, and articulated policy of no daylight between the United States and Israel," Matthew Continetti [wrote]( in the *Washington Free Beacon* on March 29, "the rift between America and her ally will widen and the world will grow more dangerous."

Proof that Continetti had things completely bass-ackward arrived on April 1, when Israeli aircraft attacked an Iranian consulate building in Syria, killing 16 and boosting the already not insignificant prospect of a wider regional war. The US regime disclaimed prior knowledge of the Israeli strike, but couldn't be bothered to actually condemn it.

While occasionally, softly, and grudgingly calling for "restraint" from all parties, Washington has continued its policy of supporting the Israeli regime no matter what it does, and blaming Israel's adversaries for every Bad Thing that happens in the Middle East.

The US and Israeli regimes remain in a bear hug through which not so much as a single ray of daylight passes. And THAT makes the world more dangerous.

If the US left Israel to its own devices, or at the very least conditioned its billions of dollars in annual aid --- not to mention its support in every argument --- on good behavior, we might see some progress toward peace.

How many fights would Israel pick with Iran, Syria, and Lebanon if it didn't have the US threatening to pound anyone who doesn't comply with its every demand?

Without the US backing its every play, might not Israel eventually consider withdrawing to within its own borders and leaving the state of Palestine to chart its own future course, instead of continuing  decades of military occupation both rooted in, and giving rise to, numerous large and small wars?

The US-Israeli relationship is, essentially, a big bully standing behind a smaller bully, routinely supporting the smaller bully's bullying.

When, as (very) occasionally happens, Big Bully whispers "hey, you might want to take it down a notch," Little Bully ignores the whisper.

But instead of walking away and letting Little Bully experience the full consequences of his actions, Big Bully always gives in and protects Little Bully from those consequences.

That raise the interesting question of who's really the more powerful bully in the relationship. And, more importantly, it tells Little Bully "there are no consequences for bad behavior --- do whatever you feel like doing with impunity."

Such a policy both creates and increases the dangers of war. For everyone.

[originally published at the Garrison Center](
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· @leguna ·
War crimes are the policy of Hamas.

Of course, just like every good person, I mourn the recent loss of life of aide workers in the Gaza. 

The thing is, Israel's response, to any person with a functioning brain, should be proof that Israel is the morally superior actor in this conflict. 

Within a week of the bombing investigations were launched and people were fired. If malice intent is discovered, people will end up in prison. This is because, once again, Israel doesn't have a policy of killing innocent people. In fact, so far as I can tell, she's been doing an exceptional job of avoiding civilian deaths given the circumstances.

I guarantee you that the Gazan who called his parents from a cell phone that he took from a dead woman in the Kibbutz on October 7th to jubilantly report that he had murdered ten Jews will face no penalty from Hamas. Hamas won't punish, or even denounce any of their fighters for raping and murdering innocent Israeli women and children. They won't do that because their goal is precisely what the useful idiots of the world are accusing Israel of -- genocide. 

Every verbal ejaculation that anti-Israel people make about "war crimes" and "genocide" just makes their hatred toward Jews clearer. 

By population comparison, October 7th was deadlier for Israel than September 11th was for These United States. Our response was far less restrained than Israel's. We bombed weddings and funerals during our conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq with much less contrition being shown.

What this last half year has shown me is that a large swath of Americans have their heads up their asses in regard to basic moral thinking. 

No war has ever been free of collateral damage. No war has ever been fought without a soldier or several, even on the right side of a conflict, committing a war crime. 

If you can't see the moral difference between an Allied soldier going ballistic and killing some German civilians during WWII, and Nazi concentration camps, you're probably too stupid and dangerous for me to reach you. If you can't see the moral difference between individual bad actors committing crimes during a war, and having the war crimes as the broad policy and strategy, you're probably too stupid and dangerous for me to reach you.

War crimes are the policy of Hamas. War crimes are not the policy of Israel. If you disagree with me, kindly either remove your head from your ass, or get off of my page.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 11 others
· @buzweaveryoutube ·
Joe Biden "I Told Israel Not To Attack Israel (Haifa)" He Meant Rafah A Palestinian city
Joe Biden: "I told Israel not to attack Haifa (Israel)." He meant to say Rafah, a Palestinian city.  The Establishment Uni-party doesn't have the interest of the American People in mind. They blame Donald Trump for the very thing they are doing.

Video Short:

#JoeBiden #Israel #Rafah 

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· @rt-international ·
Google fires anti-Israel employees
The employees were dismissed after staging sit-ins at the company’s offices.


Google has fired 28 workers who protested against the company’s ties with the Israeli government amid the war in Gaza. The US tech giant claimed that defiant employees were disrupting the normal work process. 

