self-improvement | Recent

· @divia ·
Why Is It Beneficial To Connect With Your Future Self
Having the ability to favourably project ourselves into the future is an important skill to have in life. Having this ability enables us to visualise our objectives, goals, and desires, and then work towards achieving them with dedication and hope. 

Not only does this power motivate us to move forward in challenging times, but it also assists us in creating the reality that we want to choose to live in.

When we send a powerful message to our thoughts and the universe by projecting ourselves into the future in a favourable light, we are transmitting those messages. 

In other words, we are expressing that we have faith in our capabilities and that things will improve in the future. 

This optimistic outlook not only influences our mental state, but also the activities that we take on a regular basis.

 It inspires us to make choices that enable us to move closer to achieving our objectives and to surround ourselves with people and situations that are supportive of us as we move forward on our journey.

Furthermore, by imagining oneself in a good light and projecting ourselves into the future, we are better able to overcome the problems and barriers that we encounter along the path. 

It makes it possible for us to view challenges not as insurmountable obstacles but rather as chances for personal development and personal improvement. This positive frame of mind provides us with the fortitude and resiliency to persevere, even when circumstances appear to be challenging.

When we project ourselves favourably into the future, it is essential to keep in mind that this does not mean that we should ignore the problems or difficulties that we are currently facing. It entails acknowledging them, but not allowing them to define us or prevent us from moving forward. 

It is having faith that we are capable of overcoming any challenge and achieving our goals and dreams if we consistently put in the effort and remain determined.

In a nutshell, it is essential for our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being that we have the ability to successfully project ourselves into the future. 

It provides us with the strength and resilience that we need to conquer the challenges that come our way along the path, it motivates us to press forward in times of difficulty, and it helps us retain an optimistic and positive attitude when we are going through difficult times. 

Therefore, you should not be scared to dream large and imagine a future that is full of opportunities and possibilities. You hold the power to shape the future, and you have the ability to make it prosperous and full of success!
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· @pedrosvobodaart ·
Be formless...

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.

~Bruce Lee
· @jotapemarketing ·
Mindset Rewired
![Mindset-Rewired-neuroscience-psychology-health-wellness-mind-mindset-mental-health-brain-high-performance-habits-mindfulness- guided-meditation-productivity-mindful-focus-Knowledge-dopamine-detox-detox-hack-your-body-M.jpg](

Welcome to Mindset Rewired!

A channel dedicated to boosting your brain power! Our mission is to provide you with informative and entertaining videos on topics such as memory improvement, self-improvement, mental health, critical thinking, and productivity, guided meditation, motivation and law of attraction.

Let us help you cultivate <a href="">mindfulness</a>  in your daily life and experience its many benefits, including reduced stress, increased focus and concentration, improved relationships, and greater overall well-being.

We share studies and information researched by world-class scientists. So, whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve your relationships & fulfilling life, we invite you to join us on this journey.

Our videos will teach you to rewired your mind for success, re-balance your dopamine levels, have more energy and Developing mindfulness habits.

Subscribe to wake up your mind!

<a href="">Mindset Rewired Channel</a>
· @lawns · (edited)
How do you cultivate patience in life?
Cultivating patience is an art that can profoundly transform our life experience. In a world where everything seems to move at the speed of light, patience has become a rare but invaluable commodity. 

We constantly find ourselves in situations that demand quick results and instant solutions, which can lead us to feel overwhelmed, stressed and dissatisfied. 

However, by embracing patience as a fundamental virtue, we can open ourselves to a world of possibilities and more meaningful experiences.

 Patience teaches us to wait calmly and acceptingly, recognizing that some things just take time. Instead of resisting circumstances we cannot control, patience invites us to flow with them, trusting that everything happens at the perfect time. It frees us from stress and anxiety, allowing us to appreciate the process as much as the end result.

Furthermore, cultivating patience helps us develop greater empathy and understanding towards others. It allows us to recognize that each person has their own rhythm and path in life, and that we cannot always know what they are experiencing or why they act in a certain way. 

By practicing patience, we cultivate tolerance and the ability to see things from different perspectives, which strengthens our relationships and gives us greater inner peace.

In a world dominated by instant gratification, patience has become a superpower. It helps us make more thoughtful decisions and face challenges with a clear and calm mind. It teaches us to appreciate the journey as much as the goal, and to find joy and gratitude in each present moment.

Therefore, let us cultivate patience in our lives. Let's recognize that every obstacle is an opportunity to grow and learn. Let's allow ourselves to enjoy the process of becoming the best version of ourselves, step by step, with patience and determination.

 In doing so, we will discover that patience not only improves our lives, but also enriches our souls and connects us to the deepest part of our being.

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· @pedrosvobodaart ·

The true path is not about seeking, but rather letting go of what we think we know.

