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· @geekgirl · (edited)
Art-Fiction-Witness Contest Results!

Art-Fiction-Witness Contest has concluded and I have the result. Thank you everybody for participating and honoring our witnesses. There were 14 entries. 3 entries were disqualified due to not having a original art made for this contest. I wish I could give everybody first place prize. At some point I thought to split up all of the reward pool among the participants, then I couldn't do that due to already set up prize structure. However, all qualified entire will be getting something.

Taking this opportunity I would like to mention and honor featured witnessed of this contest. I would like to thank them for all of their work they do for this platform and the community. Please get to know them, and use one of your witness votes for them. They all are awesome. **Vote for them as your witnesses.**

Special thanks to donors for your contributions to the prize pool:  @gmuxx, @ellicia, @misterakpan, @carlgnash, @ewuoso. 


# Featured witnesses of the contest:




# Prize Distribution:
1-Place: 60 STEEM(30 each) goes to @mikepm74 & @carlgnash for [@Neoxian and the Case of the Bum Caresser]( 
2-Place: 40 STEEM goes to @ajremy for [The WIT-nesses: Hostages](
3-Place: 20 STEEM goes to @infinityedge for [Good-karma, the Witness of the Magical Forest](
4-Place: 10 STEEM goest to @titangel for [Xeldal and the Ghost Parade](
5-Place: 10 STEEM goest to @dante31 for [Luke Stokes in the future "sHORT sTORY"](

5 STEEM each goes to @titangel, @nairadaddy  for early participation.

3 STEEM each goes to @illuminatus & @camzy for early participation. 

2 STEEM each goes to @princeola, @caliber, @colonel24 for participating.


# Thank you all for participating and supporting this contest. Prizes are already sent to your wallets. Total of 162 STEEM has been distributed.

# Please vote for @curie as your witness.
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11 replies
· @dante31 · (edited)
Luke Stokes in the future "sHORT sTORY" (ARTWITNESSCONTEST)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the year 3018, humans have evolved with technological advancement breaking every known protocol behind our current level of technology. The earth can no longer harbour the population of the humans on earth.
A certain technology was developed to solve this problem. A digital world was created where humans can live on it as a digital person.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An unknown person that goes by the name “The Geek”. The Geek as they call him or her as no one knows his true identity. This created world operates on a special blockchain technology where humans live as a transcended digital personality.  A decentralized world of freedom where anything is possible. It was the perfect system.
In no time, almost the earth population became a digital entity. The world was powered by the Steem blockchain. Protected by certain individuals called the Witnesses.
The Geek is called an urban legend, some people believe she or he perhaps do not exist. A myth perhaps or a cooked up burnt story. The fact remains this new digital world was created by someone or some persons.


Everyone in this world had to give up their real human form to live there permanently. It is a world with unlimited possibilities. Everything went smooth until there were glitches in the system. Certain individuals were erased from the system. The first ever digital attack on the system. This is an impossible situation for the system is designed be unhackable. A decentralized world order. No one had answer to the problems. The world was designed such that no digital individual in the system can make any change on it. Changes can only be made by individuals who are outside the system but have a sync version of themselves in this new world.  All witnesses in this new world are synced into the system.

However, everyone in this new word have already transcended.




![luke stokes.jpg](




<h3>The Plot</h3>

3 months ago Ace consolidation bank was robbed by unknown assailants. Information about the event was unclear. Report has it that no funds was stolen only sensitive data. The President of the bank Mr Jerry Banfield made a statement to the press that what was stolen was insignificant. 

The case died down until recently a private investigative journalist who is considered to be a tree shaker got curious of that event. Since the incident, unexplainable things have been occurring in the world.
The first is the missing school bus driver that vanished while in transit. He crashed into a group of persons at the bus stop. All eight victims died. The victims’ bodies vanished as well. This is unlike this new world people never disappear.

Mr Luke Stokes a hobo drifter took it upon himself to solve this mystery. His only possession is a 1968 black Ford Mustang. That’s his office and his home. He likes to live on the move. He believe it makes it hard for anyone to know his where about.

He says 
>“be on the go, stay on the unknown and achieve your goal”

He is a heavy drinker and also a human chimney. He smokes the fuck out of his lungs. He went to the Ace consolidation building to get some information. Where I all started. Following his gut. His reputation precedes him. He didn’t make through to the building; security personnel’s stopped him before he could get any close. 
He was a top shot investigative journalist but he lost his reputation and his respect when he tried to bring Mr Jerry Banfield down for corruption and illegal manipulation of the new world for his companies benefit 4 years ago. 
He sat outside the building smoking when he noticed a tech employee was kicked out of the building. *This is an opportunity to exploit he thought*
Well hello there mate. The ex-employee noticed him immediately. I know you. You are …
He was hushed immediately. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Luke Stokes and I am sure we have somethings to talk about but not here. How about over a cup of coffee. Luke had a charming and persuasive tone of voice which helps him most of the time to get people’s attention.
I never got to ask your name he said. I am Neo aka the one. Neo sounds just right Luke said to him at the coffee shop. Neo was wandering how he got to sit with this worn out journalist. He found himself vetting out is anger and disgust of how he was fired from the company.
What happened exactly mate? Neo went one about finding a bug in the new world technology. Something that has never happened before. He got excited at first because for the first time in a long while he actually had a job to do. It is like hiring a set of people to ensure that the earth revolves round the sun for 365 one quarter days. *that’s gotta be boring*.
He notified his supervisors but nothing was done about it. So he took it up straight to management.
And what did they say? I was fired for incompetency that there is no bug in the system. So these has been going on for 3 months right said Luke. Yes! How did you know that? But of course that’s your job to know about stuff. You’re god damn right he said. They exchange contacts and go their separate ways. The next morning Luke receives a strange message from Neo with a map directing him to a strange location.  What the fuck is this? 
He tried to reach out to him but he was not reachable. So he traced him to his apartment. On getting there, he found cops all over the place. He thought of the worse but wished it wasn’t what it was. Neo is dead as he saw them bag his body out of the apartment. He was scared as fuck.
Fuck shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

This shit is deep. Luke’s soliloquy begins. This job will be the death of me. He rushed out hurriedly into the rain getting into his car to get some heat. He struggles to get his lighter on to smoke a joint.
Quickly, he took out his device and drove to the designated location the map Neo sent to him.
Drove in circles for some hours then finally arrived at an alley. This can’t be right.
It’s a freaking dead end. He was faced with a marbled wall. 
Kinda strange as well. He drove slowly like he was tryna touch the wall. He hesitated.
I can’t go crashing my car on a wall. He got down from the vehicle then approached the wall. Putting his hand out slowly to feel the wall like he was trying test the heat of a fiery furnace. He touched the wall. His hands passed through. He took his hands out immediately. He tried again and again. Then he finally had the courage then entered fully.

The walls disappeared behind him. He was in a strange place. The room was suddenly dark with only a spot light shining directly on him. Suddenly the room lit up with several LED lights which extended beyond his reach till infinity.
What is this place? A female voice spoke softly. Welcome to <b>PURGATORY</b>. A place between the real word and the digital world. Here there is digital identity, makers and changes are possible. This is a safe place created by 
**THE GEEK**.I am here to guide you on your journey. 

Who are you? I am A.L.IC.E an Artificial Linguistic Intelligence Constructive Entity. You were sent here because your life is in danger. Your digital marker   was been monitored and traced.  Since you’ve been in here your digital marker has been altered. You can go out without being traced.

We are here to help you with your quest. As inquisitive as he is, he found himself not asking too many questions. He couldn’t believe it but he did. The Geek is real and not an urban legend or just a tale for kids.
For us to help you, you will have to accept to be a witness of this new world.
All the other witnesses are burned and can’t do anything to save what’s coming.

