NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen by aneukpineung78

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· @aneukpineung78 · (edited)
NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen
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This is my homework post for Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4 Week 3 for Professor @imagen’s lesson [NFT Markets](  

<center> <center> <sup> </sup> </center> </center>

**Note** : I performed this task on Windows 10 PC, Google Chrome. 

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### Task 1 : The Nifty Gateway Platform – Brief Review


#### 1.a. What is The Nifty Gateway – A Brief Review

<center>  <center>  <sup> Nifty Gateway logo as seen on </sup> </center></center>

Nifty Gateway is an **NFT Marketplace**, a marketplace for NFTs, more precisely, it is an online auction for digital arts (NFTs). But, what is NFT? NFT is short for **Non-Fungible Token**. Non-fungible means unreplaceable. So, every NFT cannot be replaced with any other token. While fungible token like STEEM is replaceable with any other STEEM of the same amount (eg 1 STEEM for 1 STEEM). 

Based on ETH-blockchain, conceptually, NFTs are similar to cryptocurrency, but they are more like digital assets that might represent digital collectables (like trading cards), antiques, artworks. Cryptocurrencies are divisible into smaller units when transacting, but NFTs are not. Every non-fungible token is sold as a whole, indivisible, when transacting.  

As an NFT marketplace, Nifty Gateway is a place to trade any digital assets in form of NFTs, might them be collectibles, or any other form of digital artworks, antiques. It acts as an ordinary online gallery of digital arts. Every digital arts that is available for transacting on Nifty Gateway (or collection) is called as “drop”. Even though the main focus of Nifty Gateway are “exclusive digital arts, limited edition, high quality NFTs” (to achieve that the platform has determined the vision to team up with top artists and brands), user can also find less “exclusive” collectible on the platform. 

Every drop (collection) will be available for bid at a specific, limited range of date and time. 

The Nifty Gateway website homepage is at The homepage layout is designed just like any other major website homepage, to provide the concise and "solid" overview of what types of information visitors can get. The homepage divided to several sections, the first section is called **Recent Drops** which is showing the newest collections (drops). At the lower part, visitors can subscribe their email addresses if they’d like to get information of the future drops.

<center><center><sup> The Nifty Gateway Recent Drops section.</sup></center></center>

At the time of writing, this section showed drops from an artist under the name of [Miss AL Simpson]( At [this page]( we can read that Miss AL Simpson has dropped 6 digital arts under the collection that named **Crypto Babes – The Diamond Hand Collection**, with the highest bid went to a drop entitled **Bitcoin Bitch** at USD4,000.- (see picture below). The Bitcoin Bitch digital art and its details can be seen [here](

<center><center> <sup> [Miss AL Simpson]('s  collection on Nifty Gateway under the name of [Crypto Babes – The Diamond Hand Collection](  had been all sold out. </sup></center></center>

<center>  <center><sup> Bitcoin Bitch, a digital art of [Miss AL Simpson]('s creation had been sold for USD4,000.- The video  is embedded from [YouTube](, click to play the MP4 video.</sup></center></center> 

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The next section of the homepage is named **Most Popular Nifties** which shows some highlighted collections. Visitors can see complete collection by clicking the [Browse Marketplace] button on the upper right side of the section.

<center><center><sup> The Most Popular Nifties section.</sup></center></center>

Following is the **Recent Activity** section, a section that highlights the most recently sold NFTs. To see the complete activity, visitors can click the  [Browse Marketplace] button. 

<center> <center><sup> The Recent Activity section.</sup></center></center>

Not only visitor can come to bid on some NFTs on the platform, visitor can also join another creators, become an artist and list their NFTs. To become A CREATOR on Nifty Gateway, a user can apply at [this page]( 

On Nifty Gateway, users need to pay a 15% fee to conduct the sale, the 15% fee is divided to two parts: the 5% service fee and 10% artist fee. The Nifty Gateway platform accepts credit or debit cards and even PayPal as payment methods. 
#### 1.b. The Project Founder and Current Ownership

Nifty Gateway was founded by the Cock Foster twins (**Duncan** and **Griffin**) in 2018. In 2019, the Winklevoss twins (**Cameron and Tyler**), the owner of **Gemini Trust Company,LLC** or Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange and custodian, acquired Nifty Gateway and since then it has been under the management of Gemini. 