~Daigu Ryokan
· @atulkapasiya123 ·
"The Magic of Doing the Same Thing Every Day"
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Consistency is the cornerstone of success in any endeavor. Whether it's achieving personal goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or excelling in professional pursuits, the ability to follow a routine consistently is key. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of consistency and provide actionable tips for mastering it.

Why Consistency Matters

Consistency breeds habit, and habit leads to excellence. When we follow a routine consistently, we establish patterns of behavior that become ingrained in our daily lives. This repetition builds momentum, making it easier to stay on track and achieve our goals over time.

Consistency also builds trust and reliability, both in ourselves and in the eyes of others. When we consistently deliver results or uphold commitments, we demonstrate our dedication and competence. This, in turn, fosters confidence and respect from others, enhancing our reputation and opportunities for success.

Tips for Maintaining Consistency:-

a.) Set Clear Goals:

Define what you want to achieve and establish specific, measurable objectives. Clear goals provide direction and motivation, making it easier to stay committed to your routine.

b.) Develop a Routine:

Design a daily or weekly schedule that aligns with your goals and priorities. Incorporate tasks and activities that support your objectives, and allocate time for them consistently.

c.) Start Small:

Break down your goals into manageable steps and start with small, achievable actions. This approach reduces overwhelm and increases the likelihood of success, building confidence and momentum along the way.

d.) Establish Accountability:

Share your goals and progress with a friend, family member, or mentor who can provide support and accountability. Regular check-ins can help keep you motivated and accountable for sticking to your routine.

e.) Stay Flexible:

While consistency is important, it's also essential to remain adaptable and open to adjustments. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change, requiring flexibility in your routine. Be willing to make modifications as needed while staying focused on your overarching goals.

f.) Track Your Progress:

Keep a record of your activities, accomplishments, and setbacks. Tracking your progress allows you to identify patterns, celebrate successes, and learn from challenges, enabling continuous improvement and refinement of your routine.


Consistency is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. By following a routine consistently, we lay the foundation for success and fulfillment in all areas of life. With clear goals, disciplined habits, and ongoing commitment, we can master the art of consistency and unlock our full potential. So, embrace the power of routine, stay focused, and watch as your dreams become reality.
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· @murliwala ·
Self-improvement :What Should Be Done for a Healthy Life?
The expression "health is everything" is one that we use frequently. What then is meant by this expression? This phrase implies that our health affects all we do and everything we aim for. 

Do we therefore take the required safety measures to preserve our health? The following is a list of five crucial things that we should remember in order to safeguard, preserve, and enhance our health.

 Unbalanced nutrition is, without a question, one of the most prevalent mistakes we make. We are all aware of the detrimental effects that the fast food and fried foods we regularly eat have on our health. What then is a nutritious diet? 

The body requires adequate food intake in order to maintain normal bodily processes. Instead than following a single diet, people should eat a variety of foods.


Put another way, it is not a healthy diet to solely eat carbohydrates while neglecting protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Eat fruits and vegetables that are fresh. 

Water needs for each day must be addressed. It's also critical to avoid missing meals. Both physical and mental growth are impacted by healthy eating.

 People outside will notice your posture right away, which is a significant issue that negatively affects your physical and psychological well-being. 

Poor posture is a result of spending hours at a desk and not moving. Your chair should be raised enough to protect the curve of your waist in order to prevent posture difficulties.

 Get up and take a stroll if your job requires you to sit for extended periods of time. Steer clear of extra weight. Adolescence is a time when posture disorders are more prevalent, thus it is important to urge kids to stand straight at this time.

 Most of us use technology like computers, phones, and tablets for a large portion of the day.  Long-term staring at phone and computer screens is bad for your eyes. 

In this regard, taking regular pauses from using a computer is crucial for maintaining the health of your eyes, especially if your profession requires you to do so. 

Have you ever considered the impact on eye health, particularly when kids spend hours playing games on tablets and phones? The eyes become red, dry, and watery as a result of it. This is why parents must plan their children's playtimes.

 Keeping ourselves clean is essential to preserving and protecting our health. Fluidity in terms of health and hygiene is a crucial component that must be obtained. 

The disease-causing germs enter the body readily and produce health issues. In this regard, cleanliness is a crucial problem that must be taken into account. Cut your nails, please. 

Brushing your teeth should be done at least twice a day, and you should see a dentist every six months. It is important for parents to teach their kids the importance of hand cleaning, personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, and washing food before consuming it.

 A major issue in today's world is living a sedentary lifestyle. Living a sedentary lifestyle raises the chance of developing health issues like diabetes and obesity. 

This makes it essential to avoid spending a lot of time in front of a computer, go on walks, ride a bike, and perform stretching exercises. Back and waist pain is a result of prolonged desk work, in particular.
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· @sail.far ·
Carpe Diem - Nutze deine Zeit
WÀhrend ich diesen <a href="">Artikel</a> las, kam mir die Eisenhower-Matrix in den Sinn. Die Eisenhower-Matrix ist eine einfache, aber leistungsstarke Methode, um Aufgaben zu priorisieren. Sie basiert auf der Unterscheidung zwischen Dringlichkeit und Wichtigkeit. Mit ihr können Aufgaben entsprechend in vier Quadranten eingeteilt werden.