Do you Luke Stokes accept to be a witness? Do I have a choice here? He asked. Yes you have a choice. He thought a second then he concluded. I would accept the invitation. Without no delay A.L.I.C.E arranged a meet up with Mr. X. The location was sent to his mobile device.
You are to meet with Mr. X, he will guide you on the next step. Seconds later he finds himself back at the alley with is vehicle. The marbled wall was no more.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rendezvous point was at a parking lot in the Ace consolidation building. On arrival his instruction was updated to get into a black limo. He got inside and there he was with Jerry Banfield aka Mr. X.
He got agitated immediately but Jerry was able to calm him down. There isn’t much time left we have just 4hours or this will be over. What do you mean? The president of Ace Consolidation has found a way to create another digital world. Hence they will make this one a mirror digital world to the other thereby converting anyone still present here into a digital currency. Which explains the sudden missing persons.
We have a solution to this but we need your help in achieving this.
That's why I am here said Luke. With an evil grin on Jerry's face. That was the last thing Luke's face saw before he blacked out. He was sedated the moment he got in the vehicle without knowing. He woke up in a room strapped to a chair. Opposite was Jerry. He suspected the other Jerry was an imposter. 
The door to the room opened and there was the imposter but now without the digital mask. It was Mr. Xeldal , Jerry’s right hand man.
I know what you must be thinking… I should kill you right away. Where is the fun in that hahaha
He laughed. Oh speaking of time. It is about that time for me to finish what I started before these witness meddled with my affair.
It wasn’t easy I must tell you. Impersonating Mr Jerry for the past 3 months. Dang! I deserve an Oscar.
Thank you for coming down here Mr. Luke. For me to accomplish this all I require are 2 witnesses. First you weren’t but now you are. He took samples of their witness genetic marker then placed it in the system he developed to activate it.

Using Mr. Jerry’s access he was able to manually override the system to access the digital word core.
Then the countdown began from 10 seconds.

Xandal was over joyed waking Jerry up. See it is about to happen. He noticed Jerry was unnerved.
Then Jerry said to him. Did you think for a second we aren’t aware of your plans? Luke stoke is the bait. His witness gentic code is obviously bugged. You didn’t even get to test it.

Xandal got furious yelling on the top of his voice. What does that even mean?
It means that his genetic code comes with a failsafe. Everyone except you will remain here. You will be moved into the mirror digital world and everything will return back to normal.
Since no one knew who was behind the hack we had to play a little game by bringing in someone new.


<center>`The End`</center>

<center>Witness featured</center>

<center>@lukestokes as Luke Stokes</center>
<center>@jerrybanfield as Jerry Banfield</center>
<center>@xeldal as Xeldal</center>
<center>@neoxian – Neo</center>
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6 replies
· @mikepm74 · (edited)
Entry for @geekgirl's Witness Fiction Contest - Part 1 - The Jerry Banfield Blues
View this post on Hive: [Entry for @geekgirl's Witness Fiction Contest - Part 1 - The Jerry Banfield Blues](
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· @colonel24 ·
Parallel Witness
Lukestokes is one of the most famous witness of this platform that we call He is a good person (I'm not sure), a good steemian (maybe, right?) and a responsible human being (I really don't know anything about him that much).

In a parallel universe, anything about Luke is a different story.

In a world where darkness succumbs the weak and tramples the small, a dark lord named bad-karma has invaded everything. From villages to cities, from sanity to the darkest corners of every individual's hearts. He is indeed a villain, a terrible being, not a man.

Bad-karma used to be good-karma but because of an infamous incident that changed the world itself, the once good-karma got corrupted making him into bad-karma.

The lukestokes of this universe has been looking for the solution of this problem for years. After a lot of misfortunes, numerous failures and tedious tasks, at last, Luke finds and answer.

Now Luke is charging towards Bad-karma's castle to settle the score between them and to finish Bad-karma's reign.

>***"Everything will change from now Bad-karma"***, Luke said while looking into a tube that he was holding.

As Luke approaches closer to his destination, a loud cry of a horrible creature echoes the area. A **tantrum**, a monstrous being that has the body of Hulk Hogan and the head of Big Bird.

The tantrum jumps off the a building and lands on front of Luke. The impact of the tantrum's landing shatters the ground  that made a crater under it's feet. 

Tantrums feeds from  the fear of it's victims along with the flesh and body.
>*Get out of my way!*

Luke shoots a laser from his extra bionic arm. The laser goes through the tantrum's arm that made it cry in pain.

To avoid more unnecessary violence in this story, Luke moves on without doing anymore harm on the damaged tantrum. What does awaits to Luke inside the castle? Will he be successful with his mission? Will he be able to kill Bad-karma or will he be able to find another way? Find it out in the next chapter...

If I get the energy to do it, hahahaha....

The End.
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5 replies
· @mhizoptic · (edited)
Men in the wood

I woke up and yawned, the clock shows 10;30am, stayed up too late last night, i guess. Seeing that there's still too many chips in the stomach, i decided to skip breakfast. After brushing my teeth, i jumped onto the couch and found myself digging through the news paper my dad had left.
"The sun gossip, political scandal, this is not good enough" i yelled as i yearned for some news that will satisfy my taste.
Jerry my mum's voice came from above" still looking for a suitable  news article.
"Yes" i groaned. "Holiday is about to end, mum! If i can't find a news report or featured article for entry into geekgirl's contest, i will gain no rep in steemit.
Jerry! I think your friend is here my mum reported from the kitcen window. I jumped up from the couch and grabbed my yellow sweater as the door bell rang for the third time.
 "Coming" i sprinted down the hall way and closed the door behind me" bye mum. Well, that was quick. 
The girl with an innocent smile greeted me. Good news or bad news? Bad before good, leave the best to the end. I chanted as we walk down the road. Kicking the rocks, i counted how many days i have left until i post my entry for the contest solomon told me about.
Well, the bad news is, i found the right entry for me. Cury spuned around as her loosed hair waved in the air. It is about the refugee group saving lots of homeless animals.
Well, that's cheerful. "Sarcastically i clapped my hands, i brought out a pack of sweet and handed cury a pieces while licking one myself. "Good news"? I found another interesting entry that i thought will be perfect for you! She looked as pleased as a little puppy. Oh, like she really have some news that will impress me. I rolled my eyes.
This! I know you won't believe it. "She unfolded a piece of paper from her pocket. Read it
My eyes count down the rows of the words. At least i sneered and read them out. **witnessing people making an outlet in the local trees** for homeless people who dont have light at night. "Yes" cury's white teeth were glowing in her sily smile. "Isn't that something fancy?
No! "I snapped". This is nothing but some fictional kiddie stuff! How on earth can it possibly be real? See you later. I turned and headed back home. Leaving cury standing there alone doesn't feel like a good deed, but she's the one who gave me that stupid fake entry about some lame outlet. Where did she even vet that? Is this her way to prank her friend?
The kets jingled as i opened the door and slammed it behind me making my way up to my room, i felt too tired and too stressed to respond to my mum's call.
When i woke up it about sunset already. My stomach grumbled as struggled to left myself up, i went down stairs, and i saw my mum watching a show on the tv. "I'm going out and be back soon" i reported and went to the door. The street is empty and silent. I worked, for i don't know how long until i reached my destination. 
"Jerry" the always happy voice greeted me. What are you doing out here i asked? I'm sorry cury. jerry huged her and said i shouldn't have said that you were childish, because you're the kindest person have ever met.
I let go off her and gazed at the woods, there's indeed an outlet in one of the trees. 
What are you doing? I asked gently. Oh! Just giving the homeless some burgers cury stratched her head. They live in the wood? I was surprised to find out how touh that might be. Some real life robin hood, "i don't know"cury shrugged, i can tell that she's been honest. She placed the neatly unwrapped food near the old tree with a box behind it.
"Let go now, i dont want to disturb them".  Yes i nodded. Why are you doing this? I broke the silence our footstep seems far to empty on the deserted pavement.
One of them saved my dog, cury replied. Tucking her hands in her pocket. Hushpuppy went missing one day, it was a refugee boy who brought him back.
He knocked and ran, "cury continued to explain staring at the last ray of sunlight for today. "I left mum to attend to hushpuppy and went after the boy. He was a fast runner but yet so skinny. Tht night was so dark, all i knew was him yelling at me to stop chasing him and then he jumoed into the woods.
I listened carefully as cury stopped to take a deep breath. I was frughtened, as all of a sudden, i was left alone in the dark. "Cury resumed. I looked into her clear eyes". All i wanted to do was ti thank him. And that how you brought up the outlet thing? I asked, alread knowing the answer. Cury blinked. Not really, i wasn't the only one cury nudged her mouth to one side. "But my family did buy that lamp and some food. 
When we came back once again, the food was gone cury eyelashes flickered. They helped hushpuppy alot, they literally saved his life. The vet said he was probably stuckef somewhere before he was rescued. That's way i'd feel bad not helping them in return. 

