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· @wisexorfool · (edited)
Re-Think Cryptocurrency Energy Consumption
# Four Reasons To Re-Think Crypto Energy Consumption

Cryptocurrencies are often criticized for their high energy consumption. The counterargument to the problem with cryptocurrency energy consumption rests on four main issues:
- Cryptocurrency energy consumption is misinterpreted
- The current monetary systems are inefficient and wasteful
- Renewable sources are used for mining in many areas
- The cost of energy consumption pushes technology innovation

Give [“cryptocurrency energy consumption”]( a Google search. The results turn out articles and websites with polar opposite positions on the topic. Regardless of the stance, few mention the importance of a miner’s electricity source, and even fewer share any data on how much energy is used by our current fiat system. There are huge costs associated with printing money and minting coins that only represent the precious metals our societies once held value in.

## Energy Consumption
Bitcoin is by far the most widely used cryptocurrency, holding more than 50% of the overall cryptocurrency market cap value. [One website]( tracks Bitcoin and Ethereum (the second most active cryptocurrency) energy consumption. According to the data, Bitcoin accounts for just one-third of one percent of total global energy usage right now, and Ethereum uses only one-tenth of one percent. 

But even these low estimations cannot be taken at face value. Not all miners are using the same hardware setup - some equipment is more energy efficient than others. Further, [a recent article]( by a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh argues that the source, not the amount, of energy is what matters in the end. 

> _If Bitcoin technology were to mature by more than 100 times its current market size, it would still equal only 2 percent of all energy consumption._ - Electrical and Computer Engineering with a focus on Renewable Energy Researcher [Katrina Kelly-Pitou](

Others who assess cryptocurrency through the lens of economics believe that as their use grows, energy use will increase proportionally. To show the contrast in opinion between two experts in the related fields on the energy consumption of Bitcoin mining:

> _It’s an extreme difference compared to the regular financial system, and this increasing electricity demand is definitely not going to help us reach our climate goals._ - Economist [Alex De Vries](

## Mining Vs. Regular Financial System
The traditional banking industry consumes [closer to 100 terawatts]( of power each year (roughly - 26Twh on data servers, 58Twh on branches, 13Twh on ATMs). With cryptocurrencies, all users need is a phone or computer that they likely already have and use frequently. The estimated energy consumption by cryptocurrencies currently is around 70Twh, [according to the data]( used to formulate the opinion by economist Alex De Vries.

In the U.S. the expected 2018 currency manufacturing budget is $861.7 million, according to [the Federal Reserve]( The process of producing the currency each year is not only expensive but energy-intensive. [This study]( breaks down the process fairly and highlights the positive and negative aspects associated throughout. The facility used to manufacture all currency for the U.S. uses many energy-saving and energy-recycling systems, but is powered by a fossil-fuel energy plant. 

Most paper currencies are made using fiber, not tree paper so that they can withstand daily use. In the U.S. most of the product is recycled from old bills to re-use in new ones. However, the method for creating the feel and appearance on a bill is created by first cooking in sodium hydroxide, and then brightening the fiber with sodium hypochlorite (used in bleach). Both are strong contaminants to the environment. Overall it uses more than 1 million gallons of water each day in the process, with 30% water waste.

## The Mining Misunderstanding
The mining process is where most people who learn about cryptocurrencies come to a stop. Some of the most technical aspects of their functionality come into play with terms like from coding and mathematics such as hashing, SHA-256 algorithm, nonce, and cryptographic signatures. This debate of energy consumption largely rests on Bitcoin, because of its mining process and its high popularity in relation to any other cryptocurrency. 

For Bitcoin, whether a transaction is worth $1 or $1 billion dollars, the transaction will be blocked into the same amount of data. Bitcoin was designed specifically to maintain what are comparatively slow transaction times to credit card transactions. This is an intentional part of the mining process, which ultimately maintains the security of the network. Mining provides an incentive to participate honestly that vastly outweighs the effort it would take to steal. In its 10-year existence, the Bitcoin network has never been hacked.

This brings two major benefits related to energy consumption: First, the total possible amount of energy used per minute, hour, day, or year, is indirectly limited to this underlying protocol. Second, the incentive pushes miners and energy producers to create new, faster, and more efficient technology. 