Was wichtig ist hĂ€ngt ganz von einem persönlich ab,  da das Wichtige ganz konkret mit den Zielen eines jeden einzelnen zusammenhĂ€ngt. Dementsprechend erfolgt die Einteilung der Aufgaben auch nicht automatisch mit der Matrix, sondern muss von jedem einzeln fĂŒr sich bestimmt werden.


#### Quadrant 1: Dringend und Wichtig

Im ersten Quadranten finden sich Aufgaben, die sowohl dringend als auch wichtig sind. Diese sollten sofort angegangen werden und haben oberste PrioritÀt. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Deadlines, wichtige Projekte oder dringende Probleme, die sofortige Aufmerksamkeit erfordern.

#### Quadrant 2: Wichtig, aber nicht Dringend

Der zweite Quadrant beinhaltet Aufgaben, die wichtig, aber nicht unbedingt dringend sind. Diese Aufgaben erfordern Planung und Voraussicht. Sie sollten geplant und in Ruhe erledigt werden, um langfristige Ziele zu erreichen und Probleme zu vermeiden, bevor sie dringend werden.

#### Quadrant 3: Dringend, aber nicht Wichtig

Im dritten Quadranten finden sich Aufgaben, die dringend, aber nicht wichtig sind. Diese Aufgaben neigen dazu, uns von unseren langfristigen Zielen abzulenken und Zeit zu verschwenden. Sie sollten delegiert oder eliminiert werden, wenn möglich, um unsere Zeit und Energie auf die wichtigeren Aufgaben zu konzentrieren.

#### Quadrant 4: Weder Dringend noch Wichtig

Schließlich beinhaltet der vierte Quadrant Aufgaben, die weder dringend noch wichtig sind. Diese Aufgaben sind reine Zeitverschwendung und sollten vermieden werden, wenn wir unsere Zeit effektiv nutzen wollen. Dies können beispielsweise Ablenkungen wie endlose Social-Media-Scrolls oder unproduktive Meetings sein.

Die Anwendung der Eisenhower-Matrix erfordert eine ehrliche Bewertung unserer Aufgaben und PrioritÀten. Es kann verlockend sein, sich auf dringende, aber unwichtige Aufgaben zu konzentrieren, die schnelle Befriedigung bieten, aber langfristig wenig Wert haben. Stattdessen sollten wir uns auf die Aufgaben konzentrieren, die wirklich wichtig sind und uns dabei helfen, unsere Ziele zu erreichen.

Indem wir regelmĂ€ĂŸig unsere Aufgaben anhand der Eisenhower-Matrix ĂŒberprĂŒfen, können wir unsere Zeit besser verwalten und unsere ProduktivitĂ€t steigern. Sie hilft uns, uns auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren, PrioritĂ€ten zu setzen und Ablenkungen zu minimieren.

In einer Welt, in der Zeit eine unserer kostbarsten Ressourcen ist, ist die Eisenhower-Matrix ein wertvolles Werkzeug, um unsere Zeit effektiv zu managen und das Beste aus jedem Tag herauszuholen. Indem wir bewusste Entscheidungen darĂŒber treffen, wie wir unsere Zeit verwenden, können wir unseren Fokus auf das lenken, was wirklich zĂ€hlt, und unsere Ziele mit grĂ¶ĂŸerer Effizienz erreichen.
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· @atulkapasiya123 ·
The Power of Proper Sleep: How Quality Rest Boosts Efficiency
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In today's fast-paced world, where productivity is highly prized, it's easy to overlook the importance of a good night's sleep. However, adequate and quality sleep is not just a luxury; it's a fundamental necessity that directly impacts our efficiency and performance in every aspect of life. Let's explore how prioritizing proper sleep can significantly boost our efficiency:

Enhanced Cognitive Function: 

Quality sleep is essential for optimal brain function. During sleep, the brain consolidates memories, processes information, and clears out toxins, preparing us for peak cognitive performance the next day. With sufficient rest, our ability to focus, problem-solve, and make decisions improves significantly, leading to heightened efficiency in our daily tasks.

Improved Concentration and Alertness: 

Lack of sleep can impair concentration, attention, and reaction times, akin to operating on a sluggish internet connection. On the contrary, a well-rested mind is alert, sharp, and capable of maintaining focus for extended periods. This enhanced concentration allows us to tackle tasks more efficiently and with greater accuracy.

Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: 

Quality sleep is closely linked to creativity and innovative thinking. During the REM stage of sleep, the brain engages in associative thinking, making connections between seemingly unrelated ideas and fostering creative insights. By prioritizing proper sleep, we nurture our creative potential, unlocking new solutions and approaches to challenges in our work and personal endeavors.

