Viewing a response to: @hipster/bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian
Великолепный труд! Теперь бы все это осилить
post_id | 159,457 |
author | honeythief |
permlink | re-hipster-bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian-20160720t135554403z |
category | steem |
json_metadata | "{"tags": ["steem"]}" |
created | 2016-07-20 13:55:54 |
last_update | 2016-07-20 13:55:54 |
depth | 1 |
children | 5 |
net_rshares | 7,224,928,238,289 |
last_payout | 2016-08-24 11:57:51 |
cashout_time | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 |
total_payout_value | 18.696 SBD |
curator_payout_value | 6.212 SBD |
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
promoted | 0.000 SBD |
body_length | 44 |
author_reputation | 279,683,384,630 |
root_title | "Бумага про Стим / Steem Whitepaper translated into Russian" |
beneficiaries | [] |
max_accepted_payout | 1,000,000.000 SBD |
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 |
author_curate_reward | "" |
voter | weight | wgt% | rshares | pct | time |
hipster | 0 | 1,000,252,278,044 | 100% | ||
creator | 0 | 2,398,184,436,976 | 100% | ||
zebbra2014 | 0 | 977,786,453 | 100% | ||
satoshifund | 0 | 3,816,275,157,695 | 100% | ||
honeythief | 0 | 2,706,534,049 | 100% | ||
cryptosi | 0 | 5,156,488,834 | 100% | ||
ptachblr | 0 | 233,764,663 | 100% | ||
smolalit | 0 | 804,368,444 | 100% | ||
chugumoto | 0 | 116,147,067 | 100% | ||
elmusic | 0 | 113,824,776 | 100% | ||
lanto | 0 | 60,109,071 | 100% | ||
dasfarm | 0 | 47,342,217 | 100% |
### WTF guys!? >"body pruned due to size" *Текст был удален из за превышения размера...* 
post_id | 267,435 |
author | on0tole |
permlink | re-honeythief-re-hipster-bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian-20160726t100343596z |
category | steem |
json_metadata | "{"image": [""], "tags": ["steem"]}" |
created | 2016-07-26 10:03:42 |
last_update | 2016-07-26 10:03:42 |
depth | 2 |
children | 4 |
net_rshares | 145,236,414 |
last_payout | 2016-08-24 11:57:51 |
cashout_time | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 |
total_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
promoted | 0.000 SBD |
body_length | 143 |
author_reputation | 952,552,429,176 |
root_title | "Бумага про Стим / Steem Whitepaper translated into Russian" |
beneficiaries | [] |
max_accepted_payout | 1,000,000.000 SBD |
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 |
author_curate_reward | "" |
voter | weight | wgt% | rshares | pct | time |
stat | 0 | 145,236,414 | 100% |
Видимо изменились правила относительно размера постов. Этот был очень длинный, поэтому "body pruned due to size""
post_id | 267,568 |
author | honeythief |
permlink | re-on0tole-re-honeythief-re-hipster-bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian-20160726t101730137z |
category | steem |
json_metadata | "{"tags": ["steem"]}" |
created | 2016-07-26 10:17:30 |
last_update | 2016-07-26 10:17:30 |
depth | 3 |
children | 0 |
net_rshares | 0 |
last_payout | 2016-08-24 11:57:51 |
cashout_time | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 |
total_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
promoted | 0.000 SBD |
body_length | 128 |
author_reputation | 279,683,384,630 |
root_title | "Бумага про Стим / Steem Whitepaper translated into Russian" |
beneficiaries | [] |
max_accepted_payout | 1,000,000.000 SBD |
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 |
Читайте тут, если ничего не поменяется - Неплохо бы PDF сделать из этого документа
post_id | 271,872 |
author | lehard |
permlink | re-on0tole-re-honeythief-re-hipster-bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian-20160726t152516254z |
category | steem |
json_metadata | "{"links": [""], "tags": ["steem"]}" |
created | 2016-07-26 15:25:18 |
last_update | 2016-07-26 15:25:18 |
depth | 3 |
children | 0 |
net_rshares | 0 |
last_payout | 2016-08-24 11:57:51 |
cashout_time | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 |
total_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
promoted | 0.000 SBD |
body_length | 174 |
author_reputation | 22,272,951,828,239 |
root_title | "Бумага про Стим / Steem Whitepaper translated into Russian" |
beneficiaries | [] |
max_accepted_payout | 1,000,000.000 SBD |
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 |
Вот [тут]( можно прочитать.
post_id | 282,743 |
author | etz |
permlink | re-on0tole-re-honeythief-re-hipster-bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian-20160727t020306040z |
category | steem |
json_metadata | "{"links": [""], "tags": ["steem"]}" |
created | 2016-07-27 02:04:54 |
last_update | 2016-07-27 02:04:54 |
depth | 3 |
children | 0 |
net_rshares | 53,947,733 |
last_payout | 2016-08-24 11:57:51 |
cashout_time | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 |
total_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
promoted | 0.000 SBD |
body_length | 162 |
author_reputation | 139,458,324,919 |
root_title | "Бумага про Стим / Steem Whitepaper translated into Russian" |
beneficiaries | [] |
max_accepted_payout | 1,000,000.000 SBD |
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 |
author_curate_reward | "" |
voter | weight | wgt% | rshares | pct | time |
tetyaka | 0 | 53,947,733 | 100% |
На русском Стиме <a href="" rel="noopener">этот документ лежит в первоначальном виде и без изменений</a>.
post_id | 288,898 |
author | primus |
permlink | re-on0tole-re-honeythief-re-hipster-bumaga-pro-stim-steem-whitepaper-translated-into-russian-20160727t111814987z |
category | steem |
json_metadata | "{"links": [""], "tags": ["steem"]}" |
created | 2016-07-27 11:19:21 |
last_update | 2016-07-27 11:19:21 |
depth | 3 |
children | 0 |
net_rshares | 1,024,523,266,499 |
last_payout | 2016-08-24 11:57:51 |
cashout_time | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 |
total_payout_value | 0.534 SBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.173 SBD |
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD |
promoted | 0.000 SBD |
body_length | 191 |
author_reputation | 7,244,359,600,749 |
root_title | "Бумага про Стим / Steem Whitepaper translated into Russian" |
beneficiaries | [] |
max_accepted_payout | 1,000,000.000 SBD |
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 |
author_curate_reward | "" |
voter | weight | wgt% | rshares | pct | time |
hipster | 0 | 1,011,728,776,377 | 100% | ||
primus | 0 | 12,652,101,481 | 100% | ||
stat | 0 | 142,388,641 | 100% |