Karthus – League of Legends [Review] by pacokam8

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· @pacokam8 ·
Karthus – League of Legends [Review]
[Source]( https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z8EsVsgDBYA/maxresdefault.jpg) </center>

<div class="text-justify"><p>Hello Steemians, Today I bring you one of the oldest champions in League of Legends, with the launch of the game in 2009. League of Legends has come a long way since then, of course most players do not give this a chance champion before they understand their full potential. Karthus has always been a rewarding character for those who promise to learn it and hence his famous "Pentakill" skin. I hope you like my review on Karthus!</p></div>

![What is League Of Legends.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmQ2eVJxERz9GBpKUd2jbxeM8sbi2fUC1sM3bDmsYiUvx1/What%20is%20League%20Of%20Legends.png)

<div class="text-justify"><p>League of Legends is one of the most famous video games in the last decade in the community of players and seen by millions of fans in eSports on platforms like Twitch, mainly in countries like South Korea where there are more active players. characterized by being a free video game.</p></div>

[Source Wiki]( http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_Wiki)

[Source]( http://cdn.gamers.vg/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/league-of-legends-gamers.jpg) </center>

<div class="text-justify"><p>LoL a MOBA type game developed by Riot Games. In this game the players will face each other splitting into two teams of three or five players each depending on the game mode. Before each game, the player will choose a champion with which they will play the full game, this champion will be able to raise their level during the game and their statistics can be improved by means of items. The game begins when all the players of each team appear in their base called Nexus, with the objective of the game being to destroy the opposite Nexus.

Each champion has a specific role and an exit lane and they are; Tank | Wrestler - Top, Jungle - Jg, Wizard | Assassin - Mid and Shooter | Support - Adc / Sup the champions must focus on killing the AI ​​controlled subjects to obtain gold and experience.

The League of Legends World Championship has become an annual elite tournament where the best players worldwide compete since 2011, playing in countries like Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Germany with an even more impressive prize of $ 1,000,000 and reaching audience record of 60 million people. In addition to the 100 million active players according to 2006 figures. </p></div>

![Karthus “the Deathsinger”.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmeojemvzYjaZLzBUXwVnNr4FVPZNZXU1AV9UeZsiBT2tb/Karthus%20%E2%80%9Cthe%20Deathsinger%E2%80%9D.png)

<div class="text-justify"><p>Karthus, harbinger of oblivion, is an immortal spirit whose dreadful songs precede the horror of his daunting apparition. The living fear the eternity of non-death, but Karthus sees only beauty and purity in his embrace, a perfect communion between life and death. When it emerges from the Islands of the Shadow it is to bring the happiness of death to mortals, as an apostle of non-life. </p></div>

[Source]( http://wfiles.brothersoft.com/l/league-of-legends-karthus_113767-1920x1200.jpg) </center>

<div class="text-justify"><p>Karthus was born in the most absolute misery, in the labyrinthine suburbs that surround the Noxian capital. Her mother died giving birth to her, leaving the baby and her three sisters in the care of her father. They lived with dozens of other families in a ruinous asylum, where they survived on the basis of rainwater and vermin. Of all the brothers, Karthus was the most skilled at catching rats and the one who most often brought nibbled corpses for the casserole.

Death was an omnipresent reality in the suburbs of Noxus, where many mornings began with the screaming of disconsolate parents who, upon awakening, had encountered the cold and lifeless bodies of their children. Karthus learned to adore these laments and to gaze with fascination at the moment when the accountants of the Kindred, after making a notch in their poles, took away the corpses of the asylum. At night, the young Karthus went through the crowded rooms in search of those whose lives hung by a thread, hoping to witness the moment when his soul completed the transition from life to death. For years, these night tours were unsuccessful, since it was impossible to predict the exact moment when a person would die. The privilege of witnessing the moment of death was forbidden until he reached his own family. </p></div>

[Source](https://c.wallhere.com/photos/a7/7c/Pentakill_League_of_Legends_Sona_League_of_Legends_Kayle_Mordekaiser_Olaf_Yorick_Karthus-1162525.jpg!d) </center>

<div class="text-justify"><p>Knowledge flooded his spirit as he transformed into what he had always believed he should be: a creature that existed on the threshold between life and death. The beauty of this eternal moment amazed him as the shattered spirits of the island, attracted by his passion as the predators of the ocean to the smell of blood, rose to witness his transformation. At last, Karthus was where he should be, surrounded by those who truly understood the true blessing of non-death. Imbued with straight zeal, he understood that he must return to Valoran to share his gift with the living and free them from the weight of the pettiness of mortality.

