words | Recent

· @lawns ·
Power of words: language engages us
Our thoughts are communicated through our words. A perspective, an emotional state, and a clarification are all conveyed through the words that you employ. Encouragement, stimulation, menace, despair, and stumbling in the emptiness are all what they do. 

This is a brief tale on the power that words possess:The power of words for coaching teenagers in ParisIt is Hannah Arendt.
During a presentation, the speaker discusses the power of positive thinking and words.
It is said by a participant who raises their hand and says:

"The reason for this is not because I am going to say happiness, happiness, and happiness! that I will feel better, nor that I say woe, woe, woe: neither of these things is true! these are simply words; I will feel even worse than I already do. When taken by themselves, words are powerless...

In response, the speaker says:

"You are a complete moron, you are incapable of comprehending anything!"

The individual who is taking part in the activity is rendered unable to move, and he is on the verge of delivering a harsh retort: "You, you..."

It is the speaker who raises his hand and says, "I beg your pardon. I don't intend to cause you any harm. I humbly ask that you please accept my sincere thanks.

The participant becomes more relaxed.

The gathering is murmuring, and there are motions taking place in the room.

The speaker further elaborates:

"You have the answer to the question that you were asking yourself: a few words sparked a huge deal of fury in you. You felt more at ease after hearing other words. Do you have a better concept of the power that words possess?

When the language is polished to perfection, the revolution will be finally finished.

However, in addition to being a writer and thinker, George Orwell was also a language practitioner. 

His novel "1984" is where he first introduced the concept of "Newspeak," a language with the purpose of eradicating thought, destroying individuals who have become anonymous, and enslaving the general populace. Thoughts about the influence that words can have.
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· @bumblecat ·
Categories are merely named analogies. Analogies are merely unnamed categories.

If I say, "shoes are to feet as gloves are to hands," I'm making an analogy. I'm saying they are analogous, in that, they are both coverings of appendages. But imagine we had a category, 'appendablorps,' which contained socks and shoes and gloves and mittens, but not shirts and shorts. Saying gloves and shoes are both appendablorps, is now category placement. But notice this is the same activity! In both cases you are saying that shoes and gloves are similar in this specific way.

Let's give another example: "Life is a dance" is an analogy.

But imagine I had a category that stood for "Dynamic And Rhythmic Interrelated System" (or "daris" for short). I could say life and dances are both darises. Again, I'm saying the same thing.  

This is why words/categories/names are so important. 

They let you hold on to and keep track of important analogies.
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· @bernardo69 ·
The last words of King David: The Spirit of the LORD spoke through me; his word was on my tongue. 2 Samuel 23:2
The Second Book of Samuel is not about the life of this prophet but rather about recounting and describing David's actions as king of Israel. It could be said that this book was written with the intention of being the prelude to the First Book of Kings by describing the beginning of the Davidic dynasty and its consolidation.
David as King had to complete the conquests that were still pending to secure the Kingdom of Israel, the conquest of Jerusalem that was in the hands of the Jebusites, and the defeat of the Philistines who from that moment lost all their hegemony in the region. And his actions did not end there, he also had to secure his new capital by taking the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.
But not everything was success and glorious actions, David committed a serious sin for love, he caused the death of Bathsheba's husband, who was one of his officers, to marry her. The author of the Book perhaps recounted this fact to demonstrate that no one, no matter how wise and upright, is exempt from sin.
The Book also tells how God forgave David's sin with Bathsheba, and made a pact with the King promising him a descendant who would become a redeeming Messiah.
And as a conclusion to all this, the Second Book of Samuel relates in the manner of a Psalm the last words of King David, who in brief words recognized with wisdom how the eternal providence of God, and the human righteousness that governs in its name, is the only source of blessings for man:
"The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse,
the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High,
the man anointed by the God of Jacob,
the hero of Israel's songs:
´The Spirit of the LORD spoke through me;
his word was on my tongue.
The God of Israel spoke,
the Rock of Israel said to me:
When one rules over people in righteousness,
when he rules in the fear of God,
he is like the light of morning at sunrise
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings grass from the earth.´" 2 Samuel 23:1-4.
![The last words of King David. The Spirit of the LORD spoke through me; his word was on my tongue. 2 Samuel 23,2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVHctcELQskhXQez73xNT1ksUmdz4PyFZJGtf33eJxFfX/The%20last%20words%20of%20King%20David.%20The%20Spirit%20of%20the%20LORD%20spoke%20through%20me;%20his%20word%20was%20on%20my%20tongue.%202%20Samuel%2023,2.jpg)
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· @pisomneme ·
book51//introducing my writings : book thirteen of nineteen for 1988(may25-june17) pages32-33(of 180)
· @arbitration ·
The phenomenon of taboo words is a fascinating aspect of human culture and language.

