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· @corarafaella ·
Curso Viva Sempre com Dinheiro
Cuidadosamente desenvolvida pela renomada especialista em educação financeira, Nádia Pace.

Se você está em busca de uma solução prática e eficaz para livrar-se das dívidas, este review foi elaborado para fornecer uma análise detalhada, pautada em informações verídicas, sobre este curso que tem sido tão buscado no Google.

Nádia Pace, com sua vasta experiência e abordagem prática, conquistou reconhecimento no universo da educação financeira através do Curso Viva Sempre com Dinheiro.

Se você está cansado das amarras financeiras que as dívidas representam, este curso promete ser uma ferramenta valiosa em sua busca por independência financeira.

Ao longo deste review, exploraremos a trajetória de Nádia Pace, analisaremos a confiabilidade do curso, verificaremos sua reputação no Reclame Aqui, discutiremos o conteúdo programático, detalharemos a metodologia aplicada e, por fim, ofereceremos informações sobre como você pode dar o primeiro passo rumo à sua transformação financeira através do curso Viva Sempre com Dinheiro.

Se a ideia de viver sem o peso das dívidas é um sonho que você deseja transformar em realidade, continue conosco nesta jornada informativa e descubra se este curso é a chave para desbloquear o caminho para uma vida financeira mais livre e próspera, então clique abaixo!
· @aston.villa · (edited)
Prima alla Scala 🇮🇹🇬🇧
Gaber, in una delle sue canzoni meno riuscite, cantava “Io non mi sento italiano, ma per fortuna o purtroppo lo sono.”
Non so quanti anni mi restano in questa valle di lacrime, ma pochi o tanti che siano li voglio vivere da apolide, da un uomo che non ha piu' alcun interesse ad essere parte di una comunita' di uno 
stato, avere un inno, riconoscersi in una bandiera.
Anche se di un passaporto per muoversi non si puo' fare senza.

Ogni giorno leggo e sento cose che rafforzano questa condizione.
Prima della Scala, inutile rito per esibire gioielli e potere alle telecamere.
Parte l'inno di Mameli, al termine del quale un loggionista urla “Viva l'Italia antifascista”, ricordo che in sala c'era il presidente del Senato la Russa che si vanta di avere in casa il busto del Duce 
regalatogli dal padre, altro bel personaggio.
Giusto per capire come siamo messi...

L'Antifascismo e' nella nostra Costituzione, non ci sarebbe una 
Costituzione senza l'Antifascismo quindi quell'urlo era insito in cio' che siamo grazie a chi, decine di anni fa, sali' in montagna per liberare il nostro paese.
La Digos raggiunge il tipo che ha urlato e gli chiede le generalita', come se avesse commesso un reato dicendo ripeto “Viva l'Italia antifascista”.

Il tipo ricorda agli agenti che se avesse urlato “Viva l'Italia fascista” avrebbero dovuto arrestarlo perche' l'apologia al fascismo in questo paese e' ancora un reato ma inneggiare all'antifascismo 
non lo e', non ancora.

Gli agenti sorridono, gli dicono che ha ragione ma prendono le generalita'.
Occhio gente che piano piano stiamo scivolando in una deriva pericolosa, il fascismo inizia proprio con questi episodi.
Comunque e' un problema da cui mi sento lontano, ho sempre meno cose in comune con questo paese totalmente e 
completamente alla deriva.
I problemi sono tutti di chi ancora crede che esista un paese.
Gaber, in one of his least successful songs, sang “I don't feel Italian, but fortunately or unfortunately I am.”
I don't know how many years I have left in this valley of tears, but however many or few they are, I want to live as a stateless person, as a man who no longer has any interest in being part of a community of one
state, have an anthem, recognize yourself in a flag.
Even if you can't do without a passport to move around.

Every day I read and hear things that reinforce this condition.
Before La Scala, a useless ritual to show off jewels and power to the cameras.
Mameli's anthem starts, at the end of which a gallery attendant shouts "Long live anti-fascist Italy", I remember that in the room there was the president of the Senate, La Russa who boasts of having the bust of the Duce in her house
given to him by his father, another beautiful character.
Just to understand how we are doing...

Anti-fascism is in our Constitution, there wouldn't be one
Constitution without Anti-Fascism so that cry was inherent in who we are thanks to those who, decades ago, climbed into the mountains to liberate our country.
Digos reaches the guy who shouted and asks him for his personal details, as if she had committed a crime, saying, I repeat, "Long live anti-fascist Italy".

The guy reminds the officers that if he had shouted "Long live fascist Italy" they would have had to arrest him because apologia for fascism in this country is still a crime but praising anti-fascism
It's not, not yet.