Jerry as @jerrybandfield
Solomon as @sirsticks
Cury as @curie
Geekgirl as @geekgirl
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2 replies
· @princeola · (edited)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;Once upon a time, there was a boy call @good-karma, living in a very big and popular country call Crypto-space but he is always feeling lonely, do some many things alone, eat, play, and do many other things alone. He wants to boys only school and his parent doesn't give him much chance to have a friend which have really affect his communication skills.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;Good-karma the lonely boy.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;He doesn't know how to woo a lady and also find it difficult to have a new friend, except for the only @jerrybanfield he has been friending with right from his primary school days. @jerrybanfield is a good guy and worth being a friend with, which is the reason why @good-karma parent has allowed him to be the only friend their son is having but there living far away from each other and that doesn't give them much chance to see their self except when they are in school. @jerrybanfield is a very smart guy with a lot of nice attitudes which has made him famous among ladies, but @good-karma is not happy about this because he doesn't know how to get along with those ladies just like his friend.</p>
<p>Jerry the smart guy</p>
<p>&nbsp;He has tried his best but everything seems complicated for him, but he never get tired of trying. He manages to have a girlfriend which her name is Plagiarize but they later both fight because,Plagiarize is having some bad behaviours like stealing, lying, fence jumping and some other bad attitude and also Plagiarize parent are so rude at times to the extent that Plagiarizes father(Laziness) beat @good-karma the fight day he went to check on his girlfriend (Plagiarize). @good-karma hate all this because he was brought up in a very good family.He broke up with Plagiarize and later got another girlfriend which he met at bar one night like that when he gets annoyed with his life and felt like taking some beer, her name was BEGFOV, BEGFOV is an acronym of &nbsp;(Begging for upvote). They gave BEGFOV this name because of the hardship her parent faced before giving birth to her, they beg a lot from one herbalist to another, which later turn her parent into known believer.. @jerrybanfield really love BEGFOV to the extent that he can do anything just for her, he doesn't even care about BEGFOV parent belief and his parent also like BEGFOV in respect of there believe just to have their son feel what he wanted and also gain his happiness wherever it is.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Days after days, months after months, with some years after, @jerrybanfield and @good-karma finish with there schooling at Crypto-land private university in Crypto-Space. they both head to Steemit. Steemit is a very small state under Crypto-space with a lot of treasures and head by @ned the richest man in the state. For them to have a great life they both have been dreaming of and also to be able to care for there parents as well. @good-karma tell her girlfriend about his journey and promise to come back for her soon and they both agreed.</p>
<p>Good-karma and Jerry graduation day.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;Steemit is a very nice state which everybody like to stay in and almost all the richest men in the Crypto-space like to go there for relaxation and for business. Fortunate for both good friend they got a connection to the richest man in the state, which promise to employ them as the branch manager to his new two companies built in the same state. &nbsp;@ned gave birth to a twin named Steem and Steem-Dollar, They are both beautiful and well educated also have their own job and earning well, they love their father and can't leave him for anything on earth. Their mother lives in abroad and they like her too but like their father more.</p>
<p>Ned, the steemit richest man.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;After some years that @good-karma and his friend have been employed by the rich man, they both have become rich and living a good life. but one sad weekend, @good-karma receive a call from home that his lady is already getting married to another guy called Impatience. @good-karma was very sad about this news and almost everybody around him knows from his mood. But the good Lord keep working with him, as one day the rich man sends his daughters to go and check on his companies to make sure everything is going on well. Steem and &nbsp;Steem-Dollar shared the work between their self and both head up for the work. Karma and Jerry have heard about the checking up and aware of those that are coming, they both preparing but has a smart guy Jerry is preparing something else for his boss daughter.</p>
<p>Love my foot.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;On the checking day, Steem went to Jerry while SteemDollar went to Good-karma, they were happy with how their father's companies have been managed by those two guys and later become friends with one another. In a short time, they woo their self and those ladies agreed as they all are single and happy expect for Good-karma which doesn't like how his love life is going but since he has known Steem-Dollar everything has changed for him to good just like his name (Good) karma. Steem-dollar gave him joy and almost everything he has been suffering for.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;In the main period of time, they plan for a wedding and invited all their families from other states. The wedding day was fun and they were both (Good-karma and Jerrybanfield) gifted by there father's in law with the company they are managing to be the real owner. They all live happily and enjoy their new home.</p>
<p>Good-karma and SBD honeymoon.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Thanks for reading my fiction story and thanks to @geekgirl for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I am glad.</p>
<p>Note;- All names used in this story is just for fun, and they are people I am looking up at in this crypto-sphere. I respect and love them all (No homo). And also all images and story are all my handworks no helping hand or copy from anywhere or anyone.</p>
<p>Jerry, I love Steem too okay? if you don't mind we can marry her And you Good-karma first princess in that happy home will marry my first son..okay?. hahaha</p>
<p>STEEM ON! &nbsp;</p>
đź‘Ť  , , , , , , , , , , and 15 others
4 replies
· @geekgirl ·
Update and Reminder on Art Fiction Witness Contest (Prize Pool 155~ STEEM)

Last week I announced a contest Art-Fiction-Witness. Originally contest started with 90 STEEM prize pool. Prize pool since then has increased thanks to donations by generous Steemians in support of Art, Fiction, and honoring Witnesses. Here is the list of donors:
@misterakpan - 10 STEEM
@ewuoso - 5 STEEM
@gmuxx - 10 STEEM
@ellicia - 10 STEEM
@carlgnash - 14 STEEM
All liquid earnings from the contest post will be added to the prize pool as well. Total prize pool currently is approximately 155 STEEM.

Here is how Prize distribution will look like:

Winning Prize:
1-Place: 60 STEEM
2-Place: 40 STEEM
3-Place: 20 STEEM
4-Place: 10 STEEM
5-Place: 10 STEEM

Also, earliest submitted 3 qualifying posts that don’t end up winning Top-3 prizes will receive 5 STEEM each.

Deadline for the contest is December 4th, 2017. Don’t wait. Participate.

Currently, there are 7 qualifying entries for the contest. They can be found under #artfictioncontest tag or [here]( Please read their posts and support the participants.

Visit the [contest post here]( for details about the contest and how to participate. Don't Wait. Grab your Steem.


Featured witnesses for the contest:



Please support and vote for these witnesses. Please also vote for @curie as your community witness.

Disclaimer:  Everything and anything expressed in this post and in the [contest post]( are my own opinions, and do not necessarily represent Curie or what it stands for.
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8 replies
· @caliber · (edited)
Hello guys, I am here to present to this beautiful people of Steemit my entry for @geekgirl's art and writing contest mash up. To be honest here, the thing that made me want to join are the prizes. I want a new pair of shoes this Christmas and I think 50$ will be enough for that, hahaha.XD

I don't have much more to say about this work that I've done so lets get this entry rolling here shall we?

# Jayry, a not so @jerrybanfield Character.

Jerry, a pig with a big dream. His dream is to become the underground boss of a Yakuza group. He always tells to other people about his dream and whenever he does people always goes, *"meh, I doubt that you can even be just a normal boss of store shop or a small company"*.

Life was terrible it is but that wasn't enough to put Jerry's dreams down. No matter what people said to him, he just keeps on striving and work hard hoping that he will achieve what he wants someday.

And then...
# The Real Story

Just kidding, that wasn't the real story...

It is a Saturday today and Jerry was having his weekend day off. He made a promise to his friend Stinky the snail to be hanging around at Stinky's house to play some over watch for the whole day. That is a normal thing for school kids now a days.
Jerry was already on his way when he bumped into Karma, not the bad karma, but **good karma**(bad and good karma are brothers).

*"Hoot, Jerry, hoot, Jerry"*, Karma Calls Jerry.

*"What is it Karma?"*

*"I happen to saw that the obstacles ahead of you aren't good"*

*"What? Is this one of your fortune telling plays again?"*


*"I'm not buying it this time Karma, get lost"*

Jerry ignored Karma and proceeded to his way to Stinky's house.

*"I actually saw it, oh well, its Jerry anyway, he can handle it"*, Karma said as Jerry ignored him.



Jerry already got to the bridge on his way to Stinky's. Unfortunately, the bridge has been closed because the bridge collapsed recently due to an accident. There was no other way around to Stinky's but the bridge that has been closed. 

Giving up on going to Stinky's would be a good choice here but since the hero of the story is Jerry, he finds another way.

Up on a near distant, Jerry saw some bubbles floating around. With those and Jerry's brilliance he deviced a plan, an incredible plan.

Jerry catches some bubbles around 20-30 of them. The plan is to release all of them at once and randomly jump over each of them like a ninja until he reaches the end of the other cliff towards Stinky's.

