quantum | Recent

· @yousafzai11 ·
Quantum time travel: The experiment to 'send a particle into the past'
Time loops have long been the stuff of science fiction. Now, using the rules of quantum mechanics, we have a way to effectively transport a particle back in time – here’s how.


When Seth Lloyd first published his ideas about quantum time loops, he hadn’t considered all the consequences. For one thing, he hadn’t anticipated the countless emails he would get from would-be time travellers asking for his help. If he could have his time over again, he jokes, he “probably wouldn’t have done it”.

Sadly, Lloyd, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, won’t be revisiting years gone by. Spoiler alert: no one will go back in time during the course of this article. But particles? That is another matter.

Theoretical routes to the past called time loops have long been hypothesised by physicists. But because they are plagued by impracticalities and paradoxes, they have been dismissed as impossible for just as long. But now Lloyd and other physicists have begun to show that in the quantum realm, these loops to the past are not only possible, but even experimentally feasible. In other words, we will soon effectively try to send a particle back in time.
If that succeeds, it raises the possibility of being able to dispatch, if not people, then at least messages in the form of quantum signals, back in time. More importantly, studying this phenomenon takes us to the heart of how cause and effect really work, what quantum theory means and perhaps even how we can create a successor theory that more fully captures the true nature of reality.

In physics, time loops are more properly known as closed time-like curves (CTCs). They first arose in Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity…
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· @yousafzai11 ·
Quantum sensor gets a read on tiny worm implanted with nanodiamonds
Tiny diamonds and quantum sensors can be used to measure conditions inside cells or living organisms, potentially offering a way to detect diseases or study biology in minute detail.

quantum sensor that uses tiny diamonds implanted inside a living animal could be used to study cellular processes in minute detail or eventually detect diseases such as cancer.

The most common ways to image cells involve adding fluorescent dyes or nanoparticles and using the light these give off to measure and map cellular processes. But these methods can falter if the markers damage the cells or change cellular conditions, such as the acidity or thickness of cellular fluid.
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· @yousafzai11 ·
IBM quantum computer beat a supercomputer in a head-to-head test
Researchers at IBM pitted their 127-qubit Eagle quantum computer against a conventional supercomputer in a challenge to perform a complex calculation – and the quantum computer won

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan


IBM’s Eagle quantum computer completed a calculation that stumped the conventional supercomputer it was pitted against.

Quantum computers have sparked excitement for a few decades, but researchers haven’t built one that universally outperforms all conventional computers. This is partly because all existing quantum computers are “noisy” – their results are corrupted by errors, in the same way that sound can get lost in a crackly recording.

Now, Abhinav Kandala at IBM and his colleagues have shown that even a noisy quantum computer can be more accurate in its calculations than a conventional machine.
particles, such as atoms with spin, arranged in a grid and interacting with each other.

The difficulty of this problem increases with the number of particles. For up to a certain number of particles, researchers can solve the relevant equations on a computer exactly. Supercomputers and approximation methods can handle the calculations when larger number of particles are involved, but eventually computations become so complex that conventional computing fails. The IBM researchers wanted to test Eagle together with a set of methods they developed for mitigating the effects of noise in each of these cases.
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· @yousafzai11 ·
Quantum engine could power devices with an ultracold atom cloud

 quantum engine that works by toggling the properties of an ultracold atom cloud could one day be used to charge quantum batteries.

It’s possible to build a quantum engine that is powered by a constant shifting in the fundamental quantum nature of the particles it contains. Such devices could one day be used to power other quantum technologies.

All known particles can be categorised as either fermions or bosons, and which category they fall into determines how they behave in large groups. Artur Widera at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau in Germany and his colleagues worked out how to make an engine with a collection of atoms by forcing them to behave first like bosons, then fermions, then bosons again.

The difference between these two types of particles is most prominent in the quantum realm, particularly at extremely low temperatures. So the researchers built their engine from a few hundred thousand lithium atoms cooled to a temperature within a fraction of a degree of absolute zero.

Under these conditions, they used carefully-tuned magnetic fields to make the lithium atoms behave either like a group of fermions or, after they forced them to form molecule-like pairs, a group of bosons.