The agents smile, tell him that he is right but take his personal details.
Be careful, people, we are slowly slipping into a dangerous drift, fascism begins precisely with these episodes.
However it is a problem from which I feel distant, I have fewer and fewer things in common with this country totally and
completely adrift.
The problems all lie with those who still believe that a country exists.
👍  , , , , , , ,
4 replies
· @zazuze ·
한국을 돕는 그룹은?
나사로 그룹의 위험한 음모

      라자루스그룹(Lazarus Group)은 온라인 해킹 활동을 통해 다른 나라의 돈을 훔치는 북한 해킹 그룹이다. CeFi 및 DeFi의 암호화폐를 해킹한 것으로 악명 높은 Lazarus Group은 예를 들어 방글라데시와 말레이시아 중앙 은행에서 수백만 달러를 해킹하여 은행에서도 절도합니다.

훔친 물건은 북한에서 쓰이겠다

      라자루스 그룹은 특정 국가에 대한 제재가 너무 위험해서 해당 국가가 제재에 대응하기 위해 자신의 재능을 오용할 수 있음을 입증했습니다. Lazarus Group은 해킹으로 30억 달러를 도난당했습니다. 이 돈은 북한의 국가사업을 완수하는 데 사용될 것이다.
👍  ,
2 replies
· @aongkon ·
"সরকারি টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজে একদিন"
</center> <div class="text-justify">
**আমার সুপ্রিয় বন্ধুরা**,
**আমি @aongkon বাংলাদেশের নাগরিক**। 

**আজ- ৮ ই অক্টোবর, রবিবার, ২০২৩ খ্রিষ্টাব্দ**। 

আমি আশা করি, আপনারা সবাই সুস্থ এবং সুন্দর আছেন। আমার মাতৃভাষা বাংলার একমাত্র ব্লগিং কমিউনিটি **[আমার বাংলা ব্লগ](** এর **[ফাউন্ডার](**, **এডমিন** প্যানেল, **মডারেটর** প্যানেল এবং সকল **সদস্য** ও **সদস্যাদের** আমার অন্তরের অন্তরস্থল থেকে প্রাণঢালা শুভেচ্ছা এবং অভিনন্দন রইল। 


|<center> কভার ফটো</center>|


কয়েকটি ছবিকে একত্রিত করে সুন্দর একটি কভার ফটো তৈরি করে নিয়েছি।


আজকে আমি আপনাদের সামনে নতুন একটি পোস্ট নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছি। প্রতিনিয়ত আমার বাংলা ব্লগে নতুন নতুন পোস্ট আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করতে অনেক বেশি ভালো লাগে। এরকম সুন্দর একটি প্ল্যাটফর্মে কাজ করতে পেরে সত্যি আমি গর্বিত। এই প্ল্যাটফর্ম থেকে প্রতিনিয়ত আমি নতুন নতুন বিষয়গুলো শিখতে পারছি। কয়েকদিন আগে আমাদের বাড়ির পাশের এক প্রতিবেশী দাদা ঢাকাতে মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তরের একটি নিয়োগের  ভাইবা পরীক্ষা দিতে এসেছিলো। যদিও তার চাকরিটা বড় পোস্টের না। তারপরেও সরকারি চাকরি বলে কথা, আপনারা বুঝতেই পারছেন সরকারি চাকরিজীবীদের কতটা মূল্যায়ন।


বর্তমানে আমাদের বাংলাদেশের যে কোন চাকরি পাওয়াটা অত্যন্ত কঠিন হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। আর এই কারণেই বেকার সমস্যা দিনের পর দিন বেড়েই চলছে।   আমার এই প্রতিবেশী দাদা তার ভাইবা পরীক্ষা হওয়ার দুইদিন আগেই আমার মেসে এসেছিলো। আমি যখন বাড়িতে যাই তখন এই সকল দাদার ছোট ভাইদের সাথেই বেশিরভাগ সময় পার করি। আমাদের ভেতর বন্ডিংটা অনেক ভালো। 

আর ভাইবা পরীক্ষা হওয়ার বেশ কিছুদিন আগে থেকেই আমাকে বলে রেখেছিল যে, পরীক্ষার দিনে দাদার সাথে আমাকেও যেতে হবে। এই দাদার যেদিন ভাইবা পরীক্ষা হবে সেদিন সকাল থেকেই বেশ বৃষ্টি। মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক অধিদপ্তরের সকল ভাইবা পরীক্ষাগুলো মূলত সরকারি টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজেই হয়ে থাকে।  


দাদার পরীক্ষা যেহেতু দুপুর দুইটা থেকে ছিল তাই আমরা আমাদের বাসার সামনে থেকে একটি রিকশা ভাড়া করে সোজা সরকারি টিচার্স ট্রেনিং সেন্টারে সামনে চলে যায়। তবে যাওয়ার সময় বেশ বিপত্তিতে পড়তে হয়েছিলো। আমরা যখন বের হলাম তখন বৃষ্টি না থাকলেও ধানমন্ডির ভেতর থেকে বেশ জোরে বৃষ্টি নেমেছিলো তবে আমাদের ভাগ্য ভালো রিকশাওয়ালার কাছে পলিথিন থাকাতে আমাদের ভিজতে হয়নি। 


