RE: Come to to discover the best content on the internet ... and make money commenting!!! by lukestokes

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· @lukestokes ·
I’m not in denial as much as I’m suggesting a path forward which would expose it clearly. If asked “Why do you vote for X?” and the honest answer is “Becuase they pay me in bananas / sexual favors / Slim Jims / pieces of paper with dead people on them / piles of coke / (whatever)” then it becomes clear. If they lie about it and are inconsistent, I think over time, that becomes clear to the community also. If in the off chance they have a legit answer, then we all understand more. I’m simply assuming good intentions first. If they don’t want to talk about their reasoning and are unwilling to justify their vote with a rational response, then what you’re describing becomes more clear to everyone and in a way that makes as few assumptions as possible. Innocent until proven irrational.

The recent call-out of @ranchorelaxo is an example of what I mean. It’s telling that he/she/it did not defend themself (yet) but instead @haejin did.

I agree, looking to improve the mechanism is the best, long-term answer. I also think we have to work within the system we have in the mean time. I’m also not sure what technical or system solutions would improve this activity since it’s a common thing we see in most systems with humans involved. It’s possible a better [identity and reputation system]( could help, and I think that’s part of what SMTs and their Oracles may provide. The “reputation” number we have now is silly if we have actors on the system that many are frustrated with which hold the highest reputation on the system.

As to moralizing, I get what you mean, and I do fall into that trap quite a bit due to my upbringing, but I also look at it not so much in terms of good and bad but in terms of long-term rational self-interest which values oneself as part of a whole and irrational short-term decisions which harm others and oneself in the long-term.
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["ranchorelaxo", "haejin"], "links": [""], "tags": ["steem"]}"
created2018-03-06 14:21:57
last_update2018-03-06 14:21:57
last_payout2018-03-13 14:21:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Come to to discover the best content on the internet ... and make money commenting!!!"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@smooth · (edited)
> I’m suggesting a path forward

IMO you are not suggesting a path forward as much as suggesting what has been done over and over again for the past two years (with little, if anything, in the way of real progress).

> The recent call-out of @ranchorelaxo is an example of what I mean. It’s telling that he/she/it did not defend themself (yet) but instead @haejin did.

And then what? No response at all, and as far as I can tell @haejin is still earning something like 6000 USD per day (i.e. 2 million USD per year) for doing little to nothing to add value to STEEM. It isn't a small number either, that's around 0.25% of the entire market cap of STEEM going to one person/scheme with little or nothing to show for it. Even if this individual 'calling out' approach were effective, what would happen is that the account would quietly go away and the scheme would be rehatched under different names, possibly different 'content', etc. The one thing that remains the same is the clear incentive to maximize individual earnings. 

After two years of repeated and unchecked abuses (despite numerous calling outs), it becomes very much a question of the insanity of doing the same thing and expecting a different result. 

> long-term rational self-interest

Long-term rational self-interest at the moment probably coincides with just maximizing individual earnings, because so many other people are doing it anyway and will very likely continue doing it, especially when the best answers we can come up with are: a) more of the same; and b) some poorly-defined and poorly-analyzed future 'solution' that probably won't ever even be fully implemented before moving on to something else (which is actually more of the same: Remember when 'curation guilds' were the solution, and then linear rewards?). 

> irrational short-term decisions which harm others and oneself in the long-term.

It is tempting to equate decisions which benefit oneself at the expense of others as irrational, but that is wishful thinking and moralizing, _unless the rules of the system make this irrational_, and they currently do not. Nor is it clear that @haejin earning around 2M USD/year is in any way irrational (for him and his affiliates).

> I’m also not sure what technical or system solutions would improve this activity since it’s a common thing we see in most systems with humans involved.

The most likely solutions I see that would probably work are:

1. Dramatically increasing curation rewards so that most of the reward pool is paid out as a combination of effort _and staking_ which takes away the free ride. If you want to earn you have to invest money, which at a minimum gives a lot back in terms of raising the STEEM price. (Alternately there could be a system where content rewards are similarly scaled by STEEM/SP staking but no one has proposed anything well-defined.)
2. Moving away from the socialized reward pool, which has been an interesting but unfortunately failed experiment, and toward low-friction tipping. When presented with the opportunity to spend (and especially with the opportunity to receive) money paid for by 'others', all or nearly all of the human systems you describe (and most certainly this one) devolve into waste and corruption. What fixes that is people spending their own money.
3. Reduce barriers to downvoting including: a) Remove annoying and misguided popup in UI; b) restore symmetric UI (upvote/downvote vs. 'flag'); c) separate pool of vote power for downvoting, so downvoting does not become a direct opportunity cost to the voter (as it is currently); d) research some cryptographic method of anonymous downvoting to prevent retaliation; e) Statements by founders/developers/leaders on the platform on the importance of a downvoting when needed to maintain the integrity of the system and restrain otherwise-misaligned individual incentives (at least mirroring what was in the white paper, and in contrast to a lot of the nonsense that has been previously stated by many of these people about only using downvotes for plagiarism, etc.).
👍  ,
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["ranchorelaxo", "haejin"], "tags": ["steem"]}"
created2018-03-06 18:06:24
last_update2018-03-06 18:35:09
last_payout2018-03-13 18:06:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.398 SBD
curator_payout_value0.129 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Come to to discover the best content on the internet ... and make money commenting!!!"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (2)
@lukestokes ·
It's fair to say this has been tried before, but the landscape now is much different than it was two years ago. If this was explained to every single active user on the platform back then, it would be a small percentage of users now. There are plenty of people commenting and supporting @haejin's posts without realizing anything about what you're describing. These are things which have to be repeated over and over again. It's tiresome, but I do think it can work. If we don't at least try to enforce community norms through continued education and communication, we risk <a href="">an Eternal September</a>. Maybe that's already what we have.