#### 1.c. The Nifty Gateway Target

The platform set the target that a new drop is to be released once every three weeks. And to sell NFTs to 1 billion people.

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### Task 2 : ERC-1155, ERC-721, ERC-20 Tokens


<center>  <center>  <sup> Image was created by me, the Ethereum logo was taken from  </sup> </center></center>

#### 2.a. ERC-1155 – A Brief Overview

ERC-1155 token is a new digital token standard that can be used to create both cryptocurrencies (fungible tokens) and digital arts (NFTs), and even “semi-fungible tokens”. ERC-1155 was created by [Enjin]( Enjin is a blockchain platform that  aims to - as they declared on their [website About page]( - “building a product ecosystem that will help humanity create advanced virtual economies through the power of blockchain technology”. Enjin has it’s own coin named **Enjin Coin** symbolized with **ENJ**. At the time of writing, [coingecko](  and [coinmarketcap]( showed that ENJ is traded at USD1.45 per coin. According to coingecko ranking system, ENJ is at #85, while coinmarketcap put it at rank #81. 

Some key features that Enjin boasts of the ERC-1155 token are:
* **Multiple Tokens** which means that with a single smart contract, user can use this standard to define and configure both fungible and non-fungible tokens. It saves energy and by that, costs.
* **Save Gas**. ERC-1155 token standard is claimed to cut gas fees up to 90% when minting new tokens.
* **Advanced Features** has been added, such as upgrading and destroying NFTs.
* **Atomic Swaps** of any amount of tokens are now can be done in two simple steps.
* **Growing Adoption** of the token standard in the Ethereum ecosystem.
* **Batch Transfer**, even though this method is not a revolutionary thing, but sending multiple tokens (different types of tokens) in a single transaction should be a basic feature of any new token standard in the future.

The ERC-1155 tokens standard took exactly one year since its first version was pushed to Ethereum’s Github repository by **Witek Radomski** on June 17, 2018 until its finalization in 2019. It is now available to be used by the entire community of the Ethereum blockchain network. 

#### 2.b. How Does ERC-1155 Differ From ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens

The different between the three is basically on their purposes. ERC-1155 is the token standard that can be used to create both fungible and non-fungible tokens and semi-fungible tokens as well, while ERC-721 serves its purpose as the standard for non-fungible tokens only. On the other hand, ERC-20 is the Ethereum standard for fungible tokens. 

While ERC-1155 is “multi tokens standard”, the ERC-721 is the non-fungible tokens standard. So, basically, ERC-721 is the “original non-fungible tokens standard”. As the newest innovation in tokens standard that adopt both fungible and non-fungible tokens, ERC-1155 came with some solutions that answer the problem found in ERC-721, including gas fee and transfer efficiency. ERC-1155 cuts 90% of gas fee when minting new tokens, while ERC-721 has long known as “not a good choice for minting” due to its high cost. ERC-1155 supports batch transfer (transferring or sending multiple, different tokens in a single transaction) which will help cut costs and fees, and also faster than ERC-721, while ERC-721 is known as very low speed in transferring process and also inefficient. 

ERC-20 can be considered as the ”mother of Ethereum standard of fungible tokens”. It is the “original fungible tokens”, from which many fungible tokens has been born on its standard. 

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### Task 3 : The Etherscan


#### 3.a. Logging in to Etherscan

To log in to Etherscan I opened and clicked the [Sign In] button on the upper-right corner of the page.

<center> <center>  <sup> the [Sign In] button. </sup> </center></center>

On the next page I filled in my credentials and when I was done I clicked the blue [Login] button at the lower part of the page.