প্রথমে আমরা দুজনেই সরকারি টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজের ভেতরে গিয়ে খুজে বের করলাম ভাইবা পরীক্ষাটা আসলে কোন জায়গায় হবে। সরকারি টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ টা বেশ বড়ই তাই খুঁজে বের করতেও সময় লেগেছিলো। কারণটা আমরা দুজনেই এর আগে কখনো এই জায়গাটি আসা হয়নি। ভাইভা পরীক্ষা দেওয়ার আগে তাদেরকে একটি রুমের ভিতর বসিয়ে পরীক্ষা দেওয়ার জন্য একটি ফরম পূরণ করতে দেয়। 


ভাইবা পরীক্ষা দেয়ার আগে ও যখন ফরম পূরণ করছিলো তখন দেখি আরো একজন পরিচিত লোক বসে ফরম পূরণ করছে। আর ওই পরিচিত লোকটি আমার মামাদের বাড়ির পাশের বাড়ির একটা ছেলে। যদিও আমার সম্পর্কে কিছু হয় না তারপরও আমাদের বাড়িতে যখন যেতাম তখন এই ব্যক্তিকে মামা বলে ডাকতাম। তারপর আমি একটু এগিয়ে গিয়ে এ রাজিব মামার সাথে কিছু সময় কুশল বিনিময় করলাম। তারপর আমি শুনলাম যে মামা আপনি কবে এসেছেন? আর কোথায় ছিলেন?


তখন এই রাজিব মামা বললো যে, তোমার সঞ্জয় মামার মেসে ছিলাম। তারপরে এভাবেই কিছু সময় গল্প করার পরে সবার যখন ফর্ম পূরণ করা শেষ হলো তখন ভাইবা পরীক্ষা দেওয়ার জন্য সব প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজ নিয়ে একই ভবনের তিন তালায় যেতে বললো সবাইকে। তারপর ভাইবা দেওয়ার আগে সবাইকে একটি ওয়েটিং রুমে ঢুকালো। যদিও আমি সে, সময়টাতেও তাদের সাথেই ছিলাম। আমি হয়তো ভেবেছিলাম আমাকে ভেতরে যেতে দিবে না। 

কিন্তু এই জায়গাটিতে গিয়ে দেখলাম যারা ভাইভা পরীক্ষা দেবে তাদের সাথে অনেকেই এসেছেন‌কারো সাথে নিজের স্বামী এসেছেন, কারো সাথে বাবা এসেছেন কারো সাথে ভাই এসেছেন, কারো সাথে বন্ধু এসেছেন। ভাইভা ওয়েটিং রুমে থাকা অবস্থায় শ্যামল দা আর রাজিব মামার সাথে একটি সেলফি উঠে ছিলাম এরকম সুন্দর স্মৃতিময় মুহূর্তটা ক্যামেরাবন্দি করে রেখেছিলাম।


তারপর রোল নাম্বার অনুযায়ী দুজনেরই ভাইভা পরীক্ষা শেষ হলে একসাথে আমরা সরকারি টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ থেকে বের হয়ে মেসে চলে আসি।  একটা সুখবর হচ্ছে দুজনেরই বেশ ভালো ভাইবা পরীক্ষা হয়েছে। এখন বাকিটা সৃষ্টিকর্তার উপর নির্ভর করছে। আমি সৃষ্টিকর্তার কাছে প্রার্থনা করি এই দুজনের যেন এই চাকরিটা হয়ে যায়। অভিশপ্ত বেকার জীবন থেকে তারা যেনো কর্মজীবনে প্রবেশ করতে পারে।


# <center>**পোস্টের ছবির বিবরন**</center> 

ডিভাইস| স্যামসাং গ্যালাক্সি এফ-৫৪ 
ক্যামেরা| ১০৮ মেগাপিক্সেল
তারিখ| ২৬ ই অক্টোবর ২০২৩

>**প্রিয় বন্ধুরা,** 

>**আমি [স্টিমিট]( প্ল্যাটফর্মে [আমার বাংলা ব্লগ]( কমিউনিটিতে প্রতিনিয়ত আমার সৃজনশীলতা দিয়ে ভালো কনটেন্ট শেয়ার করে এই কমিউনিটিকে সমৃদ্ধ করতে চাই এবং উচ্চতার শিখরে নিয়ে যেতে চাই। আমার ব্লগটি কেমন হয়েছে আপনারা সবাই কমেন্টের মাধ্যমে অবশ্যই মন্তব্য করবেন, সামান্য ভুল ত্রুটি অবশ্যই ক্ষমা সুন্দর দৃষ্টিতে দেখবেন এবং সুপরামর্শ দিয়ে পাশে থাকবেন। আবার দেখা হবে নতুন কোনো পোস্ট নিয়ে শীঘ্রই, ততক্ষণে সবাই নিজের খেয়াল রাখবেন সুস্থ এবং সুন্দর থাকবেন এটাই কাম্য করি।**

