Bitnation: Evolution of Pangea and the Panthalassa Network by ulqu3

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· @ulqu3 · (edited)
Bitnation: Evolution of Pangea and the Panthalassa Network
<center><img alt="" src="" ></center>


In the [last article]( we were introduced to Bitnation's fore product - Pangea. According to [Bitnations' whitepaper](, Pangea is a decentralized jurisdiction for the peer-to-peer creation of voluntary nations and making and arbitrating solemn agreements.

In the physical world, people within a town, city, state or country naturally have shared culture, history, language and values. Some of these societies have no external interaction with outsiders. Pangea allows people from different geographical locations to form a virtual community (nation) voluntarily bonded by their ideals and shared vision. Over the years communities have gone from hierarchy-based systems to networked societies.

<center>![Evolution of Social Organisation.png](</center><center><sub>[Whitepaper Pg 10](</sub></center>

[Bitnation]( is not only the world’s first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN); it is also the organization building the Pangea. Pangea is the online software infrastructure for Voluntary Nations. Pangea is both a jurisdiction for DBVNs, and the platform on which new DBVNs can be built and joined, and through which governance services can be accessed.

What this means is that interested users can register on the Pangea platform and join a "nation" as long as they consent to follow the [Pangea constitution]( [Bitnation]( has really developed over the years.

<center>![Bitnation history.png](</center><center><sub>[whitepaper Pg 16](</sub></center>

Being a blockchain hosted platform, Bitnation Pangea can only be accessed via the internet. This can be done by mobile app. The mobile chat serves as a front-end while the back-end is a mesh network which is blockchain agnostic and can create and execute smart contracts.

<center>![Bitnation Pangea app.png](</center><center><sub>[source](</sub></center>


<center><h2>PANGEA THROUGH THE YEARS</h2></center>

Pangea has been through a couple of transformations.

<center><h4>Pangea 0.1</h4></center>

The first version of Pangea was built on the **Horizon** blockchain in 2015. From market analysis it was surmised that peer-to-peer contracts would be the most effective method to stimulate mass adoption of the platform. However it was also realized that a blockchain-based communications protocol was too expensive to maintain and not fast enough to be marketed as a service. Bitnation then opted for a mobile chat platform that could be configured to interact with blockchains thus remaining decentralized.

<center><h4>Pangea 0.2</h4></center>

In 2016, [Bitnation]( released a second iteration of Pangea using code from the open source mesh network communications protocol **SSB**. The SSB design is similar to programs like **Whatsapp** and **Facebook Messenger** in the sense that it stores chat data on the users' device instead of on a central company server. **SSB** was a huge progressive leap as it allowed users to join the network via mesh networks which are very helpful in places with poor internet connection. But Bitnation still needed a better way to handle storage to make it ideal for the users.

<center><h4>Pangea 0.3</h4></center>

The third version of Pangea was developed in 2017 on [Bitnation’s]( custom private mesh network, **Panthalassa**. Although **Panthalassa** is based on the **SSB** protocol, it is easier to use and lighter as it doesn't require users to create full nodes and download message chains. It also uses Interplanetary File System (**IPFS**) distributed web protocol for data storage and with the use of an Ethereum geth_node, easily enables smart contracts created on Pangea to be written to a blockchain. Pangea 0.3 uses Quantum resistant encryption for enhanced user security.  Pangea 0.3 frontend is a mobile chat application equipped with tools to create and deploy  Ethereum smart contracts and has the ability to switch between blockchains. [Source](

> “Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonwealth, our governance will emerge.”
> **\- John Perry Barlow, Cyber Libertarian (1996)**


<center><h2>USING PANTHALASSA</h2></center>

Bitnation currently uses the **Panthalassa** network. **Panthalassa** is a mesh-network software that can be used even in remote areas. Users (citizens) can communicate with each other on the Pangea app and also handle tasks. Citizens can chat, send and receive files, create and execute smart contracts and trade. Citizens can also create new nations and communities or organizations and deploy governance protocols. Citizens gain reputation as they complete tasks on the network.

**Panthalassa** was designed to be blockchain agnostic. It is also designed to be a delay tolerant network (DTN). This will allow users to have full functionality even if their internet connection is weak or goes off from time to time.

<center>![Pangea system architecture.png](</center><center><sub>[Whitepaper Pg 19](</sub></center>

Remember we said **Panthalassa** was built based on **SSB**. **SSB** is a "gossip protocol". What this means is nodes in the network can talk to each other without relaying it to the network at the time. E.g. two nodes in a private network can interact and then at a later time the information will be relayed to the general Wide Area Network.

<center>![panthalassa gossip protocol.png](</center><center><sub>[whitepaper Pg 21](</sub></center>

For lack of a better language, most smart contracts now are written in **Solidity**. However, the **Panthalassa** prototype is developed in **Golang**, which is a memory safe language developed by **Google**. [Bitnation]( is running an open source project and rendering its core in various languages to enable coding for compatibility with different platforms/blockchains.