## Driving Innovation and Progress
The business of mining is hyper-competitive. Individuals in the early days of Bitcoin could mine with just a standard computer, but specialized computers were developed to outpace competition from the average user, and are now necessary to be successful. The hardware needed has now become more widely available, so miners need to find new ways to be profitable. One of the most significant ways to do so is to reduce their electricity costs. Because of this they are commonly at the forefront of new technology related to renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. 

## Re-Focus On The Energy Source
The renewable energy researcher quoted earlier in contrast to the economist is adamant that the conversation needs to shift toward where that energy is produced and what it is generated from, instead of energy-intensivity. Many countries around the world have developed much more rigid guidelines or tax incentives for energy production that employ more efficient systems or ideally, renewable or “green” sources. 

> _By talking specifically about ... the consumption of energy alone... many fail to understand one of the most basic benefits of renewable energy systems. Electricity production can increase while still maintaining a minimal impact on the environment… Not all types of energy generation are equal in their impact on the environment, nor does the world uniformly rely on the same types of generation across states and markets._ -  [Katrina Kelly-Pitou](

## Polar Opposites
The cryptocurrency mining activity in China and Iceland highlights the strong disparity that exists relating to power generation and government influence, as well as one of the issues with cryptocurrencies that cannot be refuted. 

China is a cryptocurrency mining superpower due to its cheap electricity supply. Some estimates show that China accounted for over 70% of total Bitcoin mining in 2017. However, a study by the University of Cambridge in April 2017 shows that the country accounts for only 60%. In either case, it is the majority and poses a problem because the country uses primarily fossil fuels.

Iceland is becoming a popular spot for cryptocurrency miners, because of similarly low electricity rates. However, the lower rates are in place because of their nearly 100% renewable energy sources of geothermal and hydroelectric.
· @sunnyday327 ·
· @zafrada ·
Good piece dispelling two persistent myths about Rome and salt.

I knew the first one was a myth. One that Rome salted Carthage so that it would not rise again. The other that the word salary comes from Rome paying its soldiers in salt.

That the Carthage one took hold so well is confusing. The other one though I can see how it would get so embedded despite a lack of evidence.

By the way, the Wieliczka salt mines are a great tour.
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· @mythrelater ·
Essential of ancient world and rules

# Whole of the world

In ancient times, the entire world was divided into "divinity realm- fairy realm- human realm- demon realm". The divine realm has the highest level. There are strict rules between different realms to maintain the balance of the whole world.

# Human Realm

The human realm is full of prosperity and rich, however, it is also wars and famines here and there. Some people called Master can obtain magical power through special practises, and high-level masters will be qualified for advanced fairy realm.

# Demon Realm

The demon realm is a cruel and competitive world, but it also has kindness and peace. It is full of strange and unusual. All kinds of animals live in this world. Some animals can control mysterious power after hundreds or even thousands of years of cultivation practice, to become demons. Demons with strong mysterious power can enter the fairy world through further efforts and opportunities.

# Advanced to Fairy Realm

Fairyland is a peaceful and rich world, no pain, no sadness, with light, flowers and various niceness. It is the world that people and demons want to advance into. However, when people and demons advance to the fairy world, they not only have to go through long and hard practice to master enough powerful, but also need support from outside their own realm to finally get the opportunity to enter the fairy world. For example, a fox needs to go through 1000 years of cultivation practice to gain strong enough power; and then, if it gets support from the human realm, the door of opportunity is opened to the fox; however, there are still many unpredictable challenges when the opportunity really comes. If the fox makes any minor mistakes, all its previous efforts include thousands of years of practice will be completely lost, even its body will die.