He turned, and the black mist dragged him over the waves to the fisherman's boat. The man fell on his knees before Karthus pleading for his life and Karthus granted him the blessing of death. He ended his suffering and allowed him to rise as an immortal spirit while he sang a lament for the departure of souls. He was the first of many spirits he would liberate, the first soldier of a legion of undead ghosts under the Canto de la Muerte. For their enhanced senses, the Islands of the Shadow were plunged into a state of apathetic limbo where the gifts of death were wasted. Therefore, galvanize the dead in a crusade to bring the beauty of oblivion to the living, to end the suffering of mortality and promote the arrival of a glorious era of death.

Karthus has become the emissary of the Islands of the Shadow, a herald of oblivion whose laments are hymns to the glory of death. The legions of disembodied souls that command second their funeral songs with dreadful voices that extend beyond the black fog by graveyards and slaughterhouses of all Valoran. </p></div>


[Source](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/b/b3/Karthus_Early_Concept.png/revision/latest?cb=20161215214632) </center>

[Source](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/e/e2/Karthus_Skins.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140524105911) </center>

[Source](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/0/09/Karthus_Update_Concept.png/revision/latest?cb=20161215214633) </center>


![Desktop Screenshot 2018.03.31 -](https://steemitimages.com/DQmNzmX4hkXXfv9EdwexdbDhBd9LHrwLcNDK1CaSqW6nX6j/Desktop%20Screenshot%202018.03.31%20-%2014.03.53.24.png)

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[Source]( https://riot-web-static.s3.amazonaws.com/images/news/June_2014/KVU/kr-ss.png) </center>

<div class="text-justify"><p>Karthus is a powerful choice in a queue environment alone and provides profane amounts of damage along with a powerful utility with Wall of Pain. As a battle wizard Karthus seeks to find his way to the heart of the battle and survive long enough to create a prolonged period of AOE. He is a champion who keeps the game hostage with his impending Requiem whose ability hurts all the enemy champions. In the lane, Karthus is a zone control power with a terrifying duel potential with Death Challenge and an incredible ability when combined with Desecration.</p></div>

![Death Defied.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmf2T3RHfb2VeUYdDgLwxNoEYntydTBSHoNSRJyScbCc4r/Death%20Defied.png)

<div class="text-justify"><p>The passive of Karthus consists that when dying it is transformed into a spiritual form that can continue casting spells for 7 seconds, besides the abilities have no cost whatsoever.</p></div>


![Lay Waste.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmSW5JoFQPNsZFVaNvvzre8rf9UFvr5xR8aQDkMDAKNSG1/Lay%20Waste.png)

<div class="text-justify"><p>Karthus casts a spell on a certain area that explodes after 0.5 seconds inflicting magical damage of 40 to 120 points to all nearby enemies.</p></div>




![Wall of Pain.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmbjd71P7pZrLuTKsCQS8AZYbck8vuvyRoaq2g7CCXDghu/Wall%20of%20Pain.png)

<div class="text-justify"><p>Through sorcery Karthus creates a spiritual wall that lasts 5 seconds, that the enemies to cross it are slowed from 40 to 80% their movement speed and reducing the magic resistance by 15% for 5 seconds.</p></div>




<div class="text-justify"><p>This ability allows Karthus to recover his mana of 20 to 48 points for each time he kills a unit, and when activated, inflicts magic damage of 30 to 110 points to all nearby enemies.</p></div>




<div class="text-justify"><p>For 3 seconds Karthus charges its special ability which does not allow it to move or cancel it, which when launched, inflicts magic damage of 250 to 550 points on all enemies on the map no matter where they are. This ability has a reuse of 200 to 160 seconds depending on the level of Karthus.</p></div>






![My Review.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmcoL6QKgZ5r1BZxbuozbv65Wad9mVqxgrJgfjH8YYQt76/My%20Review.png)

<div class="text-justify"><p>Karthus is not my favorite champion, besides that mainly his speed of movement is what I like least about this champion. But it is a champion that has great potential to damage enemies en masse. Of course most people have a bad opinion of Karthus because it is very rare to see a strong Karthus. Of course we must remember that we all make mistakes and some days your game is far from perfect. Try to learn from those mistakes and you have discovered the path.

Sowing Desolation is his main skill many players confuse that Requiem being his special ability with global magic damage is the main one, but sowing desolation has a much higher damage that differentiates a strong Karthus from a weak one. However, this skill has a delay which difficulty and is very predictable to be able to hit the enemy with it, of course everything is in practice that you have with this champion.

One of his best-known combos is to plant desolation because it is our main tool causing damage and agriculture. Desecration since it allows him to continue forever while hitting the subjects. We level up the Pain Wall for the last time since the first slow level is sufficient until later in the game. Take points in Requiem at the immediate available levels as they will allow you to maximize the damage.