The researchers started with a collection of boson-like paired-up atoms. First they compressed them, then converted them into a collection of fermions, which increased their collective energy.
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· @nomik ·
The Fascinating World of Quantum Computing: Revolutionizing Technology
Quantum figuring is ready to change the manner in which we process data, take care of perplexing issues, and grasp the universe. This arising field saddles the standards of quantum mechanics to perform calculations a long ways past the capacities of traditional PCs. We should investigate the universe of quantum registering, its possible applications, and the difficulties it faces.

#### What is Quantum Figuring?

At its center, quantum registering use the weird and irrational properties of quantum mechanics, the part of material science that arrangements with subatomic particles. Not at all like traditional PCs, which use bits as the littlest unit of data (either a 0 or a 1), quantum PCs use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in different states at the same time because of a peculiarity called superposition, and they can be entrapped, meaning the condition of one qubit can rely upon the condition of another, regardless of the distance between them.

#### The Force of Quantum Figuring

1. **Superposition and Entanglement**: These two standards give quantum PCs their unprecedented handling power. Superposition permits qubits to play out different estimations on the double, while ensnarement empowers qubits to cooperate in manners that old style bits can't.

2. **Exponential Speedup**: Quantum PCs can possibly take care of specific issues dramatically quicker than old style PCs. This speedup could change handles that require gigantic computational power, like cryptography, drug disclosure, and complex reproductions.

#### Expected Applications

1. **Cryptography**: Quantum PCs could figure out current cryptographic codes, making many existing security frameworks old. Notwithstanding, they additionally guarantee new, solid strategies for encryption through quantum key circulation.

2. **Drug Revelation and Materials Science**: Quantum registering can recreate sub-atomic designs and connections at a phenomenal degree of detail, possibly prompting leap forwards in drug disclosure and the advancement of new materials.

3. **Optimization Problems**: Some certifiable issues, from coordinated factors to monetary demonstrating, include tracking down the ideal arrangement among numerous conceivable outcomes. Quantum calculations, similar to the quantum tempering cycle, could essentially improve streamlining processes.

4. **Artificial Intelligence**: Quantum registering could speed up AI calculations, empowering quicker information examination and the improvement of further developed artificial intelligence frameworks.

#### Difficulties and Impediments

Regardless of its commitment, quantum registering is still in its outset, and a few huge difficulties remain:

1. **Error Rates and Decoherence**: Qubits are very delicate to their current circumstance, and keeping up with their quantum state to the point of performing calculations (intelligence time) is testing. Blunder rates in quantum calculations are as of now high, requiring complex mistake revision techniques.

2. **Scalability**: Building a quantum PC with an enormous number of stable qubits is a huge specialized challenge. Specialists are investigating different actual executions of qubits, for example, superconducting circuits, caught particles, and topological qubits, each with its own arrangement of difficulties.

3. **Quantum Software**: Creating calculations and programming that can completely take advantage of the capacities of quantum equipment is an incipient field. A large part of the hypothetical foundation is as yet being laid, and useful applications are restricted.

#### The Fate of Quantum Registering

Notwithstanding these difficulties, progress in quantum figuring is speeding up. States, privately owned businesses, and scholastic establishments overall are putting vigorously in quantum innovative work. Significant tech organizations like IBM, Google, and Microsoft are taking critical steps, with Google accomplishing an achievement known as "quantum matchless quality" in 2019, where their quantum processor played out an errand that would be basically unimaginable for an old style PC.

#### End

Quantum figuring addresses a change in perspective in innovation, with the possibility to change various enterprises and tackle probably the most recalcitrant issues confronting mankind. While there are as yet critical obstacles to survive, the advances being made today guarantee a future where quantum PCs become an incredible asset in science, medication, security, and then some. As we proceed to investigate and comprehend this entrancing field, the conceivable outcomes appear to be practically boundless.
· @sadcorp ·
SG Anon: Governments Adopting Quantum Insulation for Secure Transactions: The Future Is Here!...MEL CARMINE: QUANTUM SUMMIT 1776 AND XRP
**SG Anon: Governments Adopting Quantum Insulation for Secure Transactions: The Future Is Here!**

· @sadcorp ·
IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN...Former Leader Exposes The Satanic Church

**Former Leader Exposes The Satanic Church**
· @getcoro · (edited)
Unlocking Security: Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity| Getcoro
Explore the intersection of Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity. Learn how quantum technology impacts encryption, data security, and threat. Click here to know more:- https://www.getcoro.com/blogs/quantum-computing-and-cybersecurity-navigating-the-next-frontier/

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· @zafrada ·
Why didn't I end up in a better world?