# Ultimate divine Realm

It is extremely difficult to finally enter the divine realm. As the divine realm has the responsibility to keep the whole world balanced, both extreme willpower and strongest mana are required. The only way to rise from the fairy realm to divine realm is to endure the ultimate test. Typically, it is to be struck by five-color super thunder lightning to verify whether the will in heart and the divine power in body are enough. If succeed, the birth of one new deity, if fail, the elimination of both the spirit and the body.
· @napou504 ·
ধামাচাপা ইতিহাস
আজকের বিষয় এমন এক জাতিকে নিয়ে যাদের নিয়ে ছড়িয়ে আছে নানা কন্সপিরেসি আর মুখরোচক লোককাহিনী 

প্রথমেই শুরু করি ড্রুইড শব্দটির মানে কি?  এর অর্থ আর উৎপত্তি নিয়ের অনেক মতভেদ আছে। অনেকের মতে এর মানে হচ্ছে ' ওক গাছের সাথে পরিচিত'। আবার অনেকের মতে ' যাদের জ্ঞান খুবই মহান'।  প্লিনীরা ড্রুইডদের ম্যাজাই বলে। ড্রুইডদের নিয়ে প্রথম লেখালেখি করেন স্ট্রাবো, ডিওডোরাস সিকুলিস, পসিডোনিয়াস আর জুলিয়াস সিজার। অনেকের মতে ড্রুইডরা দুই হাজার খ্রীস্টপূর্ব এর আগেও বিদ্যমান ছিলো।  কিন্তু তাদের নিয়ে সবচেয়ে বেশি প্রসার হয় দুইশ খ্রীস্টপূর্ব এর দিকে৷  ড্রুইডারা ছিলো খুবই ক্ষমতাবান এমনকি তারা তাদের রাজ্যের রাজার থেকেও ক্ষমতাবান ছিল। তারা ছিল শান্তিপ্রিয়। কথিত আছে যে,  ড্রুইডরা চাইলে যেকোন যুদ্ধ থামাতে পারত। যদি দুটো গোত্রে ঝগড়া লাগত, তাহলে তারা তাদের মাঝখানে গিয়ে দাড়াত আর যুদ্ধ থেমে যেত। কিন্তু তারা মানুষ বলি দিত।  যাকে বলি দেওয়া হবে,  তার পিঠে প্রথমে ছুরি মারা হত,  তারপর মানুষটার হাত পায়ের কম্পন আর রক্তপ্রবাহ দেখে নানান ভবিষ্যৎ বাণী করা হত। তাদের ধর্মবিশ্বাস ছিল যে মহাবিশ্বের মত মানুষের আত্মাও অবিনশ্বর। তারা চারটা কালে বিশ্বাস করে,  আইয়েস্তি নেমেতি, আইয়েস্তি উইরিওনাস, আইয়েস্তি ডানুইন, আইয়েস্তি মিলেটনিওন। ড্রুইডদের ধর্মে অগ্নিকুন্ড অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ জিনিস। ড্রুইডদের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থা ছিল মুখে মুখে। তাড়া বিজ্ঞান বা জ্যোতির্বিদ্যা সম্পর্কে কখনো লিখে রাখত না।  রোমানরা ড্রুইডদের পছন্দ করত না। এমনকি জুলিয়াস সিজার আইনও করেছিলেন যে,  রোমের নাগরিক হতে চাইলে অবশ্যই বাধ্যতামূলকভাবে ড্রুইডবাদ চর্চা করা থেকে বিরত থাকতে হবে। অনেকদিন রোমানরা ব্রিটেন বা ড্রুইডদের জালাতন করেনি৷ কিন্তু ব্রিটেন জয় করার পর তারা ড্রুইডদের সমূলে উচ্ছেদ করতে চায়। তারা ওয়েলস পর্যন্ত তাদের তাড়া করে। ষাট খ্রিস্টাব্দে রোমানরা ড্রুইডদের অ্যাং লিসিতে পরাজিত করে। সর্বশেষ চুরাশি খ্রিস্টাব্দে ড্রুইডদের শেষ প্রতিরোধও ভেঙ্গে পড়ে।
3 replies
· @shamenormalcy ·
Black Myth: Wukong

All pics copyrite are reserved to their owners.
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· @shamenormalcy · (edited)
Black Myth: Wukong

All videos copyrite are reserved to their owners.
· @nooses ·
The Democrat policy on suppressors is based on Hollywood myth rather than fact or science.

I usually don't share stuff like this; but, maybe y'all will trust this more than you trust me. 

When you talk to that rare, odd person who supports the suppressor restrictions, they'll tell you that they exist because "silencers" may make it hard for would-be victims of a mass shooting to hear the gun shots.

If you can't hear a jackhammer, that's a medical problem.  The volume of a jackhammer is about what a suppressed AR-15 puts out. 