Karthus is one of the best wizards in team matches. It has a high damage AOE ability (E) and its wall reduces resistance to magic by 15% of all those who cross it. Also, with your R, E, Q and passive you can decide the result of each team fight. Make sure you're on the bottom line and keep zoning with Q. For me, it's one of the best skills in the game. Requiem allows you to ensure the deaths that escape your allies, punish enemies for diving and clean up after the fighting. There are many ways to use this skill. When I play Karthus, I watch duels or fights between my allies and enemies, and then I look at the enemy health bars. Not to waste the skill because it can greatly benefit the team. </p></div>


- His passive ability allows him to continue doing damage to the enemy after dying.
- High damage.
- Special ability inflicts damage to all enemies.
- Mass control.
- Strong against champions like; Vladimir, Lux, Heimerdinger, Vayne, Annie and Gnar.


- Slow movement speed.
- Little CC.
- Your abilities are predictable.
- High consumption of mana.
- Weak against champions like; Soraka, Kassadin, Fizz, LeBlanc, Katarina and Veigar.


- Challenged death is one of the three abilities that allow their pitchers to continue attacking after death, with the others being Icathian Surprise and Glory in Death.
- Requiem was probably named after the Requiem Mass referring to the singing of Karthus by / about the dead.
- A glass case that reads 'PRESS RELEASE R TO WIN' can be seen in the preview of the release of Mac Version of the game.
- Before 2016, Karthus had been disabled for all editions of Ultra Rapid Fire (most likely he would avoid 'Spam Requiem R to win' abuse cases)
- The voices of Karthus in Smite and Ignite are provided by ZP Theart ('Deathfire Grasp' and 'Last Whisper') and by Jørn Lande (the rest)
- In life, Karthus was an accountant for Kindred and, to this day, he wears the clothes and carries the cane, which he still records every time he 'liberates' a mortal soul from life.
- Unlike most of the Shadow Islands champions, who have a direct relationship with Blade of the Ruined King the Ruined King and / or the Ruin that destroyed the Islands, Karthus is one of the two champions without connection to the origin of the Islands (the other being Evelynn).
- Mordekaiser embarked on a metal journey to recruit Karthus, Yorick, Sona, and Olaf to form Pentakill to make him wound and ignite the whole of Runeterra with his music.
- "I AM Death challenged BECOME" references to DEATH ".J. Robert Oppenheimer erroneously quotes the Bhagavad Gita.
- "WHAT IS THE ENCHANTMENT AGAIN ... YES, EH ... OH, WELL, Requiem R!" References 'Press R Requiem to win'.
- "I PUT YOUR NAME ON MY SMALL NECRONOMICÓN NEGRO" It makes reference to HP Lovecraft and maybe Death Note.
- "DO YOU HAVE A MOMENT TO SPEAK ABOUT DEATH?" References Sorry, Lord, do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ?

The bonus was obtained from these pages:
<center>[Bonus Karthus]( https://lol.gamepedia.com/Karthus) </center>
<center>[Wiki Karthus](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/es_MX/story/champion/karthus/) </center>
<center>[LoL Karthus](https://lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/game-info/champions/karthus/)</center>

![fan art.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmVLwDiMZE5gCakuCqkoDHu1SSv4o1NsV21RY1PFVZBfwb/fan%20art.png)

[Author – Samarskiy]( https://samarskiy.deviantart.com/art/Karthus-fan-art-449614193) </center>

[Author – Indiron]( https://indiron.deviantart.com/art/Blackfrost-Karthus-splash-VU-458465215) </center>

[Author – Gido]( https://gido.deviantart.com/art/Pentakill-466209699) </center>

[Author – Dotswap]( https://dotswap.deviantart.com/art/The-Harvest-563254014) </center>

[Author – LeeKent]( https://leekent.deviantart.com/art/Karthus-Leauge-of-legends-Grim-Keeper-460514667) </center>

[Author – SiaKim]( https://siakim.deviantart.com/art/MAD-MAX-League-of-Legends-560029285) </center>

<div class="text-justify"><p>To conclude, Karthus struggles because of his high level of skill and lack of mobility. It is a death machine that depends on skills and decision making. The Requiem presents a great deal of counterattack and many champions naturally mitigate it by design which downplays the skill, however, has one of the most difficult skills. Sow desolation in the game to land consistently, relying on predictions and extensive practice to master. Unlike other magicians, Karthus lacks a CC ability. I hope you liked my review about Karthus! </p></div>

[Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClNWHCU3ecf5kckev9w38eA)
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created2018-04-01 14:41:54
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root_title"Karthus – League of Legends [Review]"
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root_title"Karthus – League of Legends [Review]"
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