Increased Energy and Vitality: 

Adequate sleep replenishes our energy reserves, much like charging a battery overnight. With sufficient rest, we wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day's challenges. This renewed vitality translates into improved productivity and efficiency throughout the day, as we tackle tasks with vigor and enthusiasm.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation: 

Sleep plays a crucial role in regulating our emotions and managing stress. When well-rested, we are better equipped to cope with pressure, handle setbacks, and maintain a positive outlook. Proper sleep fosters emotional resilience, reducing the likelihood of burnout and enhancing our ability to navigate interpersonal relationships with empathy and composure.

Optimized Physical Health: 

Quality sleep is vital for physical health and well-being. It boosts immune function, regulates hormones, and supports overall bodily functions. By prioritizing proper sleep, we reduce the risk of illness and chronic conditions, ensuring that our bodies are primed for peak performance in both work and leisure activities.

Enhanced Learning and Skill Acquisition: 

Sleep plays a critical role in the process of learning and skill acquisition. During sleep, the brain consolidates newly acquired information, solidifying memories and facilitating learning retention. By getting adequate rest, we optimize our capacity to absorb and integrate new knowledge, ultimately enhancing our efficiency in acquiring new skills and expertise.


proper sleep is a non-negotiable pillar of optimal performance and efficiency. By prioritizing quality rest, we invest in our cognitive function, emotional well-being, and physical health, laying the foundation for success in every aspect of our lives. So, let's embrace the power of sleep as a catalyst for efficiency and productivity, recognizing its transformative potential in unlocking our full potential.
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· @pedrosvobodaart ·
Don’t let...

Don’t let any emotional thought concerning success or failure, fame or gain, overtake you, and don’t dwell upon them. Give up your personal shortcomings, such as foolish talk, distracting activities, and absentmindedness. Train in being totally gentle in all physical, verbal, or mental activities. Don’t ponder the flaws of others; think instead of their good sides.

~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
· @atulkapasiya123 ·
"Everyday Efficiency: How Your Daily Routine Shapes Success"
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Introduction : 

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where time is often our scarcest resource, the efficiency of our daily routines can make all the difference. From the moment we wake up to the moment we lay our heads down at night, our routines shape not only our productivity but also our overall well-being. Let’s delve into the profound impact of daily routines on our efficiency.

Setting the Tone for the Day: 

How we start our day can set the tone for everything that follows. A well-structured morning routine primes our minds for productivity. Whether it’s exercise, meditation, or a healthy breakfast, incorporating positive habits into our mornings can significantly boost efficiency throughout the day.

Optimizing Time Management:

 A structured daily routine helps us allocate time effectively. By scheduling tasks and activities in advance, we can minimize decision fatigue and ensure that essential priorities are addressed promptly. Time-blocking techniques can be particularly effective in maximizing productivity by dedicating specific time slots to different tasks.

Enhancing Focus and Concentration: 

Consistency breeds concentration. When we follow a consistent daily routine, our minds learn to focus more efficiently on the tasks at hand. By minimizing distractions and creating dedicated time for deep work, we can achieve higher levels of productivity and creativity.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety: 

Uncertainty breeds anxiety. Knowing what to expect from our daily routines provides a sense of stability and control, reducing stress levels and promoting mental well-being. Incorporating activities like exercise and mindfulness meditation into our routines can further alleviate stress and enhance overall efficiency.

Promoting Work-Life Balance: 

A well-balanced daily routine ensures that we allocate time not only for work but also for relaxation, hobbies, and social activities. Striking the right balance between work and leisure is essential for preventing burnout and maintaining long-term productivity and satisfaction.

Fostering Habit Formation: 

Daily routines are the building blocks of habits. By consistently repeating certain actions, we can gradually automate them, making them effortless and ingrained in our behavior. Whether it’s practicing a new skill, adopting a healthier lifestyle, or improving time management, daily routines play a pivotal role in habit formation.

Cultivating Self-Discipline: 

Discipline begets efficiency. Following a structured daily routine requires discipline and self-control, qualities that are essential for achieving our goals and aspirations. By cultivating self-discipline through our daily habits, we can overcome procrastination and inertia, paving the way for success.

In conclusion, our daily routines exert a profound influence on our efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life. By consciously designing and adhering to well-structured routines, we can optimize our time, enhance our focus, reduce stress, and cultivate habits that lead to long-term success. Remember, the key to unlocking your full potential lies in the power of consistent daily habits.
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· @lawns ·
Creating Minimalist Habits for a Simpler Life
A minimalist is aware of what's important and works on that. Some people think this means getting rid of the "things" that make them unhappy.

A lot of people get it wrong when they think that minimalism only means clean lines and focused on less. Yes, getting organised to free up your time and space is an important part of changing your attitude. 

A big part of simplicity is getting rid of unnecessary things. This gives you more freedom to do what makes you happy.