These words, which society deems inappropriate or offensive, often touch on topics considered sensitive, private, or controversial. The creation and evolution of taboo words can tell us a lot about human psychology, societal norms, and cultural values.

At their core, taboo words serve several functions in communication and social regulation. They can act as a means of expressing strong emotions or reactions, reinforcing social norms by demarcating what is considered acceptable or unacceptable behaviour, and even fostering a sense of belonging within specific groups through shared linguistic norms.

The evolution of what is considered a taboo word reflects changing societal attitudes and values. For example, as awareness and sensitivity towards issues of mental health and disability increase, words that were once commonly used in a derogatory manner, such as "retard," become socially unacceptable. Conversely, words that were previously deemed highly offensive can become less so over time, as their shock value diminishes through common usage or as societal attitudes towards the subjects they relate to change.

The question of whether we can have taboos without specific taboo words is intriguing. Taboos, by definition, involve the prohibition of certain actions, topics, or words based on cultural, religious, or moral grounds. Even if specific words were not taboo, the concepts or behaviours themselves might still be considered off-limits or sensitive. This suggests that the human need for taboo may not hinge on specific words but rather on the need to navigate and negotiate social boundaries. Words simply become the vehicle through which these boundaries are expressed and enforced.

In essence, taboo words are a reflection of human society's ever-evolving landscape of norms and values. Even if specific words lose their taboo status or change over time, the underlying need to delineate and navigate societal boundaries likely means that new taboo words or expressions will emerge to take their place. It's this dynamic interplay between language and societal norms that underscores the complexity of human communication and social cohesion.
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· @bernardo69 ·
Words of Isaiah in the Bible: Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Isaiah 3:10
The Kingdom of Israel, due to its abandonment of the law of the Lord, had been destroyed by the Assyrian empire, but the Kingdom of Judah resisted the onslaught of this empire thanks to the courage of its King, Hezekiah, and the spiritual help of Isaiah. 
But the work of this prophet did not end with the end of the tyrant Sennacherib, ruler of the Assyrian empire, the prophet also warned in the Bible the children of Abraham to remain faithful to the law through the gift of fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion, and equanimity). Like all the prophets Isaiah remembered to the nation of Israel the curses and blessings of the law of God; because despite the efforts of some kings of the Davidic dynasty, such as Hezekiah and Josiah, to restore the covenant with God, the people had persisted in many sins that put the survival of the Kingdom at risk. Because as the prophet taught with wise words: "But your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear", Isaiah 59:2.
This is why Isaiah began his book with a warning but also with a call to conversion, to a change of heart, from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Because God has a plan of salvation for humanity, its redemption through a savior messiah, but also in this plan there are blessings for the righteous and punishments for sinners. 
That is why the prophet warned that there is no safe path for sinners with these words:
"Jerusalem staggers,
Judah is falling;
their words and deeds are against the LORD,
defying his glorious presence.
The look on their faces testifies against them;
they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it.
Woe to them!
They have brought disaster upon themselves." Isaiah 3:8-9.
But then the prophet, as a reminder of Psalm 1, the Psalm of Two Ways, continued and concluded with a blessing and a curse:
"Tell the righteous it will be well with them,
for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
Woe to the wicked!
Disaster is upon them!
They will be paid back
for what their hands have done" Isaiah 3:10-11.
These teachings of Isaiah were not forgotten, and they had a deep echo in the Christian faith, to the point that Isaiah is considered the prophet of hope.
![Words of Isaiah in the Bible. Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Isaiah 3,10.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcALqks4AcVQp4f9xTRz3eGjYoQsUyUiBMVTHPSrGfeYq/Words%20of%20Isaiah%20in%20the%20Bible.%20Tell%20the%20righteous%20it%20will%20be%20well%20with%20them,%20for%20they%20will%20enjoy%20the%20fruit%20of%20their%20deeds.%20Isaiah%203,10.jpg)
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· @nooses ·
Words and numbers.

