RE: MONEY CANNOT REPLACE INTEGRITY: Why I Still Vote According To My Inner Compass Instead of Max ROI by bix

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· @bix · (edited)
I think it is a very real dilemma similar to what every whistleblower is facing and every parent is facing too. Unfortunately our authorities do not see it as a dilemma and people are hurt in the courts for telling the truth when they could easily just shut up and not being punished.
Specifically, the dilemma that i see:
**When someone tells us some truth that may hurt them, do we punish people (children) for telling the truth?**

If we do, children (in this example) will lose their trust in us and will never come out telling us truth again.

I think that it is still bad (not just making it "look bad") - wake up call or not. Some things are just below of some people's dignity, regardless of the money involved.

It is similar to how do we know someone's character. It is by how a person acts when "nobody's looking". That was exactly the case i think. Whether we are told about it or not, it is where the person's inner compass points to. 

Even if there are loopholes in the system and we all know what is an honorable thing to do. If you discovered a loophole it is up to you whether to use it or not. It is like if you found someone's wallet. Is it a crime to keep it? Well legally probably not. One person would take it. But another one would go out of their way to find the owner and give it back.

There are always two approaches in life!

Another illustration that i like. I think it originally comes from natives if i remember correctly. **There is a good wolf and a bad wolf living inside each of us and they always fight. Which one wins? ... THE ONE YOU FEED!**

So if you discovered the loophole, reported it (to whomever, the community, the Witnesses, the developers etc) but did not use it for your financial gain - it would put you on one side. And it would be indeed a wake up call. If you USED it first, benefited from it financially, and then bragged about it - i think that puts you on the opposite side.

ALSO from reading your post i have a feeling different than what you present now.
I did not get the feeling of a **wake up call** AT ALL! 
This is how I've read what was between the lines - it was a guidance to the fairly new and poor users mixed with a little bit of a blame and shaming them for not getting enough profit by not giving YOU enough PROFIT. 
**That was the SPIRIT of what I've read and how i understood it**

See the difference?

Even if you say you meant it differently i'm sharing with you how it was actually perceived.  Hope it helps.
👍  , , , , , , , , , ,
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last_payout2017-11-13 20:57:42
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root_title"MONEY CANNOT REPLACE INTEGRITY: Why I Still Vote According To My Inner Compass Instead of Max ROI"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (11)
@stellabelle ·
I perceived it in the same way you did....thanks for explaining it very plainly.
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json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["whales"]}"
created2017-11-06 21:10:27
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last_payout2017-11-13 21:10:27
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root_title"MONEY CANNOT REPLACE INTEGRITY: Why I Still Vote According To My Inner Compass Instead of Max ROI"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@snowflake · (edited)
>So if you discovered the loophole, reported it (to whomever, the community, the Witnesses, the developers etc) but did not use it for your financial gain - it would put you on one side. And it would be indeed a wake up call. If you USED it first, benefited from it financially, and then bragged about it - i think that puts you on the opposite side.

I didn't discover anything, the fact that bots are more profitable and that whales delegate their SP to them is well known. Have you not seen the rise of bots lately? Anyone who pays a little attention would not be surprised at all by my post.
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "steemit/0.1", "tags": ["whales"]}"
created2017-11-06 21:41:24
last_update2017-11-06 21:42:09
last_payout2017-11-13 21:41:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"MONEY CANNOT REPLACE INTEGRITY: Why I Still Vote According To My Inner Compass Instead of Max ROI"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@bix ·
Yes, I did notice that more and more bots get more and more power and cause more and more spam. True. 

Yes I could have used a better choice of words instead of "discovered a loophole" could have said "identified a problem". But I think it's pretty clear what I meant. 

I acknowledge that bots and spam is a problem. But I neither have a good solution nor anybody would listen to me even if I had one. 

I also dislike the whole idea of "delegating power" because I think it causes more harm than good.

I still feel very bad about your strategy, regardless of whether it was perfectly legal or not. I felt it was immoral. 

I feel pretty sad about the way you brought it up too - coaching juniors to manipulate the system.

Having said all that, I think you deserve some benefit for posting the truth. No matter how badly many people, including me, perceived it I don't want everybody to bash you too much because of one single fact - you came up with the truth. It's like when my kids come to me telling me one of their dirty secrets of what they did very very bad, instead of punishing them and loosing my connection with them and loosing their trust, I usually cool off my rage even if I want to hurt them and I try to use the situation to my very best to make them better people. 

I really hope my 2 cents (ha ha maybe quite literally too lol) could help everybody involved!
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created2017-11-06 21:59:33
last_update2017-11-06 21:59:33
last_payout2017-11-13 21:59:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"MONEY CANNOT REPLACE INTEGRITY: Why I Still Vote According To My Inner Compass Instead of Max ROI"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)