kiss | Recent

· @willphoenix ·
Stupid Questions 340
Canadian actress/singer Keara Graves and “Vorarephilia” are not really mentioned all that much in this specific edition of the series.  Still nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, guys and dolls! "Do You Love Me?"
Someone named "I luv cookies" asked this question on a health website: “are you still considered a virgin if you have anal sex?” (Wouldn’t the answer to this question depend on whether or not you were a boy or a girl?)

A stitch in time saves nine *what*?
Why do women say "nothing" when they obviously mean "something"? Is this a throwback to the days when "no" really meant "yes"?  How many humorless women did I just offend with the above question?

What part of the word “illegal” do some people *STILL* not get? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
Why do some people call a zipper a "fly"?  What part is supposed to take flight anyway?

How many of you people STILL need to be told to silence your phone in a movie theatre?
Why is it that if you enjoy frilly undies and the female form then you’re a pervert BUT if you DON’T then you’re gay? "Who Wants to Be Lonely?"

Do steam rollers really roll steam?
Would you ever miss it if I forgot to post anything about lesbians?

Why is it that when I’m proud of my achievements that I’m full of myself BUT if I’m not concerned about achievements then I lack ambition? Does anyone miss the foot fetish material when it is not included?

Did you know John Mayer hates black vaginas?

![s522659629290463841_p1460_i1_w500.jpeg]( anyone know that the band Kiss sells Kiss “Kondoms”? Does anyone use them? Do they make them large enough for me? "Is That You?"

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions *yet*?  


*(Images courtesy of original owners)*
· @webjosh ·
When Melissa George teaches Josh Duhamel how to kiss | Turistas (2006) Movie Scene
When Melissa George teaches Josh Duhamel how to kiss | Turistas (2006) Movie Scene

♥ Watch This Movie for Free -

✔ Online Shopping -

After a bus crash leaves all the passengers stranded, they are joined by two English men, Finn and Liam, and an Australian woman, Pru, who is fluent in Portuguese. The group find a cabana bar where several other tourists and locals are partying. After spending the day on the beach, they are served drugged drinks and pass out.

Melissa George,Josh Duhamel,how to kiss,Turistas,2006 Film,Movie Scene
· @nooses ·
Kiss This Fish.

TRUE STORY: Sunday night, I dreamed that I was hanging out at a house with a bunch of friends I haven’t seen in a long time.

At some point someone mentioned a movie called “Kiss This Fish.” I’d never heard of it. A female friend said, “OMG, you never heard of ‘Kiss This Fish’? It’s the best movie ever!”

I learned that “Kiss This Fish” was a romantic comedy-drama about a man and a woman who discovered they could telepathically share their thoughts and feelings whenever they were in the same room with a certain magical tropical fish which lived in a fishbowl aquarium. This telepathic connection facilitated their falling in love and sharing incredible intimacy.

I learned that every woman on the planet loved this movie and it was the best romantic movie ever made.

Then I woke up. I had to Google “Kiss This Fish” in case it was a real movie that I’d heard of somewhere. As far as I can tell, it is not.

I’m not sure where this came from, but it was probably influenced by “Mindbridge,” a 1970s experimental science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman. I read this back in the late 1970s and recently acquired it again, though I haven’t reread it yet. In this book, space explorers on planet Groombridge Something find a semi-sessile aquatic animal that, as I recall, resembles a cross between a slug and a sponge. They find that if two people touch it at the same time, they can communicate with each other telepathically. (The animal itself is mindless and has no thoughts. It’s just a means of connection.) 