It will be easier to separate yourself from your things and focus on what's important to you once you change the way you see them. Stop acting like everything is important and holding on to things you don't need or people who are bad for you. 

These tips were put together to help you take the first steps towards living a simple life and getting rid of some of your responsibilities.

Some minimalists think that everything should make people happy. If something makes you happy, keep it. If not, get rid of it. Make sure you touch everything during a cleaning.  

If you know what works and what you need, then you should only buy what you need. For instance, if you run out of makeup, don't be afraid to buy a new one or switch brands. 

Don't feel like you have to buy a lot of different things or follow trends. Use the things you already have and only buy new ones when you need to.

 These tips on how to live in the digital world will help you spend less time in front of a screen and get fewer messages from services you don't need.

-Get rid of apps that you don't use often. If you delete it and then decide you want to use it again, it's easy to get back into your account and download it again.

-Follow several people less. Get rid of social media followers who post things that make you feel bad. This makes it simple to keep your Instagram feed organised and full of the posts you want to see. It shows you which people you don't interact with much and which ones you do interact with a lot. You can then act on that information.

-Unsubscribe from services that you don't need. How often do you use this subscription? Are you making the most of the money you spent on it? You can cancel the memberships and payments you don't need after you answer these questions.

-Go through your emails and only update the ones that are important to you. This will get rid of the subscription emails that are taking up too much space in your account.

To sum up, living a minimalistic life with these tips can help you tune out the noise of materialism and overconsumption and focus on what's important to you.
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· @lawns ·
How Can You Improve Your Lifestyle with Modern Technologies?
People have always viewed new technologies that take up time and attention as the enemy of leading a healthy lifestyle because they believe that these devices are fixed and cannot be used anywhere other than in front of a screen. These days, new technologies also assist people in maintaining their physical and mental well-being and helping them stay active and fit. is taking place.

According to researchers, the relationship between health and technology is changing even more as a result of technological advancements that could improve the experience, value, and motivation of leading a healthy lifestyle. In this post, we look at a few technological advancements that combine technology and healthy living.


 A healthy lifestyle is often understood to involve things like making an effort to be as active as you can, abstaining from unhealthy fats and junk food, practicing meditation, and setting aside time for self-indulgence. It's not always as simple as we assume to maintain this way of life, though.

Certain activities can be made simpler, more accessible, and sustainable by utilising technologies like augmented reality. Additionally, you will have greater control over this matter because these technologies allow you to monitor the progress and shortcomings of your complete programme.

 Maintaining a healthy lifestyle almost requires engaging in a fitness regimen. It can be more difficult than we realise to stick to a fitness regimen at times. For instance, after an eight-hour workout, you might not feel like going to the gym because many occupations need you to sit for extended periods of time each day. What if all you needed was an AR/VR (Virtual Reality) piece of equipment that brought the gym to you instead of requiring you to travel there? One of the earliest and most significant aspects of AR that can help you live a better lifestyle might be this.

We're confident you'll agree that the ease and enjoyment of working out has never been greater, owing to smart devices like smartphones, headphones, and equipment. Investing in an augmented reality gadget allows you to simulate a gym setting at home, where you may converse with a personal trainer and occasionally even other members of the same facility. As a result, the gym's socialisation benefit can continue.

Furthermore, doing out at home does not require you to follow the gym's timetable. You are free to work out at midnight if that is when you would like to.

 The gym may be virtual, but your progress is actual. Using an AR/VR gadget, you can use data to track every exercise in your daily fitness regimen. These gadgets measure everything, including calories burned and the distance covered while cycling or running. Users can identify progress and modify their workouts in the future by changing the intensity, for example, with the use of this data.

 It takes work to improve your lifestyle beyond just following workout regimens. Nutrition is a further crucial factor to take into account. Eating well is a necessary part of leading a healthy lifestyle. AR is able to help in this situation.



 Using AR and VR to better your lifestyle, meditation is another option. You can start meditating with the aid of a variety of applications. Through the use of guided audios and virtual tours, one can quickly acquire the discipline of meditation, feel fully submerged in one's own thoughts, and help oneself focus.
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· @pedrosvobodaart ·
Zen teaches nothing

Zen teaches nothing; it merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach, it points.

~Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki
· @lawns ·
Common Habits That Negatively Affect Productivity
We must admit that hard work does not guarantee productivity. You must have known folks who worked hard yet failed. Perhaps you have this issue. You shouldn't worry then.

This post will show you which behaviours to avoid for productivity. Like this, you can become aware of behaviours you were unaware of that lower your performance and cause you to achieve results well below your capacity, and remove them from your life to reach your goal. Stop wondering and start now.

 Writing many goals on the to-do list: If you make a long to-do list without a goal or priorities, it will seem bigger, demoralise you, and lower your productivity. Creating a to-do list can only help if you do it right.