> little to nothing to add value to STEEM
> with little or nothing to show for it

This may be controversial to say, but if the view counts aren't manipulated, the number of views @haejin's posts get are quite impressive and may contain the perfect demographic to increase the value of the STEEM token: cryptocurrency investors and speculators.

I'm not defending @haejin's flagging actions or @ranchorelaxo's lack of communication and disregard for the community desire for explanation, I'm just saying an argument can be made for some form of value creation here, and I think we'd all do well by discussing it.

That said, I agree, they could (and probably would) just create new accounts to repeat the process. It's part of the fight we continue to fight in order to protect what we value. That's the work we put in. That's part of proof of brain.

I appreciate what you mean as far as not doing the same thing an expecting diffrent results, but I also recognize that you _aren't_ doing what I'm talking about. You are active in comments, which is fantastic, but your blog is mostly empty with tests and burn posts for the last two years. You have a strong voice here, but you're not using it in the way I'm describing. You post very little. What could change if you posted more often explaining your views (which, to me, are always very intelligent and well thought out)?

> Long-term rational self-interest at the moment

"Long-term" means not thinking just in terms of "at the moment." I get what you're saying, but again, reputation and identity matters. That means people who extract now may be limited in what returns they can gain in the future. Maybe that's a problem in terms of a lack of true identity management around here.

I never did like curation guilds, but I do think linear rewards fixed some problems (some people actually see rewards when before they saw none) while creating new ones.

> they currently do not.

This is where factual claims regarding future time-scales are difficult. We can't know _for sure_ what will happen 5 to 10 years from now ("long-term") so all we can discuss is our opinions using rationalizing and some data thrown in where we can find it. It's probabilistic stuff.

2M USD/year is a LOT of money. If STEEM goes to $20+ each _if they acted differently and contributed to that increase_, that's also a lot of money. Again, thinking in terms of 5 to 10 years (or maybe even less than that), $2M a year at $3.50 per STEEM doesn't seem so amazing anymore (compared to other possibilities).

> The most likely solutions I see that would probably work are:

Now we're getting somewhere! Can you do a root post on them? That, I think, is part of what is needed more around here. Stake holders, witnesses, and engaged community members discussing these ideas again and again and again. When it comes to leadership and vision casting, the ideas need to be repeated so often that everyone is sick of hearing about them and then, only then, are we just starting to get the saturation needed for it to change the way people think and act.

I have some more thoughts on your proposed solutions, but I really would love to see these discussed at a root level so more people will engage with them.

I know I'm calling you out here and expecting a lot in terms action on your behalf (more regular root posts about your ideas), but I do think your ideas are really valuable to the community and worth sharing. If you have concerns about rocking the boat and how that might impact your witness position, I get that also, and it's a valid concern. I hope you'll push forward with more communication anyway.
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["haejin", "ranchorelaxo"], "links": [""], "tags": ["steem"]}"
created2018-03-06 19:52:30
last_update2018-03-06 19:52:30
last_payout2018-03-13 19:52:30
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Come to to discover the best content on the internet ... and make money commenting!!!"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@smooth ·
> It's fair to say this has been tried before, but the landscape now is much different than it was two years ago

I'm not referring to two years ago, but to nearly the entirety of the two years. These issues have never gone away, and they have never been absent from prominent discussion on the platform itself (and accompanying vehicles such as steemit,chat). Very little, if any, meaningful change has been accomplished that way.

The larger the platform gets, the more will be driven by incentives and the less by direct engagement. So in reality the prospects for this approach bearing fruit are getting worse, not better.

> This may be controversial to say, but if the view counts aren't manipulated, the number of views @haejin's posts get are quite impressive

That is a valid point. I had forgotten about his high view counts (which may or may not be manipulated, as you say).

I haven't looked closely at whether plausible valuation of internet traffic justifies the magnitude of the rewards (which of course is hard to do without at least some degree of traffic detail, which Steemit seems unwilling to provide).

I'll consider writing a root post but I find that sort of presentation quite tedious. I generally prefer conversational engagement. Feel free to quote, summarize or paraphrase what I wrote. As a top level post it should earn you a few thousand dollars for the effort :)
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "users": ["haejin"], "tags": ["steem"]}"
created2018-03-07 07:38:18
last_update2018-03-07 07:38:18
last_payout2018-03-14 07:38:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.510 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Come to to discover the best content on the internet ... and make money commenting!!!"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)