RE: Censorship... do barriers constitute Censorship? by dwinblood

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· @dwinblood · (edited)
I think you need to carefully reread my posts and what I said to you.

I'll try to make it CLEARER and short.

Is it technically censored?  NO  (*I've said this repeatedly... even in the original post*)

Is it perceived as censorship subjectively?  YES

Does telling someone to stop whining because they can go look at it on the block chain or some other website realistically address this?  NO

That is eliteism and assuming because you can do a thing all other users should and will be able to as well.

Thus, with that in mind moderating other peoples posts so they have to jump through hoops or go to other sites to reveal the hidden information WILL WITH ZERO DOUBT result in cries of censorship and negative PR.  

Furthermore, it is a huge assumption and generalization that negative PR is good.   Sometimes negative PR can be good if what the person is claiming is not perceived as true by the masses.   They go look, think the person is full of shit, and it is good PR.

If you think the masses are going to be convinced they should be willing to accept another hiding their posts and tell them they can find it on another site then I believe your opinion on the capabilities and attitudes of the masses is much higher than mine.

My solution... which is as simple as I can get it.   Put an icon that shows up only when there are hidden aspects of a post.   If people want to see what is hidden they click it, it shows everything without moderation.

Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.   Yet I am not a fan of other people being able to FORCE their interests and will upon others.   I also don't view as my personal website.

EDIT: You should also go read @dantheman's reply to this post which he made the day I posted it.   If there are changes and there are PLANS for steemit he is likely to be the guy that makes it happen.
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