Doing the wrong job at the wrong time: Identifying your most productive hours and matching your priorities to them will help you. To get the result you want, don't waste your best hours on non-priority jobs and don't put them off.

 Pressing yourself to start work without complete focus will also stress you out and lower your productivity. When you clear your mind and start when you're ready, you may work more efficiently.

Multitasking: Multitasking, albeit viewed positively nowadays, leads to inefficiency in any simultaneous task. Focusing on one thing will help you finish more work faster and avoid distractions.

Being an obsessive perfectionist and drowning in minutiae will prevent you from taking action or being late, causing you to miss important tasks. Detail-orientedness will only help you succeed in moderation.

To boost productivity, recognise that you cannot accomplish everything alone and seek help when needed.

-Social media addiction, instant email responses: No doubt, social media and phone addiction are the biggest productivity threats. Distractions include checking every notification and replying instantly. Another fact is that we all get too many emails. Avoiding email while working will also boost productivity if you don't have an urgent message.

Warren Buffett notes, "Very successful people say 'no' to almost everything," when comparing successful and very successful people. Being able to say "no" to offers that will put you in a tough scenario by spending time at that moment and realising that this is not a guilty situation can help boost your productivity.

One of the biggest blunders is skipping breaks to work. Correctly setting break times is crucial. Spending practically all day with breaks will have the same negative effect on productivity as taking a break when you are totally engaged on work or taking little to no breaks and not moving at all. 

Not removing distractions from the work station, such as files on unrelated subjects or unnecessary accessories; It will quiet your mind, improve focus, and boost productivity.

Poor nutrition: Skipping breakfast, working during lunch or eating lunch while working, and drinking more tea and coffee than needed to recover reduce productivity. Especially: Quitting coffee, which causes tension, anxiety, heart palpitations, stomach issues, and insomnia, will boost productivity.
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· @tambi ·
What determines longevity? Proven ways to extend your life
Over time, the biological process of ageing results in our bodies losing their ability to operate. The goal of longevity research is to comprehend this process and discover strategies for postponing the ageing process in order to extend one's life.

The Latin word "longaevitās" is where the phrase "long life" originates. This word's meaning of "to live for a long time" is derived from the combination of the terms longus (long) and aevum (age).

The primary objective is to maintain an active, fruitful, and healthy life throughout ageing in addition to extending lifespan. We'll look at the answers to some common questions in this post, like what precisely constitutes a long life and what small lifestyle adjustments you may make to extend your life beyond your expectations.

 Longevity is frequently defined by biologists as the average life expectancy under perfect circumstances. In actuality, defining what is perfect is really challenging. Life can be prolonged with the correct kind and quantity of exercise, a healthy diet, and certain supplements. Still, a great deal of medical study is being conducted on this topic.

Over the past century, breakthroughs in medicine have led to a huge rise in life expectancy by essentially eliminating certain lethal infectious diseases. A newborn baby's average life expectancy in 1900 was 32 years. This figure has more than quadrupled to 71 years by 2021. 


 Regardless of age, exercise is one of the most important components of health and longevity. There are numerous advantages to exercise.

 By lowering risk and treating or preventing diseases, including non-communicable and particularly cardiovascular diseases, they have an impact on nearly every part of the body and brain.  

For numerous advantages, like a three-year lifetime extension, you might profit from as little as 15 minutes of exercise per day.  

 Maybe the secret to a longer life is in the kitchen. Numerous studies have shown a connection between eating more vegetables and a lower death risk. Moreover, metabolic syndrome; it lowers the chance of numerous illnesses, including depression, heart disease, and cancer.

 Vegetables have a protective effect, and their antioxidant content—which includes polyphenols, carotenoids, folate, and vitamin C—is the reason for this.  

 Sleep is essential for maintaining healthy cell activity and overall bodily function. You should make an effort to have a regular bedtime and wake-up time each day since it is crucial to maintain a regular and consistent sleep routine.   Most people find that seven to nine hours of sleep every night makes them feel excellent. That's the reason you ought to think about how long you sleep.

 You can extend your life by up to 50% if you have a healthy social life.  The beneficial impact of a social life on longevity can be explained by the correlation between stress reduction and having a robust and healthy social environment or spending time with loved ones.  

Make a commitment to yourself now to change for the better. Sooner rather than later, you'll feel better. Who knows? Perhaps you are also headed towards a long life.
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· @tambi ·
What Is Cognitive Flexibility And How To Improve It?
Our routines may be disturbed and life's circumstances or issues may not always unfold as we had anticipated. 

There could be road construction on the route we frequently take, someone we trust has work to perform, or meetings could be cancelled. 

The ability to adjust to various changes we encounter is referred to as cognitive flexibility. Because our reactions to changing environmental conditions automatically shift with them. 

having the capacity to handle several jobs, conceive of multiple concepts at once, or assess an event from various angles.