In the next article, we shall discuss the governance and reputation mechanisms of Bitnations' Pangea

If you would like to be a part of this wonderful project or need more information about them feel free to drop a comment and I'll do my best to answer your questions. You can also check them out yourself by following any of the links below.

Bitnation Website -

BitNation Blog

[Bitnation whitepaper](

[Bitnation Litepaper](


### <center> Bitnation Social Media </center>
<center> [Bitnation Github]( | [Bitnation Twitter]( | [Bitnation Angel]( 
[Bitnation Telegram]( | [Bitnation Facebook]( | [Bitnation Steemit]( </center>


**DISCLAIMER**: *The information contained within this post shall not be taken as financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and none of your investing should be carried out based on any information presented here. You can lose all of your money by not investing wisely. The above information is for educational and awareness purposes only. Kindly Endeavor to* **DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH**.
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 79 others
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app":"steemit\/0.1","tags":["cryptocurrency","decentralization","bitnation","technology","community"],"extras":{},"raw_html":"<figure class=\"image\"><img src=\"http:\/\/\/oracle-d\/image\/upload\/v1542720437\/xbimbp46klbsj9hzcbd6.jpg\" \/><\/figure><p>\u00a0<\/p><h1 style=\"text-align:center;\">INTRODUCTION<\/h1><p>In the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/cryptocurrency\/@ulqu3\/cyoqbjx-bitnation-a-look-at-the-pangea-jurisdiction-and-user-case-scenarios\">last article<\/a> we were introduced to Bitnation's fore product - Pangea. According to <a href=\"https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation\/Pangea-Docs\/raw\/master\/BITNATION%20Pangea%20Whitepaper%202018.pdf\">Bitnations' whitepaper<\/a>, Pangea is a decentralized jurisdiction for the peer-to-peer creation of voluntary nations and making and arbitrating solemn agreements.<\/p><p>In the physical world, people within a town, city, state or country naturally have shared culture, history, language and values. Some of these societies have no external interaction with outsiders. Pangea allows people from different geographical locations to form a virtual community (nation) voluntarily bonded by their ideals and shared vision. Over the years communities have gone from hierarchy-based systems to networked societies.<\/p><p>[Evolution<\/p><p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Bitnation<\/a> is not only the world\u2019s first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN); it is also the organization building the Pangea. Pangea is the online software infrastructure for Voluntary Nations. Pangea is both a jurisdiction for DBVNs, and the platform on which new DBVNs can be built and joined, and through which governance services can be accessed.<\/p><p>What this means is that interested users can register on the Pangea platform and join a \"nation\" as long as they consent to follow the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation\/BITNATION-Constitution\">Pangea constitution<\/a>.<\/p><p>[Bitnation history<\/p><p>Being a blockchain hosted platform, Bitnation Pangea can only be accessed via the internet. This can be done by mobile app. The mobile chat serves as a front-end while the back-end is a mesh network which is blockchain agnostic and can create and execute smart contracts.<\/p><p>[pangea platform<\/p><h2 style=\"text-align:center;\">PANGEA THROUGH THE YEARS<\/h2><p>Pangea has been through a couple of transformations.<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><h4 style=\"text-align:center;\">Pangea 0.1<\/h4><p>The first version of Pangea was built on the <strong>Horizon<\/strong> blockchain in 2015. From market analysis it was surmised that peer-to-peer contracts would be the most effective method to stimulate mass adoption of the platform. However it was also realized that a blockchain-based communications protocol was too expensive to maintain and not fast enough to be marketed as a service. Bitnation then opted for a mobile chat platform that could be configured to interact with blockchains thus remaining decentralized.<\/p><h4 style=\"text-align:center;\">Pangea 0.2<\/h4><p>In 2016, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Bitnation<\/a> released a second iteration of Pangea using code from the open source mesh network communications protocol <strong>SSB<\/strong>. The SSB design is similar to programs like <strong>Whatsapp<\/strong> and <strong>Facebook Messenger<\/strong> in the sense that it stores chat data on the users' device instead of on a central company server. <strong>SSB<\/strong> was a huge progressive leap as it allowed users to join the network via mesh networks which are very helpful in places with poor internet connection. But Bitnation still needed a better way to handle storage to make it ideal for the users.<\/p><h4 style=\"text-align:center;\">Pangea 0.3<\/h4><p>The third version of Pangea was developed in 2017 on <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Bitnation\u2019s<\/a> custom private mesh network, <strong>Panthalassa<\/strong>. Although <strong>Panthalassa<\/strong> is based on the <strong>SSB<\/strong> protocol, it is easier to use and lighter as it doesn't require users to create full nodes and download message chains. It also uses Interplanetary File System (<strong>IPFS<\/strong>) distributed web protocol for data storage and with the use of an Ethereum geth_node, easily enables smart contracts created on Pangea to be written to a blockchain. Pangea 0.3 uses Quantum resistant encryption for enhanced user security.