Ridiculous at it sounds, Jerry does the plan. Jerry releases the bubbles at once and immediately jumps on the first bubble. After jumping on a bubble he immediately jumps on the next one, and then he jumps on the next one and so on.

Jerry almost already had done it to the other end when suddenly a strong wind blew the bubbles away from the direction that he intended to be.

Jerry attempted to come back to where he was but failed because the wind has blown the bubble that he was riding towards a point where jumping on a safe land is impossible.
Jerry's plan failed, his failure lead him to being stranded on a remote island. Its already 10 A.M that time and Jerry needs to act fast, time isticking and his quality over watch time is slowly ticking away from him.

With his best that he can, Jerry made a raft and sets to sea. 

The ocean was calm and peaceful. Jerry would be at Stinky's in no time if only a big sea monster didn't showed up on his way.

The sea monster chased Jerry and in response Jerry rowed as fast as he can until he loses the sea monster.
Things got worse for Jerry, because he was so focused on getting away from the sea monster his direction towards Stinky's got further, instead, he gets into the worst place he could ever be during the weekends. **At his teacher's house**

Jerry has been questioned about his assignement and many bad more things happened... He had to attend a **special class!**

**In a weekend**

**By that very day!**

**So terrible!**
Okay before things gets more worse with the cringiness of this story, I'll end it. 

So Jerry bumped into more trouble but in the end he still succeeded his way towards Stinky's.

A few more walks before Stinky's, Jerry saw Luke the dog( @lukestokes ), Xeldal the bear, and RS the centaur( @roadscape ). The three were playing a game and somehow it took Jerry's attention for a while.

*"Hey Jerry"*, Xeldal called Jerry.


*"Stinky wanted me to hand over a letter to you, here"*

Jerry opens the letter. The letter says:

>Dear Jerry,

>Me and mom will be going to the mall. I will ask mom to buy me some riot points(don't worry, I'll share you some when I get back)
><div class="pull-right">Yours truly,</div>

># <div class="pull-right">**Stinky**</div>

**Jerry**: Mother F@#!#$...!

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· @titangel · (edited)
Xeldal and the Ghost Parade
# Hello guys, this is my entry for @geekgirl's contest about art and story together in one. 
I read the post several times and learned that there is a drama going on, I don't really want to ~~butt~~ into it because I don't know these people who are in a fight, hope they figure out that fighting in this platform is not worth it, so just do it on the streets, LOL. Just kidding...![](
Anyway, I asked the people in the chatroom about the gender of @xeldal and find no answers. Well, for me, @xeldal is a cute name for a girl and so I made @xeldal in my story a girl. I hope you find this work of mine good. So with all that said, please do enjoy my work, **"Xeldal and the Ghost Parade"**.

# Story Time!
It was her summer vacation that time when all of those happened. Xeldal, a 15 year old girl with her family came into their relatives in the province to spend the whole summer vacation with them.

Because its summer season, the weather is hot but because of the light breezes on the province the weather seems to be  likeable despite of all the heat. 
Xendal went out a bit for some fresh air after finishing a book that she was reading. She gets into the middle of the grassy field and smiled up while stretching her body. She was completely enjoying herself at her vacation.

Xeldal looked around from where she was standing, just looking at the beautiful views of the province when suddenly...
The tall grass made some sound that as if there is something moving under them. Xeldal noticed it and got cautious at the moment.

*"The hell, I was noticed"*, a small creature said while running away from Xeldal's position. The said creature is a weird small being as size of a midget that wears a pirate costume and has a really tall and narrow head.

Xeldal got a little surprised at what she just saw, the creature was so bizarre that she paused out of shock by that moment.

The creature ran into the old house nearby and gets in. Xeldal, after recovering from her shock decides to take a closer look on what she just saw. With that said, she gets into the house too.

Slowly, Xeldal opens the door and gets in. What a curious little girl- and her courage is also exceptional. Most people will just run away if they see something out of their imagination. Just look at weak people when you tell them things about cryptocurrencies, they run around like chickens and shout "that is a scam" even the all time highs are clear as a day.

*"Hello? Wait, I heard that thing can talk, maybe its smart and..."*

*"Stay away!"*, a voice came out as a reply.

*"Don't worry, I will not hurt you, I just want to know..."*

*"Want to know? Little girl, you are the one that will be hurt here, your curiosity will hurt you!"*

Disregarding all the little creature's words, Xeldal went inside the house. The door shuts close, *"bam"*!

*"You witch, I already told you! Now your doom will start from here!"*, the little creature came out from where it was hiding. Soon, the room went dark and the walls of the house collapses.


*"I warned you... Now find your way out of your trouble missy!"*

After the walls collapses, there was nothing to see. Everything is dark as black, as if Xeldal was outside our atmosphere. She was like on outer space. 

The little creature runs out of the scene, Xeldal tries to follow but a large voice stops her. *"Can you please stop chasing people that do not want you?"*

*"What? I just stopped you from doing anything more stupid than this... Do you have any idea what you just did and where you are?"*

Xeldal was out of words, from a small creature that she was chasing now a very large creature is on front of her talking. 

*"Do you even know who  that guy is? That small guy is a space pirate that has been cursed for his  multiple heinous crimes and he is sentenced to be in that form and live alone for eternity. Anyone who gets near him will be sent into a random dimension, and now your talking to me, a space cat, a cat that lives in the middle of different realities. In short, you're screwed!"*




*"But do not worry, you're just lost..."*

The big cat points and a array of lights lits out of nothing. It was a long corridor. The corridor is so long that you cannot see the end of the said corridor.

*"Just follow the lights and there you will find Jack, be nice to him and he will tell you how to get back to you home"*

There is nothing Xeldal can really say here, everything that is happening is just so random. The fact that there are multiple realities existing was already too much for a 15 year old girl. All she can do now is follow the cat's instruction.

The corridor lights turns off after Xeldal passed on them. Looking behind the areas without lights are like endless darkness of different terrors, the situation is so sudden, so hard to grasp and so tense that Xeldal can hear her own heart beat while she was walking.

After hours of walk, Xeldal saw a day light from a near distant, it was a way out. She ran as fast as she can, all those darkness suffocated her that it made her excited on seeing natural light. It was like light was water and she was so thirsty of light.

As soon as she came out, a fire shot from a gun has been heard all over the field. The fire shot came from a man chasing a nut cracker.

*"Oh no! I don't want to be in more trouble"*, Xaldal runs afar from the commotion of the place.

*"Help! Help!"*, the nut cracker shouts for help.

*"Waaah, my heart can't take this anymore!"*, Xeldal runs as fast as she can but still gets reached by the nut cracker. The nut cracker runs along with Xeldal and makes a little chat.

*"Hey, cut it out, I'll be in more trouble if you run with me!"*

*"Help, I will die if you don't help me"*

*"You have a gun, why not use it to fire back? Maybe you can win?"*

*"What if I don't?"*

*"At least you tried I guess?"*

*"I guess I have to decline!!! Wahhh!"*

After that sentence, the man shooting made a hit on the nut cracker's leg that made the leg snap of into two.

*"Blam, blam, blam"*, the nut cracker rolls on the field due to the inertia exerted while they were running. *"Now I'm dead!"*

The gun that the nut cracker was holding moments ago flew into a far distant. Now the nut cracker is shaking in fear, the man hunting him is now approaching.

*"You and your family have big debt to me, how dare you run away and hide from me? Those money should had been invested to bitcoin!"*

*"Why not buy Steem instead?"*

*"Shut up! I didn't told you to answer back!"*, the man answers with his gun pointing to the nut cracker. And then...

*"Bang!"*, a gun has been fired. But the gun that was fired wasn't from the hunter, it was from the nut cracker, the gun that the nut cracker was holding when he was running. Xeldal took it for a fire.

*"Waaa, what?"*, the hunter got surprised, the gun fire that was made scraped his cheek a line that made it bleed a little.

*"Who are you? Wha... Don't hurt me"*, the hunter ran away with Xeldal having no chance to answer.

In fact, Xeldal herself is in another shocking episode of her life, that is her first time to shoot a gun and she almost killed someone with it. If only she just pointed more accurately, she could had got the head instead of just the cheek.

"*Thank you, I could had been dead by now if you haven't..."*


*"Hey,are you okay..?"*

Cause the nut cracker was greatful of him being saved, he helped out Xeldal finding her way to Jack. It was already dark that time when they made it to the town where Jack could be found.