The book is not a romance, although there is a romantic relationship in it, and of course at one point the couple try having sex while touching the animal, so there is a telepathic sex scene, described via the thoughts and sensations that each person is having at the time.
👍  , , , , , , , , , ,
3 replies
· @rayne122 ·
Happy Kiss day !!
· @totoko ·
결코 잊지 못할 키스
네 입술이 내 입술과 닿는 순간,
모든 생각이 날아간다
이성이 순수한 즐거움에 길을 내주기 때문입니다.
세상은 마법에 걸린 날개를 타고 달아나고,
섬세한 손길 하나하나가 내 영혼 전체를 노래합니다.
시간은 춤을 멈추고, 두 번째는 정지되고,
당신의 포옹으로 모든 스트레스가 끝났습니다.
키스에 키스를 더해, 우리의 영혼은 끈끈하게 묶이고,
이 달콤한 교제를 통해, 내 마음이.
👍  , , , ,
3 replies
· @red-rose ·
The Most Beautiful Melody In The World Touch Your Heart - ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUSIC 2023 - Nice collection
👍  , , , , , , , , , ,
1 reply
· @pomeline ·
Luis Rubiales is an idiot.

Of all the things you shouldn't do? Let alone the fact that every camera is upon you? 

Every camera, every player, every fan, every woman in the world watched you do this. And I did too. 

On what fucking planet did this guy think this was acceptable. Oh, wait... ours. And THEN threatened to sue her. 

Oh, wait. 


Of all the things you shouldn't do, even if NO camera is upon you. ESPECIALLY when no camera is upon you.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 17 others
· @detechguy ·
썸씽 인 더 워터
"라이언은 이혼을 하고 집을 잃은 후 운이 좋지 않습니다. 그는 바다로 가서 그의 남은 날들을 작은 캠프에서 살기로 결심합니다. 물건들이 사라지기 시작했을 때, 라이언은 사냥에 나섰지만 그가 찾고 있지 않은 것을 발견했습니다."

"그리고 무어 대 피터스의 경우 피터스는 무어 당이 합의한 모든 재산과 자산에 대해 총 45,000달러의 현금과 함께 보상을 받게 됩니다. 사건 각하."

개머리판 앞머리.

라이언은 그녀가 몇 달 동안 바람을 피웠다는 것을 알았지만, 꿈에 그리던 여자와 결혼한 다른 남자들처럼, 그는 모든 징후를 무시했습니다. 마침내, 이혼 소송을 제기하고, 변호사를 고용하고, 그녀가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 그에게서 실질적으로 빼앗은 것은 그녀였습니다. 그녀는 심지어 그의 사업 투자에 대한 통제권을 얻었고, 라이언에게 해안에 있는 작은 보트 하우스로 이사할 수 있는 충분한 돈만 남겼습니다.

이곳은 조용했고, 해안에 부딪히는 파도는 선율적이고 사랑스러웠지만, 라이언은 그것을 싫어하기 시작했습니다. 그는 만약 그가 도시의 번잡함에서 벗어나면, 그가 자신의 손으로 문제를 해결할 용기를 낼 때까지 거의 고독에 가까운 곳에 앉아 있을 것이라고 생각했습니다. 아마도 그는 광활한 푸른색에서 희망의 기미를 발견할 것입니다. 하지만 하루하루를 버티기가 점점 더 힘들어졌습니다.

어느 날 라이언은 보트를 타고 모험을 떠나 잔잔한 파도를 타고 표류하다가 표시도 없이 버려진 섬에 부딪힙니다. 여기가 그 장소라고 그는 생각했습니다. 그는 며칠 동안 야영을 했고, 그 후에...

라이언은 해안에서 마지막 몇 시간까지 버틸 식량을 가지고 왔지만, 여전히 낚시를 해야 했습니다. 그는 그의 대사를 내던지고 곧 즐길 수 있는 푸짐한 상금을 받았습니다. 라이언은 1년의 대부분을 해안에서 살았고, 그의 피부는 그을렸습니다. 그는 면도하는 것에 별로 신경을 쓰지 않았고, 까칠까칠한 수염이 가슴까지 닿았습니다. 그의 피부는 황금빛 갈색이었고, 움푹 패이고 주근깨가 있었습니다. 해가 지자, 그는 주황색, 빨간색, 그리고 분홍색의 다양한 색조로 칠해진 하늘을 응시했습니다. 그의 검고 사파이어 같은 푸른 눈은 희미한 빛 속에서 반짝였습니다.