I've never given much thought to the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics (because I don't know enough about quantum mechanics to think about such things). But a famous economist asks why, if there are infinite possible worlds, he didn't end up on a better one. 

Which got me to thinking. Assuming infinite or at least a great many worlds which presumably vary in some measurable dimension of good/bad places to live, they could be plotted on a normal distribution. The odds are, then, that our world would be near the mean, within one standard deviation from it.

But what if we were in the bottom tail of the distribution. That would be really bad luck. Most worlds would be better, but we hit stuck with one of the worst ones.

But it might be even more depressing if we're in the upper tail of the distribution. That would mean that of all possible worlds, the great majority - so the great majority of all sentient life - was worse off than us.
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· @sadcorp ·
Trump Remains Commander - In - Chief Amidst Alleged 'Old Guard' Takeover - 5/24/24.....Michael Jaco Speaking at Quantum Summit in Cape Canaveral – Don't Miss This Event!
**Trump Remains Commander - In - Chief Amidst Alleged 'Old Guard' Takeover - 5/24/24..**

**Michael Jaco Speaking at Quantum Summit in Cape Canaveral – Don't Miss This Event!**
· @sadcorp ·
Quantum Financial System where are we at with the launch date-...Mickel Markets Simplified XRP Utility Use | Mel Carmine XRPQFSTeam
**Quantum Financial System where are we at with the launch date-**

**Mickel Markets Simplified XRP Utility Use | Mel Carmine XRPQFSTeam**
· @sadcorp ·
👀 🤔👀THE QFS EXPLAINED! (The Quantum Financial System)😊⚡️🌎
**👀 🤔👀THE QFS EXPLAINED! (The Quantum Financial System) Part 1.😊⚡️🌎**

**👀 🤔👀THE QFS EXPLAINED! (The Quantum Financial System) Part 2.😊⚡️🌎**

**👀 🤔👀THE QFS EXPLAINED! (The Quantum Financial System) Part 3.😊⚡️🌎**
· @light999 ·
Milki way galaxy
The Milky Way galaxy, our celestial home, stretches across the cosmos as a magnificent spiral of stars, gas, and dust. With a diameter of around 100,000 to 120,000 light-years, it hosts an estimated 100 billion to 400 billion stars, including our own sun. Structurally, it boasts a central bar surrounded by sweeping spiral arms, one of which cradles our solar system within the Orion Arm. At its heart lies Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole whose gravitational influence shapes the galaxy's dynamics. Over billions of years, the Milky Way formed through the gradual accumulation of gas, dust, and merging smaller galaxies. 

Despite being embedded within it, astronomers utilize various techniques to study its composition, structure, and evolution. The galactic center, teeming with stars, gas clouds, and energetic phenomena, holds particular intrigue for scientists. Looking ahead, the Milky Way's fate is intertwined with that of the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy, destined to collide in a cosmic dance that will reshape both galaxies in approximately 4 billion years. Understanding the Milky Way offers not only insight into our cosmic origins but also into the broader mechanisms governing galactic evolution and the universe's grand tapestry.

![OIG2 (1).jpeg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXDBfVehRZM3vSUYMXTDbGUPAe9v9NJsgZuQdMMDNFohG/OIG2%20(1).jpeg)
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· @sadcorp ·
Quantum Financial System (QFS) & "Three Warfares"
"Chinese writings often refer to the “three warfares” (san zhan): public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, and legal warfare. Chinese analyses almost always link the three together, as they are seen as interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

Public opinion/media warfare is the struggle to gain dominance over the venue for implementing psychological and legal warfare."