Our cognitive flexibility is correlated with our willingness to consider novel ideas, our capacity to modify previously developed answers for novel situations, and our willingness to give up on ineffective solutions.

We can use the analogy of a manual car to better explain the idea. Depending on our speed, we must shift gears to avoid damaging the car. 

Other factors that influence which gear we will move in are the make and model of the vehicle as well as the state of the road. Here are some instances in which our cognitive flexibility comes in handy:

For whatever reason, we might have had to abruptly cancel the weekend plans we had been working on for some time. 

Naturally, we may be disappointed by this last-minute change, but we can still come up with new ideas to make the most of our two days off from the bustle of the holiday and give ourselves the much-needed respite.

 Another illustration might be a young boy mending his bicycle chain using what he learned in geometry class. As a result, one can use their expertise and understanding from one field to another to address new issues.

Another sign of cognitive flexibility is modifying the dessert we were going to make for our guest who is coming over in a little while when we realise we are missing some items from the recipe.

 Rather of putting together an inadequate dinner, we will use the resources we have to get through this unforeseen circumstance.

 Adapting to shifting circumstances can be challenging at times. Using our current categories to categorise new events we come across might make things simpler. 

In a similar vein, we can recall various prior experiences in a way that makes sense to us right now. 

For instance, even though the new neighbour is from a different nation, someone who has travelled overseas previously can assess him based on his prior experiences.

 Alternatively, a person could remember specifics from a neighbourhood he no longer feels comfortable in, information suggesting that the location was formerly haunted even though it wasn't. 

Our prior knowledge helps us save cognitive resources, yet certain novel situations could call for extra care. 

An expert doctor does not necessarily need to treat every seasonal flu episode, for instance; nevertheless, if a patient also has other health issues, further research may be necessary. 

Our current communication systems' constant barrage of information can likewise be detrimental to our cognitive flexibility. 

We may get mentally burdened by the volume of knowledge we are exposed to, which may further impede our ability to learn new things.
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· @orion7 ·
Why it is important to recognise when you lack willpower
It describes a state in which an individual is either weakening or about to reach the boundaries of their capacity for self-control. 

This illness may impair an individual's capacity for decision-making, self-control over automatic responses, and goal-directedness. 

Willpower exhaustion is the experience of feeling as though one's ability to use willpower has diminished.

This can happen when you make too many decisions in a given day and is linked to the weariness of your willpower to withstand cravings. 

Willpower weariness can be brought on by particularly stressful times, work requiring continuous attention, or attempts to modify habits that demand willpower.

A person experiences willpower fatigue when their mental energy and resistance levels are depleted. This condition is linked to psychological resources. 

This describes a circumstance in which an individual finds it more difficult to maintain long-term aims or aspirations than convenience or short-term gratification.

For instance, striving to stick to a balanced diet might cause willpower fatigue, particularly if the person is trying to avoid high-calorie snacks or foods. 

For instance, a smoker must exercise willpower to stop smoking, and making regular healthy eating choices and avoiding munchies during the day may put additional burden on one's willpower in the evening. 

Demand resistance, particularly at the beginning, can swiftly exhaust one's reserves of willpower.

 When a person is suffering from willpower fatigue, they may make snap decisions or choose solutions that will satisfy them momentarily. This may be harmful to long-term objectives or well-being routines.

 A person who is suffering from willpower fatigue could become less confident. One's self-confidence might be lowered by failure or unfavourable behaviour.

 Emotional equilibrium can be challenging for someone who is suffering from willpower exhaustion. Being unable to say no to requests can be emotionally draining and lower one's self-esteem.

 Willpower weariness can lead to a person's inability to focus and trouble sustaining attention. The performance at work or in the classroom may suffer as a result.

 Stress levels can go up when someone experiences willpower fatigue. Stress levels might rise in particular when a person finds it difficult to regulate their desires and resist them.

 Motivation can be lowered by willpower exhaustion. The persistence and motivation needed to accomplish long-term objectives could be lacking.

 Long-term willpower exhaustion may increase the likelihood of developing emotional disorders including anxiety and sadness. Emotional anguish might result from losing the ability to regularly resist desires.

 Social interactions can be impacted by willpower exhaustion. Reduced resistance to demands might cause communication issues and damage a person's social relationships.

The duration, intensity, and effects of willpower fatigue may have an impact on these outcomes, which may differ from person to person. Such detrimental psychological impacts can be lessened with the aid of restful sleep, stress reduction techniques, and willpower-building exercises.




It is critical to identify the signs of willpower exhaustion because doing so can assist in developing coping mechanisms and fortifying one's resolve. It's critical to pay attention to proper rest, stress reduction, a balanced diet, and sleep patterns in order to treat or avoid this illness.
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· @tambi ·
Toxic positivity: trying to be happy all the time
It means rejecting negative feelings, which is also known as toxic positivity. 

No doubt that being optimistic is a good thing, but making people feel like they can't be sad is not. 