Almost every military veteran who served in combat before modern ear protection became the norm has reported hearing loss. The one reservation that I have about carrying revolvers is that I can't use suppressors on them given the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. If I need to use my .357 magnum in a self-defense situation, my ears are probably going to be ringing for a week. 

It's simply stupid that the legal process to get a suppressor takes a year, and a couple hundred dollars, in order to buy an accessory that usually costs a thousand dollars itself. 

Suppressors aren't available for people to quietly kill other people. 

Suppressors are available so we can shoot home invaders, rapists, and murderers without going deaf.
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· @mohamed677 ·
The Beast of Bodmin - Myth of Reality?
![ (11).webp](

## The Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to go away, whether it be a local cat assumed to be extinct or an escaped foreign pet. Indeed, sightings of the panther-like monster persist, and, unlike previous enigmatic animals, contemporary technology is assisting in proving its existence. Bodmin Moor National Park is located in Cornwall, southwest England. There have been over sixty sightings of big cats in the region since 1983, and some experts believe there may be a breeding colony on the moors. In fact, a mother cat and her youngster were recently seen together. Despite several credible witnesses' testimonies, a British government assessment issued in 1995 determined that there was no evidence of large cats on the moors.

However, some pretty surprising, physical evidence has been revealed since 1995. In a 20-second film published in July 1998, a massive black animal can plainly seen traversing the moor.
The film, according to experts, is the greatest evidence yet to support the theory that large cats live in the region.
Many people believe the monsters are a local variety of cat that was considered to be extinct over a century ago. Maurice Jenkins, a quarry weighbridge worker, was traveling around Exmoor, near Bodmin, around the time the film was released, when he noticed a weird beast on the side of the road. He focused his car's headlights on the beast. Jenkins later stated:
‘It was a big black pussycat. His eyes reflected in my headlights and slowed down so I could get a better look and it sat watching me. It was the size of a collie dog with a jet-black head and tail. He leaped away and made off into the fields.’

In recent years, genuine biological evidence has also been discovered. On Bodmin Moor, a gigantic skull with enormous teeth was discovered near the River Fowey. The bones were brought to mammal experts at the British Natural History Museum, who soon determined that the cranium did not belong to a species found in the English countryside. They also inferred that it was the skull of a huge cat based on the size and arrangement of the teeth.

A rash of farm animal mutilations on Bodmin Moor in November 1999 prompted the introduction of a high-tech alternative for tracking down the beast. When an unknown beast attacked and tore apart a calf and two sheep, a motion-activated infrared video camera was mounted on the moor. Similarly, in January 2001, reserve volunteers from a nearby Royal Air Force installation hunted for the monster using cutting-edge night-vision military equipment. Rather of practicing drills against a fictitious opponent, RAF leaders believed it would be more exciting for men to search for the mythical Beast of Bodmin. It is unknown whether the RAF discovered any evidence of the Beast.

The concept of odd huge cats prowling Britain is not entirely outlandish. A strange, vicious-looking wild animal was discovered in the yard of a house in Barnet, north London, in May 2001. To catch what proved out to be a lynx, a large team of armed police, RSPCA inspectors, and veterinarians was required. A similar incident occurred in September 1998, when residents in Potters Bar and South Mimms were warned to stay home while police searched for a huge cat spotted nearby. However, in general, such creatures pose minimal risk to the human population.

Farmers in southwest England disagree that these creatures are harmless, and many skeptics believe the Beast of Bodmin is, at most, an escaped foreign cat. Every year, a number of exotic large cats go missing from zoos and wildlife parks, and Britain's Dangerous Wild Animals Act of 1976 made possession of exotic big cats illegal. Some feel that if a creature like this were to escape from a private collection, its owner would be unwilling to declare it missing. Whatever the reality is, there is mounting evidence that a giant, black, wild cat is roaming the area of Bodmin Moor.
· @paulmoon410 ·
Unveiling the Enigma: The Snallygaster of Frederick County, Maryland

For centuries, nestled deep within the heart of Frederick County, Maryland, an eerie legend has been perpetuated – that of the dreaded Snallygaster. A formidable winged creature, often likened to a dragon, has been the subject of countless tales and debates, captivating the imaginations of locals and sparking fervent discussions on its existence. This mythical being, half-reptile, and half-bird, is said to inhabit the cavernous recesses of South Mountain, leaving a trail of fear and fascination in its wake.