*Psychological Warfare*

"The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a new financial technology that uses quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and blockchain to enable faster, safer, and more democratic money transactions, it’s also cheaper, because there are no middlemen or transaction fees."

"Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace. The Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand of taking over the old banking system without changing it.

Humanity does not have the technology to fight the Deep State’s financial system. Extraterrestrials came to the rescue with alien or even other-dimensional technologies to accomplish this task. In Quantum Computers, intelligence is embedded without 3D proprieties. No 3D creation is able to replace the power of a living being. To this end, artificial intelligence (AI) was designed to replace conscious beings.


A spiritual entity was set up to fulfill physical realization for all beings above the fourth dimension. Our earth is like a living being that obtains its life force from the planetary symbol ring. The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder."

"Quantum Financial System (QFS) Secure Data System

US Space Force + SpaceX + Quantum Computing

The New Internet + Secure Data System"

"It is located in the AIIB (ASIAN INVESTMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE BANK), THE EASTERN COUNTERPART OF THE IMF INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND) AND WB (WORLD BANK) AND 9 QUANTUM SATELLITES. To connect the QFS with the SWIFT and CIPS system, an interface called DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) was created.



"...NESARA and GESARA will create an entirely new system of worldwide currency that’s fully transparent, backed by gold, not governed by bankers and runs on the blockchain, an un-hackable, ledger-driven accounting of every transaction ever made. This offers full transparancy and privacy, and is 100% traceable."

"This international Military included Stellar and QFS, Space Force and military intelligence in Arizona."

"Starlink Has Military Applications Around the World: Starlink, RVs and GESARA, Quantum Financial System (QFS) & Stellar – The Fort Knox of Ultra-Secure Global Finances!"

"Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach."

"all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System on the new Star Link Satellite System."

"After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we would then connect to a new Quantum Internet.
Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., would be dismantled and replaced.
GESARA/NESARA would be activated.
In the US, the IRS (which was actually a Puerto Rican Trust owned by the Cabal) would be dismantled and replaced with a 14% tax on the sale of new items only, with no tax on food or medicine.
The US would go back to Common Law instead of adhering to Admiralty Law, which was only loyal to the Crown of England. Under Common Law if there was no damage or harm done, then there was no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which were used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians. Lawyers, Judges and officers of the Court would be retrained in Common Law."

*Public Opinion / Media Warfare*

**Fact Check: NO Record 'Quantum Financial System' Exists Beyond Claims In Videos, Online Articles**

**GESARA Map & The QFS : Full Walkthrough w The Mapmaker**

*Legal Warfare*

"The signing of a Non Disclosure Agreements was required"

"government/military gag orders"

"Members of congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction"

"The military generals who originally participated in the famer’s claim process realized that the US Supreme Court justices had no intentions of implementing the Accords.  So they decided the only way to implement the reformations was through a law passed by congress."

"Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security"
· @light999 ·
Quantum computer
Quantum computers operate on the principles of quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that describes the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. At the core of quantum computing are qubits, which are the quantum counterpart of classical bits. While classical bits can only exist in one of two states, 0 or 1, qubits can exist in a superposition of both states simultaneously. This means that a qubit can represent both 0 and 1 at the same time, allowing quantum computers to perform multiple calculations in parallel.

Moreover, qubits can be entangled, a phenomenon where the state of one qubit is dependent on the state of another, regardless of the physical distance between them. Entanglement enables quantum computers to perform complex operations on multiple qubits simultaneously, providing exponential computational power compared to classical computers.

The ability of quantum computers to exploit superposition and entanglement allows them to solve certain types of problems much faster than classical computers. For example, quantum computers have shown promise in factoring large numbers exponentially faster than classical algorithms, which could potentially break current encryption methods widely used in cybersecurity.

However, building and maintaining qubits in a coherent state, where they retain their quantum properties long enough to perform computations reliably, is a significant technical challenge. Qubits are highly sensitive to their environment, making them prone to errors caused by factors like temperature fluctuations and electromagnetic interference. Researchers are actively working on developing error-correction techniques and robust qubit architectures to overcome these challenges and build practical quantum computers.