“Physically impeding other employees’ work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies, and completely unacceptable behavior,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement to the media on Wednesday. “After refusing multiple requests to leave the premises, law enforcement was engaged to remove them to ensure office safety.”

According to tech publication the Verge, a group of employees occupied the office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian in Sunnyvale, California on Tuesday, while another group staged a nearly eight-hour sit-in in the common area of the company’s office in New York. Disgruntled workers also demonstrated outside several Google campuses.

The activist group behind the demonstrations – No Tech for Apartheid – described the firings as illegal and “retaliatory.” They claimed that the sit-ins “did not damage property or threaten other workers,” and had “received an overwhelmingly positive response and shows of support” from colleagues.

Some employees have been publicly speaking out since 2021 against Project Nimbus, a large cloud computing contract Google and Amazon signed with the Israeli government. Time magazine reported this month that Israel’s Defense Ministry has a security entry point to Google Cloud and its AI services.

The Israeli military’s ties with big tech have faced additional scrutiny after +972 Magazine and news website Local Call cited intelligence sources in early April as saying that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is using a secret AI program called Lavender to identify human targets during the war with Hamas in Gaza. Although the IDF stated that such programs are “merely tools for analysis” and that it does not rely on AI to pick targets for strikes, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply troubled” by the report.

Multiple human rights groups have accused the IDF of indiscriminately killing civilians in Gaza, where nearly 34,000 Palestinians have died since October 7, according to local authorities. The Israeli army admitted to accidentally killing seven foreign humanitarian workers during April 1 drone strikes on an aid convoy. The IDF cited misidentification and other errors as causes of the tragedy, and said that it had dismissed two senior officers involved in the strikes.
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· @arbitration ·
I'm glad to see that $60 billion in Ukraine military assistance (plus $35 billion for Israel and Asian allies) is finally likely to pass Congress!

A few thoughts:

1. This package is very similar to what was proposed months ago. It could and should have been done a long time ago. Was only delayed because of reprehensible internal GOP politics. Meanwhile, Ukraine suffered both civilian and military losses that could easily have been avoided. 

2. For those who worry about costs, this is actually highly cost-effective. It's by far the most cost-effective way of degrading the power of one of our two major adversaries: Russia, which is suffering huge losses in Ukraine. Defeating Russia will be even more cost-effective, as they then won't be able to threaten the West for some time to come. And that's on top of the strong moral case for helping a liberal democracy (even a flawed one like Ukraine) counter aggression by a mass-murdering neo-fascist dictatorship.

3. For those who worry about diverting resources from countering China, remember that the Asian allies of the US (Japan, Taiwan, South Korea) all strongly favor aid to Ukraine. They know that countering Russia also helps to deal with China - and deter the latter from aggression.

4. What is true of helping Ukraine against Russia is also true of helping Israel against Iran and Hamas. The Israelis have significant flaws. Their enemies are vastly worse. Israel, however, has far less need of aid than Ukraine does, because facing weaker adversaries.

5. Many thanks to Donald Trump for ensuring that this military assistance for allies will probably NOT be tied to any of the cruel and cruddy border/immigration policies promoted by congressional Republicans. Trump killed the deal the latter struck earlier with Democrats. 

6. The main difference between this package and those put forward earlier is that this one will be broken down into 4 separate bills (3 foreign military assistance bills, plus a border bill that has almost no chance of being enacted). This is to enable each bill to be passed by a different coalition (e.g. - some Republicans who support Israel aid won't vote for Ukraine aid, and some Dems have the opposite set of preferences). History buffs will recall that Stephen Douglas used  a similar manoeuvre to pass the Compromise of 1850. But whereas the Compromise was filled with mostly shitty, proslavery measures, this one is mostly good. 

7. Mike Johnson is still a despicable weasel. He should have done this months ago! But he's less despicable now than before. 

8. Will Johnson now get ousted as speaker? I don't know.  Could go either way, I think. Maybe Dems will cut a deal to save him if Marjorie Taylor Greene & friends try to remove him. If necessary, they can zap her with the Jewish space lasers!