The origins of the Snallygaster tale are intertwined with the rich history of German immigrants who settled in the region during the 18th century. To them, it was the Schneller Geist, the "quick spirit," a blend of their old-world beliefs mingled with the nightmarish apparitions of demons and malevolent spirits. As years passed, the legend took on new dimensions, casting the creature as a beast with a metallic beak lined with razor-sharp teeth, or sometimes adorned with octopus-like tentacles.

Central to the lore is its eerie interactions with the Dwayyo, another enigmatic creature. A bipedal entity, Dwayyo's wolf-like traits combined with human attributes, set the stage for ferocious confrontations that date back to the early days of Middletown Valley's settlement.

Although residing in the realm of folklore, the Snallygaster's presence became palpable in 1909, when newspapers brimmed with tales of the creature. Those who encountered the beast described enormous wings, a bill resembling metal, claws that rivaled steel hooks, and an unsettling eye planted on its forehead. Its eerie screeches reverberated like a haunting locomotive whistle through the valleys.

One chilling account detailed an unfortunate man seized by the creature, its fangs plunging into his jugular, draining his life force before abandoning the lifeless body on a hillside. The story spiraled, gripping Middletown's Valley Register, then stretching its tendrils far and wide. The Smithsonian Institution, the emblem of scientific inquiry, offered a bounty for the beast's hide. At the same time, even President Theodore Roosevelt contemplated postponing international trips for a chance to confront the Snallygaster himself.

Throughout history, the Snallygaster's phantom-like presence seemed to manifest across various states. Footprints surfaced in New Jersey's snow, near-captures were reported in West Virginia, and screeches echoed through Ohio's skies. But the creature remained deeply embedded in Maryland's landscape, spotted by a brick-kiln worker near Cumberland, waking from slumber with a blood-curdling scream. Its eerie visits continued over the mountains between Gapland and Burkittsville, leaving its mark in reports of eggs the size of barrels and enigmatic encounters.

Then, silence. The Snallygaster vanished from sight, dwelling only in whispered tales, until it resurfaced after 23 years, below South Mountain in Washington County. Theories emerged that these sightings were offspring of the 1909 creature, a new generation steeped in the same legend.

Requests for detailed descriptions flooded in, an attempt to bring scientific clarity to the myth. The Snallygaster's reignited presence spurred eyewitness reports, confirming it's looming figure flying over Braddock Heights, an embodiment of the ancient tales.

And then, in a macabre twist that could only be woven into folklore, the Snallygaster met its end. A moonshine still in Washington County exhaled fumes that overpowered the mythical beast, causing it to plummet into a 2500-gallon vat of alcohol. Revenue agents reportedly descended upon the scene, ending the Snallygaster's reign and obliterating both creature and vessel.
· @mercury2002 ·

















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· @hive-164330 ·
La figura de Satanás
<center>**🔸La historia del diablo.🔸**</center>

<div class="text-justify">

>El diablo en diferentes culturas existe siempre buscando al mal, en algunas culturas romantiza y en otras le tiene más respeto, me gustaría saber cuál es el diablo de la cultura donde vives.

Sí te gustó mi publicación, vota, comenta, medita, reflexiona y disfruta del momento.

Agradezco mucho su apoyo. 🤝

Team nature. 🌱

<div class=phishy>

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Regístrate aquí para ser parte de nuestra gran comunidad.⬇️


<center>**Thanks to all**</center>

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· @leguna ·
I used to believe in a myth..

You know... that Republicans and libertarians hated the poor was propagated by those who wanted to be warriors for the powerless, protecting them from the powerful. Those who wanted the world to be black and white, good and evil, right versus wrong in an uncomplicated way. They wanted a dragon to slay whether it was real or not.

They could be, in that state, easily swayed by demagogues turning that sense of justice into a type of power of their own. If other people thought "hey, maybe the best way to help isn't just throwing money at the problem and it's more complicated than that... Let's look at root causes and what incentives work", it couldn't possibly be that they were being nuanced, it was that they hated the poor or were selfish enough to be indifferent.