Despite these hurdles, quantum computing holds great potential for tackling complex problems in various fields such as cryptography, materials science, drug discovery, optimization, and machine learning. As research and development in quantum computing continue to progress, it's anticipated that quantum computers will become increasingly powerful and play a transformative role in computing and technology.
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· @truth2 ·
Space Encryption can Help Safeguard Data in the Age of Quantum Computing


It's no secret that quantum computers pose a threat to encryption technology that protects confidential documents and information.

Quantum computers use Qubits to process data in parallel faster than conventional machines.  Quantum computers are being developed by technology companies and governments worldwide, and their ability to process calculations allows them to crack the encryption algorithms that keeps information safe and confidential.  End-to-end encryption can be cracked by quantum computers even though the algorithm used would take eons to crack using conventional technology.

Space Encryption and the Quick3 Project use distributed light transmissions between hundreds and thousands of satellites to safeguard data.  Scientists have proposed using arrays of satellites in space that transmit light to each other outside of fiber optic cables with photons that would change when captured by quantum computing technology.  The light must be transmitted miles above the Earth's surface to avoid disruption from the atmosphere, so satellite transmission makes sense.  As more commerical and economically viable delivery methods are designed, more space encryption satellites may be deployed to encrypt information.

The future of computing is quantum, and we need to account for it's ability to intercept and decode encrypted messages.  Space encryption is a great and economical way to safeguard information in the future and ensure trust in the system.


1. https://www.space.com/quantum-computers-space-encryption-light-beam-satellite

2. Pixabay
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· @sadcorp ·
New Crime Free 100% Traceable Quantum Financial System?
"**Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace**. The Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand of taking over the old banking system without changing it.

Humanity does not have the technology to fight the Deep State’s financial system. Extraterrestrials came to the rescue with alien or even other-dimensional technologies to accomplish this task. In Quantum Computers, intelligence is embedded without 3D proprieties. No 3D creation is able to replace the power of a living being. ***To this end, artificial intelligence (AI) was designed to replace conscious beings***."

"**This powerful quantum computer system could assign a digital number to every fiat dollar/euro/Yen sitting in every bank account all over the world and consequently monitor in real-time money streams; knowing exactly where particular monies went when it was transferred, who sent it by their login info, and which account received the money.**

Imagine the frustration of a banker who has just stolen some money and this illegally transferred to another account and subsequently being arrested in real time for theft. These poor bankster devils, have been defeated."

"Within the NESARA/GESARA, the black hat, Deep State, Cabal version "The Great Reset" Plan can't exist because it will not have permission. ***The Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the QFS will not allow illegal financial transactions.***"

"NESARA and GESARA will create an entirely new system of worldwide currency that’s fully transparent, backed by gold, not governed by bankers and **runs on the blockchain, an un-hackable, ledger-driven accounting of every transaction ever made. This offers full transparancy and privacy, and is 100% traceable**."


"Solar Eclipse also brings in Martial Law and (3) Ten Days of Darkness where (4) the new Starlink Satellite System takes over Mainstream Media and (5) Mass Arrests are made on over 500,000 indictments that (6) take down evil Cabal governments worldwide and (7) **the Global Currency Reset brings gold/asset-backed currencies back to The People in Sovereign Nations Worldwide.**"

"the announcement regarding the launch of NESARA is anticipated. **A Global Emergency Broadcast System will be activated, featuring documentaries aimed at enlightening the masses about recent events.**

·         To facilitate this, a global lockdown lasting 10 to 12 days will commence, with a message broadcasted on the EBS instructing everyone to stay home during a specific 5-hour window. **Throughout the lockdown period, comprehensive documentaries will air across all stations, providing full disclosure of recent developments.**

·         Upon the conclusion of the lockdown, **an 800 number will be provided for the public to schedule appointments to set up their Quantum accounts, ensuring everyone globally receives a sum of money deposited into their accounts**"

"***With the implementation of the Quantum Financial System, financial transactions are transparent and secure, eliminating corruption and fraudulent activities.***

·         All Central Banks have transitioned to the QFS, operating under the ISO 20022 standard, **ensuring accountability and traceability of funds**."
· @sjoe ·
Advancements in Quantum Computing: A Pathway to Revolutionary Breakthroughs
Quantum computing, an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of physics, mathematics, and computer science, has emerged as a promising technology with the potential to revolutionize computing and address complex computational challenges. This article explores recent advancements in quantum computing, highlighting key breakthroughs and their potential implications across various domains.