The space cat told Xeldal that Jack could be find at the end of the dark corridor. Somehow Xeldal expected that Jack is the nut cracker and maybe the one reading this too, possibly.:D

The town was full of lights and colorful *banderitas*, there is a festival going on.

*"Excuse me ma'am..."*, someone excuses Xeldal from her behind because she was blocking the way of the stranger. Xeldal turns and looks, it was a ghost.

*"...that's a ghost Xeldal, don't you?"*

*"With everything that happened to me today, there is nothing that can surprise me anymore, where is Jack?"*

The nut cracker points on the parade that was going on, behind, behind the crowd and the parade of ghost and monsters, a big grinning monster was watching the parade.

*"That big grinning fella is Jack go talk to him"*, with that said, Xeldal approached Jack.

*"Excuse me sir, are you Jack?"

*"A little girl human... I wonder why something like you got here..."*

From here, what could Xeldal be seeing? Will she be able to go home? Or will be doing some more adventure before reaches to a conclusion..?

**The weird world of Xeldal and the Ghost Parade.**

# [End]

**Thank you for reading this entry for @geekgirl's contest, I hope people enjoys reading it.**
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· @nairadaddy ·
Steem-Men Apocalype: JerryCapfield, LookSteekes & GoodRoider Take EvilMan
#### Once upon a long time there were 3 half-men and half-whales with super powers. They lived and ruled in the land of Steem and their people called them Steem-Men. They took it upon themselves to fight evil to oblivion. But it seemed evil never gives up because it keeps coming back.


#### JerryCapfield has a very powerful cap he uses to cover EvilMan's eyes while he makes Youtuberous videos to kill them. LookSteekes is a witness to every evil deed done by EvilMan so he uses his bespectacled eyes to shoot lazers while carrying the super-charged steemflag. Goodroider has his way of eSTEEmating the APPraisal of EvilMAN with his robotic AI brain. So he's able to know Evo's weak points and communicate via telepathy to JC and LS.

#### At this particular time, there is a bad famine and drought in the Steemland. All the minnows in the sea are turning to deadfishes and its because of EvilMan who appears and disappears like a half-man, half-shark to attack. JC, LS and GR must fight or the entire humanity will be wiped out like an apocalypse. Is this the end of days for minnows and dolphins? Will Steem-Super-Men be able to wade off the threats of Evo? Or better still can they annihiliate him forever?

#### Watch out and see. Indeed these are dangerous times and all men must fight this war for good Steem-earth to survive. EvilMan came with fire and brimestone to steal, kill and destroy all the minnows. Infact he has done too much damage already with his evolistic fire. Only the Steem-Men can save everyone! 

#### Initially they went alone and fought fiercely. The battle proved abortive as EvilMan almost got the killed. Hmmm. Then LookSteekes had a brilliant idea to join forces with the others and build a unified Steem power to damage Evo. And they did. With a combination of their super-powers, they killed the beast and buried the hatchet.

#### That day, there was a great party in Steemdom. The king @ned came with his right-hand man @dan. They invited kingsmen @jerrybanfield, @lukestokes and @goodkarma to come and participate in giving these great Super-Men a steem gold and silver round medals for their achievement. During his speech at that party, the king declared all Steemians equal. Hurray! All minnows, red-fishes, dolphins and whales lived happily together ever after. 

### See you in paradisteem!

# This post was entered for the #artfictionwitness contest hosted by @geekgirl. Cheers!
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· @tezzmax · (edited)
Karma craves for power in the land of no Bastards........#Rebirth.
### <center>*Karma craves.*</center>

***Mr. Karma was born in the year 1954 to Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Mr. Martin was a military man in his country (Bitland). He was sent by his county to lead a war against a neighboring country (steemland). The two countries were actually fighting for a piece of land in between them called Fork, and fortunately, the country(bitland) won the battle and Mr. Martin decided to settle down in Steemland where he got married to a steemian ( a steemland citizen) Miss Lumpkin which is now Mrs. Martin. They had only one child which is Karma. Karma was born in Steemland but after five years, his father took him back to Bitland to get to meet his father’s family and he spend twenty years in bitland, where he spent all his childhood and youthful life, but after the twenty years, He went back to steemland and got himself a wife, a steemian and took her to Bitland and came back to Steemland when his wife was pregnant to deliver their baby in Steemland, and he got just one child from his wife, a girl known as Miss Gee karma (a practicing lawyer)and went back to Bitland but later came back for his family.***
#### <center>*Karma @63.*</center>

***After another twenty-four years in steemland, Mr Karma had already become a big and wealthy man, he is into oil and gas and he is doing well. Right from childhood, Mr Karma is ever interested in politics, so had always wished he could be a president.***

***Now, it’s November 2016, just a year to the next presidential election in steemland and Mr. Karma had thought of being a contestant but doesn’t know how to go about it, because he was never a politician in steemland , but he decided to pay his friend a visit if could help him. Sir Ned is a businessman and also happens to be the richest man in steemland. Sir Ned became friends with Mr. Karma when he learnt that it was Mr. Karma’s father that helped his own father to be alive during the war between steemland and bitland.***

***When Mr. Karma visited Sir Ned concerning what he desire and how he cherish to be a president in steemland. Sir Ned was perplexed because he knew it was never going to be easy at all. But in other not to discourage Mr. Karma he told him, he would do something about it. Sir Ned went ahead to meet with his friend (President Luke S. K) who happens to be the present president, and told him about Mr. Karma his friend and his desires. But, when President Luke S. K went through Mr. Karma’s Biography, he was disappointed and he said to his friend Sir Ned….”This man’s father is from bitland, No steemian would love to have a bastard as a president, Not even a bitlandnian (a bitland citizen)”. Sir Ned replied Mr. President and said “though his father is a bitlandnian, but he is a steemian! Mr President asked if Mr. Karma had lived in steemland for more that twenty-five years. But no he hasn’t, his stay in steemland would make twenty-five years on the third day before the next presidential election and Mr. President said “can you see now, he is not even qualify.***

***The constitution stated that a presidential candidate must have lived in the country for at least twenty-five years as a citizen and he hasn’t. After a longtime discussion between Mr. President and Sir Ned, Mr. President later agreed to buy Mr. Karma the post of the president to be in his party.***

***After some months, it’s few months to the presidential election. Steemland operates their government with just two parties (The Democratic and the Republican) The candidate for the Democratic party is Mr. Karma while on the other hand was Mr. J. Banks (candidate for the republican). And now, it’s time to start campaigning. At first, people weren't willing and ready to support Mr. Karma to be a president because the opposition party had labeled him a bastard with the aid of his biography.***

***As time goes on, during Mr. Karma’s campaign he made it clear to people that “though my father is a bitlandnian but I remain a steemain because I was born on the steem soil”. And he went further by telling the steemians (citizens) that he has come to be a good ruler and he is ready to make steemland the greatest country in the continent (blockchain), he also told them that he would make sure that steem (the steemland currency) is been accepted as the world currency in other to make the steemland economy grow fast and big. During this campaign, he had left all the steemians on a fence (a point where it is hard to make decisions) because, the steemians had never been told anything concerning the growth of their economy and currency by their past Presidents during campaigns.***

***Since Mr. Karma has now won the heart of the people with is manifesto, Mr. J. Banks is now totally confused and he ran to his sponsors and party members and asked if there was anything that could be done at this point. Mr. J. Banks, his sponsors which are the country major business tycoons (Whales Group) with Don. Ziggy as the leader of the (Whales Group) had a meeting along side with the republican major party members. During the meeting they all agreed to charge the Democratic Party to court for not following what the constitution has against Mr. Karma.***
#### <center>*Mr. J. Banks and his sponsors having a meeting.*</center>

***Mr. J. Banks and his sponsor visited Lord Xed (the head of the judiciary department) and told him all that was wrong with Mr. Karma’s biography and history. When Lord Xed went through Mr. Karma’s biography also he discovered that partially he is not worthy to be President in steemland. So they all agreed to sue the Democratic Party to court.***

***Mr. Passing is a personal assistant to Don. Ziggy and also a godson to Sir Ned, during the meeting between Mr. J. Banks and his sponsors, Mr. Passing had known all what the republican party were up to and he never wanted his godfather to fall their victim. Mr. Passing scheduled a meeting with his godfather somewhere outside the country and explained all the Republican Party strategy to win again him and his party. Mr. Passing told his godfather that they had only just one way out and his godfather asked him what the way out was, but he made sure his godfather promised him a wealthy life before revealing the way out. Sir Ned agreed and promised his godson.***