But after seeing all this hate the rich stuff? It doesn't feel like "the left" thought "I don't hate people based on class, so my opponents must" as much as "I hate the rich, so my opponents must hate the poor". In retrospect, it was all just projection.

Hating an entire class of people for the amount of money they have may seem just kinda ridiculous and silly to most people, but if you hate the rich intensely, you might assume class hatred to be universal rather than something you should work on personally as a character flaw. I know not everyone on the left hates people for being rich (I know some on the left who definitely aren't jerks), and I know some on the right complained of "welfare queens" as those who cheated the system in an attack the other way, and motivations are varied... But it seems kinda sickening just how common such hatred is.

Like... Of all the things we squabble about, how rich or poor someone is seems so trivial and unimportant. Like... Class, race, and religion seem like such superficial things to focus on, in the realm of getting mad at who is on a beer can or container of maple syrup.
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· @quigon ·

# 比特币的去中心化网络


# 比特币的透明性和安全性


# 比特币与庞氏骗局的区别

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· @noman2088 · (edited)
The Truth Behind the "8 Glasses of Water a Day"


Hey there, thirsty readers! Have you ever heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day for optimal hydration? It's a classic piece of wisdom that has been passed down through generations. But have you ever stopped to question the legitimacy of this claim? Well, get ready for a splash of truth because we're about to dive into the refreshing world of the "8 Glasses of Water a Day" myth!

1: Water, Water Everywhere, but Why Eight Glasses?

Picture this: you're lounging on the beach, sipping on a cold beverage, and enjoying the summer sun. Suddenly, a passerby screams, "You know you're supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, right?" Startled, you wonder why eight glasses specifically. Is there some magical quality to this number? As it turns out, the origin of this myth is quite watery indeed.

In the early 20th century, the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board suggested that adults consume approximately 2.5 liters of water per day. However, the board also added that most of this water comes from food, estimating around 20% to 30% of our daily fluid intake. Somewhere along the way, this recommendation got translated into the famous "eight glasses of water a day." It seems like someone had a liquid imagination!

 2: The Hydration Hype Train

The "8 Glasses of Water a Day" myth has had a remarkable journey, evolving into an unwavering belief for many. We've been bombarded with reminders, infographics, and well-meaning friends telling us to chug, chug, chug. But is there any scientific basis to back up this thirst-quenching claim?

According to a study conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the daily water intake should be about 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women, which includes fluid from both beverages and food. The truth is, our hydration needs vary based on factors like body weight, activity level, climate, and overall health. So, instead of blindly reaching for that eighth glass, let's dive deeper into understanding our body's hydration requirements.

3: Water, the Invisible Superhero

Water is essential for our bodies to function properly. It helps regulate body temperature, cushions joints, aids digestion, and transports nutrients. But do we really need to down those eight glasses a day to reap the benefits?

The good news is that our bodies are smarter than we give them credit for. They have a built-in mechanism that tells us when we're thirsty and need to replenish our fluid levels. So, rather than obsessively counting glasses, let's learn to listen to our bodies and respond to their signals. After all, water should be enjoyed, not measured like a science experiment!

4: Quench Your Thirst, But Don't Drown!

Now that we've cleared the mist around the "8 Glasses of Water a Day" myth, let's explore some fun and delicious alternatives to meet our hydration needs. Water doesn't have to be boring! From juicy fruits and vegetables to refreshing herbal teas and hydrating soups, there's a whole world of hydration waiting to be discovered.

We'll uncover the secrets of hydration-packed foods, such as watermelon, cucumber, and even popsicles. We'll also take a humorous look at some of the more peculiar ways people have tried to meet their daily water intake, like wearing a water helmet or installing a personal hydration IV drip (please don't try this at home!).

 5: Myth-Busting: The Weirdest Water Claims

While we're on the topic of hydration myths, let's take a dip into some of the wackiest claims that have made waves over the years. From water-powered cars to the belief that drinking water upside down can cure hiccups, we'll splash our way through the absurdity and separate fact from fiction.


So, dear readers, the truth behind the "8 Glasses of Water a Day" myth may not be as clear as a pristine mountain stream, but that doesn't mean we should abandon our hydration altogether. The key is to listen to our bodies, stay mindful of our daily fluid intake, and remember that water is just one part of the hydration puzzle.