Quantum Supremacy :
One significant milestone in quantum computing was the achievement of quantum supremacy. In October 2019, Google's quantum processor, Sycamore, performed a computation that would take classical supercomputers thousands of years to complete. This demonstration marked a turning point, showcasing the computational power of quantum systems.

Quantum Error Correction:
Quantum systems are highly susceptible to noise and errors caused by environmental interactions. Quantum error correction (QEC) techniques have emerged as a solution to combat these errors and enhance the reliability of quantum computations. Recent breakthroughs in QEC have shown promising results, such as the development of surface codes that can detect and correct errors efficiently.

Quantum Machine Learning:
Quantum machine learning (QML) merges the fields of quantum computing and machine learning, offering new avenues for data processing and analysis. Researchers have made significant progress in developing quantum algorithms that can enhance machine learning tasks, including classification, clustering, and optimization. QML has the potential to revolutionize fields such as drug discovery, optimization of complex systems, and pattern recognition.

Quantum Simulations:
Quantum computers excel at simulating quantum systems, enabling researchers to investigate phenomena that are otherwise intractable using classical methods. Recent advancements have allowed for the simulation of chemical reactions, material properties, and physical phenomena at the quantum level. This capability opens up possibilities for accelerating discoveries in areas like drug design, materials science, and fundamental physics.

The recent advancements in quantum computing have propelled the field forward, paving the way for revolutionary breakthroughs. Quantum supremacy has demonstrated the superior computational power of quantum systems, while ongoing research in quantum error correction aims to enhance their reliability. Quantum machine learning promises to unlock new capabilities in data processing, and quantum simulations offer unprecedented insights into complex phenomena. As the field continues to evolve, interdisciplinary collaborations and further research will be crucial to harnessing the full potential of quantum computing and unlocking transformative applications across various scientific and technological domains.
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· @cryptoknightw3d ·
Quantum Convergence: Cryptoknight's Alliance Against Centralization
![creation (1).png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXeyi6reo1w9jNS8RJHqC94fAj1Ci7FCJ4DpRZssanc8i/creation%20(1).png)
CryptoKnight web3 Defender

The Centralizer

In the neon-lit expanse of Cyberville, where innovation and decentralization intersected, a battle of epic proportions unfolded between Cryptoknight, defender of web3, and the Centralizer, backed by formidable quantum computing adversaries. As the Centralizer unleashed the Quantum Enigma, harnessed by real-world quantum computing companies, the stakes were higher than ever.

Cryptoknight, armed with determination and fortified by allies, forged an alliance with quantum-resistant cryptocurrency projects IOTA and QRL. Together, they formed an unstoppable force against the Centralizer's quantum-powered onslaught.

IOTA, with its innovative Tangle technology, offered a decentralized ledger designed to resist quantum attacks. Its Winternitz signature scheme provided robust quantum resistance, shielding Cryptoknight's operations from the prying eyes of quantum adversaries. QRL, the Quantum Resistant Ledger, stood at the forefront of quantum-resistant blockchain solutions. Leveraging the Extended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS), QRL bolstered Cryptoknight's defenses, ensuring the integrity of decentralized transactions in the face of quantum threats.

On the other side, the Centralizer rallied support from real quantum computing companies such as IBM, Google, and D-Wave Systems, deploying cutting-edge quantum computers to exploit vulnerabilities in decentralized networks. With quantum algorithms like Grover's algorithm and Shor's algorithm at their disposal, the Centralizer sought to undermine the very foundation of decentralization.

Amidst the chaos of the quantum convergence, Cryptoknight and their allies stood firm, deploying quantum-resistant cryptographic techniques to thwart the Centralizer's advances. With each attack repelled and each quantum incursion neutralized, the tide began to turn in favor of decentralization.