라이언과 그의 전 부인은 아이를 낳지 않았습니다. 그는 그가 아직 대학에 다닐 때 합격한 부모님의 외동아들이었습니다. 그가 돈을 잃었을 때, 그가 그의 친구라고 생각했던 모든 사람들은 이혼 후에 그의 전 남편의 편을 들었습니다. 그는 이 세상에서 정말로 혼자였고 그 사실을 받아들이고 있었습니다.

해가 지고 있었고 그의 옆에서 불이 활활 타올랐습니다. 그는 누워서 별들을 올려다보며, 그들이 그에게 어떤 대답을 해주기를 바라고 또 바라고 있었습니다. 대신 그는 여전히 혼자였고, 깊은 잠에 빠져 있었습니다.

파도는 달의 여파로 용서받지 못했고, 그녀의 잡아당김은 파도가 그녀에게 닿지 않도록 유혹했습니다. 그들은 너무 큰 소리로 바위에 부딪혀서 라이언은 뒤에서 들리는 젖은 퐁당 소리를 거의 놓칠 뻔했습니다. 그는 아직도 잠에 취해 있지만 본능이 발동해서 눈의 껍질을 닦기도 전에 일어섰습니다. 그 소리를 내는 것이 무엇이든 간에 이미 사라지고, 바위와 모래를 가로질러 길게 젖은 흔적을 남겼습니다. 라이언의 모든 물고기가 사라졌습니다. 화가 난 그는 어둠 속을 달과 불의 희미한 빛 속에서 그가 할 수 있는 최선의 길을 따라 달을 달립니다.

그는 파도가 그의 발치를 두드리는 바다의 가장자리에 도달합니다. 확실히, 그는 어느 시점에서 흔적을 잃었을 것입니다. 그의 딩기 외에 다른 배는 없었고, 그가 아는 바로는 해안의 이쪽에는 바다표범이 없었습니다. 누가 혹은 무엇이 그에게서 훔쳤을 수 있습니까?

잠을 잘 수 없었기 때문에, 그는 나무들 중 하나의 쓰러진 가지로 무기를 만드는 데 그의 나머지 밤을 보냈습니다. 그는 충분히 도둑맞고 있습니다.

아무 일도 없습니다.

라이언은 먹을 것을 찾기 위해 섬의 더 깊은 곳으로 갑니다. 말은 쉽지만 행동은 쉬웠기 때문에, 그는 결국 선을 긋고 바다로 돌아갔습니다. 해변의 모래 위에서, 그는 조개껍질 더미를 발견했습니다. 누군가가 그를 건드렸나요? 그는 그것들을 집어서 과일과 야채를 담는 주머니에 넣었습니다. 행운은 줄을 던질 때마다 그의 편이 되어 며칠 동안 먹이를 줄 수 있는 큰 물고기를 데려왔지만, 그는 결국 해가 지기 전에 대다수를 집어삼켰습니다. 그가 함정에 빠뜨린 남은 음식.

효과가 있었습니다.

라이언이 설치하는 데 사용한 캐스팅 네트 아래에서 무언가가 터지고 울부짖었습니다. 그게 뭐든 간에, 그는 그에게서 훔치는 것을 허락하지 않았습니다. 그는 영리한 동물의 종류, 혹은 길 잃은 부족의 사람을 기대했지만, 꿈틀거리는 형태 위로 횃불을 던지자 숨을 헐떡였습니다.

그것은 동물도 아니고 사람도 아니었습니다. 음, 그것은 인간의 몸통을 가지고 있었습니다. 탄력 있는 팔은 그물에 밀치고 맞서 싸우며, 조각된 가슴은 그 생물이 몸부림치며 들어올려질 때마다 오르내립니다. 그들의 머리카락은 길고 옅은 금발이었고, 그 생물의 허리를 따라 계단식으로 이어져 다리가 시작되어야 할 곳에서 멈췄습니다. 물에 젖어 펄럭이는 소리는 잭해머처럼 땅을 두드리는 크고 육질이 좋은 꼬리에서 나왔습니다.

그것은 인어였습니다.