***After the promise Mr. Passing betrayed his boss (Don. Ziggy) by telling his godfather that the Whales Group are not a legal business tycoons that they are drug lords. He said to his godfather that the only way they could overcome the Republican and win the election is only by informing the anti-crime department to go and search Don. Ziggy’s house where he has an underground where he keeps his money and drugs. Immediately after the discussion, Sir Ned contacted Mr. Karma and the major Democratic Party members and told them all he was told by his godson. Firstly, the party members aren’t ready to believe Mr. Passing’s confessing until Sir Ned was able to convince them and they believed and agreed to work on it.***
***It was just a month left to the election when the anti-crime police men got Don. Ziggy apprehended in his house while he was sniffing “cocaine”. The arrest of Don. Ziggy lead to the misfortune of the Republican party and it members and the people of steemland aren’t ready to vote Mr. J. Banks anymore and the constitution of the country doesn’t warrant the postponement of any presidential election.***

***Finally, the election had started earlier today, still with the same contestants (Mr. Karma and Mr. J. Banks). It took about 15 hours to run the election and with adequate security, the election was indeed a free and air election.
It was the day after the presidential election and the winner was announced and the winner happens to be the assumed bastard (Mr. Karma). He won the election with more than half a million votes ahead of his opponent while the population of the steemland citizens is about 4 million plus. For the Democratic Party it was a great thing to celebrate and the formal President is willing and happy to hand over power to the assumed bastard who eventually won the election.***

***After the first thirty days of Mr. Karma being a President of steemland, it was brought into law that no form of discrimination or fight should ever come up between the bitlandnians and the steemians again. President Karma pronounced the both countries as “birds of friendship”.***

***After some months, it was finally the day to pass judgment on Don. Ziggy and the whole (Whales Group) members and funny enough, it was Judge Gee Karma that is in charge of the case. She’s now a Judge after years of practicing Law. She sentenced Don. Ziggy and his fellow members to life imprisonment. Unfortunately, after some days, a group of mask men went to kill Mr. Passing in his house, these men were assumed to be working for Don. Ziggy.***
### <center>*Judge Gee Karma passed judgment on Don. Ziggy and his group members.*</center>

### <center>*CASTING.*</center>
@good-karma as Mr. Karma or President Karma.
@lukestokes as President Luke S. K.
@ned as Sir Ned.
@jerrybanfield as Mr. J. Banks
@donkeypong as Don. Ziggy.
@surpassinggoogle as Mr. Passing.
@geekgirl as Miss Gee Karma.
@xeldel as Lord Xed.
@curie as Whales Group.
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8 replies
· @illuminatus ·
lukestokes And The Steempocalypse
The year was 2019. Steem had hit the $26,000 mark. Along with this milestone came a breathtaking discovery. Not everyone could sign up in Steemit. No matter how hard one tried to get people to sign up on Steemit, it was just impossible for some people to join the platform. Steemit was only attractive to descendants of the ancient Greek Gods. Even if a normal human tried to join, a glitch was bound to occur, which prevented them from joining the platform.

Different stories which had been regarded as stories for young children were being revisited. Steemians were finding out more about their ancestry as it turned out that being on the site was unlocking a dormant gene in us. It was discovered that @dan and @ned were both descendants of Athena(don't ask me how), the Goddess of wisdom, craft and war. @jerrybanfield was a descendant of Zeus. @goodkarma was a descendant of Nemesis, the Goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune.

Ordinary humans became scared of the Steemians, who according to them were "freaks". As they have always done with things they don't understand, the humans attacked every Steemian they could find, accusing them of witchcraft. I remember being attacked by some guys with guns. I was only able to save myself because I was a descendant of Hypnos. My brother was killed by some people who had poisoned him. It was a time of great turmoil for Steemians.

While everyone else had found out who they descended from, @lukestokes was yet to find out who he descended from. He had no special abilities and barely escaped with his life when Steemians were being hunted.

At a point, all the countries in the world agreed to round up their resident Steemians and subject them to experimental studies. They saw no reason why every human should not have the special abilities. @roadscape, a descendant of Hephaestus and delegate.lafona, another descendant of Athena were able to manipulate the world wide database, thus temporarily saving the steemians.

A witchhunt for Steemians began and several Steemians were captured and experimented upon. A bounty of $20,000 was placed on each Steemian and several people became bounty hunters.

On a certain day, an alien spaceship entered the Earth's atmosphere. It's occupants were soldiers of to a race that had conquered and destroyed several races within our section of the galaxy and sought to add us to their growing list. They destroyed several cities and laid several human dwellings to waste.

Every nation in the world joined hands against them but they seemed unstoppable. For the first time in a long while, humans and Steemians were working together. Several lives were lost in the war and the aliens took over large portions of the earth.

One day, an earthling group of fighters which comprised of human soldiers and Steemians were camped beside a beach licking our wounds when a small group of alien soldiers arrived. We tried our best to fight against them but they had superior weapons compared to what we earthlings had. For some strange reason, we Steemians could not use our abilities against them hence, we had to stick to using normal human weapons.

During the fight, an alien soldier ran into @lukestokes and threw him to the floor. Just as he was about to finish him off, @lukestokes began to convulse. With this convulsion, the earth began to quake. Everyone temporarily forgot about the fight and left the dead and dying to seek refuge from the earthquake. 

During all this pandemonium,@lukestokes rose up, raised his hand up and water rose up from the sea. Like a water-bender from the avatar cartoon, @lukestokes poured drenched the entire beach with water. Loud unintelligible sounds filled the earth as the aliens screamed in pain.

We had made use of fire power against the aliens. It turned out that we had been employing the wrong tactics all along. We watched in awe as the aliens dropped to the floor in agony and slowly disintegrated before our eyes.We won that battle and the subsequent ones under @lukestokes leadership.

Who could have guessed that ordinary water was what was required to stop the seemingly almighty aliens? It was confirmed that the seemingly nimble @lukestokes was a descendant of Poseidon, the God of the sea, earthquakes, soil, storms, and horses.

To cut the long story short, @lukestokes saved the day, helped Earth win the war and brought peace and harmony among the Steemians and the human.

Artwork by @camzy
Story by @illuminatus
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7 replies
· @infinityedge · (edited)
Good-karma, the Witness of the Magical Forest
# He lurks in the deepness of the frightening night. The colors of blue, crimson, purple and yellow dances along the terrors of the night. Humans, animals, demons, monsters and other elements tremble upon his presence. He is the ultimate judgement, the best witness mankind has ever seen.
Good-karma was born in a tribe that lives with the wonderful creatures of the forest named *Fartlings*. Fartlings are intelligent creatures that can par up with humans. What makes these *Fartlings* incredible is their good understanding of how to use and harness the powers of nature around them. Because they tend to live with some human beings some humans were able to learn some of the *Fartling's* secrets. One of them is Good-Karma. 

At such young age of 12, Good-karma had already shown incredible potential that even the highly adept elders of their tribe acknowledged. He was an incredible prodigy, an indeed phenomena.

At age of 20, he left his tribe to explore the world. Good-karma met a lot of people, traveled to many places, learned a lot of things and realized an important thing about his self.

After getting tired of traveling over the years Good-karma decided to go back to his home, the forest where his tribe lives.

What a terrible scene did he saw when he made it back to his home tribe, the used to be forest that was full of life is now covered with dark matter. Every branch, every twig, even every leaf under foot are now covered with black unknown substance. How could this be? What happened? This were the questions that suddenly came into Good-karma's mind the moment he saw the feat.

Good-karma rushed to his home, hoping to see anyone that he knows. He did saw some people along his way but they were no longer alive, lying on the ground. 

*"Good-karma"*, suddenly a voice called Good-karma while he was running home. The voice came from a man that is covered in blood. The man is someone that Good-karma knows.

*"What happened here, why is everyone?.."*, Good-karma asks.

*"The *Hiplops*, this is all their doing"


After the man said his last sentence he quickly dies on Good-karma's arms. What a devastating thing to experience from a years long trip around the world. After hearing those words from the man, Good-karma looked around the village and found no one alive anymore. Good-karma's heart was then filled with hatred and anger that leaded to his desire for vengeance...


# Good-karma Champion Spotlight

Good-karma is a mage carry initiator with abilities that can deal heavy damage once casted properly. He is a range champion with high armor and big health pool and mana pool. Alas, his perfect, don't question it.
**Red Flag** 
His first ability(Q) is Red Flag, a burst ability that makes him throw a red flag to an area that makes the units in the said area take damage and get downvoted bigtime. The affected units will get no rewards and their posts will be hidden due to low rating.