Many people have told me, "Be strong," "It will get better," and "Don't do this; there are worse off people than you." 

These things may have been said to you many times to make you feel better, but an overly positive outlook that doesn't acknowledge your feelings of sadness can be harmful. 

You want to know why? Because when we don't allow ourselves to feel bad, our minds can push painful feelings into the subconscious and act like they don't exist in real life. This makes us more likely to experience much deeper sadness one day.  

"Toxic positivity is the idea that we should only think about good things in our lives and feel good about them."

 It's the idea that we'll be happy if we dismiss tough feelings or situations. 

Having a positive view of life and seeing the good in things can help you get through tough times and shield you from the world's problems. 

It also helps us comfort our loved ones and figure out how to do that.  But, like everything else, too much is bad and even deadly. 

It doesn't help at all to try to avoid feeling bad and ignore bad thoughts and emotions because we think that will make us happy. 

 Emotions that aren't addressed never go away; they're just buried alive and show up later in worse ways.

"Freud Sigmund Try to see the good side, but don't ignore your bad feelings. 

You will realise that you are losing touch with your true feelings if you often swear by negative affirmations, give in to good moods, and always be positive. 

On the other hand, ignoring your feelings is not a good thing to do. In fact, ignoring bad feelings like worry, sadness, anger, anxiety, or a sense of being wronged does not make them go away after a while. 

In fact, the opposite! No matter how hard you try to ignore the feeling right now, it will come up again in the future, in places and ways you didn't expect. 

 You're wrong to say that positive thinking doesn't work!  Being upbeat is fine, but it's much better to understand and accept your feelings.

 What toxic optimism does to mental health When we use toxic positivity, we force ourselves not to think about the pain, which means we don't fix it. 

On the other hand, we shouldn't take our feelings and mental health for granted. No matter how much you try to ignore a coffee spill on your table, it will still be there. The same is true for being cheerful. 

This is also true for other people's problems or issues. People don't want to talk about their problems when you always respond to them with upbeat affirmations. 

However, we can get better if we feel like someone is listening to us and being there for us.  

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· @murliwala ·
Why improving your sleep quality help to achieve better well being
I don't know how many of us can adjust to this best sleep routine, but many Americans and people worldwide have difficulties sleeping. 

Healthy sleep time for adults 18–64 is 7–9 hours, according to years of research.

Environmental variables, daytime brain overstimulation with digital tools, working hours, and other reasons cause this. 

Sleep difficulties are more widespread than thought. Chronic sleep disorders affect 8 out of 10 people.  

Conditions that alter sleep quality, patterns, duration, and wakefulness are called sleep disorders. 

These diseases can cause many health issues and be symptoms of mental health issues. 

Sleep disorders impair health, mood, and quality of life. Sleep disorders can cause daytime tiredness, uneven breathing, and sleep movement.

 Inconsistent sleep and waking cycles and trouble falling asleep are further symptoms. 

Many sleep problems exist. Most are categorised by why or how they impact you. 

Sleep disorders can also be categorised by behaviours, sleep-wake cycle issues, respiratory issues, difficulties sleeping, or daytime sleepiness. 

Eight in 10 have trouble sleeping. Sleep is as vital as diet and exercise. 

For physical and mental health, we need sleep to recover the body and nervous system after a long day and regulate hormones.  

"Not being able to sleep soundly" (20%) is the major cause for not feeling like "I got my sleep/slept well". 

While 90% of participants say they wake up at night, they wake up twice on average.   

Whatever's keeping you up, insomnia can harm you mentally and physically. 

Poor sleepers have a lower quality of life. Most Common Sleep Disorders  The three most prevalent sleep disorders will be explained so you can control yourself. 

 Ä°nsomnia  The most prevalent sleep issue is insomnia. One in 10 persons have insomnia, a sleeping issue that can range from mild to severe.  

Daytime sleepiness can make it hard to function for insomniacs. 

Chronic insomnia is diagnosed when these symptoms occur three times a week for three months. Insomania may be the main issue, however other conditions may coexist. 

Chronic insomnia is frequently caused by stress, life events, or habits that impair sleep. Age, low socioeconomic position, anxiety, and sadness are also linked to insomnia.  

Treating the cause can cure sleeplessness, although it may persist years. Hypnosis and sleeping medications are treatments.  

 Sleep apnea, the second most frequent sleep disorder, causes sudden breathing stops during sleep. 

This disturbing and extremely hazardous sleep disease can be fatal if left untreated, however rare and severe. 

People with sleep apnea snore and wake up choking or gasping. 

People with sleep apnea also include daytime sleepiness, lethargy, morning headaches, and dry mouth. Two types of sleep apnea exist. 

First, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) occurs when mouth and throat tissues relax and clog the upper airway. 

The second is central sleep apnea (CSA), caused by the brain not transmitting proper signals to the muscles during sleep. Medication and medical devices can address this problem.  
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