잠깐만, 라이언은 그것의 특징을 자세히 살펴보았습니다. 머먼?

만약 이것의 모습이 죽일 수 있다면, 라이언은 그 눈빛에 화가 나고 화가 날 것입니다.
· @ankdel ·
Step into a Virtual Wonderland: Immerse Yourself in the Future of Toto Gaming
Toto games have become a popular form of entertainment in recent years, captivating players of all ages with their thrilling gameplay and potential for big winnings. Whether you're an avid gamer or someone looking to try their luck, <a href="">kiss88toto</a> games offer a wide range of experiences that cater to different tastes and preferences.

Toto games encompass a variety of genres, including sports betting, casino games, lottery games, and more. One of the most significant advantages of these games is their accessibility. With the rise of online platforms and mobile applications, players can enjoy Toto games from the comfort of their homes or on the go, anytime and anywhere. This convenience has undoubtedly contributed to the growing popularity of Toto games worldwide.

One of the primary attractions of Toto games is the excitement they bring. Sports betting, in particular, allows fans to engage with their favorite teams and athletes on a whole new level. By placing bets on various sporting events, fans not only get to showcase their knowledge and predictions but also experience an adrenaline rush as they cheer for their chosen teams. The unpredictability of sports adds an element of thrill and anticipation to every game, making it an exhilarating experience for players.

Casino games are another popular category within the realm of Toto games. They feature classic favorites like poker, blackjack, roulette, and slot machines, providing endless entertainment for enthusiasts. These games combine strategy, skill, and luck, creating a captivating environment where players can test their abilities against others or simply enjoy the immersive experience. Additionally, the possibility of winning substantial prizes and jackpots adds an extra layer of excitement to casino games.

Lottery games, on the other hand, offer a different kind of thrill. With their enormous prize pools and life-changing jackpots, lotteries attract millions of players globally. The allure of becoming an instant millionaire with a single ticket purchase drives people to participate and dream big. Even though the odds may be slim, the anticipation leading up to the draw and the brief moment of hope as the numbers are revealed make lottery games an irresistible choice for many.

Toto games have also evolved with advancements in technology. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have introduced a new era of immersive gaming experiences. Players can now step into virtual casinos or stadiums, interacting with realistic environments and characters, further blurring the lines between reality and the digital realm. These innovations have taken Toto games to new heights, captivating players with their engaging visuals and enhanced interactivity.

It is essential to approach Toto games responsibly and with caution. While they offer entertainment and the potential for winnings, it's vital to set limits, manage finances wisely, and prioritize enjoyment over excessive gambling. Responsible gaming practices ensure that Toto games remain a form of leisure rather than a harmful addiction.

In conclusion, Toto games provide a world of entertainment filled with excitement, thrill, and the chance to win big. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a fan of casino games, or someone hoping to strike it rich with a lottery ticket, Toto games offer something for everyone. With their accessibility through online platforms, evolving technologies, and diverse gameplay options, Toto games continue to captivate players worldwide and shape the landscape of modern entertainment. Remember to play responsibly and enjoy the journey of Toto gaming to its fullest!
· @haejin ·
I don't know what this guy's analysis is even saying.....KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 119 others
1 reply
· @tntime2023 ·
Kiss Girls' Kiss Wait For Twist 🤣🤣 | Meme Videos | Funny Videos
<center><a href='!/v/tntime2023/1vdszgr8tml'><img src='' ></a></center><hr>

<hr><a href='!/v/tntime2023/1vdszgr8tml'> ▶️ DTube</a><br />
· @shehananthony ·
My love, oh how you fill my heart
My love, oh how you fill my heart
With joy and happiness from the start
Your love is like a warm embrace
That I never want to let go of in any place

You are my rock, my guiding light
In your arms, everything feels just right
Your kind words and loving touch
Make me feel loved and wanted so much

Your beauty radiates from within
And the love we share knows no end
I am so grateful for you, my love
You are the one I've been dreaming of