I level up Good-karma's Red flag at level one, I do prioritize this ability of his since I use it as an ability to control my lane. <center>![](</center>
**I Hate Plagiarism!**
Good-karma's second ability is called I hate plagiarism!(W), its a crowd control ability that makes him fly to the sky and cast a short period rain in an area, the units that will be stricken by the rain's posts will be assessed for plagiarism and spamming, if one of the units are guilty of either spamming or plagiarism- Good-karma will then summon his pet, Cheetah.
**Vote Me for Witness**
Good-karma's third ability is called Vote for me for witness(E) were he makes his body generate a lot of arms to hand over flyers to the units around him that says "vote me for witness". This ability boosts up Good-karma's reputation and earnings depending on the number of units around him. This is indeed a greedy ability. LOL.
**Here is an Upvote!**
And of course, Good-karma's last ability, his ultimate, Here is an Upvote!(R). Here is an upvote is a powerful support ability that makes the targeted unit's blog be rewarded bigtime. Whenever Good-karma uses this ability, his presence of being a witness shines and so does his following increases. Hehehehe...

# About My Entry

There is no much to say about what I did above but please @good-karma, please don't be offended if ever, I just made all of those for fun, for entertainment purposes only. I chose @good-karma to be the character of my entry because I find his name fitting for the story. XD

And yeah, just in case you don't know the reference for the **"Good-karma champion spotlight"**, that section is derived from those videos in Youtube about League of Legends Champions. Do check them out if you don't get the joke behind that part, hahaha. League of Legends is a video game.


# Thank you for reading this, I hope you guys enjoyed, I enjoyed drawing and writing it! Bye, love you all!
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31 replies
· @ajremy · (edited)
The WIT-nesses: Hostages (My Art-Fiction-Witness Contest Entry)
![2017-11-22 00.15.12.jpg](
(Original hand-drawn picture)

_"Sir, there's an hostage situation at the Steem Mall"_, Stella announced, walking into the office of the Prime Minister.

Ned, the Prime Minister of Steemaria, who had been looking through the glass and enjoying the view of the Content Lake behind his office, while sipping on a cup of freshly brewed coffee,turned around slowly, then facing the defense secretary, Stella, he said, _"Call in the Hostage Rescue Team or something. I don't know why you're telling me this"._

_"I dont think you understand the gravity of the situation, sir, "_, Stella frowned _" The perpetrator of this attack is Jeremy"_

_"Jeremy?"_, He shivered, spilling his coffee in the process, _"I thought he was in jail?"_

_"So did everyone, until this morning when news came in of his attack on steem mall but turns out he escaped prison yesterday night"_, she said, handing him a picture of a CCTV footage of Jeremy leaving the Steem Federal Jail (SFJ)

_"How is this even possible?"_, Ned aked with surprise _"The SFJ is supposed to be a high security prison. It's impossible to break out from"_

_"Well if anybody can break out from a high security facility like SFJ, it's Jeremy and he already has."_ Stella sighed _"Now its our duty to stop the teenage maniac from wreaking havoc again."_

_"What are his demands?"_, Ned inquired.

_"He's asking for 40 million sbd and 20 million steem. He demands the ransom in 24 hours and did I tell you Dr. Block trades is among his hostages?"_

_"He has Dr. Block trades as an hostage? Is he crazy?"_, Ned exclaimed and Stella gave him the "duh" face.

Of course, Jeremy was goddamn crazy.  Though just 15 years old, he was the most dangerous criminal in Steemaria and had been on the SBI (Steem Bureau of Investigation) most wanted list since he was 13. After being captured last month, everyone thought they had heard the last of him until now.

_"Dr. Block trades is very vital to our nation and we can't lose him. The Hostage Rescue team can't stop Jeremy and we defintely can't give him the money hes asking for."_ Stella explained.

_"There's only on way to stop him"_ Ned sighed, sitting on the edge of his desk, _"Call in the WIT-nesses"_
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Jerry Banfield drove his red Ferrari to the defence headquaters, the Pyramid. He'd received a call from the defence minister while on his was to the park with his daughter and wife. Though angry about his family time being disrupted, he knew his duty to protect Steemaria was important, especially with a maniac like Jeremy walking free. He parked the Ferrari next to a Black Camry and head up to the Pyramid.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
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_"Hey buddy"_, Curie hollered as Jerry walked through the door. 

_"Long time, no see, huh?"_, Jerry said shaking Curie's hand with a beaming smile. 

Jerry always seemed to be smiling. He was just one of those people who were happy most of the time.

_" Detective Banfield, Colonel Curie",_ Stella said as she walked into the room "Thanks for coming"

_"Always a pleasure"_, Curie said.

Switching to a serious face Stella began " _Like I've already informed both of you, the teenage maniac you helped us capture just last month is now on the loose. We don't know how he escaped prison but we're not surprised he could. This morning, he attacked the Steem mall and for the first time, he's not working alone"_

A picture appeared on the screen.

_" Sir Solomon Sticks, popular gang leader"_, Curie exlaimed, recognising the face.

_"Yes"_, Stella affirmed, nodding _"They're both in this together and since Sir Sticks is involved, we expect there would be a lot of goons around"._

_"We shouldn't have too much trouble getting past them",_ Jerry smirked to Curie

_"Aye"_, Curie said _" I'm only worried about Jeremy. It took us months and months of sleepless nights and planning to catch him last time out and this time, we've got just 24 hours"_

_"We better stack up our ammos and get to work then"_ Jerry heaved _" Wait, where's Feruz?"_.

Feruz, Special Agent Good Karma, was the third member of the WIT-nesses special ops team.

_"Agent Good Karma wasn't able to make it. He's in Lisbon for Steemfest"._

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *

Jerry pulled up the minivan in the woods just behind the Steem Mall. 

_"We'll have to walk from here"_, he said to Curie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *

_"Did you hear that?"_, A white man with a British accent said to his friend, pulling out his gun.

_"Hear what?",_ The black guy responded, confused.

The white guy fell to the ground with a thud and just as the black guy turned around to pull out his guy, a bullet hit him at his temple.

_"Nice shot"_, Curie smiled to Jerry, who returned a grin as they moved forward. 

_"Shush"_, Curie said as they approached the stair case. He went up the stairs and three bodies rolled down in quick succession. He whistle to signal that Jerry could come and Jerry went up the stairs.

_"HQ, Agent Curie here. Where are the hostages?",_ Curie whispered into his walkie talkie

_"Fifth floor. The lobby of  Steem Power Cinema",_ a feminine voice answered on the other end _"By the way, I'm not HQ. My code name is Geekgirl"_

Jerry Shrugged and Curie responded _"Okay GEEKGIRL, we're headed up. Any info?."_

_"Yeah. I'm logged into the cctv cameras in the mall and from what I can see, you have to take out about twenty guys before you get there. Goodluck"_, she said

_"We'll need"_, Curie said, raising his gun and putting the walkie-talkie in its pouch.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
 They both pulled their triggers and two men fell. 

* * * * * * * * * * *
Jerry docked the bullet and returned a shot at the black man approaching him while Curie sprayed five guys with bullet and more bodies rolled down.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * 

As they reached the fifth floor, they were greeted with bullets. Curie grunted.

_"Are you okay"_, Jerry asked

_"Yeah, I guess",_ Curie answered in pain, holding his arm where he had been shot.

The had taken cover behind a metal bin. More bullets ricocheted off the metal before Jerry stood and fired in retaliation while Curie left the cover and ran forward, shooting. When the shooting ended, seven men lay dead on the red rug. They headed towards the Lobby and as they entered, a bomb went off, throwing them of their feet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

_"Curie",_ Jerry whispered.

Curie coughed and opened his eyes to see Jeremy standing right in front of him with a menacing grin. He had had them tied up to chairs and now they were two of his many hostages.

_"Hello"_, Jeremy shrieked in ecstasy, grinning like an imbecile _" Welcome to my little party. Having fun?"_

Jerry and Curie stared at him without responding. 

_"Have you no mouths?"_, Sir Sticks croaked stepping forwards and landing punches on the faces of both men.

_"That's no way to treat our guests,  Sticks"_, Jeremy said, then facing Jerry and Curie _"I'm sorry. He lacks manners"_

_"I'm sorry too",_ Jerry said as he stood with the chair and turned, letting it hit sticks in the process. He had untied himself, then raising his hands _"that your men can't tie knots properly"._

Six men ran forward, forming a circle around Jerry and Curie, who had already picked up Sticks gun. Jeremy backed out of the circle, smiling. 