|<center>আমি কে !</center>|


> আমি **অংকন বিশ্বাস**, আমার ইউজার নেম **@aongkon**। আমি **মা**, **মাতৃভাষা** এবং **মাতৃভূমিকে** সব থেকে বেশি ভালোবাসি। আমি হৃদয় থেকে ভালবাসি সৃষ্টিকর্তা ও তার সকল সৃষ্টিকে। আমি বর্তমানে ইউরোপিয়ান ইউনিভার্সিটিতে সিভিল টেকনোলজিতে  বি.এস.সি ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং নিয়ে লেখাপড়া করছি। আমি ভ্রমণ করতে, গান গাইতে ও শুনতে, কবিতা লিখতে ও পড়তে, আর্ট করতে, রান্না করতে ও ফটোগ্রাফি করতে খুবই পছন্দ করি। "আমার বাংলা ব্লগ" আমার গর্ব "আমার বাংলা ব্লগ" আমার ভালোবাসা। আমার নিজের ভেতরে লুকায়িত সুপ্ত  প্রতিভাকে বিকশিত করার লক্ষ্যে "আমার বাংলা ব্লগে" আমার আগমন। এই স্বল্প মানব জীবনের প্রতিটা ক্ষণ আমার কাছে উপভোগ্য। আমি মনে করি, ধৈর্যই সফলতার চাবিকাঠি। 


<center>**সবাইকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ**


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|<center> 💞 **সৃষ্টিকর্তা সহায়** 💞</center>|



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· @joeyarnoldvn ·
<div><center><div class="text-justify">

# Viva & Frei did a good show on some of the bigger trials out there. It's a crazy world we live in. I may be falsely imprisoned or murdered for example. Many people are. Why not me too? Good people are being attacked. Not talking about it only makes things worse. But some people are talking. Some people are doing good legal non-violent things. But people like me are punished. If you don't hear from oatmeal in a while, you can assume I was WRONGFULLY imprisoned, murdered, robbed, etc. They lie about me and about others. They try very hard to lie about patriots, conservatives, moderates, freedom lovers, and Hell even classical liberals even. You are next. I don't want to say I told you so. But good people are arrested and murdered in many countries including even the United States of America. 

Welcome to the world of [OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD,]( if you're new here, for the record, I was born in 1985, I grew up in the [OREGON GHETTO,]( started making the [ARNOLD ATTIC]( home videos in 1996, attended college in New York, Worked with The Salvation Army in Hawaii, and taught English in Vietnam.

[May]( | [2023](
[01]( | [02]( | [03]( | [04]( | [05]( | [06]( | [07]( | [08]( | [09]( | [10]( | [11]( 
[12]( | [13]( | [14]( | [15]( | [16]( | [17]( | [18]( | [19]( | [20]( | [21]( | [22]( 
[23]( | [24]( | [25]( | [26]( | [27]( | [28]( | [29]( | [30]( | [31]( 
![Screenshot at 2023-05-07 15-26-30.png](
The second black ranger.
[Oatmeal Daily - 2023-05-07 - Sunday]( | [Published in May of 2023](
[AUDIO]( | [ART]( | [ARTICLES]( | [GAMES]( | [PHOTOS]( | [MEMES]( | [MUSIC]( | [VIDEOS]( | [AND MORE](
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# In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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[![INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg](](
<div class="text-justify">

# Twitter Tweets
[03:55 PM](
Is there a conspiracy stating Princess Diana did not die? If so, I would want to know if there are alleged photos and videos of her alleged body after her alleged death. I would start there.


[![2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg](](
Discord Server Invite Link: 
<div class="text-justify">

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.


[![2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg](](
<div class="text-justify">

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.


[Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc](
[![Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans](](
<div class="text-justify">

08:00 AM
[PBD Valuetainment - Tim Pool | PBD Podcast | Ep. 266](
My Autobiography Log
2023-05-07 - Sunday - 08:48 PM - My Autobiography Log created. 
To maintain an outline, directory, timeline, log, and everything, relating to My Autobiography Log, that is the life of Oatmeal Joey Arnold at Joeyarnoldvn. Focus on your life. Perhaps focus on character development and other things.
# Drama
2023-05-07 - Sunday - 08:48 PM - My Autobiography Log.
Tim Pool mentioned YouTubers and content creators in general who may engage in promoting too much drama, in weaponizing others to get their audiences to to react and attack. I think Tim mentioned Sam Seder. That might be one example. It makes me wonder if I am allegedly guilty of things like that. I am thinking about this right now. There are two things in this. First, it might be a question of what do I do both good and bad, right and wrong. But second, it is also a question of what people think about me. And that is a separate debate. Perception. Allegation. In my life, I may engaged in drama. I may sometimes do drama accidentally or purposely. But to what degree could be debated. Whether or not I am guilty of doing drama too much or too extremely is a good question. In the past, I may have been worse meaning I may have done drama more and stronger. As I get older, I may be doing it less or I may be picking my battles more often now. I would generally argue that I intend to try to help the world. But people may disagree. I may still engage in drama and many different things. It is tough to summarize from the top of my head. I may want to connect my thoughts to my SORRY series and the CASE AGAINST OATMEAL series which includes how I get banned but also how I get WRONGFULLY AND ILLEGALLY arrested, imprisoned, and someday I may be murdered or God knows what. I was WRONGLY put in prison before in 2012. So, I like to talk about that and other things. I may not be changing in some ways in my life. But I may also be changing in other ways sometimes in other ways as well. I wanted to quickly mention some of these today. I may want to dive into the details. I just wanted to introduce these thoughts for now. I always have so many things to say on these topics and a whole lot more too on top of that. I feel like I need to raise awareness to some things sometimes, this is why I sometimes engage in drama and other things. I may be wrong or what have you, but that is where I am coming from. My intention may be good. But some may not like the drama. But I do engage in drama. So, does that mean people will continue to not work with me because of that? Will even more people try to take me to court, to sue me, to falsely imprison me, to wrongfully take me to jail, to destroy me, to ban me, to suspend me, to cancel me, to fire me, to terminate me, and maybe even murder me to death? These are great questions. I am sure there are more questions. If you do not see me for a while, then you can assume I was imprisoned or murdered even. People will continue to go after me for many reasons. Don't get me started on that.