<center> <center>  <sup> Filled in the credentials to procede. </sup> </center></center>

I was  logged in. 
<center> <center>  <sup> Logged in. </sup> </center></center>

#### 3.b. Indicating the Number of ERC-1155 Tokens Available At The Moment

To get information on how many ERC-1155 were available, I clicked the [Tokens] button on the upper horizontal menu. The button opened a dropdown menu, in which from it I chose the [ERC1155 Top Tokens] sub menu.

<center> <center>  <sup>  the [ERC1155 Top Tokens] sub menu. </sup> </center></center>

The next page displayed the information that there was a total of 18,274 ERC-1155 Token contracts found.

<center> <center>  <sup> 18,274 ERC-1155 Token Contracts found at the time of writing. </sup> </center></center>

#### 3.c. The Last 24 Hours Top 5 ERC-1155 Tokens By Volume Of Transactions 

The top 5 ERC-1155 tokens by volume of transactions at the last 24 hours at the time of writing is as shown in the picture below.

<center>   <center>  <sup> The top 5 tokens. </sup> </center></center>

The top 5 were:

| No. | Token Name | Total Number of Transfers | Official Site |
| - | - | - | - | 
| 1 | OpenSea Shared Storefront | 19,168 | |
| 2 | Lost Poets | 1,623 | | 
| 3 | Unnamed  | 1,472 | Not Available |
| 4 | Rarible (RARI) |992 | |
| 5 |Zapper NFT (ZPR_NFT) |953 | |
|  |  |  |  | 
<center><sup>The Last 24 Hours Top 5 ERC-1155 Tokens By Volume Of Transactions</sup></center>

#### 3.d. The Hash of the Last ERC-1155 Transactions, the Token and Its Smart Contract 

To indicate this kind of information I clicked the [Tokens] button on the upper horizontal menu and chose [View EERC1155 Transfers] from the dropdown list.

<center> <center>  <sup> The sub menu to the ERC-1155 Transfers record. </sup> </center></center>

The next page showed the latest transaction of ERC-1155 tokens.

<center> <center>  <sup>  The latest transaction of ERC-1155 tokens.  </sup> </center></center>

Clicking on the hash brought me to the [transaction detail page]( 

<center> <center>  <sup> The transaction detail page. </sup> </center></center>

The information on the detail page is:
* The transaction hash : 0xca2973a2a4787774cbaca0fdb310e4e67337e80f2adb73ce11c2fcf1dd056bf6;
* From address [0x41A51aDb1Cd2ed87600773059809A930026D9ff9](;
* To address [0x7Be8076f4EA4A4AD08075C2508e481d6C946D12b]( ([OpenSea](;
* Transaction Action: Traded 1 NFT for 0.035 Ether on OpenSea. 
* Tokens Transferred: OpenSea Shared Storefront (collectible), ERC-1155 token standard. 
* The smart contract : [0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e]( 

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### Task 4 : The Enjin Wallet


#### 4.a. The User Interface

Enjin Wallet is available in Google PlayStore (for Android OS) and Apple AppStore (for iOS). At the time of writing, no Windows and Mac versions were available. 

<center> <center>  <sup> The default window of Enjin Wallet.  </sup> </center></center>