I promise to always be true
And to love and cherish you
Forever and always, my love, my dear
You are the one I hold most dear
· @muzeyid · (edited)
hot kisses with stepsis
<center><a href='!/v/muzeyid/sl209o5tkul'><img src='' ></a></center><hr>

<hr><a href='!/v/muzeyid/sl209o5tkul'> ▶️ DTube</a><br />
1 reply
· @johnsarticle121 ·
Full Body Cushions - An Extraordinary Expansion to the Home
<p>For a definitive in solace and comfort many individuals are going to full body cushions <a href=""><strong>custom kiss cut stickers</strong></a> to assist with supporting guaranteeing they get the most familiar rest during sleep. Full body cushions are turning out to be progressively famous in the commercial center among the people who are cognizant on getting the most ideal rest. With such countless sizes and sorts of cushions accessible I have formed this article to frame the advantages of these pads too cover there many purposes.
<p>Why you could require this kind of cushion?
<p>As well as giving extreme solace during sleep a <a href=""><strong>customized body pillow</strong></a> likewise has numerous different purposes that may helpful to your requirements. As well as offering help for your entire body a full body cushion assists the people who with experiencing the accompanying:
<p>Joint inflammation and Sore and firm joints
<p>Help in recuperating from actual wounds safeguarding an agreeable rest
<p>Frequently utilized for a kid bearing mother to bring down uneasiness
<p>Lower and upper back torment diminished
<p>Further develops course for a speedier recuperation
<p>Those are a portion of the fundamental advantages a pad of this sort has given to the individuals who have put into one of these extraordinary cushions. One more extraordinary highlight notice is that these sorts of cushion can be utilized anyplace in the home and are not simply utilized solely on the bed. For instance, you might choose to involve your pad while watching your #1 film in the feasting region or perhaps for unwinding close to the chimney. The decision is yours.
<p>Sorts of pads accessible
<p>There are principally two sorts of full body cushions available that are progressively famous. On one hand you have the adaptable padding variety which molds to your bodies shape and the other is your standard based cushion. With adaptive padding based full body cushions they are basically planned as an enhancement to your current sleeping pad while the standard sort pad can be utilized anyplace. These kinds of pads come in different sizes to oblige different sizes of individual as well as arriving in a variety of shapes and tones to satisfy the client. For a cushion that has such countless purposes as well as medical advantages, a full body pad is an insightful venture.</p>
· @kenny-crane · (edited)
My Actifit Report Card: November 12 2022 - Kiss Alive
Kiss is an iconic rock band that started back in the 70s and they still play concerts now. I saw them a few times. They put on quite a show!

This is from Kiss Alive which came out in the mid 70s. The video has lots of pics.

MY ACTIVITY was just my night time walk. It was 62 degrees Fahrenheit and no rain. My outerwear choice was my light white hoodie. The beautiful fullish moon lit my way.

Have a great day! ❤👍❤

 <br/> _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on]( <br/> <br><img src=""><br><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><b>12/11/2022</b></div>	</tr></table><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><b>6902</b></div>	</tr></table><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><pre><b>Daily Activity, Walking</b></div></pre></div>	</tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src=""><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></div>
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 10 others
2 replies
· @kenny-crane · (edited)
My Actifit Report Card: November 8 2022 - Hotter Than Hell
It's so warm out lately! This in November yet it was in the 80s this afternoon. You might say it was hotter than hell.

Is this due to global warming? Maybe it's just the normal variance in temperature. Whatever it is, today's heat reminded me of a 70s Rock song from a huge band in those days called Kiss.  They wore outrageous outfits and face paint. There was blood and fire at their concerts. Their Live double album was super popular. Here is one song from it.

MY ACTIVITY was another night time walk with no hoodie or hat. Just an energizing excursion under a beautiful full moon. Then lifting dumbbells. Then 27 pushups.