Standing with six guns pointed at them and Curie wielding the only gun for them, Jerry whispered,_"Can you take out all six of em?"_

_"Yeah, But you'll be dead by then and I might too"_,  Curie grinned.

_"I'll take my chances",_ Jerry heaved.

The guns went of and as if on cue, Jerry and Curie slid dodging the guns, letting the goons ex themselves out and Curie shot the last one of them. Just as he and Jerry stood up, a gunshot went off and a chandelier crashed to the ground causing the hostages around to shriek in fear as the pieces of glass shattered as they avalanched.

Jeremy was holding Dr. Blocktrades by the neck and pressing a gun to his temple. _"I'll shoot him and yunno it"_

Curie crouched to drop the gun he was holding.

_"No. Don't drop it."_ Jeremy whined _"Shoot yourself"_

_"What?"_, Jerry said in surprise looking at the top to bottom window.

Just as Jeremy looked behind him, glass shattered letting a man in black swing in, feet first, and hit him right in the face. He and Dr. Block trades fell to the ground and he lost grip of his gun. Pushing Dr. Block trades away, he scrambled for the gun and just as he stretched to pick it, a foot kicked it away and as he looked up to see who it was, the foot slammed into his face, knocking him out. 

The man in black turned around and Curie and Jerry smiled. It was Special Agent Good Karma. But it wasn't he who had taken Jeremy out, it was Dr. Block trade.

* * * * * * * * * *
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![2017-11-22 00.16.44.jpg](
(Digitally edited version of my drawing)

<h2>CAST (in order of appearance)</h2>

@stellabelle as Stella
@Ned as Prime Minister Ned
@jerrybanfield as Detective Jerry
@curie as Conlonel Curie
@geekgirl as geekgirl
@ajremy as Jeremy
@sirsticks as Sir Solomon Sticks
@blocktrades as Dr Block Trades
@good-karma as Feruz "Special Agent Good Karma

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_The team behind the scene and never seen,_
_But work had day and night to keep steemit alive._
_And though almost unnoticed and unseen,_
_They're the reason steemit can survive._

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<h2>Author's Note</h2>


<h3>_It took me the whole day to write this story and draw the picture then edit it but I hope it makes the cut for the contest but whatever the result, I really want to say a big thank you to @geekgirl for this exciting and demanding contest. . I wanted to end the story at 1k words but well, I couldn't stop till I reached 1.4k+ words. I decided to add other steemians, apart from witnesses to my cast and decided to add @curie too (though he's not a featured witness) because I love his worÄ· . I decided not to draw what the witnesses really look like but to create an imaginary image of them and after drawing, I edited digitally but posted both images. I have to say it was really an adventure and being and artist and a writer, I felt this competition was meant for me. And just to make it a complete treble of art, prose and poetry, I decided added the poem at the end. I hope you love it and don't forget to vote for a witness today_<h3>
đź‘Ť  , , , , , , , , , , and 74 others
18 replies
· @onos · (edited)
Jerry's art talent against his schooling
Jerry is the second child of his parents Mr and Mrs Banfield, they lived in a small town in paris, France. Jerry mother is a fashion designer by profession and his father is a school teacher in his (jerry) school. Jerry elder brother Peter  was the direct opposite of him, in the sense that Jerry plays more, hate going to school and unserious with book works.

Jerry is either with his mum helping her with some designs or playing outside alone or with his friends. This always worries his father that he keeps purnishing almost everytimd to be serious with his studies but all to no avail. Jerry father been a teacher find it hard to reason that why would other student who he teaches do well and learn, but his own child seems to be the dummy. This has given both parents deep thought and they have gobe to the extent of making him spend extra hours at school but all has yield same results.
Jerry in person is a kind of person who is fun filled at all time except when scolded by his parents. His academic works has always been a nightmare to him, that whenever his mother wakes him up to get ready for school has made him feel like a purnishment. Even in school when his friends go to the library for various stuff, he stays in the class room or go to a silent corner to do some drawings.


He always come as the best student in fine arts. But his father never care about this since his lacking critically in other fields. What worries his father most is him going to high school, if he will be able to cope or will get worse over there since he wont be seeing him regularly unlike his doing now in the primary school where his a teacher. His father has decided to take strong steps in this situation.

One afternoon his father called him and his mother that he has just left a councillor's office and he is sticking to thevadvice the councillor gave him regarding the future of Jerry. This brought a little shock to his mother but more shock to Jerry, then his mother asked "what suggestion are you talking about?" in a confused tone. His father answered and said "that the problem of Jerry is him seeing us around him everytime, that he is relaxed always because he believed we will always be with him" this got the mother more nosy to what his father wants to do about Jerry situation, as the conversation co tinued Jerry father finally let it out as he said "Jerry will be leaving this house next week to continue his education in a boarding school" tears rolled from his mother cheek as his father stands up to enter inside the house, Jerry burst into a loud cry saying "daddy please i dont want to go to boarding school!!!" His mother remains speechless knowing there is nothing she can do about the scenerio while Jerry continued crying more aloud.

Jerry night mare has finally come to reality as his father gave him a box and took the other one which contains all he will be needing for his stay in the boarding school. His mother watched from the window side of her room as he was been followed by his father into the car, tears keep rolling down her cheek as Jerry was more closed to her and also assist her in doing designs. She walked into his room as she continued crying after waving goodbye to him from the window. She found out some drawings which he has made, this make her to miss him more as his drawings has always wowed her


Finally Jerry has started a new school, which means he has to look for new friends and adapt to the new system. But his problem remained same and even worst now because his mother is  not available to pet him when scolded, all his teachers has seen him as a dull fellow and they shouldn't waste time in sending him out of the school. Jerry keep crying everytime his been sent out of class due to his inability to comprehend what his been taught.
But on a faithful day his art teacher saw him crying outside, knowing well that that's one his student base on the fact that his drawings and paintings are always exceptional during the fine art classes. He drew close to him and asked what the problem was? Jerry narrated all the story to the teacher and told him he wish there was nothing like school.
But his teacher took the matter up and approach his other teachers and asked why Jerry was doing badly in all their courses, all gave an answer relating to the boy been unserious and dull, that such child is not needed  in their school. But the the teacher tried to explain gow talented Jerry was to them in area of art, but none was ready to listen to him, they all said once the exam time comes and jerry doesnt pass he should be sent home to meet his parents. But the art teacher didn't give up, instead he created time for both of them and he find out that art was only thing Jerry understood. So the now decided to take Jerry as a personal student after writing to the management for permission and to his parents also. Now the art teacher gathered all the syllabus of the subjects Jerry was to take and started using art to explain to him. For instance he uses pictures of various objects  to teach him arithmetics by counting various number of objects in one picture and add it up with something similar in another picture. This continued for long and Jerry was picking up as fast as possible with him also having more reference to his drawings.

Some weeks later it was time for competitions; the national school art competition, the national school essay competition, the national school mathematics competition and so on. The school has sent her students to represent them in various feeds. Jerry was picked by his art teacher to represent them in the art category, though this was a big struggle for the teacher to get the approval of the school since it was only one student they can send. But finally Jerry is in the competition with his art teacher as his coach  and other various subject teacher acting as coach to the selected students. The competition was on as it begins with the essay competition and to the maths and gradually to arts and so on   till all the competition category was completed.
Now its time for results to be announced as all teachers,principals, educational delegates, and parents who were invited was sitted to hear the results. Same procedure of commencing the competition was followed in announcing the result from essay writing and so on.
It was a big shock to Jerry school after most of the results was called and non of theur student has been announced in the 1st place category only 3rd place in mathematics knowing fully well to be the biggest and welk equipped school in the country. And it was time for the art competitio result to be called, and to everyone surprise Jerry has given the school its first 1st place as he was announced the winner of the art category competition, his parents, teachers, fellow students and delegates applaud him as he took a slow step of been shy to receive his award and display the painting the audience. Behold it was the status of liberty he drew when it was shown to the audience.

So he was given the mic to say some words about his drawingand he muttered words and say some things about **children been given liberty to follow their talent**.
So did life continued for Jerry as he won various competitions including foreign hosted. Jerry was seen as an inspiration to many people both in the country and beyond.
Today the most famous potrait in the world was drawn by Jerry Banfield which is the **Monalisa potrait**

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