Whether you're sipping on eight glasses, chugging from a watermelon cup, or simply enjoying a refreshing beverage of your choice, let's embrace the joy of staying hydrated without drowning in the myth. Cheers to a splashy journey of hydration, laughter, and the occasional water-powered car!
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· @betfury-steem ·
Top 7 Slots Myths Debunked
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In a world of Slot machines, the truth is often overshadowed by myths and misconceptions. So it's time to return to Fury the MythBuster, with whom we once successfully debunked [Top Crypto Myths]( Let's check out 7 common false facts about Slots to leave only the truth for you!

## Myth #1. Slots have patterns for wins & losses

Contrary to popular belief, Slot machines work according to some patterns. For example, a huge victory goes after 10 losses, etc. Fury says that each spin is independent and generated by a Random Number Generator (RNG). It ensures that every outcome is completely random! It makes no sense to try hacking the Slot or writing out all combinations and patterns because they don’t exist.

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## Myth #2. MAX bets improve the winning chances

Pressing the MAX button does not increase your chances of winning. It simply adjusts the size of the bet to the maximum allowed. The game's random number generator determines winning outcomes, so your bet size does not affect the outcome. Thus, placing high bets is more exciting, riskier, and profitable.

## Myth #3. Using a strategy guarantees wins

Slots are gambling, and no strategy can guarantee consistent winnings. But the usefulness of gambling techniques cannot be dismissed. They help you properly allocate resources, improve your playing skills and, most importantly, give you confidence and a positive attitude. Thus, strategies help you to make money correctly but don't guarantee victory.

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## Myth #4. After a big Jackpot, Slots pay less

The real world is a series of different events. Someone believes there is a white and lucky stripe after each black one. Does the hitting of the Jackpot affect the lower payouts of the Slot? The answer is no unless the randomness is random... Since we are dealing with a well-functioning computer program, the chances of winning a combination are the same before and after winning the Jackpot. Therefore, payouts after the Jackpot are not changed in any way.

## Myth #5. Online casinos can adjust Slot's RTP

[RTP]( is the value of how much is returned to the player when spinning the Slot. Each slot machine has a different indicator. They are set when creating an online one-armed bandit and cannot be changed in any way by the intervention of the casino. In addition, licensed gambling houses are subject to strict regulations and audits to ensure fairness and transparency.

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## Myth #6. New Slots are better than old

They think that the old online Slots, like [Bonanza](, lose to their new alternatives in many ways. However, this is not entirely true. Each Slot is unique because it has a unique design, RTP, Volatility, etc. Modern features and various Bonuses are the only difference between the new and old slots. However, these are just qualities of the time that do not affect the main Slot profit.

## Myth #7. The casino doesn’t create Slots

Ultimately, we left the simplest but surprisingly popular myth - casinos do not create Slots. You can find a lot of information that casinos only host games from providers. However, let's give a counterargument - [Fury Wild](! This is a unique Slot with 95.37% RTP developed by the BetFury team. Thanks to its atmospheric design and excellent payouts, it won the hearts of many (even those who came to play Slots from various providers). 

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After successfully debunking the main myths about Slots, Fury invites you to dive into the entertainment world. In addition to the legendary Fury Wild Slot, play the most famous games from [Pragmatic Play](, [Evoplay](, [Microgaming](, [Play'n Go]( and other masters of creating games:

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+ [Buffalo King]( by Pragmatic Play
+ [Gates of Olympus]( by Pragmatic Play
+ [Egypt Gods]( by Evoplay
+ [Candy Island Princess]( by Play'n Go
+ [Fruit Party]( by Pragmatic Play
· @arbol ·
Road photography (4)
<div class="text-justify">

<center>**⚜️ Carretera cruza la selva.⚜️**</center>

Mi pasión es la fotografía. Me encanta capturar momentos únicos y transmitir en una sola imagen lo que a mí me resulta especialmente gratificante. Ya sea un instante fugaz o una escena con detalles sutiles, me gusta apreciarlos y compartirlos con los demás.