The wallet interface is simple. Once a user logged in, they will see that the main page is divided into 2 (two) main sections and 1 (one) conditional section:
* **The header** or **the menu**, at the top of the window, is one of the main sections. It contains 5 (five) segments or sub-menus.
<center> <center>  <sup> The Header (or the menu) contains five items (sub menus). </sup> </center></center>
   * ***The dropdown menu*** at the far left of the section, symbolized with three vertically stacked lines. The dropdown menu is accessible by clicking on the stacked lines. The wallet window display basically depends on what menu is activated or chosen in this dropdown menu.
<center> <center>  <sup> Nine items available under the dropdown menu. </sup> </center></center>
   * ***The Wallet*** segment, located to the right of the dropdown menu. As default, it shows **Main Wallet**. Clicking on it will activate a dropdown menu where users can choose another wallet if they already had some, or they can create another wallet to their purpose. So, a user can have multiple “sub-wallet” in one Enjin Wallet. It might be useful when user need to divide their assets for different purposes. 
<center> <center>  <sup> It showed the main wallet balance. </sup> </center></center>
<center> <center>  <sup> Click on the Wallet name to access any other wallet if any or create any new ones. </sup> </center></center>
   * To the right of the wallet segment is the ***Contact*** segment. Clicking on it will open the list of the contacts related to the active wallet at the time. User can add contacts through this page.
<center> <center>  <sup> Since the active wallet was Main Wallet, the contact list for Main Wallet was displayed. </sup> </center></center>
   * The next segment, symbolized with the plus ( + ) sign, is the ***Coin List*** segment. Clicking on it will open the list of coins available and supported by Enjin. Here, users can add or remove coins to display in their wallets.
<center> <center>  <sup> Add coins to or   remove them from the list. </sup> </center></center>
   * And the last segment of this section is the ***Wallet Setting***, symbolized with three vertically stacked dots at the far right of the wallet window.  Clicking on it will generate a dropdown list contains six options: 1) Backup Wallet; 2) Rename Wallet; 3) Edit Coin List; 4) Auto Add Tokens; 5) Manage Wallets; and 6) Rate Enjin Wallet.
<center> <center>  <sup> The wallet setting menu items. </sup> </center></center>
* The **Warning** section. It is optional section. It will show up when the wallet has not been backed up. Users can hide this section. 
<center>  <center>  <sup> Click the [Remind me later] button to temporarily hide it.  </sup> </center></center>
* **The coin list**, shows the list of coins, the balance of each coins and its value in USD. At the top of coin list, there is a summary of all assets (coins) valuation in USD. Users can at any time added new coins they like that are available in the Enjin Wallet coin list to this list. 
<center> <center>  <sup> The coin list. </sup> </center></center>

#### 4.b. The Enjin Wallet  Marketplace

The Marketplace is accessible via the dropdown menu (the three stacked lines) at  the header section of the Enjin Wallet. 
<center> <center>  <sup> Accessing Marketplace via Enjin wallet app. </sup> </center></center>
The picture below shows the Enjin Marketplace default main page. Its interface is simple and it is user friendly. 
<center> <center>  <sup> The default network was Mainnet. </sup> </center></center> 
It can also be accessed from the personal computer web browser at [this web address]( The picture below shows the personal computer web browser version.
<center> <center>  <sup> The personal computer web version.  </sup> </center></center> 

* The **dropdown menu** at the left side of the window (mobile version) will very much help users (visitors) in exploring it. It is interesting that the menu contains the submenus of ERC-1155 and ERC-20, the multi token and the fungible token standardizations, and no ERC-721 (the original non-fungible token standardization). 
<center> <center>  <sup> Move easily between menu. </sup> </center></center>
* The **search** box that can be used by users (or visitors)  to search for a specific transaction or address or any other information.
* The **network** button to the right of the search box is useful to move between three currently available networks: Mainnet, Kovan, or Jumpnet. The default network showed is Mainnet. 
<center> <center>  <sup> Change network here (mobile version). </sup> </center></center>

Below the header is the marketplace gallery. 

**4.b.1. [The Mainnet Network](** 

At the time of writing, there were 17,474 items available on sale through the Mainnet Network. 
<center> <center>  <sup> Personal computer web  version of Mainnet network.  </sup> </center></center>