9. As you can tell, I have little love for the congressional GOP. But you should not assume I have any great fondness for congressional Dems, either. Plenty of suckitude to go around on Capitol Hill.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 9 others
· @bernardo69 ·
A hero of Israel in the time of the judges: Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines. Judges 15:20
With the death of Joshua, the period of the judges began in Israel, an aristocracy that formed the first government of the promised land, during this time that was prior to the establishment of the first monarchy with King Saul, God raised up leaders to strengthen the people in the fear of God and the fidelity to the covenant made on Mount Horeb through the prophet Moses.
The Book of Judges relates that despite the conquest some pagan peoples remained in the land of Canaan because the Lord had so ordered: "They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the LORD's commands, which he had given their ancestors through Moses" Judges 3:4.
The judges according to the Bible were very particular characters, and among them, a very particular hero, Samson, stood out. Like the prophet Samuel and King David, the judge Samson was also chosen from the womb to fulfill a spiritual mission, and Samson was probably a Nazirite because according to the Bible, an angel communicated this fact to his father Manoah.
And this is how the Book of Judges relates how the word of God was fulfilled in Samson:
"The woman gave birth to a boy and named him Samson. He grew and the LORD blessed him, and the Spirit of the LORD began to stir him while he was a Mahaneh Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol" Judges 13:24-25.
The Bible also says that Sansom was a great enemy of the Philistines, performed superhuman feats, and led Israel in the accomplishment of the law: Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines. Judges 15:20.
Samson was the last notable judge described in the Book of Judges and he with his actions paved the way for the arrival of the prophet Samuel who would later anoint Saul as the first king of Israel.
![A hero of Israel in the time of the judges. Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistine. Judges 15,20.jpg](,20.jpg)
For more information visit my profile follow the link and download for free my ebook.
· @isabellaklais · (edited)
Auf manchem Kropf sitzt ein kluger Kopf.
Isabella Klais / Aufbruch - Wir für Deutschland!

Die deutsche Trampolin-Hopse in der Funktion der Außenschlampe vermißte den Präsidenten bei der iranischen Attacke auf Israel. Ob sie damit den iranischen oder israelischen meint, bleibt - wie so oft bei ihr - unklar. Jedenfalls beklagt sie die „präsidentslosen Angriffe“ auf das Land. Ein in der Tat präzedenzloser Zustand!

Wenn sie „führende Kröpfe“ des Irans sanktionieren will, ist das ja nicht ganz so falsch, denn auf so manchem Kropf sitzt ein kluger Kopf, auch wenn das bei ihrem Kropf nicht der Fall ist.

Ihr Problem mit der englischen Datumsangabe zeigt einmal mehr, wie unzureichend sie elementarste Grundzüge einer Sprache beherrscht, in der sie studiert haben will.
Inhaltlich widerlegt sie mit dem Verweis auf 9/11 gerade die zuvor behauptete Einmaligkeit des iranischen Angriffes auf Israel.

Siebenmal hat die deutsche Plage Israel nun schon heimgesucht und erweist sich langsam als schlimmere Zumutung als die zehn biblischen. Daher trat auf israelischer Seite schon ein Abstumpfungs~ und Gewöhnungseffekt ein. Das israelische Kabinett wartete nicht erst die Ankunft des deutsch-britischen Schmeißfliegenschwarmes ab und traf seine Entscheidung autonom.

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· @isabellaklais · (edited)
Das kann für alle Beteiligten noch heiter werden!
Isabella Klais / Aufbruch - Wir für Deutschland!

Die Sau-di(e)-arabische stellt sich nicht nur gegen ihren BRICS-Partner Iran, sondern spielt zusammen mit der West-Marionette Jordanien ein innenpolitisch gewagtes Spiel, das beide hoffentlich verlieren werden. Im Rest der arabischen Welt wird dies zuerst einmal für weitere Isolation der Genannten führen.

Rußland taktiert bisher sehr geschickt, wird aber nicht ad infinitum neutral bleiben können. China hat sich der iranischen Position bereits angenähert und lobt dessen moderate Haltung. Auch der Rest der BRICS wird eher früher als später Farbe bekennen müssen. Das BRICS-Konzept der Zusammenarbeit nur innerhalb der gemeinsamen Schnittmenge wird schon bald an seine Grenzen stoßen. Das Erdoğan’sche Modell des Wasserträgers auf allen Seiten eignet sich nicht für jeden.

Anlage 1

vom 16. April 2024

Konflikt mit Iran: Saudi-Arabien stellt sich auf die Seite Israels.

Saudi-Arabien hat sich in einer Mitteilung auf seiner offiziellen Webseite zur Unterstützung Israels gegen den iranischen Angriff bekannt. In der Mitteilung werden gleichzeitig "die aggressiven Handlungen Irans verurteilt".

Saudi-Arabien hat sich auf seiner offiziellen Webseite zu seiner Beteiligung an der neu gebildeten regionalen Militärkoalition zur Verteidigung Israels gegen einen iranischen Angriff bekannt.

Die offizielle Erklärung erfolgte als Reaktion auf einen Bericht des israelischen Senders KAN News, in dem die Beteiligung Saudi-Arabiens an der gemeinsamen militärischen Verteidigungsoperation beschrieben wurde.