>Las carreteras de los Tuxtlas son relativamente nuevas, hace unos años los caminos eran de terracería donde solamente podías pasar caminando o en caballo, los doctores eran personas mayores que con el paso del tiempo aprendieron a curar, los hueseros personas que sabían arreglar huesos también estaban las parteras quiénes eran las que ayudaban a las mujeres a que sus hijos dieran a luz, también los famosos curanderos que podían sonar cualquier enfermedad utilizando las hierbas curativas que tenían plantadas en sus huertos o qué conseguían dentro de la espesa selva.
En esos tiempos era más fácil llegar en barco que atravesar la selva.
Algunas personas dicen que es más fácil tener contacto con diferentes tipos de seres cuando te encuentras rodeado de la naturaleza, tal vez sea porque los ruidos de la ciudad llegan a opacar y hacer que pase desapercibido ciertos acontecimientos.
Solo las personas más valientes se atrevían a ir de un pueblo a otro a altas horas de la noche, ya que podían atravesarse con algún animal salvaje o venenoso, además de que también se arriesgaban a encontrarse con alguna energía mala como ellos suelen decirles.
Aún en estos tiempos ya con la civilización entrando en la selva, si te mantienes en silencio por un rato llegarás a escuchar ruidos y sentir como la selva te empieza a llamar.

<center>**PHOTO Description**</center>

| Dato: | Descripción:|
|Fotógrafo:| @arbol|
|Estilo:|Fotografía en movimiento.|
|Origen:|Colección privada.|
|Tema:|Mitos y leyendas cortas.|
|Ubicación|Tuxtla, Veracruz.|
|Palabras clave:|#nature #Drive #Jungle|

Regístrate aquí para ser parte de nuestra gran comunidad.⬇️


<center>**Thanks to all**</center>

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· @puskarpuma ·
호랑이, 한국인의 자부심과 긍지
![sanika_kukreja__tiger_standing_on_dry_grass_looking_upwards_ful_86d5bf3a-fc94-453e-9ebb-33df9fc4cc55.png](고대 한국에서 호랑이는 신성하고 위엄 있는 동물로 여겨졌습니다. 호랑이는 산과 숲의 영주로 여겨졌으며, 그 힘과 용맹함은 신과도 같았습니다. 호랑이는 또한 수호자와 보호자로 여겨졌으며, 그 존재는 사람들을 악과 재앙으로부터 보호한다고 믿었습니다.

고대 한국의 신화와 전설에는 호랑이가 자주 등장합니다. 예를 들어, 한국의 영웅담인 《삼국유사》에는 호랑이로 변신한 사람이 등장합니다. 또한, 한국의 민담에는 호랑이가 도와준 이야기가 많이 있습니다.

고대 한국에서는 호랑이를 잡는 것이 영웅적인 행위로 여겨졌습니다. 호랑이 가죽과 뼈는 귀중한 재료로 여겨졌으며, 호랑이 고기는 약으로 사용되었습니다.

그러나, 20세기 들어서면서 호랑이 개체수는 급격히 감소했습니다. 이는 서식지 파괴와 무분별한 사냥 때문입니다. 현재, 한국에서는 야생 호랑이가 거의 남아 있지 않습니다.

오늘날, 호랑이는 한국의 상징 동물 중 하나입니다. 호랑이의 힘과 용맹함은 한국인의 자부심과 긍지를 상징합니다.
· @stefan.molyneux ·
The Truth About Witches!
Part of my ongoing series unravelling the psychological roots of mythological figures - today: witches and motherhood!
· @caeley-00 ·
Τhe Three Sisters of Fate
The Moirae are the three goddesses of fate in Greek mythology. Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos are three Greek gods. The fates of humanity and gods are intertwined by the three sisters. No one, not even God, has the authority to influence or challenge their decisions and actions! Clotho, the youngest, spins the thread of life; she is the very origin, the creation of life itself, and her thread is spun when a person is born!Lachesis, the second sister, decides on people's fates throughout their lives. The term is derived from the Greek word 'v', which meaning to acquire from lots. In that perspective, one can comprehend how their fate is picked from among a plethora of options.Lachesis is thought to use her rod to measure the thread of life, determining its length and nature. Atropos, the unturning, is fate's final sister. Atropos is the shearer of life's thread, and she uses her shears to determine how someone will die.