The first three items showed at the time of writing as indicated in the picture above were:
1. [**Tears of Serenity**]( 
Created by [0x7d510f661f490482fbff45275b00a82f5f69f784]( at November 28th 2019 with ERC-1155, under the project named [Lost Relics]( were 2 tokens available on sale  at the time of writing, starting from 224 ENJ (or USD300.16). This token has 968 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 100% circulating supply. Lost Relics itself is a video game created by **Codebit Labs**.
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**Tears of Serenity**]( </sup> </center></center>
2. [**Nestable Founders Token**](
It is the token created as the reward for  the early members of the Nestables Community. It is categorized as fungible token, created with ERC-1155 standard. The token was created by [0x07a236626bf7a3195fc134ceb29691490759fc59](, 2 years ago at September 17th 2019. There are 6 tokens available for sale, starting at 600 ENJ (equivalent to USD810.00 at the time of writing). This token has 332 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 298 (90%) circulating supply.  
<center> <center>  <sup>  The screenshot of detail page of the [**Nestable Founders Token**]( </sup> </center></center>
3. [**Origin**](
This fungible token was created 3 years ago by [0xdf9cc14f54c0148ef3d9cdd3a58fa2425bf6ce46]( at Januari 30th 2019. It is available under the project named [Age of Rust]( Age of Rust is a science fiction adventure games. The origin token created with ERC-1155. At the time of writing, five tokens are available on sale with price starting from 7,000 ENJ (or USD10,010.-). This token has 60 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 100% (60) circulating supply.
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**Origin**]( </sup> </center></center>

**4.b.2. [The Kovan Network](**

At the time of writing, there were 39 items available on sale through the Kovan Network. 
<center> <center>  <sup> Personal computer web  version of Kovan network.   </sup> </center></center>

The first three items showed at the time of writing were:
1. [**Metadata Test 1**](
This Grouped NFT was created by [0x7aeab7c231c88611a2ad434d3a2715ab3c91f406](, 6 months ago at March 23rd under  the project named [Platform Kovan]( There were 2 tokens available for sale, starting from 0.12 KENJ. This token has 10 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 100% circulating supply.  It was created with ERC-1155. 
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**Metadata Test 1**]( </sup> </center></center>
2. [**NFT 1**](
This token was created 7 months ago by [0xec8bf6095ac8f93903f1fa184045b3b80e34a0df]( at Februari 26th. It is available under the project named [Funky Town]( The token was created with ERC-1155. The tokens are traded starting at 0.1 ENJ. This token has 5 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 100% circulating supply.
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**NFT 1**]( </sup> </center></center>
3. [**future asset**](
Created by [0x7aeab7c231c88611a2ad434d3a2715ab3c91f406]( 5 months ago at April 23rd, with ERC-1155, under the project named [Platform Kovan]( There tokens are available on sale selling at 0.01 KENJ. This token has 2 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 2 (100%) circulating supply.
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**future asset**]( </sup> </center></center>

**4.b.3. [The Jumpnet Network](**

At the time of writing, there were 46,699 items available on sale. 

<center> <center>  <sup> Personal computer web  version of Jumpnet network.    </sup> </center></center>

The first three items showed at the time of writing were:
1. [**Shine Bright Like A Diamond**](  
It is categorized as Grouped NFT, created with ERC-1155 standard. The token was created by [0x65ffe5a603b9dac9bca330bf387979701374c96c](, at September 21st 2021 (three days ago at the time of writing). There were 1,530 tokens available for sale, starting from 0.499 ENJ (equivalent to USD0.67 at the time of writing). This token has 9,991 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 9,787 (98%) circulating supply.  This item available under the project of [CoinMarketCap]( 
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**Shine Bright Like A Diamond**]( </sup> </center></center>
2. [**Enjineer**](  
This Grouped NFT was created 2 weeks ago by [0x65ffe5a603b9dac9bca330bf387979701374c96c]( at September 9th. It is available under the project named [Enjin Collection 2.0]( The token was created with ERC-1155. At the time of writing, 2,955 tokens are available on sale starting from 0.049 JENJ (equivalent to USD0.07 at the time of writing). This token has infinite total supply and at the time of writing the circulating supply had reached 89,965.
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**Enjineer**]( </sup> </center></center>
3. [**Cozy Blobby**]( 
Created by [0x65ffe5a603b9dac9bca330bf387979701374c96c]( 3 weeks ago at September 1st with ERC-1155, this Grouped NFT collectible is available under the project named [#MyFirstNFT]( There were 2,185 tokens available on sale  at the time of writing, starting from 0.03 JENJ (equivalent to USD0.04 at the time of writing). This token has 178,471 total supply and at the time of writing had reached 95,575 (54%) circulating supply.
<center> <center>  <sup> The screenshot of detail page of [**Cozy Blobby**]( </sup> </center></center>

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### Task 5 : My Opinion on the Future of NFT Markets


The advantage that NFT offers lies in the technology on which it is based, namely blockchain. Blockchain technology offers many advantages in the digital world, especially when it comes to NFTs (digital collections), is the traceability of ownership of a collection, because the main nature of blockchain is an immutable digital ledger. 