Happy Tuesday to you! ❤👍❤

 <br/> _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on]( <br/> <br><img src=""><br><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><b>07/11/2022</b></div>	</tr></table><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><b>6413</b></div>	</tr></table><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><pre><b>Daily Activity, Walking</b></div></pre></div>	</tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src=""><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></div>
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 6 others
1 reply
· @aura69748 ·
당구의 묘미는 쫑이다
맞았는데도 쫑이나서 쫑친다

우리 인생의 묘미도 쫑이다
맞는 듯 하다가 안 맞아서 쫑친다

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· @shotfotos ·
3D kiss with love emoji
3D rendered yellow kissing emojis with love, wink and red hearts on white background.


This 3D yellow kissing emojis with hearts on white background can be used in:

Social media: facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp and any other social network.

Sending message to your customers, social media subscribers, email subscribers, friends and family.

Marketing, advertising, any business, mobile applications and any website.

Wallpaper and backgrounds.

Social media and blog posts.

Displaying text, logos, products, 3d models on the background.

Download 3D yellow kissing emojis with hearts on white background in full dimensions for totally free: 2000 × 1500 px.
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· @trucklifefamily ·
Minimalism And Parenting - When Less Is More
When my first daughter was born, I was living in a house, with my ex partner, where we were working together to convert an old Mercedes 811 D bus, into our home. I had already lived in a van, when I was in Australia and I loved living nomadically and could really see, the many advantages of raising a family that way.


One of the greatest things I have learnt, is that the less I own, the happier that I am. Because it allows me to connect more with who I really am. Having many possessions, prevents us from taking full responsibility for ourselves. Because instead of our focus turning inwards, it is turned outwards instead.

When I became a parent, I realised how little our babies/children need in order to thrive. Society may try and push all these things on us, saying how it will make our lives easier, but actually a lot of them take you away from your baby.

I chose to wear all my children, until they could walk themselves. They also slept with me in my bed, until they were ready to move out themselves. Both of these things seemed like the most natural thing for me to do. I could not imagine, not having them close to me, as they were beginning to discover the world around them and shape their first impressions of it.

Being present for them, seemed like the most important thing I could do for them, after providing them shelter and nourishment (in the form of my breast milk).


They have and continue to spend most of their childhood outdoors, where they get to invent their own games and use the resources around them, to bring those games to life. Playing, is one of the best ways in which they can learn. Helping them to become more resourceful and confident, whilst problem solving and creating.

When our children have less things around them, less things to distract them, they are more intune with what they actually need. If you give them a lot of things, then they expect to get a lot of things all of the time. They get used, to using different gadgets to pass the time, rather than creating their own entertainment.

It is the way in which we live ourselves, that has the biggest impact on our children. We can talk to them about certain principles, but unless we too, are living by them, then why should they. Then there is less of a need for words and instead they can be guided by our actions.

When I made the decision, that I did not want my children to eat sugar and wheat when they were very young, I also made the decision, to stop eating them as well.

My children are growing up, to be very resourceful. I love to watch them create whole worlds, using natural materials or items that they have sourced themselves. (We are lucky that we have a giveaway boat near to where we live.)

Because we live in a small space, they understand that we can not gather a lot of things and also that the money I make, is spend on buying wholesome food for the whole family. They rarely ask me for something. I am very honest about the means by which we live.

They do get lots of gifts on their birthdays and at Solstice, so usually if they want something they ask if they can get it for either of those occasions.

I have never really faced challenges with my girls, when it comes to what they can and can't have. I am honest about the fact that there is only so much we can possess and that at the end of the day, it is what we possess on the inside that is most important, not what we have to show on the outside.


As they have grown up (especially my eldest daughter) and now see the world in a different way and become more exposed to the world at large, I can see why they ask for more things. There friends tend to own more possesses and it's normal that they want, what their friends have.

So we talk about the things we do have, the fact that we have many animal companions that need our time also and that, what we get from them and our relationships with the people in our lives, far exceeds what we will ever have, from owning things.

My girls don't ever go without, what they need. They are very good at finding ways to make things happen, which is probably one of the most important things, that they should hold onto as they grow up. Because it is something that many people lose, this self belief that they can achieve anything.

Anything, that really aligns with who they are. In order for them to know who they are, they first need to have the space to discover that and the skills to achieve it, which all come from within!


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· @spiderman21 ·
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