Dem Bericht zufolge konnten 99 Prozent der iranischen Drohnen und Raketen abgefangen und neutralisiert werden, bevor sie ihr Ziel erreichten. Viele dieser Geschosse durchquerten auf ihrem Weg nach Israel den jordanischen und den saudischen Luftraum.

Während Jordanien seine Rolle bei dem Verteidigungsmanöver offen dargelegt hatte, erfolgte das Bekenntnis Saudi-Arabiens in Form einer Zusammenfassung auf seiner offiziellen Webseite, die sich auf Erkenntnisse einer Quelle innerhalb der saudischen Königsfamilie berief.

In dem Bericht auf der Webseite des Königshauses wird ein Beamter zitiert, der die "aggressiven Handlungen Irans" verurteilt und sie mit der "Unterstützung des Terrorismus durch das Regime" in Verbindung bringt.

Der Beamte unterstreicht in der Mitteilung "die Dringlichkeit, den destabilisierenden Einfluss Irans einzudämmen", und betonte die Notwendigkeit "eines weltweiten Vorgehens gegen die kriegerischen Aktivitäten Teherans."

In den Wochen vor dem Hamas-Angriff auf Israel vom 7. Oktober hatten die USA umfangreiche diplomatische Initiativen ergriffen, um ein "Normalisierungsabkommen" zwischen Jerusalem und Riad zu erreichen.

Der Angriff der Hamas brachte zwar einige dieser diplomatischen Bemühungen zum Scheitern, behinderte aber offenbar nicht die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den westlichen Mächten und ihren arabischen Partnern, einschließlich Saudi-Arabien.

Anlage 2

Anlage 3

vom 17. April 2024

China zu Vergeltungsschlägen gegen Israel: "Iran verteidigt seine Souveränität und Würde."

Das chinesische Außenministerium wurde am Dienstag bei der täglichen Pressekonferenz zu einem Telefonat mit dem iranischen Außenminister befragt.

Der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Lin Jian, gab an, Peking sei zuversichtlich, dass Teheran "weitere Turbulenzen" vermeiden und gleichzeitig seine Souveränität und Würde verteidigen werde. "Während des Telefongesprächs erklärte Außenminister Wang Yi, dass China den Angriff auf die iranische Botschaft in Syrien aufs Schärfste verurteilt und der Angriff eine schwerwiegende und nicht hinnehmbare Verletzung des Völkerrechts darstellt", so Lin.

"China nahm die Erklärung Irans zur Kenntnis, dass seine Aktion zurückhaltend und ein Akt der Selbstverteidigung als Reaktion auf den Angriff auf seine Botschaft war", so der Sprecher weiter.

👍  , , , , , , , ,
· @buzweaveryoutube ·
Israel Maintains Stance To Defend Itself Despite Calls For Restraint
Israel's allies call for restraint, yet tensions is the middle east are seldom resolved by Western cultural diplomacy or strongly worded letters. Israel maintains that it will take all measures to protect itself.

#Israel #Iran #MiddleEastConflict 









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♫ Wood - Dan Henig
· @leguna ·
Just a quick lesson in history and geopolitics regarding Israel...

Some of you probably know something about The Cuban Missile Crisis. 

You know why it was a crisis? It's because the placement of the Soviet Missiles in Cuba would allow them to strike any location in These United States in fewer than two minutes. 

You know why the Soviets placed missiles in Cuba? It's because we had missiles in Turkey, that could strike just about any place in the Soviet Union within a couple of minutes. 

This is what Israel is dealing with every day. 

Any rocket or missile fired from the Gaza,  the West Bank, Jordan, or Lebanon can hit any place in Israel in about thirty seconds. 

So, the Iron Dome is kinda important. 

The recent attack from Iran only recorded one injury of which I'm aware -- a seven-year-old girl whose fighting for her life. 

Obviously, I'm wishing her the best. If it weren't for the Iron Dome, the attack would have been devastating.

It also says something about Iran's intent. 

Iran knows about the Iron Dome. They also finance Hezobollah and have influence in Lebanon.

This strike by Iran was basically the equivalent of moving a pawn in the path of a queen to test if your opponent will bite. 

Well, the response from our current administration in These United States was basically to capitulate to Iran. 

This is a mistake. 

If we want to avoid all out war -- possibly WWIII -- our support should be behind Israel wiping our Hamas, probably Hezobollah, and striking the southern border of Lebanon. Show strength. Show the enemies of Israel what it's gonna cost to stay in the fight.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 8 others
· @southfront ·
Iran Sends Strong Message To Israel With Missiles And Drones