People talk about the destruction of the middle class.

By the numbers and adjusting for inflation, the percentage of Americans in the middle class has indeed been shrinking consistently for the last fifty years.

The people who bemoan the shrinking of the middle class, however, can only pretend that's a bad thing by ignoring where the middle class has gone.
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2 replies
· @orion7 ·
Discover the importance of connecting thoughts, words and feelings
Developing the ability to link words with our emotions and thoughts will not only lead to enhanced emotional health, but will also generate favourable impacts on our physical health.
Understanding the importance of linking thoughts, words, and feelings

Your emotions, ideas, and words influence each other. Sadness and despair often cause bad feelings. Your statements reinforce this hostility.

Start paying attention to your ideas, words, and feelings. Recognising them will give you crucial knowledge that will help you navigate diverse situations.

Emotionally healthy people are aware of their thoughts, words, and feelings.  They learned to handle stress. They appreciate happy emotions and have healthy connections.

People who want to connect more with others but can't can focus on connecting with themselves through thoughts, words, and emotions. One can enrich their life by connecting with themselves. This does not eliminate negative emotions or behaviour. It also helps us handle difficult situations in a way that benefits the human soul.


 Emotions are harder to express than thought. Remember that you need courage to communicate your deepest emotions. You may feel vulnerable and exposed, but you will grow closer and be able to communicate.

Negative ideas often worsen distress. Negative thoughts like "what if..." might be harmful. By interrupting these doubts, bad emotions might be eliminated.

Here are some ways to change negative beliefs:

As for introspection
Examining illogical beliefs
Recognise these harmful beliefs.
Consider new viewpoints on life.
Words also relieve stress, sadness, and anxiety. Carrying things internally may worsen feelings. We advocate discussing your concerns with loved ones or close friends.

Furthermore than influence one's decisions and, by extension, their existence, emotions dictate mood. Understanding them is crucial because you must live with them. Emotional control ensures happiness.

Ideas for Linking Words, Thoughts, and Emotions
Language, emotions, and thinking are interconnected. Thus, the following tips will help you connect them:

Differentiate thoughts from emotions
Identify emotions

Emotions should be described so others can feel them.

Open up on your feelings.

Recognise that emotions are neutral.

Be aware that emotions fluctuate quickly.

Do not judge people or yourself by their emotions.

Express your deepest emotion, not just the surface one.
 Inability to relate emotions, words, and thoughts compromises emotional well-being. This may suppress the immune system. This also explains why distressed people are more prone to sickness.

Disconnecting thoughts, language, and emotions has these effects:

Malicious of two
Reduced appetite
Chest pain
Constipation or diarrhoea Mouth dry
Extreme fatigue
One has a headache.
The condition of hypertension
Bad sleep
Dizziness in the ears
Body palpitations Sexual issues
Anxiety over breathing
Neck discrepancy
Having stomachache
Weight loss or gain

We hope this post has shown the importance of connecting concepts, language, and emotions. Remember that a lack of connection can cause emotional anguish, which has detrimental internal effects.

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· @murliwala ·
How trust is given through actions that confirm our words
When our actions match our words, we inspire confidence. The deed shows priorities, stated Mahatma Gandhi. His expressions are reliable. Authenticity comes from actions. Even inaction is an act.

Words can support or contradict actions. Words are more reliable when backed by similar facts. Facts supporting sentences where wishes, promises, regrets, or intentions travel. Facts boost confidence, letting us relax. This reduces tension and makes the connection more enjoyable.