[Here is a list of what I'm watching](
<div class="text-justify">

08:00 AM
[PBD Valuetainment - Tim Pool | PBD Podcast | Ep. 266](

02:45 PM
[Stefan Molyneux - Current Events Live!](

03:09 PM
[Nerdstalgic - The REAL Reason The Original Power Rangers Were Fired](

03:25 PM
[Generation S - Tommy Oliver's Master Morpher- Who built it?](

03:40 PM
[Viva Frei - Ep. 159: Barstool, Proud Boys, Kari Lake, Trump, RFK Jr., AND MORE! Viva & Barnes LIVE!](

<div class="text-justify"><sub><sub><sub><sub>

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. [Daily Oatmeal Post.]( Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 07:50 AM. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 08:00 AM. Sunday school in Matthew 5. Blessed are those who do this and do that. Sermon on asking tough questions. Nate opened it up to the crowd to talk using scripture. Questions like why so much evil in this world. Sex trafficking in Haiti. Different things. Larry and mom said things. Richard went on and on about things. Others talked. After that, deacons had a potluck. I took a nap while waiting for our ride, the white jeep. Lunch, 01:30 PM. Yard work pulling the dandelions to 02:40 PM. More lunch, 02:46 PM. Dishes around 04:00 PM. In the middle of that, Larry was like go get the soaker hose, but my brain was thinking soaker as in the spraying end thingy. I said I don't know where it was. But then realized he wanted that black hose. He should have said black hose. And he used to call it something else since 2018 to like 2022 or whatever that I have been there. We hooked it up to the side of the house by mom's room and past my room and towards the book shed. It reaches barely to the shed. It goes past the mint and strawberries and onions or garlic. It reaches barely to the onions behind the book shed. Neighbors were working in the yard when we got home from church today. I went to open the trunk door, the white jeep alarm went off, Larry made a joke of how he wanted to make sure everyone was waken up by the alarm. Neil and his wife were like yeah as they were in the garden bed closest to our yard. So anyways, we worked on the hose thingy. I went back to the dishes. Now back here at 05:10 PM. Back out doing more around like 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM. More hoses and stuff. Hooking things up. Back hose thing in backyard. Splitter. Pots removed off lawn upon request. A number of things. Now, back here at 06:30 PM. Dinner, 06:52 PM. Nap, 07:30 PM to 10:10 PM or so. I missed class. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, dates, scrambled eggs, 08:00 AM. Lunch: a sandwich from that potluck I didn't go to, 01:30 PM. Vegetables thing, potato, 02:46 PM. Dinner: potato with sour cream and ketchup, good home made yogurt, corn, 06:52 PM.

</div></sub></sub></sub></sub><div class="text-justify">

Thank you for checking me out. My diary is usually published daily, my journal is not copyrighted, my blog is syndicated or [MIRRORED]( to different websites. Feel free to share my content, it's fair use, transformative. Unlike [EVIL GOOGLE YOUTUBE]( I'm not going to delete your 10K+ videos. Please Google search for my [FIND ME]( and [SEARCH ME]( PAGES in order to find me in the future when I'm once again permanently and forever suspended, banned, terminated, removed, erased, eradicated, kicked off, big tech social media platforms, networks, websites, apps, like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat, Discord, etc. Try searching for keywords like my main username (since 2014) which is @ JOEYARNOLDVN and daily blog posts URL web links are simply the date. For example, today is Sunday, the last day of April of 2023. So, the main domain name (website) I post my blog to is and you just have to add my username @joeyarnoldvn/ and then the date which today is 2023-04-30 and put those three things together being the DOMAIN, USERNAME, and the DATE. That will help you find me when websites die. Some websites will not include the at symbol (@) in the URL. In other words, URL web links can vary. EXPERIMENT with different KEYWORDS, SEARCH ENGINES, ETC, in order to find my content in the future. Feel free to steal my content. But please don't then sue me for my own content. Feel free to clip me. Download my content while you still can as I may be banned again. I've been kicked off the Internet many times over the years since at least 2010 or longer.


[!["Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Mitchell Pickett Henderson "Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn" 1985 Oregon Meaomnia L4OJ Ojawall WOLBI Vietnam Salvationarmy USA America Trump Infowars Alexjones Arnoldattic Ironicmystic.jpg"](]( 

👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 132 others
· @alien66777 · (edited)
VIVA CLUB ROTATION MEMORIAL PART. 14 Ian Van Dahl - I Can't Let You Go [Live at Viva Club Rotation]

"I Can't Let You Go" is a song by Belgian dance music project Ian Van Dahl. It was released in 2002 as a single from their album, "Lost & Found". The live version of "I Can't Let You Go" performed at Viva Club Rotation showcases the group's talent as a live act and their ability to create catchy and danceable electronic music.

Viva Club Rotation is a popular German music TV show that features live performances by some of the biggest names in the music industry. Ian Van Dahl's performance of "I Can't Let You Go" on the show was a memorable one, featuring the group's signature sound and energetic stage presence.

The live version of "I Can't Let You Go" begins with a dreamy synth intro that leads into the first verse. The song builds up gradually, with the beats getting more intense and the energy level increasing as the chorus hits. Lead vocalist Annemie Coenen's soaring vocals add a touch of emotion to the danceable beats, making for a captivating performance.

The live version of "I Can't Let You Go" showcases Ian Van Dahl's ability to create a unique sound that blends different elements of electronic music, including trance and techno. The group's use of synths and beats creates a sound that is both melodic and danceable, making it a favorite among fans of the genre.

Overall, the live version of "I Can't Let You Go" performed by Ian Van Dahl at Viva Club Rotation is a classic example of the European dance music scene of the early 2000s. It remains a fan favorite and is a must-see for anyone who loves electronic music and energetic live performances.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 7 others
· @alien66777 ·
VIVA CLUB ROTATION MEMORIAL PART. 11 Safri Duo - Played-A-Live (Club Rotation Live GiG)

"Played-A-Live" is a dance track by the Danish percussion duo Safri Duo. The song was released in 2000 and quickly became a hit in Europe and around the world. The track's infectious rhythm, catchy melody, and tribal percussion made it an instant classic in the dance music scene.

One of the most memorable performances of "Played-A-Live" was when Safri Duo performed the track live on the popular German dance music TV show, Club Rotation. The live concert on Club Rotation was a high-energy affair, with Safri Duo's signature percussion instruments taking center stage.

The performance featured the duo's intense and intricate drumming, with bongo drums, congas, and other percussion instruments creating a dynamic and engaging sound. The crowd was captivated by the energy and rhythm of the performance, with many dancing and moving to the beat.

The live performance of "Played-A-Live" on Club Rotation cemented Safri Duo's place in the dance music scene as master percussionists and performers. The track's catchy hook and tribal rhythm have become synonymous with the duo's unique sound, and their live performances continue to be a highlight of many music festivals and dance events around the world.

Overall, "Played-A-Live" and Safri Duo's live performance on Club Rotation are a cherished memory of the early 2000s dance music scene. The track's infectious rhythm and energetic percussion continue to inspire and energize dance music fans around the world, and it remains a classic in the genre.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 10 others
· @alien66777 ·
VIVA CLUB ROTATION MEMORIAL PART. 8 Brooklyn Bounce - Club Rotation Medley (live)

VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 8 is a tribute to the iconic German dance music TV show, Club Rotation. The show aired from 1998 to 2007 and was responsible for showcasing some of the biggest and most popular dance tracks of the time. Part 8 of the VIVA Club Rotation Memorial is a celebration of the show's legacy and features a live performance by Brooklyn Bounce.

Brooklyn Bounce is a German techno and trance duo that rose to fame in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The group is known for their energetic live shows and their ability to blend different styles of dance music together. The Club Rotation Medley that they perform live is a high-energy mix of some of the biggest dance tracks from the show's heyday.

The medley includes tracks like "The Launch" by DJ Jean, "Luv U More" by DJ Paul Elstak, "The Logical Song" by Scooter, and "Rhythm Is a Dancer" by Snap!. Each song seamlessly blends into the next, creating a non-stop dance party that's sure to get people moving.

The live performance is a testament to the enduring popularity of Club Rotation and the impact that the show had on the German dance music scene. It's a fitting tribute to a show that helped to bring dance music into the mainstream and inspire a generation of electronic music fans.

Overall, VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 8 and the Brooklyn Bounce Club Rotation Medley are a celebration of a bygone era in dance music history. They're a reminder of the power of music to bring people together and create unforgettable memories on the dance floor.
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· @alien66777 ·

VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 3 was a tribute to the popular German dance music TV show, VIVA Club Rotation, which aired from 1998 to 2008. The show played an important role in promoting dance music culture in Germany and beyond.

One of the most memorable moments of the show was the live performance of "Turn The Tide" by Sylver. The Belgian group's track was released in 2001 and quickly became a hit, reaching the top of the charts in several countries, including Germany. The song's infectious melody, driving beat, and soaring vocals made it an instant classic in the dance music genre.

The live performance of "Turn The Tide" on VIVA Club Rotation showcased Sylver's dynamic stage presence and high-energy performance style. The group's lead singer, Silvy De Bie, commanded the stage with her powerful vocals, while the rest of the band kept the audience dancing with their infectious beats and lively stage presence. The performance was a highlight of the show and cemented Sylver's place as one of the top dance music acts of the era.

Overall, VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 3 was a fitting tribute to the show's legacy, featuring some of the most iconic dance tracks of the era. Sylver's "Turn The Tide" was just one of many hits that defined the show and helped to shape the dance music culture of the time.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 11 others
· @alien66777 ·

VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part. 6 was a tribute episode of the German dance music television show that aired in 2012 to pay homage to the show's legacy and the influential artists who performed on it. One of the memorable performances from that episode was ATB's live rendition of "Hold You."

"Hold You" is a classic dance track from ATB's album "Distant Earth," released in 2011. The song features the signature sound of ATB, with its lush melodies, pulsing beats, and dreamy vocals. The live performance of "Hold You" at VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part. 6 further showcased ATB's mastery of the genre and his ability to create infectious dance tracks that connect with audiences.

The performance was a high-energy affair, with the crowd dancing and singing along to every beat. ATB's stage presence was commanding, and his technical prowess was evident as he seamlessly mixed and transitioned between tracks. Lead vocalist Ramona Nerra delivered a stunning performance, hitting every note with precision and emotion.

Overall, ATB's live performance of "Hold You" at VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part. 6 was a fitting tribute to the show's legacy and a testament to the enduring popularity of dance music. The song remains a classic of the genre and continues to be beloved by fans of ATB and dance music alike.
· @alien66777 ·

"Ocean Of Eternity" by Future Breeze is a classic dance track from the early 2000s that became popular in clubs and on radio stations across Europe. The song was initially released in 2002 and quickly became a hit due to its catchy melody, uplifting beats, and soaring vocals.

The live performance of "Ocean Of Eternity" by Future Breeze at Club Rotation further solidified its popularity among fans of the genre. The performance featured the signature trance and techno sound of Future Breeze, with driving beats and pulsing synths that kept the crowd dancing all night long. Lead vocalist Martin Hensing delivered a powerful and energetic performance, delivering the song's memorable hook with precision and passion.

The performance showcased Future Breeze's dynamic stage presence and their ability to connect with the audience through their music. Their mastery of the genre and ability to create infectious dance tracks helped solidify their place in the electronic dance music scene of the early 2000s.

Overall, "Ocean Of Eternity" is a timeless dance track that remains popular with fans of the genre. The live performance at Club Rotation demonstrated the band's ability to bring their studio-produced sound to life on stage, making it an unforgettable experience for those in attendance.
· @alien66777 ·

VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 3 was a tribute to the popular German dance music TV show, VIVA Club Rotation, which aired from 1998 to 2008. The show played an important role in promoting dance music culture in Germany and beyond.

One of the most memorable moments of the show was the live performance of "Turn The Tide" by Sylver. The Belgian group's track was released in 2001 and quickly became a hit, reaching the top of the charts in several countries, including Germany. The song's infectious melody, driving beat, and soaring vocals made it an instant classic in the dance music genre.

The live performance of "Turn The Tide" on VIVA Club Rotation showcased Sylver's dynamic stage presence and high-energy performance style. The group's lead singer, Silvy De Bie, commanded the stage with her powerful vocals, while the rest of the band kept the audience dancing with their infectious beats and lively stage presence. The performance was a highlight of the show and cemented Sylver's place as one of the top dance music acts of the era.

Overall, VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 3 was a fitting tribute to the show's legacy, featuring some of the most iconic dance tracks of the era. Sylver's "Turn The Tide" was just one of many hits that defined the show and helped to shape the dance music culture of the time.
· @alien66777 ·

VIVA Club Rotation was a popular German dance music TV show that aired from 1998 to 2008, showcasing the latest and greatest hits in the electronic dance music (EDM) genre. It played an important role in promoting dance music culture in Germany and beyond.

"Lazard - 4' O Clock" was a popular dance track that was frequently played on the show during the mid-2000s. It was released in 2005 and became an instant hit, reaching the top of the German dance charts and staying there for several weeks. The track features a catchy melody, pulsing bassline, and uplifting lyrics, making it a favorite among club-goers and dance music fans alike.

The live performance of "4' O Clock" by Lazard was a memorable moment on the VIVA Club Rotation show. The group is known for their energetic and engaging performances, and this one was no exception. The performance featured bright lights, a thumping beat, and an enthusiastic crowd, making it a highlight of the show.

Overall, "VIVA Club Rotation Memorial Part 2" was a tribute to the show's legacy, featuring some of the most iconic dance tracks of the era. "Lazard - 4' O Clock" was just one of many hits that defined the show and helped to shape the dance music culture of the time.
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1 reply
· @alien66777 ·
VIVA CLUB ROTATION MEMORIAL PART. 1 Dj Encore Feat Engelina - I See Right Through To You (Live) (Music Video)

"I See Right Through to You" is a popular dance-pop song by DJ Encore featuring Engelina. The song was released in 2001 and became a hit in Europe, peaking at number two on the Danish singles chart and reaching the top 40 in several other countries.

The song's live performance at VIVA Club Rotation is a notable rendition of the track, showcasing the energy and enthusiasm of DJ Encore and Engelina as they perform for a live audience. The music video features the two artists performing on a stage, with DJ Encore on the turntables and Engelina providing vocals.

The video begins with DJ Encore setting up his equipment on stage, while Engelina prepares to perform. The audience can be heard cheering in the background as the music starts to play. As the song kicks into gear, Engelina's powerful vocals take center stage, delivering the song's catchy lyrics with a confident and commanding presence.

Throughout the performance, DJ Encore adds his own unique touch to the song, mixing and scratching the track to create an infectious beat that gets the crowd moving. The video captures the excitement and energy of the live performance, with shots of the enthusiastic crowd dancing and singing along to the song.

Overall, the live performance of "I See Right Through to You" at VIVA Club Rotation is a memorable and engaging rendition of the popular dance-pop track. The chemistry between DJ Encore and Engelina is evident, as they work together to deliver an unforgettable performance that showcases their talents and captivates the audience.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , and 11 others
1 reply
· @fersonjase ·
Mbappe 😞 sorry
· @cida.lima ·
Nothing like a beautiful autumn afternoon, to reflect on your deepest feelings...

· @kushagrapratap ·
The diary game --16/07/21--First year completed🎈🎀
Hello everyone,  i hope you all are well and doing good. Today, i woke up at 7 am and since i  had my viva of electrical technology, so,  i started studying for the same since morning. Since,  it was the first viva of the whole year,  so, not only me,  but the whole class was very nervous .Professor had alloted 18 minutes for every group of 4 students,  also this was the first interaction with the professor individually,  so nervousness was expecting. The viva started at 10 am sharp and initially first four roll numbera were called via mail to join the meet, we all were waiting them to return so that we could knew the types of questions that professors are asking. After 18 minutes, when those students returned,  they told us the question level is intermediate and professors were very friendly, that gave us some relaxation. 

At about 3 pm,  my roll no with other 3 students were called,  i was not that nervous as in the beginning. The professor asked me some questions related to the experiments and i gave him all the answers,  i was also shocked for giving such good answers .that means my viva had gone better than expected. I was so happy. Also,  with this viva,  my first year of B.Tech had ended today .


The day after viva was highly emotional too as we all sectionmates were going to divide in other sections respective if branches. I had also good friends in different branches. Though, i was happy on the other side too as the 1/4 th journey of this course had completed .

In the evening,  i went with my friend to a nearby restaurant to have some snacks as it had been many months since i had eaten in a restaurant, so i ordered dosa and that was very delicious. 


We returned home and had some general talks , then he went to his home. 

**funny but reality**

I was feeling relaxed today as after continuous assignments had made me tired.. 

Good night
👍  , , , , , , , ,
10 replies
· @kushagrapratap ·
The diary game --10/07/21
Hello everyone,  i hope you all are well. Today,  i woke up at about 7:30 am and did some yoga and exercises. Today,  i was having my practical exam of  basic electronics at 9 am. 

I studied for sometime and then one of mine best friend of school had called me. Since, it was about many months to talk with him,  i had a lot of things to talk about. We had conversations for about half an hour and since, i had exam,  so i asked him to talk later and turned off the call. 

*missing the legend*

Teacher had given only 30 minutes for writing and since,  my phone camera is not so of good quality so,  i can't rely on it to scan my copies very fastly so,  i had to keep a good margin of time for scanning the answees sheet so that i can upload it on time. After a small hustle,  i upoaded it .

After that,  i started studying for my viva which is to be held tomorrow. 

After some time,  i took bath and had my lunch. After having lunch,  i was feeling sleepy so,  i took a nap for a while. After that,  i found that i had a club work to do urgently so,  i started doing it immediately and finished it within time. 


I also came across the news that,  jee main is going to held in this month. I felt some happiness as i would be a senior when juniors join my college. I had also gone through a long procedure of admission after being in current college,  NIT Durgapur. I want to give good wishes to all those who are going to give the exam and hope that juniors will soon join the college. 


*club work*

In the evening time,  i went to the market to buy  a bottle of cold drink as it was too hot and i wanted to drink one. 

After coming back, i did some reading again and had dinner at night.. 

Good night....
👍  , , , , , , , , ,
3 replies
· @putrida ·
viva hd