In a climactic showdown, Cryptoknight, aided by IOTA and QRL, faced the Centralizer and their quantum computing allies head-on. With unwavering determination and quantum-resistant fortifications, they unleashed a torrent of decentralized power, overwhelming the Centralizer's forces and shattering the Quantum Enigma once and for all.

As the dust settled and the neon glow of Cyberville illuminated the victory of decentralization, Cryptoknight stood triumphant, a beacon of hope in the face of centralized tyranny. With IOTA and QRL by their side, they had proven that even in the face of quantum threats, decentralization would prevail, guided by the unwavering resolve of those who fought to protect it.
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· @sadcorp ·
New Alliance Quantum Financial Anti-Christ / Dajjal System (Satan)?
"Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (who passed away earlier this year) had told him that he (Kanievsky) was already **in direct contact with the Messiah.**"

**Is What's Happening in Israel Fulfilling the 2000 Year Old Biblical Prophecy?**


**The Jewish Messiah is Here!! (Anti-Christ Prophecy)**

**The Dajjal is Here: Thousands of Jews and Rabbis Believe He Has Arrived**

"In Christian eschatology, **the Antichrist refers to people prophesied by the Bible to oppose Jesus Christ** and substitute themselves in Christ's place before the Second Coming.[1] The term Antichrist (including one plural form)[2] is found four times in the New Testament, solely in the First and Second Epistle of John.[2] **The Antichrist is announced as the one "who denies the Father and the Son."**[2]"

"The Talmud decrees that **Jesus is in hell, being boiled in feces, because he opposed the rabbis**."

**Rabbi says the Antichrist “is the Messiah the Jews are waiting for”**

**Rabbi: Autistic Children Say Messiah is Here, Prepare for Final War**

"The Noahide Laws are to become the national, though undeclared, religion of America. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits Congress from passing a law which establishes a religion for the United States of America. **If another 9-11 type “terrorist” incident takes place, and Martial Law is declared, it is likely that the claim would be made that since the Noahide Laws have been recognized by Congress as the “basis of our civilization” and that according to the third Noahide Law, anyone who worships Jesus Christ violates this law, he or she may be characterized as a terrorist**. Then the Talmudic penalty for violating any of the Noahide Laws, namely decapitation, would be enforced."

"Operation Endgame was a 2003–2012 plan under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the United States Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to **detain and deport all removable aliens and "suspected terrorists"**"

"***Ground Command***: **The Entire World is Currently Under International or Global Martial Law** – The Reality of International Martial Law!"


"KIMBERLY ANN GOGUEN (49 years old, 5’4″ tall, divorced, ***Scientologist***) IS A FOREIGN AGENT"

***L. Ron Hubbard: The Antichrist***

**The Rise of the Anti-Christ is Coming! | The Falling Away has Begun!**

"**Jesus Christ will lead a heavenly army to victory over God’s enemies**."

"All who accept the mark during the Antichrist’s reign will be rejecting Jesus, instead putting their trust in the Antichrist. **All who accept that mark will be judged, while those who refuse the mark during that time will reign with Christ after He returns** (Revelation 20:4)"

**The real mark of the beast: quantum financial system**

"The idea of a worldwide RFID chip being forcefully implanted into every single person doesn’t follow the very laws that the dark cabal must follow.

...The first beast, also called the beast of the sea, is the one associated with the Antichrist system. This is the system we’ve been living under for hundreds of years. It’s the all-to-familiar system of oppression, fear, debt and slavery.
But it’s not this beast that gives the mark.
The second beast, the beast of the earth, the false prophet system which is also called **The Alliance, is the one that gives the mark**. This beast is a system that represents hope, wealth and power to the people."

"***The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world.***"



**Quantum Financial System (QFS)**

**Ripple-Compatible Chip Development Is Said to Be Sponsored by U.S. Navy**

**The Coronation of the Beast System in Full Effect!**

**UK and Israel to sign landmark agreement deepening tech, trade and security ties**

**Is a new history of global finance about to be written in gold?**