NFT as one of the impacts of the development of blockchain technology has helped digital creators and artists in creating and distributing their works, be it works of art such as music or paintings and even memes, tweets and so on. Trading cards and other types of collectibles are also increasingly appearing in the form of NFTs. This proves the large adoption of blockchain technology in the field of digital creation.

In my opinion, the NFT market will continue to grow along with the development of blockchain technology itself. There are many things that still need to be improved in blockchain technology, such as environmental issues and scalability, but developers continue to take action to minimize all these shortcomings, and new blockchain-based technologies continue to emerge, in the sense that the development of blockchain technology is not over, we can even say that this is just the beginning.

My conclusion is that the NFT market will be more and more popular in the future. Because in addition to guaranteeing the ease of distributing assets for creators and collectors, it is also a guarantee of ownership and originality of the collection. 

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## Thanks

Thanks, Professor @imagen for the lesson titled [NFT Markets]( 

## Pictures Sourcing

* The editorial picture was created by me.  
* Unless otherwise stated, all another pictures were screenshoots and were edited with Photoshop CS 3.

## Sources and Reading Suggestion



<center> [My Introductory Post]( | [Artikel Perkenalan Saya]( </center>


<center>  <center><sup> Picture created by @aneukpineung78 </sup>  </center> </center>

<center><center>Thanks for stopping by. </center></center>

👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
👎  ,
properties (23)
created2021-09-25 05:23:09
last_update2021-09-26 00:41:42
last_payout2021-10-02 05:23:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value24.236 SBD
curator_payout_value24.077 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
vote details (52)
@aneukpineung78 ·
Shared on [Twitter](

properties (22)
created2021-09-25 05:28:48
last_update2021-09-25 05:28:48
last_payout2021-10-02 05:28:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@edy.lobo · (edited)
Your post has a magnific stetic .
properties (22)
created2021-09-25 18:08:54
last_update2021-09-25 18:09:30
last_payout2021-10-02 18:08:54
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@aneukpineung78 ·
Thanks. @edy.lobo.
properties (22)
created2021-09-27 10:43:33
last_update2021-09-27 10:43:33
last_payout2021-10-04 10:43:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@imagen · (edited)
Gracias por participar en la Cuarta Temporada de la Steemit Crypto Academy.

| Escala de Valoración | Nota | Observaciones  |
| --------|---------|---------|
| Originalidad | 2.0/2.0 |  |
| Profundidad del Tema | 2.0/2.0 |  |
| Coherencia del Método | 2.0/2.0 |  |
| Calidad de Análisis | 2.0/2.0 |  |
| Estructura / Lenguaje | 2.0/2.0 |  |
| ***Total*** | ***10/10*** |

+ Cumples con todos los requisitos.
+ Excelente presentacion. 
+ Uso de lenguaje sencillo y comprensible.
+ Contenido de alto nivel. Informacion muy completa y relevante a lo solicitado en la asignacion.
+ Analisis de alto nivel.

Te felicito por tu buen trabajo.

Continua esforzandote, espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.
properties (22)
created2021-09-27 01:08:21
last_update2021-10-06 16:31:39
last_payout2021-10-04 01:08:21
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD
@aneukpineung78 ·
Muchas gracias, Professor.
properties (22)
created2021-09-27 10:43:51
last_update2021-09-27 10:43:51
last_payout2021-10-04 10:43:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 SBD
curator_payout_value0.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
promoted0.000 SBD
root_title"NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W3 - Homework Post for @imagen"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 SBD