\u00a0 Pangea 0.3 frontend is a mobile first chat application with embedded Ethereum smart contract functionalities (and the ability to switch between other blockchains). <a href=\"https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation\/Pangea-Docs\/raw\/master\/BITNATION%20Pangea%20Whitepaper%202018.pdf\">Source<\/a><\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><blockquote><p>\u201cOur identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonwealth, our governance will emerge.\u201d<\/p><p><strong>- John Perry Barlow, Cyber Libertarian (1996)<\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote><h2 style=\"text-align:center;\">USING PANTHALASSA<\/h2><p>Bitnation currently uses the <strong>Panthalassa<\/strong> network. <strong>Panthalassa<\/strong> is a mesh-network software that can be used even in remote areas. Users (citizens) can communicate with each other on the Pangea app and also handle tasks. Citizens can chat, send and receive files, create and execute smart contracts and trade. Citizens can also create new nations and communities or organizations and deploy governance protocols. Citizens gain reputation as they complete tasks on the network.<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p><strong>Panthalassa<\/strong> was designed to be blockchain agnostic. It is also designed to be a delay tolerant network (DTN). This will allow users to have full functionality even if their internet connection is weak or goes off from time to time.<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>[Pangea architecture<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>Remember we said <strong>Panthalassa<\/strong> was built based on <strong>SSB<\/strong>. <strong>SSB<\/strong> is a \"gossip protocol\". What this means is nodes in the network can talk to each other without relaying it to the network at the time. E.g. two nodes in a private network can interact and then at a later time the information will be relayed to the general Wide Area Network.<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>[pangea gossip protocol<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>For lack of a better language, most smart contracts now are written in <strong>Solidity<\/strong>. However, the <strong>Panthalassa<\/strong> prototype is developed in <strong>Golang<\/strong>, which is a memory safe language developed by <strong>Google<\/strong>. <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Bitnation<\/a> is running an open source project and rendering its core in various languages to enable coding for compatibility with different platforms\/blockchains.<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>In the next article, we shall discuss the governance and reputation mechanisms of Bitnations' Pangea<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p><p>\u00a0<\/p>","links":["https:\/\/\/cryptocurrency\/@ulqu3\/cyoqbjx-bitnation-a-look-at-the-pangea-jurisdiction-and-user-case-scenarios","https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation\/Pangea-Docs\/raw\/master\/BITNATION%20Pangea%20Whitepaper%202018.pdf","https:\/\/\/","https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation\/BITNATION-Constitution","https:\/\/\/","https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation\/Pangea-Docs\/raw\/master\/BITNATION%20Pangea%20Litepaper%202018.pdf","https:\/\/\/Bit-Nation","https:\/\/\/@MyBitnation","https:\/\/\/bitnation","https:\/\/\/PangeaBitnation","https:\/\/\/MyBitnation","https:\/\/\/@bitnation"],"format":"markdown","image":["http:\/\/\/oracle-d\/image\/upload\/v1542720437\/xbimbp46klbsj9hzcbd6.jpg"]}"
created2018-11-20 13:51:39
last_update2018-11-20 17:37:15
last_payout2018-11-27 13:51:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value14.793 SBD
curator_payout_value5.869 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Bitnation: Evolution of Pangea and the Panthalassa Network"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (143)
@sayfruddin ·
Yang membuat smart contract Ethereum berguna adalah kemampuannya untuk memberi dukungan lebih pada teknik desentralisasi. Tidak seperti kebanyakan layanan yang ditawarkan sekarang ini, seperti media sosial dan email, sistem pemerintahan BitNation tidak memiliki otoritas sentral atau pemerintah. Model pemerintahan ini sangat erbeda jika dibandingkan dengan sistem sentralisasi atau demokrasi perwakilan seperti yang ada pada banyak negara-negara demokratis seperti di Barat maupun di Indonesia sendiri.
What makes the smart contract Ethereum useful is its ability to give more support to decentralization techniques. Unlike most services offered today, such as social media and e-mail, the BitNation government system has no central authority or government. This governance model is very different when compared to centralized systems or representative democracies such as those in many democratic countries such as the West and in Indonesia itself.
properties (23)
created2018-11-20 13:55:06
last_update2018-11-20 13:55:06
last_payout2018-11-27 13:55:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Bitnation: Evolution of Pangea and the Panthalassa Network"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@ulqu3 ·
Wow you seem to have a good grasp of the concept of bitnation. 

I wonder how possible it is for adoption to spread to millions.
properties (22)
created2018-11-20 17:25:30
last_update2018-11-20 17:25:30
last_payout2018-11-27 17:25:30
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Bitnation: Evolution of Pangea and the Panthalassa Network"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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properties (22)
created2018-11-20 17:44:33
last_update2018-11-20 17:44:33
last_payout2018-11-27 17:44:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Bitnation: Evolution of Pangea and the Panthalassa Network"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD