Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats by valued-customer

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· @valued-customer · (edited)
Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats
View this post on Hive: [Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats](https://hive.blog/@valued-customer/diamond-princess-infection-control-procedures-completely-chaotic-infection-control-specialist-overridden-by-bureaucrats)
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created2020-02-19 17:08:33
last_update2020-03-23 02:56:51
last_payout2020-02-26 17:08:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (93)
@infidel1258 ·
I figure the princess is gonna be a new catalyst for this thing to blow up again, in Japan but also probably elsewhere. 

There are over 200 canadians on that boat who are "not sick", and who are gonna go to Canada on Friday. They will likely spread this thing because no one in the health community nor govt is taking this thing seriously.

All the talk about COVID19 is about, "dont panic", "no worse than the flu".

Yet the data tells a different story. 

Educate yourselves people and get prepared. If in 30 days its over then you'll have prepared for nothing but better that then the alternative.

Posted using [Partiko Android](https://partiko.app/referral/infidel1258)
👍  ,
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created2020-02-19 17:20:42
last_update2020-02-19 17:20:42
last_payout2020-02-26 17:20:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.024 SBD
curator_payout_value0.024 SBD
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root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (2)
@valued-customer · (edited)
The old adage 'Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.', remains as true as it always was.

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created2020-02-19 18:06:39
last_update2020-02-20 03:57:06
last_payout2020-02-26 18:06:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.024 SBD
curator_payout_value0.024 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@builderofcastles ·
i feel that the WHO is trying their hardest to spread this as far and wide as possible with the most highlighting of suffering that they can.

It is either extreme incompetence, or a nefarious plot.
👍  , , ,
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created2020-02-19 18:32:00
last_update2020-02-19 18:32:00
last_payout2020-02-26 18:32:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.025 SBD
curator_payout_value0.026 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (4)
@valued-customer · (edited)
When I think about the folks I've worked for and how little they pay me to work, and how much they expect for the money they've paid, and then think about how much these politicians and administrators of global institutions are paid, I am extremely dubious their bosses would hire and pay such morons so well.

I am utterly convinced that they constantly feign idiocy, so we don't believe they're malevolent.

properties (22)
created2020-02-20 03:54:06
last_update2020-02-20 03:55:21
last_payout2020-02-27 03:54:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@sunlit7 ·
You know what idiocy looks like....just watch people who'd pay thousands of dollars as they are boarding cruise ships.
properties (22)
created2020-02-20 15:42:00
last_update2020-02-20 15:42:00
last_payout2020-02-27 15:42:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@theouterlight ·
This is a great rundown. I wish I had read this before I made my video, because I covered the Diamond Princess and the doc today, in part. I think that this is just a mess, and really does show us - that whatever the WHO is doing, they are the equivalent now to a lame duck, whose recommendation - and I have no doubt Japan consulted with them heavily - are pretty much useless. I could overlook that, given the situation being so fluid, if it was not for the fact they are open authoritarians and pro mass censorship - and deranged to think that is their job - I get the fact that managing panic is one thing, but the prior shows how incompetent they are at that, and how archaic their methods are - they should be instilling trust and leadership, by showing trust and leadership - but they go on the campaign trail to tell Facebook, google and the same bunch of brown coats to break more doors down.,  the sad fact is, the Diamond princess has shown that the WHO, "and their three weeks to land in China, and not even be able to visit the hotspot", that they are just lame ducks. Great post!
properties (23)
created2020-02-20 03:45:00
last_update2020-02-20 03:45:00
last_payout2020-02-27 03:45:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)
@valued-customer · (edited)
I'm glad you covered this.  My video source is taken down, and I note yours is still up.  Do you have a copy or source of the video?  My post is broken without the video in which the infectious disease specialist himself details the facts I discuss.

I absolutely agree with you about the WHO, but I confess I am more cynical.  I don't think their bosses would pay complete morons to utterly fail at doing the job.  I think they're acting like morons so they fail to provide us good counsel to keep us safe from these illnesses, because that's what they're paid to do.  They're not paid to keep us safe.  They're paid to not keep us safe, and that's why they're still being paid while we are not safe.

If I was their boss and I wanted to hire people to keep us safe, I'd have never hired them, and I'd fire them immediately and hire someone competent.  I don't think rich people get rich because they're stupid and incompetent, and rich people are the bosses of the WHO.  All the rich people I've met (well, richer than ordinary people, not as rich as the bosses of the WHO) are damn smart.  All of the scumbags that work in politics and the courts I've tangled with are damn smart too.  They're total scumbags, and they'd steal the air if they could get it in a bag, so they'd totally steal all the money super rich people have if rich people weren't smarter than them.

The WHO is paid by really smart super rich people to act completely incompetent so that we won't realize they're malevolent, and not keeping us safe on purpose, and their bosses are paying them to do exactly that.

They're lying to us, and that's why we don't believe them, and go look for information from sources that aren't lying to us.  Then the WHO censors us.  They're not censoring us to keep us safe from liars - they're the liars!  They're censoring us to keep us from finding out the truth, and protecting ourselves from the illness they're trying to get us sick with by lying to us about it, and keeping planes flying, borders open, and people out of quarantine when they're shedding virus.

They're not stupid and incompetent.  They're evil and murderous, and they're lying to us on purpose so that we won't survive.  That's the only reason they've been hired to do the job, and the only reason they haven't been fired for doing such a shitty job of keeping us safe from pandemic.

The people paying them are getting what they want, and we know that because they're still paying them.  They wouldn't pay them if they weren't doing the job well.  You ever have a boss that paid you to do crappy work?  What did your boss do when you did crappy work?  He fired you.

The WHO hasn't been fired.  They're doing this on purpose, and that's what they're paid to do.  They're not incompetent bumbling morons that somehow the megawealthy are too stupid to not pay to run the WHO.  That's insane.  They're extremely competent at dissembling and appearing to be trying and failing, in order to lie to us and keep us from protecting ourselves from contagion, so that we'll die.  That's what they're doing, and that's what they're getting paid by really smart really rich people to do.

properties (22)
created2020-02-20 04:27:57
last_update2020-02-20 04:48:36
last_payout2020-02-27 04:27:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
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root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@sunlit7 ·
>Bureaucrats, rather than infectious disease prevention professionals, implementing whatever quarantine procedures they saw fit on the Diamond Princess

Those bureaucrats did the proper protocol when it came to that ship.  They quarantined everyone to it....it's a sad but true reality when is comes to viruses on ships by the  time it's discovered it's way to late.  Why people even get on those ships is beyond me, they are notoriously known for the ill health effects if a virus comes aboard.  You don't tell anyone here that those in below board cabins are all breathing in recirculated air from the same system.  Japan was just suppose to let everyone disembark?  World governments were just suppose to send planes to get these people without proper procedures and protocols in place to take these people?  There was one couple who refused to the leave the ship, they had a luxury room above board, had plenty of fresh air, had a deck they could go sit out on everyday, they said there was no way there were going to get on a plane full of people they had no idea if they were sick along with the ones who had been diagnosis-ed as sick and breathe in recirculated air.   

>All, or nearly all, of deaths outside China appear to be Chinese expats or tourists, which raises the possibility that it is prior vaccination only China has undertaken for SARS that may be causing the pathogenicity observed in China, but not elsewhere.

What about the forty thousand people who have survived?  You continually ignore that this is not a typical influenza.  The very nature of it being classified as a corona virus makes it more virulent.  Short of any possibility of being lab manufactured this virus had/has the potential to mutate into a more virulent strain.

In essence what you people are trying to say is because on Dec 1 China implemented a mandatory vaccine regiment that thousands upon thousands of Chinese showed up in a extremely short period of time and got a shot based on scientific bad research over the years that clearly showed that you could not create a vaccine for a corona virus in the same manner as other influenza's as when done so it created a greater chance of lung deterioration via pneumonia's.   This is easily debunked by your theory that victim 1 died that day as it would have taken more than a day to kill him.....and the very fact you obviously missed the fact stated that this individual had to have become infected prior to Dec 1 to have died on Dec. 1, so yeah he was expired before he could set  up that oh so important mandated vaccine appointment.  Furthermore the mere implication that the Chinese government decided to go ahead and vaccinate thousands of people knowing full well that you couldn't inject a lab grown virus into individuals to initiate an immune response against the live virus without causing detrimental effects decided to do so at the prospects of great economic loss if it backfired.  It simply does not add up.  I would assume that if the worlds most prestigious scientist were all on the same page that in order to create a vaccine or fight off a corona virus that would entails finding a way to destroy or block the s spike factor that China wouldn't have just said "well do what you want but we are going to implement the bad science instead".

>Indeed, the US CDC has revealed that ILI (influenze like infections) are divergent from other years, and there has been a marked incidence of pneumonia deaths. It's quite possible that COVID-19 is sweeping through the US civilian population undetected,

That is a flat out lie.  You just don't expect that someone is going to actually go look.  The rate of flu is below average still so far this year and the number of people dying from pneumonia from the flu is below the epidemic level.....you know they do have epidemic level standards from a reason as they can be reached with any typical influenza but that isn't being shown to be happening.  All the flu cases that have been tested have come back as the standard influenza's, there hasn't been any other than those who traveled outside the US to China and one man who got it from his wife who had traveled to China have tested positive for a corona virus.  There is a very distinct difference.  In order to make the claims stated you'd have to be saying that absolutely no one got ill enough off a much more deadly and serious virus never ended up going to the hospital(s) or that they did go to the hospitals that there wasn't one intelligent enough person within the whole entire lab who could identify the s spike pattern of the corona virus, or last but not least that the whole medical profession across the whole country, every lab tech, every doctor, every nurse, every anybody who could overhear other's conversations are all in cahoots to keep quiet that a corona virus is sweeping across the country.  Pleaazzzeee.
properties (22)
created2020-02-20 15:40:48
last_update2020-02-20 15:40:48
last_payout2020-02-27 15:40:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@valued-customer · (edited)
>"What about the forty thousand people who have survived? You continually ignore that this is not a typical influenza."

Vaccine trials don't vaccinate everyone.  

I don't forget that.  You constantly assume things due to your limited understanding, which impedes our ability to discuss things rationally.  Examples follow.

>"In essence what you people are trying to say is because on Dec 1 China implemented a mandatory vaccine regiment that thousands upon thousands of Chinese showed up in a extremely short period of time and got a shot based on scientific bad research over the years that clearly showed that you could not create a vaccine for a corona virus in the same manner as other influenza's as when done so it created a greater chance of lung deterioration via pneumonia's."

I'm going to take this bit by bit.

>"...you people..."

You're not replying to others but to me personally.  I hold my views because of my personal understanding I have developed through my personal research.  If you class me as a member of some group, quit replying to me, and address that community.  I am not part of some community other than Steem, informationwar, and palnet.  

The Dec 1 vaccine law is speculated to be a cause of increased vaccination - but we have no information that it was ever used to vaccinate anyone.  It's coincidence with the beginning of the epidemic is remarkable, so it's mentioned.

In fact, China did vaccinate people for SARS, and I have repeatedly linked proof to you stated in China Daily, which is an arm of the Chinese government - and that you have repeatedly ignored.  I submit that ignorance is no recommendation of rationality, or cause for agreement.

...scientific bad research...

What a crock!  Peer reviewed research that doesn't agree with your ignorant politics is called bad.  I could scarcely respect that opinion less.  If you're not going to bother to be rational, please go away.  I have undertaken to discuss these matters with you because I respect your voice.  If you're just going to ignore evidence, call the work of experienced professional scientists whose work has been reviewed by many other professional scientists who agree it is properly done 'bad' just because it doesn't support your ignorant politics, then I have no reason or purpose in spending time discussing any of this with you.

Keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.  I'm happy to seek to enlighten your nescience, because not knowing something is natural to all of us, and that's what people can do for each other.  But ignorance is seeking to remain nescient to prevent having to change your mind, and that is as useless as it is harmful to society.

I cannot respect it.

You have repeatedly called me a liar, and undertaken pejorative ad hominem attacks in your replies to me.  I have consistently provided proof of my claims, and been respectful in reply.  I have no reason to tolerate such bullshit from you or anyone else, and I'm done.

Either end your ad hominem attacks or GTFO.  Read the links I post to prove my claims, and quit saying I'm lying because you refuse to even look at the evidence in order to keep your political positions unchanged.  In fact it is you that is lying about 'bad science' 'antivaxxer conspiracy theories' and my own positions due to your deliberate ignorance and political incompetence that you seek to maintain for reasons of intellectual capacity.

Quit lying, or STFU.
properties (22)
created2020-02-20 17:21:18
last_update2020-02-20 17:24:24
last_payout2020-02-27 17:21:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@sunlit7 ·
>Vaccine trials don't vaccinate everyone.

No your claim was and has been that China has been vaccinating their people.

>You're not replying to others but to me personally. I hold my views because of my personal understanding I have developed through my personal research.

You refers to your opinions, people refers to the people quoted or linked too.

>The Dec 1 vaccine law is speculated to be a cause of increased vaccination - but we have no information that it was ever used to vaccinate anyone

I can go back and get that breaking news line from a few post ago of yours but once again it will only prove to make you angrier at me for my assertion that grabbing at stuff without first being aware of the implications and propagandizing it isn't helping.

>In fact, China did vaccinate people for SARS,

That was back in 2004 and they used a protein not a killed virus and test that have come back are not showing any anti bodies from any prior vaccines.

>What a crock! Peer reviewed research that doesn't agree with your ignorant politics is called bad.

No it is not.  It is called you were not comprehending what I was trying to say.  Meaning:  The science was good, it showed the consequences of what would happen mixing a killed virus with a live virus would be bad.  I admit I didn't word that quite correctly under the circumstances, I used it more in terms with the old cliche that someone went ahead and did something even though they knew it was based on bad science....in the cliche it's means the end didn't justified the means.

>Either end your ad hominem attacks or GTFO

You know you are going to miss me Ralph, name two other people on this platform who go head to toe with each other without striking up flags and downvoting.  I'll take away one liar as I based that on there's never been one world wide accepted vaccine for SARS in use but was not aware outside of that they had used a protein vaccine.  As for the other I still feels it's a stretch to be saying that while completely aware of the scientific fact and research showing the detrimental harm of using a killed virus to fight off a live virus that China went ahead and injected thousands of people anyway is just that, a stretch.  I'll admit you are a challenge to me, I've learned quite a bit from you but I will also challenge you when I don't think something you are saying is adding up. Successful blogships are a two way street of give and take.
properties (22)
created2020-02-20 22:23:36
last_update2020-02-20 22:23:36
last_payout2020-02-27 22:23:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
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created2020-02-20 18:29:00
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last_payout2020-02-27 18:29:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"Diamond Princess Infection Control Procedures 'Completely Chaotic' - Infection Control Specialist Overridden by Bureaucrats"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (1)