If you trust significant individuals readily, you may relate. Their words and actions should match before you trust them. Think about your buddies, who, even if they don't show their emotions, are always there for you.

Actions that back up words build trust.
You will also recall folks you trusted blindly because of their wonderful remarks. People with great potential who let us down.

Without supporting evidence, words are frail in memory and space. They damage trust, making it hard to rebuild. You can't trust someone who contradicts themselves. Lack of reaction displays your life priorities.

Think about those who filled you with beautiful words. How can we not be seduced by this coming and passing of beauty and hope? We want to trust, not hurt. We form shells after much sorrow, but we want to trust.

We feel confident and calm when we trust others.
Confidence reassures us internally. An assurance that humans must keep their reason. Need congruence. Incongruence destabilises, lowers self-esteem, and alerts us. We must move on from someone who continually breaks our trust.

If we don't value trust, we'll be trampled repeatedly in relationships. We won't be respected if we don't respect ourselves. This is why we must be careful with whom we provide this lovely but fragile act of trust. Sometimes it takes guts. Does this resonate?

Always act on your words. Don't say things lightly if you're not convinced they sum up your feelings. If you're not ready to act, don't offer them. You value your words. Consistency between words and actions inspires trust.

He who lives on hopes dies on feels.

Ben Franklin

 Trust and confidence underpin all essential emotional relationships. There are many friends, but just a few in capital letters. They are your allies, thus they are capitalised and bolded. Because their words and behaviours are so consistent, nothing seems to threaten your relationship and trust. You know they would warn you about problems before violating their promises.

Do you want to live in the false hopes of acts that never happen, of words that dissipate as soon as you stop saying them, or a truth stated in time? Though hurtful, does it align with the other's feelings? Instead of deceitful hopes, the truth always shows us the way.
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· @deputt ·
Words & Definitions
· @its.willy6 ·
I truly love you
Hey, Dear Steemitians How's it going? I hope you're doing really well. I wanted to say hi and give you my best wishes For The New Year. All The love and peace For You. Share this love Photo with your lover
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· @wakeupkitty ·
Wrong wording
Does it matter what I say?
You want me to speak out 
Say what's on my mind 
Pronounce each word clearly and loud 
Because you can't stand my mumbling.

Guess what I figured out
It's hard for me 
I don't know how to express myself 
How to fit in and please.
I struggle and fight to survive 
It's not because I'm getting older
Or I'm chained to my house 
Neither I am dominated by a bad spouse. 

Although, my parents are great 
Their embrace warms my heart 
I struggle with words 
Since the day I did start 
My life

It's hard to understand 
Why I can't 
Why am I not able to say anything right?
I always let out the opposite 
Of what I have in mind. 

Can you imagine how tough it is
Spitting out the wrong wording 
Because my brain is always ahead 
Instead of cooperating 
with my tongue, my voice

Perhaps it is the neverending noise 
That always surrounds me 
You believe I show no interest 
But the truth is I am different from the rest 

My lack of phraseology
It's not caused by consuming meat 
The concussion or because I was involved 
In an accident
Vocabulary is more like a crossword puzzle to me 
One that can't be solved. 


_The photo was taken by me._
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· @wpj200404 ·
Fireworks inner yearning
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· @pisomneme ·
book51//introducing my writings : book thirteen of nineteen for 1988(may25-june17) pages30-31(of 180)
· @bernardo69 ·
Words of the prophet Joel: Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Joel 2:12
Although the book written by the prophet Joel is not very extensive and there is little information available about this character in the Bible, the words of the prophet Joel have had a deep spiritual echo in the Christian faith; in fact, an oracle of Joel is mentioned in the Christian Pentecost in the Book of Acts.
The Book of Joel begins by describing the arrival of a plague of locusts, the prophet interpreted this event as a foretaste of the arrival of the Lord's judgment and asked for the sincere conversion of the inhabitants of the country, because as the prophet said: "The day of the LORD is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it?" Joel 2:11.
Like all the prophets he remembered that the law is subject to the fear of God, what good is the law if there is no good heart to observe it? The spiritual gift of fear of God is defined as constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability.
For all this, the prophet called the people to leave religious formalities and give their hearts to God, because the Lord judges the intentions of the hearts and blesses those who love him. As the history of the people of Israel teaches, true blessedness and happiness, lie in the gift of fear of God.
For this reason, in one of his oracles, the prophet stated:
"´Even now,´ declares the LORD,
´return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning.´
Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the LORD your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.
Who knows? He may turn and relent
and leave behind a blessing—
grain offerings and drink offerings
for the LORD your God" Joel 2:12-14.
With this oracle the prophet also remembered that God is the source of all perfections, the Lord is the mercy (compassion, kindness, gentleness), the wisdom, and the spiritual love (Agape) itself, and those who seek the correct and the most excellent also seek him.
![Words of the prophet Joel. Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Joel 2,12.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbLC4Wi2TLtjmPfBApbDUDu5L44wmKnhqD8j6NtAR4UYn/Words%20of%20the%20prophet%20Joel.%20Return%20to%20me%20with%20all%20your%20heart,%20with%20fasting%20and%20weeping%20and%20mourning.%20Joel%202,12.jpg)
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· @pisomneme ·
book51//introducing my writings : book thirteen of nineteen for 1988(may25-june17) pages28-29(of 180)
· @pisomneme ·
book51//introducing my writings : book thirteen of nineteen for 1988(may25-june17) pages26-27(of 180)
· @murliwala ·
Boost Your Conversions With These Power Words
It's amazing how communication affects our exterior circumstances.   One phrase can change a relationship, inspiring joy, despair, and conflict.   A single phrase can start fights or make money.   Language preserves life.   Words have great impact!   Read on to discover your words' huge influence!   Now you can improve your world!   Let's begin! 

We all know how certain terms may boost your marketing.   However, they can be very effective.   These slogans are often used in ads to drive action.   Every phrase can have a big impact.   Use them in emails and landing pages to influence potential consumers and increase conversions. 


People are naturally curious.   Whether they're intriguing or not, headlines are captivating.   Similar to'sloth', it discourages unnecessary activity.   However, diplomacy will make these headlines stand out.   These powerful words can boost your blog posts' conversion rate by 150%. 

Phrases express ideas with words.   It may also be practical or instructive.   Effective phrases clarify, provide context, and illustrate sentences.   Some expressions are harmful.   Common or general phrases can weaken a sentence.   For clarity, the writer's phrases may benefit from an aggressive tone. 

Last issues in a series can be delicate or even problematic.   Words alone cannot convey as much detail as a visual presentation.   Some expressions can be so seductive that they can make others think well of themselves.   Hearing "The person who discreetly gathers information on others" may make a person think they're a successful businessperson. 

You can capture your audience with powerful words.   Keep your words honest and give a remedy in your goods.   Incorporate them into your main text and headlines to highlight product benefits.   

Adding certain terms to your copy may increase conversions.   I recommend Amy Edmondson's Fearless Organisation for more information.   This book helps you handle tough topics with grace. 

Fear-based power words are common, but their workplace effects are typically disregarded.   These techniques may initially work, but they can have serious implications.   

McKinsey found that 86% of employees consider managerial involvement when determining job satisfaction.   Management ties were severely strained for 45%.   Fearful remarks can be harmful, which is understandable. 

Power words with emotional appeal evoke strong emotions and a response from the reader.   Impactful language can boost conversions and enliven your copy.   Consider using these 8 mood-evoking power words in your marketing text.   These words can make a headline or body text powerful.   They come in eight categories and can make a message more appealing. 

Negative words can boost headlines.   Negativity makes it easier to spot distinctions within a category by focusing locally.   Facilitation is also hampered.   Therefore, use power words with a negative tone with caution.   Our words must be carefully chosen to have the desired effect on the listener.   These words evoke negative sentiments. 

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· @pisomneme ·
book51//introducing my writings : book thirteen of nineteen for 1988(may25-june17) pages24-25(of 180)
· @controlle ·
Words make up the whole universe in us